Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.hft.dbproject.weatherapp.entities.Temperature; import net.hft.dbproject.weatherapp.entities.WeatherImage; import net.hft.dbproject.weatherapp.entities.Location; import net.hft.dbproject.weatherapp.utilities.Utilities; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * * @author Jan */ public abstract class JSONParser { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JSONParser.class); private static InputStreamReader queryInputStreamReader; private static JsonReader queryJSONReader; private static boolean singleObject = false; /** * Returns the list of {@link Location} depending on the incoming JSON- * Stream. * * @param queryResult * @return List of Location * @throws IOException */ public static List<Location> toLocationList(InputStream queryResult) throws IOException { initialize(queryResult); List<Location> result = new ArrayList<Location>(); queryJSONReader.beginObject(); while (queryJSONReader.hasNext()) { String name = queryJSONReader.nextName(); if (name.equals("list")) { queryJSONReader.beginArray(); while (queryJSONReader.hasNext()) { queryJSONReader.beginObject(); Location currWeather = toLocation(); queryJSONReader.endObject(); if (currWeather != null) { result.add(currWeather); } } queryJSONReader.endArray(); } else if (name.equals("coord")) { singleObject = true; result.add(toLocation()); } else { queryJSONReader.skipValue(); } } queryJSONReader.endObject(); shutDown(); return result; } /** * Parsingmethod for the single JSON- Objects. * * @return Parsed Location */ private static Location toLocation() { Location result = new Location(); String cityName = ""; Temperature cityTemperature = null; double tempAvg = 0.0; double tempMin = 0.0; double tempMax = 0.0; String countryCode = ""; int imageIconID = 0; int ident = 0; boolean isDayImage = false; String weatherDescription = ""; // GPS- Coordinates float lat = 0, lon = 0; try { int passedCounter = 0; while (queryJSONReader.hasNext() && passedCounter < 6) { while (passedCounter < 6) { String selectedValue = singleObject ? "coord" : queryJSONReader.nextName(); switch (selectedValue) { case "id": { ident = queryJSONReader.nextInt(); passedCounter++; break; } case "name": { cityName = queryJSONReader.nextString(); passedCounter++; break; } case "coord": { queryJSONReader.beginObject(); while (queryJSONReader.hasNext()) { String name2 = queryJSONReader.nextName(); if (name2.equals("lon")) { lon = (float) queryJSONReader.nextDouble(); name2 = queryJSONReader.nextName(); } if (name2.equals("lat")) { lat = (float) queryJSONReader.nextDouble(); } queryJSONReader.endObject(); singleObject = false; passedCounter++; break; } break; } case "main": { queryJSONReader.beginObject(); while (queryJSONReader.hasNext()) { String attribute = queryJSONReader.nextName(); if (attribute.equals("temp")) { tempAvg = Utilities.fromKelvinToFahrenheit(queryJSONReader.nextDouble()); } else if (attribute.equals("temp_min")) { tempMin = Utilities.fromKelvinToFahrenheit(queryJSONReader.nextDouble()); } else if (attribute.equals("temp_max")) { tempMax = Utilities.fromKelvinToFahrenheit(queryJSONReader.nextDouble()); } else { queryJSONReader.skipValue(); } } queryJSONReader.endObject(); cityTemperature = new Temperature(tempAvg, tempMin, tempMax); passedCounter++; break; } case "sys": { queryJSONReader.beginObject(); while (queryJSONReader.hasNext()) { String attribute = queryJSONReader.nextName(); if (attribute.equals("country")) { countryCode = queryJSONReader.nextString(); } else { queryJSONReader.skipValue(); } } queryJSONReader.endObject(); passedCounter++; break; } case "weather": { queryJSONReader.beginArray(); queryJSONReader.beginObject(); while (queryJSONReader.hasNext()) { String attribute = queryJSONReader.nextName(); if (attribute.equals("id")) { imageIconID = queryJSONReader.nextInt(); } else if (attribute.equals("description")) { weatherDescription = queryJSONReader.nextString(); } else if (attribute.equals("icon")) { String val = queryJSONReader.nextString(); if (val.endsWith("d")) { isDayImage = true; } } else { queryJSONReader.skipValue(); } } queryJSONReader.endObject(); JsonToken t = queryJSONReader.peek(); if (t == JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT) { queryJSONReader.beginObject(); while (t != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { String v = queryJSONReader.nextName(); queryJSONReader.skipValue(); t = queryJSONReader.peek(); } queryJSONReader.endObject(); } queryJSONReader.endArray(); passedCounter++; break; } default: { queryJSONReader.skipValue(); } } } result = new Location(ident, cityName, countryCode, cityTemperature, lat, lon); result.setWeatherDescription(weatherDescription); WeatherImage wi = new WeatherImage(); result.setDayTime(isDayImage); wi.setIconId(imageIconID); result.setImage(wi); } } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.toString()); } return result; } private static void initialize(InputStream queryResult) { queryInputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(queryResult); queryJSONReader = new JsonReader(queryInputStreamReader); queryJSONReader.setLenient(true);"JSON- Parsing initialized"); } private static void shutDown() throws IOException { queryJSONReader.close(); queryInputStreamReader.close(); queryJSONReader = null; queryInputStreamReader = null;"JSON- Parsing ended"); } }