Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) JForum Team. All rights reserved. * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the LGPL * license a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the * license.txt file. * * The JForum Project * */ package net.jforum.core; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import net.jforum.core.exceptions.ForumException; import net.jforum.entities.Session; import net.jforum.entities.User; import net.jforum.entities.UserSession; import net.jforum.repository.SessionRepository; import net.jforum.repository.UserRepository; import; import net.jforum.sso.SSO; import net.jforum.sso.SSOUtils; import net.jforum.util.ConfigKeys; import net.jforum.util.JForumConfig; import net.jforum.util.MD5; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; /** * Manages all user sessions * @author Rafael Steil */ @Component public class SessionManager { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SessionManager.class); private static Map<String, UserSession> loggedSessions = new HashMap<String, UserSession>(); private static Map<String, UserSession> anonymousSessions = new HashMap<String, UserSession>(); private UserRepository userRepository; private SessionRepository sessionRepository; private JForumConfig config; private int moderatorsOnline; public SessionManager(JForumConfig config, SessionRepository sessionRepository, UserRepository userRepository) { this.config = config; this.userRepository = userRepository; this.sessionRepository = sessionRepository; } /** * Registers a new {@link UserSession}. * * @param userSession The user session to add */ public synchronized void add(UserSession userSession) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userSession.getSessionId())) { throw new ForumException("An UserSession instance must have a session ID"); } if (!userSession.isBot()) { this.preventDuplicates(userSession); if (userSession.getUser().getId() == this.config.getInt(ConfigKeys.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID)) { anonymousSessions.put(userSession.getSessionId(), userSession); } else { UserSession existing = this.isUserInSession(userSession.getUser().getId()); if (existing != null) { userSession.setLastVisit(existing.getLastVisit()); this.remove(existing.getSessionId()); } else { Session session = this.sessionRepository.get(userSession.getUser().getId()); if (session != null && session.getLastVisit() != null) { userSession.setLastVisit(session.getLastVisit().getTime()); } } this.checkIfIsModerator(userSession); loggedSessions.put(userSession.getSessionId(), userSession); } } } private void checkIfIsModerator(UserSession userSession) { RoleManager roleManager = new RoleManager(); roleManager.setGroups(userSession.getUser().getGroups()); if (roleManager.isModerator()) { this.moderatorsOnline++; } } public void computeAllOnlineModerators() { this.moderatorsOnline = 0; Collection<UserSession> sessions = loggedSessions.values(); for (UserSession session : sessions) { this.checkIfIsModerator(session); } } public boolean isModeratorOnline() { return this.moderatorsOnline > 0; } /** * Make sure we'll not add a session that was already registered * @param us */ private void preventDuplicates(UserSession us) { if (this.getUserSession(us.getSessionId()) != null) { this.remove(us.getSessionId()); } } /** * Remove an entry fro the session map * * @param sessionId The session id to remove */ public synchronized void remove(String sessionId) { if (loggedSessions.containsKey(sessionId)) { UserSession userSession = this.getUserSession(sessionId); if (userSession.getRoleManager() != null && userSession.getRoleManager().isModerator() && this.moderatorsOnline > 0) { this.moderatorsOnline--; } loggedSessions.remove(sessionId); } else { anonymousSessions.remove(sessionId); } } /** * Get all registered sessions * * @return <code>ArrayList</code> with the sessions. Each entry is an <code>UserSession</code> object. */ public List<UserSession> getAllSessions() { List<UserSession> list = new ArrayList<UserSession>(loggedSessions.values()); list.addAll(anonymousSessions.values()); return list; } /** * Gets the {@link UserSession} instance of all logged users * * @return A list with the user sessions */ public Collection<UserSession> getLoggedSessions() { return loggedSessions.values(); } /** * Get the number of logged users * * @return the number of logged users */ public int getTotalLoggedUsers() { return loggedSessions.size(); } /** * Get the number of anonymous users * * @return the number of anonymous users */ public int getTotalAnonymousUsers() { return anonymousSessions.size(); } /** * Gets an {@link UserSession} by the session id. * * @param sessionId the session's id * @return the user session */ public UserSession getUserSession(String sessionId) { UserSession us = anonymousSessions.get(sessionId); return us != null ? us : loggedSessions.get(sessionId); } /** * Gets the number of session elements. * * @return The number of session elements currently online (without bots) */ public int getTotalUsers() { return anonymousSessions.size() + loggedSessions.size(); } /** * Check if a given user in in the session * * @param userId The user id to check for existance in the session * @return The respective {@link UserSession} if the user is already registered, or <code>null</code> otherwise. */ public UserSession isUserInSession(int userId) { for (UserSession us : loggedSessions.values()) { if (us.getUser().getId() == userId) { return us; } } return null; } /** * Do a refresh in the user's session. This method will update the * last visit time for the current user, as well checking for * authentication if the session is new or the SSO user has changed * @throws IOException */ public UserSession refreshSession(UserSession userSession) { boolean isSSOAuthentication = ConfigKeys.TYPE_SSO .equals(this.config.getValue(ConfigKeys.AUTHENTICATION_TYPE)); userSession.getRequest().setAttribute("sso", isSSOAuthentication); userSession.getRequest().setAttribute("ssoLogout", this.config.getValue(ConfigKeys.SSO_LOGOUT)); int anonymousUserId = this.config.getInt(ConfigKeys.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID); if (this.getUserSession(userSession.getRequest().getSession().getId()) == null) { userSession.setSessionId(userSession.getRequest().getSession().getId()); userSession.setCreationTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); //if (!JForumExecutionContext.getForumContext().isBot()) { if (true) { if (isSSOAuthentication) { this.checkSSO(userSession); } else { boolean autoLoginEnabled = this.config.getBoolean(ConfigKeys.AUTO_LOGIN_ENABLED); boolean autoLoginSuccess = autoLoginEnabled && this.checkAutoLogin(userSession); if (!autoLoginSuccess) { userSession.becomeAnonymous(anonymousUserId); userSession.setUser(this.userRepository.get(anonymousUserId)); } } } this.add(userSession);"Registered new userSession: " + userSession.getSessionId()); } else { // FIXME: Force a reload of the user instance, because if it's kept in the usersession, // changes made to the group (like permissions) won't be seen. userSession.setUser(this.userRepository.get(userSession.getUser().getId())); }; if (userSession.getUser() == null || userSession.getUser().getId() == 0) { logger.warn("After -> userSession.getUser returned null or is zero. " + "User is null? " + (userSession.getUser() == null) + ". is: " + (userSession.getUser() == null ? "getUser() returned null" : userSession.getUser().getId()) + ". As we have a problem, will force the user to become anonymous. Session ID: " + userSession.getSessionId()); userSession.becomeAnonymous(anonymousUserId); User anonymousUser = this.userRepository.get(userSession.getUser().getId()); if (anonymousUser == null) { logger.warn("Could not find the anonymous user in the database. Tried using id " + anonymousUserId); } else { userSession.setUser(anonymousUser); } } RoleManager roleManager = new RoleManager(); if (userSession.getUser() != null) { roleManager.setGroups(userSession.getUser().getGroups()); } else { logger.warn("At last step userSession.getUser() still returned null. Ignoring the roles. Session ID: " + userSession.getSessionId()); } userSession.setRoleManager(roleManager); return userSession; } /** * Persist the user session to the database * @param sessionId the id of the session to persist */ public void storeSession(String sessionId) { UserSession userSession = this.getUserSession(sessionId); if (userSession != null && userSession.getUser().getId() != this.config.getInt(ConfigKeys.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID)) { Session session = userSession.asSession(); session.setLastVisit(session.getLastAccessed()); this.sessionRepository.add(session); } } /** * Checks user credentials / automatic login. * * @param userSession The UserSession instance associated to the user's session * @return <code>true</code> if auto login was enabled and the user was sucessfuly logged in. */ private boolean checkAutoLogin(UserSession userSession) { Cookie userIdCookie = userSession.getCookie(this.config.getValue(ConfigKeys.COOKIE_USER_ID)); Cookie hashCookie = userSession.getCookie(this.config.getValue(ConfigKeys.COOKIE_USER_HASH)); Cookie autoLoginCookie = userSession.getCookie(this.config.getValue(ConfigKeys.COOKIE_AUTO_LOGIN)); if (hashCookie != null && userIdCookie != null && !userIdCookie.getValue().equals(this.config.getValue(ConfigKeys.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID)) && autoLoginCookie != null && "1".equals(autoLoginCookie.getValue())) { String userId = userIdCookie.getValue(); String uidHash = hashCookie.getValue(); User user = this.userRepository.get(Integer.parseInt(userId)); if (user == null || user.isDeleted() || StringUtils.isEmpty(user.getSecurityHash())) { userSession.becomeAnonymous(this.config.getInt(ConfigKeys.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID)); return false; } String securityHash = MD5.hash(user.getSecurityHash()); if (!securityHash.equals(uidHash)) { userSession.becomeAnonymous(this.config.getInt(ConfigKeys.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID)); return false; } else { userSession.setUser(user); this.configureUserSession(userSession, user); return true; } } return false; } /** * Setup optios and values for the user's session if authentication was ok. * * @param userSession The UserSession instance of the user * @param user The User instance of the authenticated user */ private void configureUserSession(UserSession userSession, User user) { userSession.setUser(user); userSession.becomeLogged(); } /** * Checks for user authentication using some SSO implementation * * @param userSession UserSession * @param request TODO */ private void checkSSO(UserSession userSession) { try { SSO sso = (SSO) Class.forName(this.config.getValue(ConfigKeys.SSO_IMPLEMENTATION)).newInstance(); sso.setConfig(this.config); String username = sso.authenticateUser(userSession.getRequest());"SSO authenticated an user with username %s. Session ID %s", username, userSession.getSessionId())); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(username)) { logger.warn(String.format("checkSSO found an empty / null username. Going anonymous. Session ID %s", userSession.getSessionId())); userSession.becomeAnonymous(this.config.getInt(ConfigKeys.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID)); } else { SSOUtils utils = new SSOUtils(this.userRepository); boolean userExists = utils.userExists(username);"SSO user %s exists? %s", username, userExists)); if (!userExists) { String email = (String) userSession .getAttribute(this.config.getValue(ConfigKeys.SSO_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE)); String password = (String) userSession .getAttribute(this.config.getValue(ConfigKeys.SSO_PASSWORD_ATTRIBUTE)); if (email == null) { email = this.config.getValue(ConfigKeys.SSO_DEFAULT_EMAIL); } if (password == null) { password = this.config.getValue(ConfigKeys.SSO_DEFAULT_PASSWORD); } utils.register(password, email); } User user = utils.getUser();"g: username=%s, jforumUserId=%s", user != null ? user.getUsername() : "returned null", user != null ? user.getId() : "returned null")); this.configureUserSession(userSession, user); if (user == null || user.getId() == 0) { logger.warn("checkSSO -> utils.getUser() returned null or is zero"); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ForumException("Error while executing SSO actions: " + e, e); } } protected void reinitialiseAllSessions() { loggedSessions = new HashMap<String, UserSession>(); anonymousSessions = new HashMap<String, UserSession>(); } }