Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2015 TerraFrame, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of Runway SDK(tm). * * Runway SDK(tm) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Runway SDK(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with Runway SDK(tm). If not, see <>. */ package net.geoprism.test; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.geoprism.DashboardDTO; import net.geoprism.DashboardQueryDTO; import net.geoprism.MdAttributeViewDTO; import net.geoprism.MetadataWrapperDTO; import net.geoprism.dashboard.AllLayerType; import net.geoprism.dashboard.layer.DashboardLayerDTO; import net.geoprism.dashboard.DashboardMap; import net.geoprism.dashboard.DashboardMapDTO; import net.geoprism.dashboard.DashboardStyle; import net.geoprism.dashboard.layer.DashboardThematicLayer; import net.geoprism.dashboard.DashboardThematicStyleDTO; import net.geoprism.dashboard.layer.HasLayer; import net.geoprism.dashboard.HasStyle; import net.geoprism.gis.geoserver.GeoserverFacade; import net.geoprism.gis.wrapper.Layer; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import com.runwaysdk.constants.ClientRequestIF; import com.runwaysdk.dataaccess.ProgrammingErrorException; import com.runwaysdk.dataaccess.database.Database; import com.runwaysdk.dataaccess.transaction.Transaction; import com.runwaysdk.gis.StrategyInitializer; import com.runwaysdk.session.Request; import com.runwaysdk.system.gis.geo.UniversalQueryDTO; import com.runwaysdk.system.metadata.MdClassDTO; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; public class Sandbox { @Request public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { // StrategyInitializer.tearDown(); StrategyInitializer.startUp(); // System.out.println(DashboardMap.getMapJSON("sxt2uo8qxyil66jmlk6h7l965h38m2da1w3bn55ecea1siqb7qj7vnuivq3gync2")); } private static void runONE(HashMap<String, Object> req, ClientRequestIF clientRequest) { long oneS = System.currentTimeMillis(); one(new HashMap<String, Object>(), clientRequest); System.out.println("ONE: " + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - oneS)); long twoS = System.currentTimeMillis(); two(new HashMap<String, Object>(), clientRequest); System.out.println("TWO: " + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - twoS)); } private static void runTWO(HashMap<String, Object> req, ClientRequestIF clientRequest) { long oneS = System.currentTimeMillis(); one(new HashMap<String, Object>(), clientRequest); System.out.println("ONE: " + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - oneS)); long twoS = System.currentTimeMillis(); two(new HashMap<String, Object>(), clientRequest); System.out.println("TWO: " + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - twoS)); } private static void one(HashMap<String, Object> req, ClientRequestIF clientRequest) { DashboardMapDTO map = net.geoprism.SessionEntryDTO.createMapForSession(clientRequest); req.put("mapId", map.getId()); // populates the dropdown menu DashboardQueryDTO dashboardQ = DashboardDTO.getSortedDashboards(clientRequest); List<? extends DashboardDTO> results = dashboardQ.getResultSet(); req.put("dashboards", results); // load the default type (index of 0) if (results.size() > 0) { DashboardDTO first = results.get(0); MdClassDTO[] types = first.getSortedTypes(); req.put("types", types); List<MdAttributeViewDTO> attrs = new LinkedList<MdAttributeViewDTO>(); Map<String, List<MdAttributeViewDTO>> attrMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<MdAttributeViewDTO>>(); for (MetadataWrapperDTO mdDTO : first.getAllMetadata()) { attrMap.put(mdDTO.getWrappedMdClassId(), attrs); for (MdAttributeViewDTO mdAttrView : mdDTO.getSortedAttributes()) { attrs.add(mdAttrView); } } req.put("attrMap", attrMap); } } private static void two(HashMap<String, Object> req, ClientRequestIF clientRequest) { net.geoprism.dashboard.layer.DashboardLayerDTO layer = new net.geoprism.dashboard.layer.DashboardLayerDTO( clientRequest); DashboardThematicStyleDTO style = new DashboardThematicStyleDTO(clientRequest); req.put("layer", layer); req.put("style", style); String[] fonts = DashboardThematicStyleDTO.getSortedFonts(clientRequest); req.put("fonts", fonts); // get the universals UniversalQueryDTO universals = DashboardLayerDTO.getSortedUniversals(clientRequest); req.put("universals", universals.getResultSet()); // // aggregations // AggregationTypeQueryDTO aggQuery = DashboardStyleDTO.getSortedAggregations(clientRequest); // req.put("aggregations", aggQuery.getResultSet()); // Map<String, String> aggregations = style.getAggregationTypeMd().getEnumItems(); // req.put("aggregationLabels", aggregations); // // // feature types // Map<String, String> features = layer.getLayerTypeMd().getEnumItems(); // req.put("features", features); } @Request @Transaction public static void testGetMapJSON() { } @Request @Transaction public static void testBuildMap() { System.out.println("testBuildMap"); DashboardMap map = new DashboardMap(); map.setName("Test Map"); map.apply(); DashboardThematicLayer layer = new DashboardThematicLayer(); layer.setName("aa_test_data"); layer.addLayerType(AllLayerType.BASICPOLYGON); layer.setDisplayInLegend(false); layer.setVirtual(false); // layer.setUniversal(null); // layer.setGeoEntity(null); layer.apply(); HasLayer hasLayer = map.addHasLayer(layer); hasLayer.setLayerIndex(0); hasLayer.apply(); DashboardStyle style = new DashboardStyle(); style.setName("polygon"); style.setValueSize(3); style.setValueFont("Arial"); style.setValueColor("red"); style.setValueHalo("white"); style.setValueHaloWidth(2); style.apply(); HasStyle hasStyle = layer.addHasStyle(style); hasStyle.apply(); // String json = map.getMapJSON(); // String json = DashboardMap.getMapJSON(map.getId()); // System.out.println(json); map.delete(); System.out.println("all done."); } public static JSONArray getMapLayersBBox(List<Layer> layers) { JSONArray bboxArr = new JSONArray(); ResultSet resultSet = null; String[] layerNames = null; // if (layers.size() > 0) if (layers.size() < 1) // for testing { layerNames = new String[layers.size()]; String sql; // if (layers.size() == 1) if (layers.size() < 1) // for testing { // String layer = layers.get(0); // String viewName = layers.get; // layerNames[0] = layers.get(0); String viewName = "aa_test_data_view"; sql = "SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Extent(" + viewName + "." + GeoserverFacade.GEOM_COLUMN + ")) AS bbox FROM " + viewName; } else { // More than one layer so union the geometry columns sql = "SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Extent(geo_v)) AS bbox FROM (\n"; for (int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) { Layer layer = layers.get(i); String viewName = layer.getName(); layerNames[i] = layer.getName(); sql += "(SELECT " + GeoserverFacade.GEOM_COLUMN + " AS geo_v FROM " + viewName + ") \n"; if (i != layers.size() - 1) { sql += "UNION \n"; } } sql += ") bbox_union"; } resultSet = Database.query(sql); } try { if ( { String bbox = resultSet.getString("bbox"); if (bbox != null) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("POLYGON\\(\\((.*)\\)\\)"); Matcher m = p.matcher(bbox); if (m.matches()) { String coordinates =; List<Coordinate> coords = new LinkedList<Coordinate>(); for (String c : coordinates.split(",")) { String[] xAndY = c.split(" "); double x = Double.valueOf(xAndY[0]); double y = Double.valueOf(xAndY[1]); coords.add(new Coordinate(x, y)); } Envelope e = new Envelope(coords.get(0), coords.get(2)); try { bboxArr.put(e.getMinX()); bboxArr.put(e.getMinY()); bboxArr.put(e.getMaxX()); bboxArr.put(e.getMaxY()); } catch (JSONException ex) { throw new ProgrammingErrorException(ex); } } else { // There will not be a match if there is a single point geo // entity. // In this case, return the x,y coordinates to OpenLayers. p = Pattern.compile("POINT\\((.*)\\)"); m = p.matcher(bbox); if (m.matches()) { String c =; String[] xAndY = c.split(" "); double x = Double.valueOf(xAndY[0]); double y = Double.valueOf(xAndY[1]); try { bboxArr.put(x); bboxArr.put(y); } catch (JSONException ex) { throw new ProgrammingErrorException(ex); } } else { String error = "The database view(s) [" + StringUtils.join(layerNames, ",") + "] could not be used to create a valid bounding box"; // throw new GeoServerReloadException(error); } } } } return bboxArr; } catch (SQLException sqlEx1) { Database.throwDatabaseException(sqlEx1); } finally { try { java.sql.Statement statement = resultSet.getStatement(); resultSet.close(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx2) { Database.throwDatabaseException(sqlEx2); } } // Some problem occured and the bbox couldn't be calculated. // Just return the African defaults try { bboxArr.put(36.718452); bboxArr.put(-17.700377000000003); bboxArr.put(36.938452); bboxArr.put(-17.480376999999997); } catch (JSONException ex) { throw new ProgrammingErrorException(ex); } return bboxArr; } }