Java tutorial
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 2017 Portalify Ltd. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can * obtain a copy of the License at * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at appropriate location. */ package net.instantcom.mm7; import org.jdom2.Element; import java.util.Date; public class DeliveryReportReq extends MM7Request { private String messageID; private Address recipient; private Address sender; private Date date; private String mmStatus; private String statusText; @Override public void load(Element element) { super.load(element); Element body = element.getChild("Body", MM7Message.ENVELOPE); Element req = body.getChild("DeliveryReportReq", namespace); setMm7Version(req.getChildTextTrim("MM7Version", namespace)); setMessageID(req.getChildTextTrim("MessageID", namespace)); setRecipient(extractRecipient(req.getChild("Recipient", namespace))); Element sender = req.getChild("Sender", namespace); if (sender != null) { Address a = new Address(); a.load((Element) sender.getChildren().get(0)); setSender(a); } else { setSender(null); } setDate(new RelativeDate(req.getChildTextTrim("Date", namespace)).toDate()); setMmStatus(req.getChildTextTrim("MMStatus", namespace)); setStatusText(req.getChildTextTrim("StatusText", namespace)); } private Address extractRecipient(Element element) { if (element != null) { Element recipientTo = element.getChild("To", namespace); if (recipientTo != null) { Address address = new Address(); address.load(recipientTo.getChildren().get(0)); return address; } else { Address address = new Address(); address.load(element.getChildren().get(0)); return address; } } return null; } @Override public DeliveryReportRsp reply() { DeliveryReportRsp response = new DeliveryReportRsp(); response.setMm7Version(getMm7Version()); response.setNamespace(getNamespace()); response.setTransactionId(getTransactionId()); response.setStatusCode(MM7Response.SC_SUCCESS); return response; } public void setDate(Date date) { = date; } public void setMessageID(String messageID) { this.messageID = messageID; } public void setRecipient(Address recipient) { this.recipient = recipient; } public void setSender(Address sender) { this.sender = sender; } public void setStatusText(String statusText) { this.statusText = statusText; } public void setMmStatus(String mmStatus) { this.mmStatus = mmStatus; } public String getMessageID() { return messageID; } public Address getRecipient() { return recipient; } public Address getSender() { return sender; } public Date getDate() { return date; } public String getMmStatus() { return mmStatus; } public String getStatusText() { return statusText; } }