Java tutorial
/* // Licensed to Julian Hyde under one or more contributor license // agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for // additional information regarding copyright ownership. // // Julian Hyde licenses this file to you under the Apache License, // Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ package net.hydromatic.foodbench; import net.hydromatic.linq4j.function.Function1; import net.hydromatic.optiq.runtime.Hook; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; /** * Command-line app that runs FoodBench. */ public class Main { /** Optiq model. */ public static final String OPTIQ_MODEL = "{\n" + " version: '1.0',\n" + " defaultSchema: 'FOODMART_CLONE',\n" + " schemas: [\n" + " {\n" + " name: 'FOODMART_CLONE',\n" + " type: 'custom',\n" + " factory: 'net.hydromatic.optiq.impl.clone.CloneSchema$Factory',\n" + " operand: {\n" + " jdbcDriver: 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver',\n" + " jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/foodmart',\n" + " jdbcUser: 'foodmart',\n" + " jdbcPassword: 'foodmart'\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + "}\n"; /** Format numbers with thousands separators. */ private static final NumberFormat NF = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); private final RangeSet<Integer> idSet; private final boolean verbose; /** Creates a Main. */ private Main(RangeSet<Integer> idSet, boolean verbose) { this.idSet = idSet; this.verbose = verbose; } /** Main method. */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { // E.g. Main -Dtest.ids=10,20-30,-23 final RangeSet<Integer> idSet = parseInts(System.getProperty("foodbench.ids")); final boolean verbose = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("foodbench.verbose")); Main main = new Main(idSet, verbose); switch (1) { case 0:"jdbc:mysql://localhost?user=foodmart&password=foodmart", "foodmart", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); break; case 1:"jdbc:optiq:model=inline:" + OPTIQ_MODEL, "FOODMART_CLONE", null); break; } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** Does the work. */ private void run(String jdbcUrl, String catalog, String driverClassName) throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { URL url = FoodMartQuery.class.getResource("/queries.json"); InputStream inputStream = url.openStream(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); Map values = mapper.readValue(inputStream, Map.class); //noinspection unchecked List<Map<String, Object>> tests = (List) values.get("queries"); if (driverClassName != null) { Class.forName(driverClassName); } Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl); if (catalog != null) { connection.setCatalog(catalog); } Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); for (Map<String, Object> test : tests) { int id = (Integer) test.get("id"); if (!idSet.contains(id)) { continue; } String sql = (String) test.get("sql"); if (jdbcUrl.startsWith("jdbc:mysql:")) { sql = sql.replace("\"", "`"); sql = sql.replace(" NULLS FIRST", ""); sql = sql.replace(" NULLS LAST", ""); if (sql.contains("VALUES ")) { System.out.println("query id: " + id + " sql: " + sql + " skipped"); continue; } } if (jdbcUrl.startsWith("jdbc:optiq:")) { sql = sql.replace("RTRIM(", "TRIM(TRAILING ' ' FROM "); } final AtomicLong tPrepare = new AtomicLong(0); Hook.Closeable hook = Hook.JAVA_PLAN.add(new Function1<Object, Object>() { public Object apply(Object a0) { tPrepare.set(System.nanoTime()); return null; } }); try { final long t0 = System.nanoTime(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); int n = 0; while ( { ++n; } resultSet.close(); final long tEnd = System.nanoTime(); final long nanos = tEnd - t0; final long prepare = tPrepare.longValue() - t0; final long execute = tEnd - tPrepare.longValue(); System.out.println("query id: " + id + " rows: " + n + " nanos: " + NF.format(nanos) + " prepare: " + NF.format(prepare) + " execute: " + NF.format(execute) + " prepare%: " + ((float) prepare / (float) nanos * 100f)); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("query id: " + id + " sql: " + sql + " error: " + e.getMessage()); if (verbose) { e.printStackTrace(); } } finally { hook.close(); } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } private static RangeSet<Integer> parseInts(String idsProperty) { RangeSet<Integer> idSet = TreeRangeSet.create(); if (idsProperty == null) { idsProperty = ""; } if (idsProperty.isEmpty() || idsProperty.startsWith("-")) { idSet.add(Range.<Integer>all()); } if (!idsProperty.isEmpty()) { for (String id : idsProperty.split(",")) { String[] split2 = id.split("-"); if (split2.length != 2) { if (id.endsWith("-")) { // 10- means "10 onwards" idSet.add(Range.atLeast(Integer.parseInt(id.substring(0, id.length() - 1)))); } else { idSet.add(Range.singleton(Integer.parseInt(id))); } } else if (split2[0].equals("")) { // -10 means "not 10" idSet.remove(Range.singleton(Integer.parseInt(split2[1]))); } else { int min = Integer.parseInt(split2[0]); int max = Integer.parseInt(split2[1]); idSet.add(Range.closed(min, max)); } } } return idSet; } } // End