Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2008 Matthew Hillsdon * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static java.lang.String.format; import static net.hillsdon.fij.text.Strings.fromUTF8; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import net.hillsdon.fij.text.Strings; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDirEntry; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNErrorCode; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNLock; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNNodeKind; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNProperty; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNDate; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNPathUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Stores pages in an SVN repository. * * @author mth */ public class SVNPageStore extends AbstractPageStore { static final class SVNRenameAction extends SVNEditAction { private final PageReference _toPath; private final boolean _needToMoveAttachmentDir; private final PageReference _fromPath; private final long _baseRevision; SVNRenameAction(final String commitMessage, final PageReference toPath, final boolean needToMoveAttachmentDir, final PageReference fromPath, final long baseRevision) { super(commitMessage); _toPath = toPath; _needToMoveAttachmentDir = needToMoveAttachmentDir; _fromPath = fromPath; _baseRevision = baseRevision; } @Override protected void driveCommitEditor(final ISVNEditor commitEditor, final BasicSVNOperations operations) throws SVNException, IOException, RenameException { try { operations.moveFile(commitEditor, _fromPath.getPath(), _baseRevision, _toPath.getPath()); if (_needToMoveAttachmentDir) { operations.moveDir(commitEditor, _fromPath.getAttachmentPath(), _baseRevision, _toPath.getAttachmentPath()); } } catch (SVNException e) { if (SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_REQUEST_FAILED.equals(e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode())) { throw new RenameException(e); } throw e; } } } private static final Predicate<ChangeInfo> IS_CHANGE_TO_PAGE = new Predicate<ChangeInfo>() { public boolean apply(final ChangeInfo in) { return in.getKind() == StoreKind.PAGE; } }; private final String _wiki; private final BasicSVNOperations _operations; private final DeletedRevisionTracker _tracker; private final MimeIdentifier _mimeIdentifier; private final AutoPropertiesApplier _autoPropertiesApplier; /** * Note the repository URL can be deep, it need not refer to the root of the * repository itself. We put pages in the root of what we're given. */ public SVNPageStore(final String wiki, final DeletedRevisionTracker tracker, final BasicSVNOperations operations, final AutoPropertiesApplier autoPropertiesApplier, final MimeIdentifier mimeIdentifier) { _wiki = wiki; _tracker = tracker; _operations = operations; _autoPropertiesApplier = autoPropertiesApplier; _mimeIdentifier = mimeIdentifier; } public List<ChangeInfo> recentChanges(final long limit) throws PageStoreException { return _operations.log("", limit, LogEntryFilter.DESCENDANTS, true, 0, -1); } public List<ChangeInfo> history(final PageReference ref) throws PageStoreException { final List<ChangeInfo> changes = new ArrayList<ChangeInfo>(); final ChangeInfo deletedIn = getChangeThatDeleted(ref); long lastRevision = deletedIn == null ? -1 : deletedIn.getRevision() - 1; // We follow all the previous locations. String path = ref.getPath(); while (path != null && changes.addAll(_operations.log(path, -1, LogEntryFilter.PATH_ONLY, false, 0, lastRevision))) { if (!changes.isEmpty()) { ChangeInfo last = changes.get(changes.size() - 1); path = last.getCopiedFrom(); lastRevision = last.getCopiedFromRevision(); } } if (deletedIn != null) { changes.add(0, deletedIn); } List<ChangeInfo> result = ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.filter(changes, IS_CHANGE_TO_PAGE)); return Ordering.from(DeletesAfterOtherSameRevisionChanges.INSTANCE).sortedCopy(result); } public Set<PageReference> list() throws PageStoreException { Set<PageReference> names = new LinkedHashSet<PageReference>(); for (String page : _tracker.currentExistingEntries()) { names.add(new PageReferenceImpl(page)); } return names; } public Collection<PageInfo> getPages(final Collection<PageReference> pages, final long revision) throws PageStoreException { List<PageInfo> outputPages = new LinkedList<PageInfo>(); Map<String, ByteArrayOutputStream> contents = new LinkedHashMap<String, ByteArrayOutputStream>(); Map<String, Map<String, String>> properties = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); for (PageReference p : pages) { contents.put(p.getPath(), new ByteArrayOutputStream()); properties.put(p.getPath(), new HashMap<String, String>()); } _operations.getFiles(revision, properties, contents); for (Map.Entry<String, ByteArrayOutputStream> entry : contents.entrySet()) { outputPages.add(new PageInfoImpl(_wiki, entry.getKey(), Strings.toUTF8(entry.getValue().toByteArray()), properties.get(entry.getKey()))); } return outputPages; } public VersionedPageInfo get(final PageReference ref, final long revision) throws PageStoreException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); SVNNodeKind kind = _operations.checkPath(ref.getPath(), revision); if (SVNNodeKind.FILE.equals(kind)) { _operations.getFile(ref.getPath(), revision, properties, baos); long actualRevision = SVNProperty.longValue(properties.get(SVNProperty.REVISION)); long lastChangedRevision = SVNProperty.longValue(properties.get(SVNProperty.COMMITTED_REVISION)); Date lastChangedDate = SVNDate.parseDate(properties.get(SVNProperty.COMMITTED_DATE)); String lastChangedAuthor = properties.get(SVNProperty.LAST_AUTHOR); String lockOwner = null; String lockToken = null; Date lockedSince = null; final Map<String, String> filteredProperties = Maps.filterKeys(properties, new Predicate<String>() { public boolean apply(String key) { return key.startsWith(REVIKI_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX); } }); Map<String, String> attributes = stripPrefix(filteredProperties, REVIKI_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX); try { if (revision == -1 || _operations.checkPath(ref.getPath(), -1) == SVNNodeKind.FILE) { SVNLock lock = _operations.getLock(ref.getPath()); if (lock != null) { lockOwner = lock.getOwner(); lockToken = lock.getID(); lockedSince = lock.getCreationDate(); } } } catch (NotFoundException ex) { // It was a file at 'revision' but is now deleted so we can't get the lock information. } return new VersionedPageInfoImpl(_wiki, ref.getPath(), Strings.toUTF8(baos.toByteArray()), actualRevision, lastChangedRevision, lastChangedAuthor, lastChangedDate, lockOwner, lockToken, lockedSince, attributes); } else if (SVNNodeKind.NONE.equals(kind)) { long pseudoRevision = VersionedPageInfo.UNCOMMITTED; long lastChangedRevision = VersionedPageInfo.UNCOMMITTED; String lastChangedAuthor = null; Date lastChangedDate = null; final ChangeInfo deletingChange = getChangeThatDeleted(ref); PageLinkTarget renamedTo = null; if (deletingChange != null) { pseudoRevision = VersionedPageInfo.DELETED; lastChangedRevision = deletingChange.getRevision(); lastChangedAuthor = deletingChange.getUser(); lastChangedDate = deletingChange.getDate(); renamedTo = deletingChange.getRenamedTo(); if (renamedTo != null) { pseudoRevision = VersionedPageInfo.RENAMED; } } return new VersionedPageInfoImpl(_wiki, ref.getPath(), "", pseudoRevision, lastChangedRevision, lastChangedAuthor, lastChangedDate, null, null, null, renamedTo); } else { throw new PageStoreException(format("Unexpected node kind '%s' at '%s'", kind, ref)); } } private Map<String, String> stripPrefix(Map<String, String> properties, String propertyPrefix) { Map<String, String> attributes = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) { attributes.put(entry.getKey().substring(propertyPrefix.length()), entry.getValue()); } return attributes; } private ChangeInfo getChangeThatDeleted(final PageReference ref) throws PageStoreAuthenticationException, PageStoreException { return _tracker.getChangeThatDeleted(ref.getPath()); } public VersionedPageInfo tryToLock(final PageReference ref) throws PageStoreException { final VersionedPageInfo page = get(ref, -1); if (page.isNewPage()) { return page; } if (page.isLocked()) { return page; } final long revision = page.getRevision(); try { _operations.lock(ref, revision); } catch (AlreadyLockedException ex) { // Just return, the caller will check whether they've locked the page. } return get(ref, revision); } public void unlock(final PageReference path, final String lockToken) throws PageStoreException { _operations.unlock(path, lockToken); } public long set(final PageInfo page, final String lockToken, final long baseRevision, final String commitMessage) throws PageStoreAuthenticationException, PageStoreException { final String path = page.getPath(); final String content = page.getContent(); if (content.trim().length() == 0) { return delete(path, lockToken, baseRevision, commitMessage); } return _operations.execute(new SVNEditAction(commitMessage, createLocksMap(path, lockToken)) { @Override protected void driveCommitEditor(final ISVNEditor commitEditor, final BasicSVNOperations operations) throws SVNException, IOException, SaveException { try { Map<String, String> properties = addPrefix(page.getAttributes(), REVIKI_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX); String dir = SVNPathUtil.removeTail(page.getPath()); commitEditor.openDir(dir, baseRevision); set(commitEditor, path, baseRevision, new ByteArrayInputStream(Strings.fromUTF8(content)), properties); commitEditor.closeDir(); } catch (SVNException e) { if (SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_REQUEST_FAILED.equals(e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode())) { throw new LostLockException(e); } else if (SVNErrorCode.FS_CONFLICT.equals(e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode())) { throw new ConflictException(e); } throw e; } } }); } private Map<String, String> addPrefix(Map<String, String> attributes, String prefix) { Map<String, String> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { properties.put(REVIKI_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return properties; } private long delete(final String path, final String lockToken, final long baseRevision, final String commitMessage) throws PageStoreAuthenticationException, PageStoreException { _operations.execute(new SVNEditAction(commitMessage, createLocksMap(path, lockToken)) { @Override protected void driveCommitEditor(final ISVNEditor commitEditor, final BasicSVNOperations operations) throws SVNException, IOException { _operations.delete(commitEditor, path, baseRevision); } }); return VersionedPageInfo.DELETED; } public long deleteAttachment(final PageReference pageRef, final String attachmentName, final long baseRevision, final String commitMessage) throws PageStoreAuthenticationException, PageStoreException { final String path = SVNPathUtil.append(pageRef.getAttachmentPath(), attachmentName); return _operations.execute(new SVNEditAction(commitMessage) { @Override protected void driveCommitEditor(final ISVNEditor commitEditor, final BasicSVNOperations operations) throws SVNException, IOException { _operations.delete(commitEditor, path, baseRevision); } }); } private void set(final ISVNEditor commitEditor, final String path, final long baseRevision, final InputStream content, final Map<String, String> attributes) throws SVNException, IOException { if (baseRevision < 0) { _operations.create(commitEditor, path, content, attributes); } else { _operations.edit(commitEditor, path, baseRevision, content, attributes); } } public void attach(final PageReference pageRef, final String storeName, final long baseRevision, final InputStream in, final String commitMessage) throws PageStoreException {; final boolean addLinkToPage; final VersionedPageInfo versionedPageInfo; final long latestRevision; if (baseRevision < 0) { latestRevision = getLatestRevision(); versionedPageInfo = get(pageRef, latestRevision); addLinkToPage = !versionedPageInfo.isLocked(); } else { versionedPageInfo = null; addLinkToPage = false; latestRevision = -1; } final String dir = pageRef.getAttachmentPath(); final boolean needToCreateAttachmentDir = _operations.checkPath(dir, baseRevision) == SVNNodeKind.NONE; _operations.execute(new SVNEditAction(commitMessage) { @Override protected void driveCommitEditor(final ISVNEditor commitEditor, final BasicSVNOperations operations) throws SVNException, IOException { if (needToCreateAttachmentDir) { operations.createDirectory(commitEditor, dir); } else { commitEditor.openDir(dir, baseRevision); } set(commitEditor, dir + "/" + storeName, baseRevision, in, new LinkedHashMap<String, String>()); commitEditor.closeDir(); if (addLinkToPage) { final boolean isImage = _mimeIdentifier.isImage(storeName); final String link = (isImage ? "{{" : "[[") + "attachments/" + storeName + "|" + storeName + (isImage ? "}}" : "]]"); final String newContent = versionedPageInfo.getContent() + Strings.CRLF + link + Strings.CRLF; commitEditor.openDir(SVNPathUtil.removeTail(pageRef.getPath()), -1); if (versionedPageInfo.isNewPage()) { // create the page set(commitEditor, pageRef.getPath(), -1, new ByteArrayInputStream(fromUTF8(newContent)), new LinkedHashMap<String, String>()); } else { set(commitEditor, pageRef.getPath(), latestRevision, new ByteArrayInputStream(fromUTF8(newContent)), new LinkedHashMap<String, String>()); } commitEditor.closeDir(); } } }); } public Collection<AttachmentHistory> attachments(final PageReference ref) throws PageStoreException { final String attachmentPath = ref.getAttachmentPath(); final Map<String, AttachmentHistory> results = new LinkedHashMap<String, AttachmentHistory>(); if (_operations.checkPath(attachmentPath, -1).equals(SVNNodeKind.DIR)) { final Collection<ChangeInfo> changed = _operations.log(attachmentPath, -1, LogEntryFilter.DESCENDANTS, false, 0, -1); for (ChangeInfo change : changed) { if (change.getKind() == StoreKind.ATTACHMENT) { AttachmentHistory history = results.get(change.getName()); if (history == null) { history = new AttachmentHistory(change.getChangeType() == ChangeType.DELETED); results.put(change.getName(), history); } history.getVersions().add(change); } } // We need to log and ls - consider the case of copying an attachment *directory*. for (SVNDirEntry attachment : { if (!results.containsKey(attachment.getName())) { AttachmentHistory history = new AttachmentHistory(false); ChangeInfo change = new ChangeInfo(ref.getName(), attachment.getName(), attachment.getAuthor(), attachment.getDate(), attachment.getRevision(), attachment.getCommitMessage(), StoreKind.ATTACHMENT, ChangeType.ADDED, null, -1); if (change.getChangeType() != ChangeType.DELETED) history.getVersions().add(change); results.put(attachment.getName(), history); } } } return results.values(); } public void attachment(final PageReference ref, final String attachment, final long revision, final ContentTypedSink sink) throws NotFoundException, PageStoreException { final String path = SVNPathUtil.append(ref.getAttachmentPath(), attachment); final Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Get the properties _operations.getFile(path, revision, properties, null); // If the mimetype property was set, replace the default setting in the sink final String mimetype = properties.get(SVNProperty.MIME_TYPE); // Create output and set the content type and file name final OutputStream out = new LazyOutputStream() { @Override protected OutputStream lazyInit() throws IOException { if (mimetype != null) { sink.setContentType(mimetype); } else { sink.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); } sink.setFileName(attachment); return; } }; // Get the file _operations.getFile(path, revision, null, out); } public byte[] attachmentBytes(final PageReference ref, final String attachment, final long revision) throws NotFoundException, PageStoreException { String path = SVNPathUtil.append(ref.getAttachmentPath(), attachment); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); _operations.getFile(path, revision, null, out); return out.toByteArray(); } public Collection<PageReference> getChangedBetween(final long start, final long end) throws PageStoreException { List<ChangeInfo> log = _operations.log("", -1, LogEntryFilter.DESCENDANTS, true, start, end); Set<PageReference> pages = new LinkedHashSet<PageReference>(log.size()); for (ChangeInfo info : log) { if (info.getKind() == StoreKind.PAGE) { pages.add(new PageReferenceImpl(info.getPage())); } } return pages; } public long getLatestRevision() throws PageStoreAuthenticationException, PageStoreException { return _operations.getLatestRevision(); } public long copy(final PageReference from, final long fromRevision, final PageReference to, final String commitMessage) throws PageStoreException { return _operations.execute(new SVNEditAction(commitMessage) { @Override protected void driveCommitEditor(final ISVNEditor commitEditor, final BasicSVNOperations operations) throws SVNException, IOException { _operations.copy(commitEditor, from.getPath(), fromRevision, to.getPath()); } }); } public long rename(final PageReference from, final PageReference to, final long baseRevision, final String commitMessage) throws InterveningCommitException, PageStoreException { final boolean needToMoveAttachmentDir = _operations.checkPath(from.getAttachmentPath(), baseRevision) == SVNNodeKind.DIR; return _operations .execute(new SVNRenameAction(commitMessage, to, needToMoveAttachmentDir, from, baseRevision)); } // Exposed for testing Map<String, String> createLocksMap(final String path, final String lockToken) { if ("".equals(lockToken)) { // Something's gone wrong if we end up with the empty string here (null means not locked) // and it causes hard-to-debug problems if we carry on. throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty lock token"); } return lockToken == null ? Collections.<String, String>emptyMap() : Collections.<String, String>singletonMap(path, lockToken); } public void assertValid() throws PageStoreInvalidException, PageStoreAuthenticationException { try { if (_operations.checkPath("", -1) == SVNNodeKind.NONE) { throw new PageStoreInvalidException(); } } catch (PageStoreAuthenticationException e) { throw e; } catch (PageStoreException e) { // Assume this always means we're broken. If that's not true then we'll need to push this // into operations and check the different SVNKit failure codes there. throw new PageStoreInvalidException(e); } } public String getWiki() throws PageStoreException { return _wiki; } }