Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2007-2014 Jordi Hernndez Sells, Matt Ruby, Ibrahim Chaehoi
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
 * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.
package net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.factory.util;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import net.jawr.web.JawrConstant;
import net.jawr.web.exception.JawrLinkRenderingException;
import net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.generator.GeneratorRegistry;
import net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.renderer.BundleRenderer;
import net.jawr.web.servlet.JawrRequestHandler;
import net.jawr.web.util.StringUtils;

 * Utility class to work with relative paths.
 * @author Jordi Hernndez Sells
 * @author Matt Ruby
 * @author Ibrahim Chaehoi
public final class PathNormalizer {

    /** The LOGGER */
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PathNormalizer.class);

    /** The URL separator pattern */
    private static final Pattern URL_SEPARATOR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([^/]*)/");

    /** The pattern to go to the root */
    private static final String ROOT_REPLACE_PATTERN = "../";

     * Constructor
    private PathNormalizer() {


     * Converts the bundle path to a physical path
     * @param bundlePath the bundle path
     * @return the physical path
    public static String escapeToPhysicalPath(String bundlePath) {
        return bundlePath.replaceAll(":", "_");

     * Removes the URL prefix defined in the configuration from a path. If the
     * prefix contains a variant information, it adds it to the name.
     * @param path the path
     * @return the path without the prefix
    public static String removeVariantPrefixFromPath(String path) {

        String resultPath = path;

        // Remove first slash
        if (path.charAt(0) == '/') {
            resultPath = path.substring(1);

        // eval the existence of a suffix
        String prefix = resultPath.substring(0, resultPath.indexOf("/"));

        // The prefix also contains variant information after a '.'
        if (prefix.indexOf('.') != -1) {
            String variantPrefix = prefix.substring(prefix.indexOf('.') + 1);
            String suffix = '@' + variantPrefix + resultPath.substring(resultPath.lastIndexOf('.'));
            resultPath = resultPath.substring(resultPath.indexOf("/"), resultPath.lastIndexOf('.')) + suffix;
        } else
            resultPath = resultPath.substring(resultPath.indexOf("/"));

        return resultPath;

     * Removes the URL prefix defined in the configuration from a path. If the
     * prefix contains a variant information, it adds it to the name.
     * @param path the path
     * @return the bundle info from the
    public static String[] extractBundleInfoFromPath(String path) {

        String[] result = new String[4];
        String bundlePrefix = null;
        String resultPath = null;

        try {
            int idxGzip = path.indexOf(BundleRenderer.GZIP_PATH_PREFIX);
            if (idxGzip != -1) {
                if (idxGzip != 0) {
                    bundlePrefix = PathNormalizer.asDirPath(path.substring(1, idxGzip));

                resultPath = path.substring(idxGzip + BundleRenderer.GZIP_PATH_PREFIX.length());
            } else {
                // Remove first slash
                resultPath = path.substring(1);

            // eval the existence of a suffix
            int realPathStartIdx = resultPath.indexOf("/");
            String prefix = "";
            if (realPathStartIdx != -1) {
                prefix = resultPath.substring(0, realPathStartIdx);

            String hashcode = null;
            String variantPrefix = null;
            // The prefix also contains variant information after a '.'
            int hashCodeVariantSeparatorIdx = prefix.indexOf('.');
            if (hashCodeVariantSeparatorIdx != -1) {
                hashcode = prefix.substring(0, hashCodeVariantSeparatorIdx);
                variantPrefix = prefix.substring(hashCodeVariantSeparatorIdx + 1);
                resultPath = resultPath.substring(realPathStartIdx);
            } else {
                hashcode = prefix.substring(0, realPathStartIdx);
                resultPath = resultPath.substring(realPathStartIdx);

            // Remove leading slash if it's a bundle containing a generator
            // prefix
            if (resultPath.startsWith("/") && resultPath.contains(":")) {
                resultPath = resultPath.substring(1);

            result[0] = bundlePrefix;
            result[1] = resultPath;
            result[2] = variantPrefix;
            result[3] = hashcode;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.debug("Unable to extract bundle info for path : " + path);
            result = null;
        return result;

     * Normalizes a bundle path mapping. If it ends with a wildcard, the
     * wildcard is removed.
     * @param pathMapping the bundle path mapping
     * @return the normalized path mapping
    public static String normalizePathMapping(String pathMapping) {

        String normalizedPathMapping = normalizePath(pathMapping);
        if (normalizedPathMapping.endsWith("/**"))
            normalizedPathMapping = normalizedPathMapping.substring(0, normalizedPathMapping.length() - 3);
        return normalizedPathMapping;

     * Normalizes a path and adds a separator at its start.
     * @param path
     * @return
    public static String asPath(String path) {
        return (JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR + normalizePath(path));

     * Normalizes a path and adds a separator at its start and its end.
     * @param path the path
     * @return the normalized path
    public static String asDirPath(String path) {
        String dirPath = path;
        if (!path.equals(JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR)) {
            dirPath = JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR + normalizePath(path) + JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR;
        return dirPath;

     * Normalizes two paths and joins them as a single path.
     * @param prefix
     * @param path
     * @return the joined path
    public static String joinPaths(String prefix, String path, GeneratorRegistry generatorRegistry) {

        return joinPaths(prefix, path, generatorRegistry.isPathGenerated(prefix));

     * Normalizes two paths and joins them as a single path.
     * @param prefix
     * @param path
     * @return the joined path
    public static String joinPaths(String prefix, String path, boolean generatedPath) {

        String result = null;
        if (generatedPath) {
            result = joinDomainToPath(prefix, path);
        } else {
            result = joinPaths(prefix, path);
        return result;

     * Normalizes two paths and joins them as a single path.
     * @param prefix
     * @param path
     * @return the joined path
    public static String joinPaths(String prefix, String path) {

        String joinedPath = null;
        if (prefix.startsWith(JawrConstant.HTTP_URL_PREFIX) || prefix.startsWith(JawrConstant.HTTPS_URL_PREFIX)
                || prefix.startsWith("//")) {
            joinedPath = joinDomainToPath(prefix, path);
        } else {

            String normalizedPrefix = PathNormalizer.normalizePath(prefix);

            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR);
            if (!"".equals(normalizedPrefix))
            joinedPath = sb.toString();

        return joinedPath;

     * Normalizes a dmoain name and a path and joins them as a single url.
     * @param domainName
     * @param path
     * @return
    public static String joinDomainToPath(String domainName, String path) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        if (domainName.endsWith(JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR)) {
            sb.append(domainName.substring(0, domainName.length() - 1));
        } else {


        return sb.toString();


     * Removes leading and trailing separators from a path, and removes double
     * separators (// is replaced by /).
     * @param path the path to normalize
     * @return the normalized path
    public static final String normalizePath(String path) {
        String normalizedPath = path.replaceAll("//", JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR);
        StringTokenizer tk = new StringTokenizer(normalizedPath, JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR);
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        while (tk.hasMoreTokens()) {
            if (tk.hasMoreTokens())
        return sb.toString();


     * Normalizes all the paths in a Set.
     * @param paths
     * @return
    public static final Set<String> normalizePaths(Set<String> paths) {
        Set<String> ret = new HashSet<String>();
        for (Iterator<String> it = paths.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            String path = normalizePath((String);
        return ret;

     * converts a generation path (such as jar:/some/path/file) into a request
     * path that the request handler can understand and process.
     * @param path
     * @return
    public static String createGenerationPath(String path, GeneratorRegistry registry, String randomParam) {

        String requestPath = null;
        try {

            requestPath = registry.getDebugModeGenerationPath(path);
            if (randomParam != null) {
                requestPath += "?" + randomParam + "&";
            } else {
                requestPath += "?";
            requestPath += JawrRequestHandler.GENERATION_PARAM + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(path, "UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException neverHappens) {
            /* URLEncoder:how not to use checked exceptions... */
            throw new JawrLinkRenderingException(
                    "Something went unexpectedly wrong while encoding a URL for a generator. ", neverHappens);
        return requestPath;

     * Adds a key and value to the request path & or ? will be used as needed
     * path + ? or & + parameterKey=parameter
     * @param path the url to add the parameterKey and parameter too
     * @param parameterKey the key in the get request (parameterKey=parameter)
     * @param parameter the parameter to add to the end of the url
     * @return a String with the url parameter added: path + ? or & +
     *         parameterKey=parameter
    public static String addGetParameter(String path, String parameterKey, String parameter) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(path);
        if (path.indexOf("?") > 0) {
        } else {
        sb.append(parameterKey + "=" + parameter);
        return sb.toString();

    // /------------------------------------------------------
    // The following methods are coming from :
    // * org.codehaus.plexus.util.PathTool
    // * the concatWebPath method, is a method inspired from
    // the concat method of
    // -------------------------------------------------------

    // New method
     * Determines the parent path of a filename or a directory.
     * <pre>
     * PathUtils.getParentPath( null )                           = ""
     * PathUtils.getParentPath( "" )                             = ""
     * PathUtils.getParentPath( "/" )                            = "/"
     * PathUtils.getParentPath( "/usr/local/" )                  = "/usr/local/"
     * PathUtils.getRelativePath( "/usr/local/bin/" )     = ""/usr/local/bin/"
     * </pre>
     * @param path the path
     * @return the parent path.
    public static String getParentPath(String path) {

        String parentPath = null;
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(path)) {
            parentPath = "";
        } else {

            parentPath = path;
            if (parentPath.length() > 1 && parentPath.endsWith(JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR)) {
                parentPath = parentPath.substring(0, parentPath.length() - 2);
            int index = parentPath.lastIndexOf(JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR);
            if (index > 0) {
                return parentPath.substring(0, index + 1);
            } else {
                parentPath = JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR;

        return parentPath;

    // New method
     * Determines the filename of a path.
     * <pre>
     * PathNormalizer.getPathName( null )                           = ""
     * PathNormalizer.getPathName( "" )                             = ""
     * PathNormalizer.getPathName( "/" )                            = "/"
     * PathNormalizer.getPathName( "/usr/local/" )                  = "local"
     * PathNormalizer.getPathName( "/usr/local/bin/" )     = ""
     * </pre>
     * @param path the path
     * @return the path name.
    public static String getPathName(String path) {

        String pathName = null;
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(path)) {
            pathName = "";
        } else {
            pathName = path;
            if (pathName.length() > 1 && pathName.endsWith(JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR)) {
                pathName = pathName.substring(0, pathName.length() - 1);
            int index = pathName.lastIndexOf(JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR);
            if (index > 0) {
                pathName = pathName.substring(index + 1);
            } else {
                pathName = JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR;

        return pathName;

     * Determines the relative path of a filename from a base directory. This
     * method is useful in building relative links within pages of a web site.
     * It provides similar functionality to Anakia's <code>$relativePath</code>
     * context variable. The arguments to this method may contain either forward
     * or backward slashes as file separators. The relative path returned is
     * formed using forward slashes as it is expected this path is to be used as
     * a link in a web page (again mimicking Anakia's behavior).
     * <p/>
     * This method is thread-safe. <br/>
     * <pre>
     * PathUtils.getRelativePath( null, null )                                   = ""
     * PathUtils.getRelativePath( null, "/usr/local/java/bin" )                  = ""
     * PathUtils.getRelativePath( "/usr/local/", null )                          = ""
     * PathUtils.getRelativePath( "/usr/local/", "/usr/local/java/bin" )         = ".."
     * PathUtils.getRelativePath( "/usr/local/", "/usr/local/java/bin/" ) = "../.."
     * PathUtils.getRelativePath( "/usr/local/java/bin/", "/usr/local/" ) = ""
     * </pre>
     * @param basedir The base directory.
     * @param filename The filename that is relative to the base directory.
     * @return The relative path of the filename from the base directory. This
     *         value is not terminated with a forward slash. A zero-length
     *         string is returned if: the filename is not relative to the base
     *         directory, <code>basedir</code> is null or zero-length, or
     *         <code>filename</code> is null or zero-length.
    public static final String getRelativePath(String basedir, String filename) {
        String basedirPath = uppercaseDrive(basedir);
        String filenamePath = uppercaseDrive(filename);

         * Verify the arguments and make sure the filename is relative to the
         * base directory.
        if (basedirPath == null || basedirPath.length() == 0 || filenamePath == null || filenamePath.length() == 0
                || !filenamePath.startsWith(basedirPath)) {
            return "";

         * Normalize the arguments. First, determine the file separator that is
         * being used, then strip that off the end of both the base directory
         * and filename.
        String separator = determineSeparator(filenamePath);
        basedirPath = StringUtils.chompLast(basedirPath, separator);
        filenamePath = StringUtils.chompLast(filenamePath, separator);

         * Remove the base directory from the filename to end up with a relative
         * filename (relative to the base directory). This filename is then used
         * to determine the relative path.
        String relativeFilename = filenamePath.substring(basedirPath.length());

        return determineRelativePath(relativeFilename, separator);

     * Concatenates a filename to a base web path. If the base path doesn't end
     * with "/", it will consider as base path the parent folder of the base
     * path passed as parameter.
     * <pre>
     * PathUtils.concatWebPath("", null));                                    = null
     * PathUtils.concatWebPath(null, null));                                 = null
     * PathUtils.concatWebPath(null, ""));                                    = null
     * PathUtils.concatWebPath(null, "a"));                                    = null         
     * PathUtils.concatWebPath(null, "/a"));                                 = "/a" 
     * PathUtils.concatWebPath( "/css/folder/subfolder/", "icons/img.png" )         = "/css/folder/subfolder/icons/img.png"
     * PathUtils.concatWebPath( "/css/folder/subfolder/style.css", "icons/img.png") = "/css/folder/subfolder/icons/img.png"
     * PathUtils.concatWebPath( "/css/folder/", "../icons/img.png" )               = "/css/icons/img.png"
     * PathUtils.concatWebPath( "/css/folder/style.css", "../icons/img.png" )       = "/css/icons/img.png"
     * </pre>
     * @param basePath the base path
     * @param fullFilenameToAdd the file name to add
     * @return the concatenated path, or null if invalid
    public static String concatWebPath(String basePath, String fullFilenameToAdd) {

        if (fullFilenameToAdd == null || basePath == null && (fullFilenameToAdd.length() == 0
                || fullFilenameToAdd.charAt(0) != JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR_CHAR)) {
            return null;

        if (basePath == null) {
            basePath = "";
        // If the basePath is pointing to a file, set the base path to the
        // parent directory
        if (basePath.length() > 1 && basePath.charAt(basePath.length() - 1) != '/') {
            basePath = getParentPath(basePath);

        int len = basePath.length();
        String fullPath = null;
        if (len == 0) {
            return doNormalizeIgnoreOtherSeparator(fullFilenameToAdd, true);

        char ch = basePath.charAt(len - 1);
        if (ch == JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR_CHAR) {
            fullPath = basePath + fullFilenameToAdd;
        } else {
            fullPath = basePath + '/' + fullFilenameToAdd;

        return doNormalizeIgnoreOtherSeparator(fullPath, true);


     * Internal method to perform the normalization.
     * @param filename the filename
     * @param keepSeparator true to keep the final separator
     * @return the normalized filename
    private static String doNormalizeIgnoreOtherSeparator(String filename, boolean keepSeparator) {
        if (filename == null) {
            return null;
        int size = filename.length();
        if (size == 0) {
            return filename;
        int prefix = 0;
        // int prefix = getPrefixLength(filename);
        // if (prefix < 0) {
        // return null;
        // }

        char[] array = new char[size + 2]; // +1 for possible extra slash, +2
        // for arraycopy
        filename.getChars(0, filename.length(), array, 0);

        // add extra separator on the end to simplify code below
        boolean lastIsDirectory = true;
        if (array[size - 1] != JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR_CHAR) {
            array[size++] = JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR_CHAR;
            lastIsDirectory = false;

        // adjoining slashes
        for (int i = prefix + 1; i < size; i++) {
            if (array[i] == JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR_CHAR && array[i - 1] == JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR_CHAR) {
                System.arraycopy(array, i, array, i - 1, size - i);

        // dot slash
        for (int i = prefix + 1; i < size; i++) {
            if (array[i] == JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR_CHAR && array[i - 1] == '.'
                    && (i == prefix + 1 || array[i - 2] == JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR_CHAR)) {
                if (i == size - 1) {
                    lastIsDirectory = true;
                System.arraycopy(array, i + 1, array, i - 1, size - i);
                size -= 2;

        // double dot slash
        outer: for (int i = prefix + 2; i < size; i++) {
            if (array[i] == JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR_CHAR && array[i - 1] == '.' && array[i - 2] == '.'
                    && (i == prefix + 2 || array[i - 3] == JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR_CHAR)) {
                if (i == prefix + 2) {
                    return null;
                if (i == size - 1) {
                    lastIsDirectory = true;
                int j;
                for (j = i - 4; j >= prefix; j--) {
                    if (array[j] == JawrConstant.URL_SEPARATOR_CHAR) {
                        // remove b/../ from a/b/../c
                        System.arraycopy(array, i + 1, array, j + 1, size - i);
                        size -= (i - j);
                        i = j + 1;
                        continue outer;
                // remove a/../ from a/../c
                System.arraycopy(array, i + 1, array, prefix, size - i);
                size -= (i + 1 - prefix);
                i = prefix + 1;

        if (size <= 0) { // should never be less than 0
            return "";
        if (size <= prefix) { // should never be less than prefix
            return new String(array, 0, size);
        if (lastIsDirectory && keepSeparator) {
            return new String(array, 0, size); // keep trailing separator
        return new String(array, 0, size - 1); // lose trailing separator

     * This method can calculate the relative path between two pathes on a web
     * site. <br/>
     * <pre>
     * PathUtils.getRelativeWebPath( null, null )                                          = ""
     * PathUtils.getRelativeWebPath( null, "" )                 = ""
     * PathUtils.getRelativeWebPath( "", null )                 = ""
     * PathUtils.getRelativeWebPath( "",
     *                      "" )        = "plexus-utils/index.html"
     * PathUtils.getRelativeWebPath( "",
     *                      ""                                 = "../../"
     * </pre>
     * @param oldPath
     * @param newPath
     * @return a relative web path from <code>oldPath</code>.
    public static final String getRelativeWebPath(final String oldPath, final String newPath) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(oldPath) || StringUtils.isEmpty(newPath)) {
            return "";

        String resultPath = buildRelativePath(newPath, oldPath, '/');

        if (newPath.endsWith("/") && !resultPath.endsWith("/")) {
            return resultPath + "/";

        return resultPath;

     * This method can calculate the relative path between two pathes on a file
     * system. <br/>
     * <pre>
     * PathUtils.getRelativeFilePath( null, null )                                   = ""
     * PathUtils.getRelativeFilePath( null, "/usr/local/java/bin" )                  = ""
     * PathUtils.getRelativeFilePath( "/usr/local", null )                           = ""
     * PathUtils.getRelativeFilePath( "/usr/local", "/usr/local/java/bin" )          = "java/bin"
     * PathUtils.getRelativeFilePath( "/usr/local", "/usr/local/java/bin/" )         = "java/bin"
     * PathUtils.getRelativeFilePath( "/usr/local/java/bin", "/usr/local/" )         = "../.."
     * PathUtils.getRelativeFilePath( "/usr/local/", "/usr/local/java/bin/" ) = "java/bin/"
     * PathUtils.getRelativeFilePath( "/usr/local/java/bin/", "/usr/local/" ) = "../../.."
     * PathUtils.getRelativeFilePath( "/usr/local/", "/bin" )                        = "../../bin"
     * PathUtils.getRelativeFilePath( "/bin", "/usr/local/" )                        = "../usr/local"
     * </pre>
     * Note: On Windows based system, the <code>/</code> character should be
     * replaced by <code>\</code> character.
     * @param oldPath
     * @param newPath
     * @return a relative file path from <code>oldPath</code>.
    public static final String getRelativeFilePath(final String oldPath, final String newPath) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(oldPath) || StringUtils.isEmpty(newPath)) {
            return "";

        // normalise the path delimiters
        String fromPath = new File(oldPath).getPath();
        String toPath = new File(newPath).getPath();

        // strip any leading slashes if its a windows path
        if (toPath.matches("^\\[a-zA-Z]:")) {
            toPath = toPath.substring(1);
        if (fromPath.matches("^\\[a-zA-Z]:")) {
            fromPath = fromPath.substring(1);

        // lowercase windows drive letters.
        if (fromPath.startsWith(":", 1)) {
            fromPath = Character.toLowerCase(fromPath.charAt(0)) + fromPath.substring(1);
        if (toPath.startsWith(":", 1)) {
            toPath = Character.toLowerCase(toPath.charAt(0)) + toPath.substring(1);

        // check for the presence of windows drives. No relative way of
        // traversing from one to the other.
        if ((toPath.startsWith(":", 1) && fromPath.startsWith(":", 1))
                && (!toPath.substring(0, 1).equals(fromPath.substring(0, 1)))) {
            // they both have drive path element but they dont match, no
            // relative path
            return null;

        if ((toPath.startsWith(":", 1) && !fromPath.startsWith(":", 1))
                || (!toPath.startsWith(":", 1) && fromPath.startsWith(":", 1))) {
            // one has a drive path element and the other doesnt, no relative
            // path.
            return null;

        String resultPath = buildRelativePath(toPath, fromPath, File.separatorChar);

        if (newPath.endsWith(File.separator) && !resultPath.endsWith(File.separator)) {
            return resultPath + File.separator;

        return resultPath;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Private methods
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Determines the relative path of a filename. For each separator within the
     * filename (except the leading if present), append the "../" string to the
     * return value.
     * @param filename The filename to parse.
     * @param separator The separator used within the filename.
     * @return The relative path of the filename. This value is not terminated
     *         with a forward slash. A zero-length string is returned if: the
     *         filename is zero-length.
    private static final String determineRelativePath(String filename, String separator) {
        if (filename.length() == 0) {
            return "";

         * Count the slashes in the relative filename, but exclude the leading
         * slash. If the path has no slashes, then the filename is relative to
         * the current directory.
        int slashCount = StringUtils.countMatches(filename, separator) - 1;
        if (slashCount <= 0) {
            return ".";

         * The relative filename contains one or more slashes indicating that
         * the file is within one or more directories. Thus, each slash
         * represents a "../" in the relative path.
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < slashCount; i++) {

         * Finally, return the relative path but strip the trailing slash to
         * mimic Anakia's behavior.
        return StringUtils.chop(sb.toString());

     * Helper method to determine the file separator (forward or backward slash)
     * used in a filename. The slash that occurs more often is returned as the
     * separator.
     * @param filename The filename parsed to determine the file separator.
     * @return The file separator used within <code>filename</code>. This value
     *         is either a forward or backward slash.
    private static final String determineSeparator(String filename) {
        int forwardCount = StringUtils.countMatches(filename, "/");
        int backwardCount = StringUtils.countMatches(filename, "\\");

        return forwardCount >= backwardCount ? "/" : "\\";

     * Cygwin prefers lowercase drive letters, but other parts of maven use
     * uppercase
     * @param path
     * @return String
    static final String uppercaseDrive(String path) {
        String resultPath = null;
        if (path != null) {
            if (path.length() >= 2 && path.charAt(1) == ':') {
                resultPath = Character.toUpperCase(path.charAt(0)) + path.substring(1);
            } else {
                resultPath = path;
        return resultPath;

    private static final String buildRelativePath(String toPath, String fromPath, final char separatorChar) {
        // use tokeniser to traverse paths and for lazy checking
        StringTokenizer toTokeniser = new StringTokenizer(toPath, String.valueOf(separatorChar));
        StringTokenizer fromTokeniser = new StringTokenizer(fromPath, String.valueOf(separatorChar));

        int count = 0;

        // walk along the to path looking for divergence from the from path
        while (toTokeniser.hasMoreTokens() && fromTokeniser.hasMoreTokens()) {
            if (separatorChar == '\\') {
                if (!fromTokeniser.nextToken().equalsIgnoreCase(toTokeniser.nextToken())) {
            } else {
                if (!fromTokeniser.nextToken().equals(toTokeniser.nextToken())) {


        // reinitialise the tokenisers to count positions to retrieve the
        // gobbled token

        toTokeniser = new StringTokenizer(toPath, String.valueOf(separatorChar));
        fromTokeniser = new StringTokenizer(fromPath, String.valueOf(separatorChar));

        while (count-- > 0) {

        StringBuffer relativePath = new StringBuffer();

        // add back refs for the rest of from location.
        while (fromTokeniser.hasMoreTokens()) {


            if (fromTokeniser.hasMoreTokens()) {

        if (relativePath.length() != 0 && toTokeniser.hasMoreTokens()) {

        // add fwd fills for whatevers left of newPath.
        while (toTokeniser.hasMoreTokens()) {

            if (toTokeniser.hasMoreTokens()) {
        return relativePath.toString();

     * Returns the relative path of an url to go back to the root. For example :
     * if the url path is defined as "/cssServletPath/css/myStyle.css" ->
     * "../../"
     * @param url the requested url
     * @return the relative path of an url to go back to the root.
    public static String getRootRelativePath(String url) {

        Matcher matcher = URL_SEPARATOR_PATTERN.matcher(url);
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        boolean first = true;
        while (matcher.find()) {
            if (first) {
                matcher.appendReplacement(result, "");
                first = false;
            } else {
                matcher.appendReplacement(result, ROOT_REPLACE_PATTERN);

        return result.toString();