Java tutorial
/** * Jetrix TetriNET Server * Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Emmanuel Bourg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package net.jetrix.config; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.*; import java.beans.*; import org.apache.commons.digester.*; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.*; import org.xml.sax.*; import net.jetrix.*; import net.jetrix.winlist.*; import net.jetrix.filter.*; import net.jetrix.commands.*; /** * Server configuration. This objet reads and retains server parameters, * channel definitions and the ban list. * * @author Emmanuel Bourg * @version $Revision$, $Date$ */ public class ServerConfig { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("net.jetrix"); public static final String ENCODING = "ISO-8859-1"; public static final String VERSION = "@version@"; public static final int STATUS_OPENED = 0; public static final int STATUS_LOCKED = 1; private String name; private InetAddress host; private int timeout; private int maxChannels; private int maxPlayers; private int maxConnections; private String operatorPassword; private String adminPassword; private String accesslogPath; private String errorlogPath; private String channelsFile = "channels.xml"; private String motd; private Locale locale; // private List bans; private List<ChannelConfig> channels = new ArrayList<ChannelConfig>(); private List<FilterConfig> globalFilters = new ArrayList<FilterConfig>(); private List<Listener> listeners = new ArrayList<Listener>(); private List<Service> services = new ArrayList<Service>(); private boolean running; private int status; private Statistics statistics = new Statistics(); /** Datasources configuration */ private Map<String, DataSourceConfig> datasources = new LinkedHashMap<String, DataSourceConfig>(); /** Mail session configuration */ private MailSessionConfig mailSessionConfig; /** Extended properties */ private Properties properties = new Properties(); private URL serverConfigURL; private URL channelsConfigURL; /** * Load the configuration */ public void load(File file) { try { load(file.toURI().toURL()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to load the configuration", e); } } /** * Load the configuration. */ public void load(URL serverConfigURL) { this.serverConfigURL = serverConfigURL; try { // parse the server configuration Digester digester = new Digester(); digester.register("-//LFJR//Jetrix TetriNET Server//EN", findResource("tetrinet-server.dtd").toString()); digester.setValidating(true); digester.addRuleSet(new ServerRuleSet()); digester.push(this); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(serverConfigURL.openStream(), ENCODING); digester.parse(new InputSource(reader)); reader.close(); // parse the channel configuration digester = new Digester(); digester.register("-//LFJR//Jetrix Channels//EN", findResource("tetrinet-channels.dtd").toString()); digester.setValidating(true); digester.addRuleSet(new ChannelsRuleSet()); digester.push(this); channelsConfigURL = new URL(serverConfigURL, channelsFile); reader = new InputStreamReader(channelsConfigURL.openStream(), ENCODING); digester.parse(new InputSource(reader)); reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to load the configuration", e); } } /** * Save the configuration. */ public void save() throws IOException { // todo make a backup copy of the previous configuration files // save the server.xml file PrintWriter out = null; try { File file = new File(serverConfigURL.toURI()); out = new PrintWriter(file, ENCODING); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"); out.println( "<!DOCTYPE tetrinet-server PUBLIC \"-//LFJR//Jetrix TetriNET Server//EN\" \"\">"); out.println(); out.println("<tetrinet-server host=\"" + (host == null ? "[ALL]" : host.getHostAddress()) + "\">"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Server name -->"); out.println(" <name>" + getName() + "</name>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Server default language (using an ISO-639 two-letter language code) -->"); out.println(" <language>" + getLocale().getLanguage() + "</language>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- How many seconds of inactivity before timeout occurs -->"); out.println(" <timeout>" + getTimeout() + "</timeout>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- How many channels should be available on the server -->"); out.println(" <max-channels>" + getMaxChannels() + "</max-channels>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Maximum number of players on the server -->"); out.println(" <max-players>" + getMaxPlayers() + "</max-players>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed from the same IP -->"); out.println(" <max-connections>" + getMaxConnections() + "</max-connections>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Typing /op <thispassword> will give player operator status -->"); out.println(" <op-password>" + getOpPassword() + "</op-password>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Use this password to log on the administration console -->"); out.println(" <admin-password>" + getAdminPassword() + "</admin-password>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Access Log, where requests are logged to -->"); out.println(" <access-log path=\"" + getAccessLogPath() + "\" />"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Error Log, where errors are logged to -->"); out.println(" <error-log path=\"" + getErrorLogPath() + "\" />"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Path to the channels descriptor file (relative to the current configuration file) -->"); out.println(" <channels path=\"" + getChannelsFile() + "\"/>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Client listeners -->"); out.println(" <listeners>"); for (Listener listener : getListeners()) { String autostart = !listener.isAutoStart() ? " auto-start=\"false\"" : ""; out.println(" <listener class=\"" + listener.getClass().getName() + "\" port=\"" + listener.getPort() + "\"" + autostart + "/>"); } out.println(" </listeners>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Services -->"); out.println(" <services>"); for (Service service : getServices()) { try { // get the parameters Map<String, Object> params = PropertyUtils.describe(service); String autostart = !service.isAutoStart() ? "auto-start=\"false\"" : ""; String classname = "class=\"" + service.getClass().getName() + "\""; if (params.size() <= 4) { out.println(" <service " + classname + " " + autostart + "/>"); } else { out.println(" <service " + classname + " " + autostart + ">"); for (String param : params.keySet()) { PropertyDescriptor desc = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptor(service, param); if (!"autoStart".equals(param) && desc.getWriteMethod() != null) { out.println( " <param name=\"" + param + "\" value=\"" + params.get(param) + "\"/>"); } } out.println(" </service>"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } out.println(" </services>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Server commands -->"); out.println(" <commands>"); Iterator<Command> commands = CommandManager.getInstance().getCommands(AccessLevel.ADMINISTRATOR); while (commands.hasNext()) { try { Command command =; String hidden = command.isHidden() ? " hidden=\"true\"" : ""; Command command2 = command.getClass().newInstance(); String level = command2.getAccessLevel() != command.getAccessLevel() ? " access-level=\"" + command.getAccessLevel() + "\"" : ""; out.println(" <command class=\"" + command.getClass().getName() + "\"" + hidden + level + "/>"); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e); } } out.println(" </commands>"); out.println(); out.println(" <ban>"); Iterator<Banlist.Entry> entries = Banlist.getInstance().getBanlist(); while (entries.hasNext()) { Banlist.Entry entry =; out.println(" <host>" + entry.pattern + "</host>"); } out.println(" </ban>"); out.println(); if (!datasources.isEmpty()) { out.println(" <!-- Database connection parameters -->"); out.println(" <datasources>"); out.println(); for (DataSourceConfig datasource : datasources.values()) { out.println(" <datasource name=\"" + datasource.getName() + "\">"); out.println(" <!-- The class of the JDBC driver used -->"); out.println(" <driver>" + datasource.getDriver() + "</driver>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- The URL of the database (jdbc:<type>://<hostname>:<port>/<database>) -->"); out.println(" <url>" + datasource.getUrl() + "</url>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- The username connecting to the database -->"); out.println(" <username>" + datasource.getUsername() + "</username>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- The password of the user -->"); if (datasource.getPassword() != null) { out.println(" <password>" + datasource.getPassword() + "</password>"); } else { out.println(" <password/>"); } if (datasource.getMinIdle() != DataSourceManager.DEFAULT_MIN_IDLE) { out.println(); out.println(" <!-- The minimum number of idle connections -->"); out.println(" <min-idle>" + datasource.getMinIdle() + "</min-idle>"); } if (datasource.getMaxActive() != DataSourceManager.DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE) { out.println(); out.println(" <!-- The maximum number of active connections -->"); out.println(" <max-active>" + datasource.getMaxActive() + "</max-active>"); } out.println(" </datasource>"); out.println(); } out.println(" </datasources>"); out.println(); } if (mailSessionConfig != null) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(" <mailserver host=\"").append(mailSessionConfig.getHostname()).append("\""); buffer.append(" port=\"").append(mailSessionConfig.getPort()).append("\""); if (mailSessionConfig.isAuth()) { buffer.append(" auth=\"true\""); buffer.append(" username=\"").append(mailSessionConfig.getUsername()).append("\""); buffer.append(" password=\"").append(mailSessionConfig.getPassword()).append("\""); } if (mailSessionConfig.isDebug()) { buffer.append(" debug=\"true\""); } buffer.append("/>"); out.println(" <!-- Mail server parameters -->"); out.println(buffer.toString()); out.println(); } if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) { out.println(" <!-- Extended properties -->"); out.println(" <properties>"); for (String key : properties.stringPropertyNames()) { out.println(" <property name=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + properties.getProperty(key) + "\">"); } out.println(" </properties>"); out.println(); } out.println("</tetrinet-server>"); out.flush(); out.close(); // save the channels.xml file try { File file = new File(channelsConfigURL.toURI()); out = new PrintWriter(file, ENCODING); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"); out.println( "<!DOCTYPE tetrinet-channels PUBLIC \"-//LFJR//Jetrix Channels//EN\" \"\">"); out.println(); out.println("<tetrinet-channels>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Message Of The Day -->"); out.println(" <motd><![CDATA["); out.println(getMessageOfTheDay()); out.println(" ]]></motd>"); out.println(); // filter definitions Map<String, String> aliases = FilterManager.getInstance().getFilterAliases(); out.println(" <!-- Channel filters -->"); out.println(" <filter-definitions>"); for (String alias : aliases.keySet()) { out.println(" <alias name=\"" + alias + "\" class=\"" + aliases.get(alias) + "\"/>"); } out.println(" </filter-definitions>"); out.println(); // global filters out.println(" <!-- Global filters -->"); out.println(" <default-filters>"); for (FilterConfig filter : globalFilters) { saveFilter(filter, out, " "); } out.println(" </default-filters>"); out.println(); // winlists out.println(" <!-- Winlists -->"); out.println(" <winlists>"); for (Winlist winlist : WinlistManager.getInstance().getWinlists()) { WinlistConfig config = winlist.getConfig(); Properties props = config.getProperties(); if (props == null || props.isEmpty()) { out.println(" <winlist name=\"" + winlist.getId() + "\" class=\"" + winlist.getClass().getName() + "\"/>"); } else { out.println(" <winlist name=\"" + winlist.getId() + "\" class=\"" + winlist.getClass().getName() + "\">"); for (Object name : props.keySet()) { out.println(" <param name=\"" + name + "\" value=\"" + props.get(name) + "\"/>"); } out.println(" </winlist>"); } } out.println(" </winlists>"); out.println(); // default settings Settings settings = Settings.getDefaultSettings(); out.println(" <!-- Default game settings -->"); out.println(" <default-settings>"); out.println(" <!-- What level each player starts at -->"); out.println(" <starting-level>" + settings.getStartingLevel() + "</starting-level>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- How many lines to make before player level increases -->"); out.println(" <lines-per-level>" + settings.getLinesPerLevel() + "</lines-per-level>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Number of levels to increase each time -->"); out.println(" <level-increase>" + settings.getLevelIncrease() + "</level-increase>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Lines to make to get a special block -->"); out.println(" <lines-per-special>" + settings.getLinesPerSpecial() + "</lines-per-special>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Number of special blocks added each time -->"); out.println(" <special-added>" + settings.getSpecialAdded() + "</special-added>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Capacity of Special block inventory -->"); out.println(" <special-capacity>" + settings.getSpecialCapacity() + "</special-capacity>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Play by classic rules? -->"); out.println(" <classic-rules>" + (settings.getClassicRules() ? "true" : "false") + "</classic-rules>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Average together all player's game level? -->"); out.println( " <average-levels>" + (settings.getAverageLevels() ? "true" : "false") + "</average-levels>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Same sequence of blocks for all players? (tetrinet 1.14 clients only) -->"); out.println(" <same-blocks>" + (settings.getSameBlocks() ? "true" : "false") + "</same-blocks>"); out.println(); out.println(" <block-occurancy>"); for (Block block : Block.values()) { out.println(" <" + block.getCode() + ">" + settings.getOccurancy(block) + "</" + block.getCode() + ">"); } out.println(" </block-occurancy>"); out.println(); out.println(" <special-occurancy>"); for (Special special : Special.values()) { out.println(" <" + special.getCode() + ">" + settings.getOccurancy(special) + "</" + special.getCode() + ">"); } out.println(" </special-occurancy>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- Sudden death parameters -->"); out.println(" <sudden-death>"); out.println(" <!-- Time in seconds before the sudden death begins, 0 to disable the sudden death -->"); out.println(" <time>" + settings.getSuddenDeathTime() + "</time>"); out.println(); out.println( " <!-- The message displayed when the sudden death begins. Use \"key:\" prefix to display an internationalized message -->"); out.println(" <message>" + settings.getSuddenDeathMessage() + "</message>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- The delay in seconds between lines additions -->"); out.println(" <delay>" + settings.getSuddenDeathDelay() + "</delay>"); out.println(); out.println(" <!-- The number of lines added -->"); out.println(" <lines-added>" + settings.getSuddenDeathLinesAdded() + "</lines-added>"); out.println(" </sudden-death>"); out.println(); out.println(" </default-settings>"); out.println(); out.println(); out.println(" <channels>"); for (Channel channel : ChannelManager.getInstance().channels()) { ChannelConfig config = channel.getConfig(); if (config.isPersistent()) { out.println(" <channel name=\"" + config.getName() + "\">"); if (config.getDescription() != null) { String description = config.getDescription(); description = description.contains("<") ? "<![CDATA[" + description + "]]>" : description; out.println(" <description>" + description + "</description>"); } if (config.getTopic() != null && config.getTopic().trim().length() > 0) { out.println(" <topic>"); out.println("<![CDATA["); out.println(config.getTopic()); out.println("]]>"); out.println(" </topic>"); } if (config.getSpeed() != Speed.MIXED) { out.println(" <speed>" + config.getSpeed().name().toLowerCase() + "</speed>"); } if (config.isPasswordProtected()) { out.println(" <password>" + config.getPassword() + "</password>"); } if (config.getAccessLevel() != AccessLevel.PLAYER) { out.println(" <access-level>" + config.getAccessLevel() + "</access-level>"); } if (config.isIdleAllowed()) { out.println(" <idle>true</idle>"); } if (!config.isVisible()) { out.println(" <visible>false</visible>"); } if (config.getMaxPlayers() != ChannelConfig.PLAYER_CAPACITY) { out.println(" <max-players>" + config.getMaxPlayers() + "</max-players>"); } if (config.getMaxSpectators() != ChannelConfig.SPECTATOR_CAPACITY) { out.println(" <max-spectators>" + config.getMaxSpectators() + "</max-spectators>"); } if (config.getWinlistId() != null) { out.println(" <winlist name=\"" + config.getWinlistId() + "\"/>"); } // channel settings settings = config.getSettings(); if (!settings.useDefaultSettings()) { out.println(" <settings>"); if (!settings.isDefaultStartingLevel()) { out.println(" <starting-level>" + settings.getStartingLevel() + "</starting-level>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultLinesPerLevel()) { out.println( " <lines-per-level>" + settings.getLinesPerLevel() + "</lines-per-level>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultLevelIncrease()) { out.println(" <level-increase>" + settings.getLevelIncrease() + "</level-increase>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultLinesPerSpecial()) { out.println(" <lines-per-special>" + settings.getLinesPerSpecial() + "</lines-per-special>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultSpecialAdded()) { out.println(" <special-added>" + settings.getSpecialAdded() + "</special-added>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultSpecialCapacity()) { out.println(" <special-capacity>" + settings.getSpecialCapacity() + "</special-capacity>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultClassicRules()) { out.println(" <classic-rules>" + (settings.getClassicRules() ? "true" : "false") + "</classic-rules>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultAverageLevels()) { out.println(" <average-levels>" + (settings.getAverageLevels() ? "true" : "false") + "</average-levels>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultSameBlocks()) { out.println(" <same-blocks>" + (settings.getSameBlocks() ? "true" : "false") + "</same-blocks>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultBlockOccurancy()) { out.println(" <block-occurancy>"); for (Block block : Block.values()) { if (settings.getOccurancy(block) != 0) { out.println(" <" + block.getCode() + ">" + settings.getOccurancy(block) + "</" + block.getCode() + ">"); } } out.println(" </block-occurancy>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultSpecialOccurancy()) { out.println(" <special-occurancy>"); for (Special special : Special.values()) { if (settings.getOccurancy(special) != 0) { out.println(" <" + special.getCode() + ">" + settings.getOccurancy(special) + "</" + special.getCode() + ">"); } } out.println(" </special-occurancy>"); } // sudden death settings if (!settings.isDefaultSuddenDeath()) { out.println(" <sudden-death>"); if (!settings.isDefaultSuddenDeathTime()) { out.println(" <time>" + settings.getSuddenDeathTime() + "</time>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultSuddenDeathMessage()) { out.println(" <message>" + settings.getSuddenDeathMessage() + "</message>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultSuddenDeathDelay()) { out.println(" <delay>" + settings.getSuddenDeathDelay() + "</delay>"); } if (!settings.isDefaultSuddenDeathLinesAdded()) { out.println(" <lines-added>" + settings.getSuddenDeathLinesAdded() + "</lines-added>"); } out.println(" </sudden-death>"); } out.println(" </settings>"); } // local filters Collection<MessageFilter> filters = channel.getLocalFilters(); if (!filters.isEmpty()) { out.println(" <filters>"); for (MessageFilter filter : filters) { saveFilter(filter.getConfig(), out, " "); } out.println(" </filters>"); } out.println(" </channel>"); out.println(); } } out.println(" </channels>"); out.println(); out.println("</tetrinet-channels>"); out.close(); } /** * Write the configuration of the specified filter. */ private void saveFilter(FilterConfig filter, PrintWriter out, String indent) { Properties props = filter.getProperties(); if (props == null || props.isEmpty()) { if (filter.getName() != null) { out.println(indent + "<filter name=\"" + filter.getName() + "\"/>"); } else { out.println(indent + "<filter class=\"" + filter.getClassname() + "\"/>"); } } else { if (filter.getName() != null) { out.println(indent + "<filter name=\"" + filter.getName() + "\">"); } else { out.println(indent + "<filter class=\"" + filter.getClassname() + "\">"); } for (Object name : props.keySet()) { out.println(indent + " <param name=\"" + name + "\" value=\"" + props.get(name) + "\"/>"); } out.println(indent + "</filter>"); } } /** * Locate the specified resource by searching in the classpath and in * the current directory. * * @param name the name of the resource * @return the URL of the resource, or null if it cannot be found * @since 0.2 */ private URL findResource(String name) throws MalformedURLException { ClassLoader loader = ServerConfig.class.getClassLoader(); URL url = loader.getResource(name); if (url == null) { File file = new File(name); url = file.toURI().toURL(); } return url; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public InetAddress getHost() { return host; } public void setHost(InetAddress host) { = host; } public void setHost(String hostname) { // a value of "[ALL]" stands for any IP if (!"[ALL]".equals(hostname)) { try { host = InetAddress.getByName(hostname); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e); } } else { host = null; } } public Locale getLocale() { return locale; } public void setLocale(Locale locale) { this.locale = locale; } public void setLocale(String language) { this.locale = new Locale(language); } public int getTimeout() { return timeout; } public void setTimeout(int timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } public int getMaxChannels() { return maxChannels; } public void setMaxChannels(int maxChannels) { this.maxChannels = maxChannels; } public int getMaxPlayers() { return maxPlayers; } public void setMaxPlayers(int maxPlayers) { this.maxPlayers = maxPlayers; } public int getMaxConnections() { return maxConnections; } public void setMaxConnections(int maxConnections) { this.maxConnections = maxConnections; } public String getOpPassword() { return operatorPassword; } public void setOpPassword(String oppass) { this.operatorPassword = oppass; } public String getAdminPassword() { return adminPassword; } public void setAdminPassword(String adminPassword) { this.adminPassword = adminPassword; } public String getAccessLogPath() { return accesslogPath; } public void setAccessLogPath(String accesslogPath) { this.accesslogPath = accesslogPath; } public String getErrorLogPath() { return errorlogPath; } public void setErrorLogPath(String errorlogPath) { this.errorlogPath = errorlogPath; } public String getChannelsFile() { return channelsFile; } public void setChannelsFile(String channelsFile) { this.channelsFile = channelsFile; } public String getMessageOfTheDay() { return motd; } public void setMessageOfTheDay(String motd) { this.motd = motd; } public boolean isRunning() { return running; } public void setRunning(boolean running) { this.running = running; } public int getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(int status) { this.status = status; } public Settings getDefaultSettings() { return Settings.getDefaultSettings(); } public void setDefaultSettings(Settings defaultSettings) { Settings.setDefaultSettings(defaultSettings); } public List<ChannelConfig> getChannels() { return channels; } public void addChannel(ChannelConfig cconf) { channels.add(cconf); } public Iterator<FilterConfig> getGlobalFilters() { return globalFilters.iterator(); } public void addFilter(FilterConfig filterConfig) { filterConfig.setGlobal(true); globalFilters.add(filterConfig); } public void addFilterAlias(String name, String classname) { FilterManager.getInstance().addFilterAlias(name, classname); } public void addWinlist(WinlistConfig config) { WinlistManager.getInstance().addWinlist(config); } public void addCommand(Command command) { CommandManager.getInstance().addCommand(command); } public void addListener(Listener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } public List<Listener> getListeners() { return listeners; } /** * Add a new service to the server. The service is not started * automatically by calling this method. * * @param service the service to add * @since 0.2 */ public void addService(Service service) { services.add(service); } /** * Return the list of services currently registered on the server * * @since 0.2 */ public List<Service> getServices() { return services; } public void addBannedHost(String host) { Banlist.getInstance().ban(host); } /** * Return the server statistics. */ public Statistics getStatistics() { return statistics; } /** * @since 0.3 */ public Collection<DataSourceConfig> getDataSources() { return datasources.values(); } /** * @since 0.3 */ public void addDataSource(DataSourceConfig datasource) { datasources.put(datasource.getName(), datasource); } /** * @since 0.3 */ public MailSessionConfig getMailSessionConfig() { return mailSessionConfig; } /** * @since 0.3 */ public void setMailSessionConfig(MailSessionConfig mailSessionConfig) { this.mailSessionConfig = mailSessionConfig; } /** * @since 0.3 */ public String getProperty(String key) { return properties != null ? properties.getProperty(key) : null; } /** * @since 0.3 */ public void setProperty(String key, String value) { properties.setProperty(key, value); } }