Java tutorial
/* * Giggity -- Android app to view conference/festival schedules * Copyright 2008-2011 Wilmer van der Gaast <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package net.gaast.giggity; import; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import; public class Db { private Giggity app; private Helper dbh; private static final int dbVersion = 13; private int oldDbVer = dbVersion; private SharedPreferences pref; public Db(Application app_) { app = (Giggity) app_; pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(app); dbh = new Helper(app_, "giggity", null, dbVersion); } public Connection getConnection() { Log.i("DeoxideDb", "Created database connection"); return new Connection(); } private class Helper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public Helper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory, int version) { super(context, name, factory, version); if (oldDbVer < dbVersion) { SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase(); db.acquireReference(); updateData(db, false); db.releaseReference(); } } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { Log.i("DeoxideDb", "Creating new database"); db.execSQL("Create Table schedule (sch_id Integer Primary Key AutoIncrement Not Null, " + "sch_title VarChar(128), " + "sch_url VarChar(256), " + "sch_atime Integer, " + "sch_rtime Integer, " + "sch_start Integer, " + "sch_end Integer, " + "sch_id_s VarChar(128), " + "sch_metadata VarChar(10240), " + "sch_day Integer)"); db.execSQL("Create Table schedule_item (sci_id Integer Primary Key AutoIncrement Not Null, " + "sci_sch_id Integer Not Null, " + "sci_id_s VarChar(128), " + "sci_remind Boolean, " + "sci_hidden Boolean, " + "sci_stars Integer(2) Null)"); oldDbVer = 0; } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { int v = oldVersion; Log.i("DeoxideDb", "Upgrading from database version " + oldVersion + " to " + newVersion); while (v < newVersion) { v++; if (v == 8) { /* Version 8 adds start/end time columns to the db. */ try { db.execSQL("Alter Table schedule Add Column sch_start Integer"); db.execSQL("Alter Table schedule Add Column sch_end Integer"); } catch (SQLiteException e) { Log.e("DeoxideDb", "SQLite error, maybe column already exists?"); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (v == 11) { /* Version 10 adds rtime column. */ try { db.execSQL("Alter Table schedule Add Column sch_rtime Integer"); } catch (SQLiteException e) { Log.e("DeoxideDb", "SQLite error, maybe column already exists?"); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (v == 12) { /* Version 12 adds hidden column. */ try { db.execSQL("Alter Table schedule_item Add Column sci_hidden Boolean"); } catch (SQLiteException e) { Log.e("DeoxideDb", "SQLite error, maybe column already exists?"); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (v == 13) { /* Version 13 adds big metadata field. */ try { db.execSQL("Alter Table schedule Add Column sch_metadata VarChar(10240)"); } catch (SQLiteException e) { Log.e("DeoxideDb", "SQLite error, maybe column already exists?"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } oldDbVer = Math.min(oldDbVer, oldVersion); } } /* For ease of use, seed the main menu with some known schedules. */ public void updateData(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean online) { Seed seed = loadSeed(online ? SeedSource.ONLINE : SeedSource.CACHED); Seed localSeed = loadSeed(SeedSource.BUILT_IN); /* Pick the best one. localSeed *can* be newer than the cached one. Should not * ever be newer than the online one though. */ if (seed != null && localSeed != null) { if (localSeed.version > seed.version) seed = localSeed; } else { if (seed == null) seed = localSeed; if (seed == null) { Log.w("DeoxideDb.updateData", "Failed to fetch both seeds, uh oh.."); return; } } int version = pref.getInt("last_menu_seed_version", 0), newver = version; if (seed.version <= version && oldDbVer == dbVersion) { /* No updates required, both data and structure are up to date. */ return; } long ts = new Date().getTime() / 1000; for (Seed.Schedule sched : seed.schedules) { newver = Math.max(newver, sched.version); updateSchedule(db, sched, version); } if (newver != version) { Editor p = pref.edit(); p.putInt("last_menu_seed_version", newver); p.commit(); } } private void updateSchedule(SQLiteDatabase db, Seed.Schedule sched, int last_version) { if (sched.start.equals(sched.end)) { /* If it's one day only, avoid having start == end. Pretend it's from 6:00 'til 18:00 or something. */ sched.start.setHours(6); sched.end.setHours(18); } else { /* For different days, pretend the even't from noon to noon. In both cases, we'll have exact times * once we load the schedule for the first time. */ sched.start.setHours(12); sched.end.setHours(12); } Cursor q = db.rawQuery("Select sch_id From schedule Where sch_url = ?", new String[] { sched.url }); Log.d("cursor", "" + q.getCount()); if (sched.version > last_version && q.getCount() == 0) { ContentValues row = new ContentValues(); if ( != null) row.put("sch_id_s",; else row.put("sch_id_s", Schedule.hashify(sched.url)); row.put("sch_url", sched.url); row.put("sch_title", sched.title); row.put("sch_atime", sched.start.getTime() / 1000); row.put("sch_start", sched.start.getTime() / 1000); row.put("sch_end", sched.end.getTime() / 1000); row.put("sch_metadata", sched.metadata); db.insert("schedule", null, row); } else if (q.getCount() == 1) { q.moveToNext(); if (oldDbVer < 8) { /* We're upgrading from < 8 so we have to backfill the start/end columns. */ ContentValues row = new ContentValues(); row.put("sch_start", sched.start.getTime() / 1000); row.put("sch_end", sched.end.getTime() / 1000); db.update("schedule", row, "sch_id = ?", new String[] { q.getString(0) }); } /* Always refresh the metadata, seedfile is authoritative. */ if (sched.metadata != "") { ContentValues row = new ContentValues(); row.put("sch_metadata", sched.metadata); db.update("schedule", row, "sch_id = ?", new String[] { q.getString(0) }); } } q.close(); } private enum SeedSource { BUILT_IN, /* Embedded copy. */ CACHED, /* Cached copy, or refetch if missing. */ ONLINE, /* Poll for an update. */ } private final String SEED_URL = ""; public static final long SEED_FETCH_INTERVAL = 86400 * 1000; /* Once a day. */ private Seed loadSeed(SeedSource source) { String json = ""; JSONObject jso; Fetcher f = null; try { if (source == SeedSource.BUILT_IN) { InputStreamReader inr = new InputStreamReader(app.getResources().openRawResource(, "UTF-8"); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(inr, sw); json = sw.toString(); } else { f = app.fetch(SEED_URL, source == SeedSource.ONLINE ? Fetcher.Source.ONLINE : Fetcher.Source.CACHE_ONLINE); json = f.slurp(); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("DeoxideDb.loadSeed", "IO Error"); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } try { jso = new JSONObject(json); Seed ret = new Seed(jso); if (f != null) f.keep(); Log.d("DeoxideDb.loadSeed", "Fetched seed version " + ret.version + " from " + source.toString()); return ret; } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("DeoxideDb.loadSeed", "Parse Error"); e.printStackTrace(); if (f != null) f.cancel(); return null; } } /** * Instead of using gson, I'm using this little class to contain all the JSON logic. * Feed it a JSONObject and if it's well-formed, it'll contain all the menu seed info * I need. */ private static class Seed { int version; LinkedList<Seed.Schedule> schedules; public Seed(JSONObject jso) throws JSONException { version = jso.getInt("version"); schedules = new LinkedList<Seed.Schedule>(); JSONArray scheds = jso.getJSONArray("schedules"); int i; for (i = 0; i < scheds.length(); i++) { JSONObject sched = scheds.getJSONObject(i); schedules.add(new Schedule(sched)); } } private static class Schedule { int version; String id, url, title; Date start, end; // Raw JSON string, because we'll only start interpreting this data later on. Will contain // info like extra links to for example room maps, and other stuff I may think of. Would // be even nicer if (some of) this could become part of the Pentabarf spec.. String metadata; public Schedule(JSONObject jso) throws JSONException { version = jso.getInt("version"); if (jso.has("id")) id = jso.getString("id"); url = jso.getString("url"); title = jso.getString("title"); if (jso.has("metadata")) { metadata = jso.getJSONObject("metadata").toString(); } else { metadata = ""; } SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { start = df.parse(jso.getString("start")); end = df.parse(jso.getString("end")); } catch (ParseException e) { Log.e("DeoxideDb.Seed.Schedule", "Corrupted start/end date."); start = end = new Date(); } } public String toString() { return "SCHEDULE(url=" + url + ", version=" + version + ")"; } } } public class Connection { private SQLiteDatabase db; private Schedule sched; private HashMap<String, Long> sciIdMap; private long schId; private int day; private String metadata; public Connection() { resume(); } protected void finalize() { sleep(); } private void sleep() { /* Log.d("db", "sleep" + db); Log.d("myapp", Log.getStackTraceString(new Exception())); */ if (db != null) db.releaseReference(); db = null; } private void resume() { if (db == null || !db.isOpen() || db.isReadOnly()) { db = dbh.getWritableDatabase(); db.acquireReference(); } /* Log.d("db0", "resume " + db); if (db != null) Log.d("db0", "" + db.isOpen() + " " + db.isReadOnly()); Log.d("myapp", Log.getStackTraceString(new Exception())); */ } public void setSchedule(Schedule sched_, String url, boolean fresh) { ContentValues row; Cursor q; sched = sched_; sciIdMap = new HashMap<String, Long>(); row = new ContentValues(); row.put("sch_id_s", sched.getId()); row.put("sch_title", sched.getTitle()); row.put("sch_url", url); row.put("sch_atime", new Date().getTime() / 1000); row.put("sch_start", sched.getFirstTime().getTime() / 1000); row.put("sch_end", sched.getLastTime().getTime() / 1000); if (fresh) row.put("sch_rtime", new Date().getTime() / 1000); resume(); q = db.rawQuery("Select sch_id, sch_day, sch_metadata From schedule Where sch_id_s = ?", new String[] { sched.getId() }); if (q.getCount() == 0) { row.put("sch_day", 0); schId = db.insert("schedule", null, row); Log.i("DeoxideDb", "Adding schedule to database"); } else if (q.getCount() == 1) { q.moveToNext(); schId = q.getLong(0); day = (int) q.getLong(1); Log.d("metadata", "" + q.getString(2)); metadata = q.getString(2); db.update("schedule", row, "sch_id = ?", new String[] { "" + schId }); } else { Log.e("DeoxideDb", "Database corrupted"); } Log.i("DeoxideDb", "schedId: " + schId); q.close(); q = db.rawQuery("Select sci_id, sci_id_s, sci_remind, sci_hidden, sci_stars " + "From schedule_item Where sci_sch_id = ?", new String[] { "" + schId }); while (q.moveToNext()) { Schedule.Item item = sched.getItem(q.getString(1)); if (item == null) { /* ZOMGWTF D: */ Log.e("DeoxideDb", "Db has info about missing schedule item " + q.getString(1) + " remind " + q.getInt(2) + " stars " + q.getInt(4) + " hidden " + q.getInt(3)); continue; } item.setRemind(q.getInt(2) != 0); item.setHidden(q.getInt(3) != 0); item.setStars(q.getInt(4)); sciIdMap.put(q.getString(1), (long) q.getInt(0)); } q.close(); sleep(); } public void saveScheduleItem(Schedule.Item item) { ContentValues row = new ContentValues(); Long sciId; row.put("sci_sch_id", schId); row.put("sci_id_s", item.getId()); row.put("sci_remind", item.getRemind()); row.put("sci_hidden", item.isHidden()); row.put("sci_stars", item.getStars()); Log.d("DeoxideDb", "Saving item " + item.getTitle() + " remind " + row.getAsString("sci_remind") + " stars " + row.getAsString("sci_stars") + " hidden " + row.getAsString("sci_hidden")); resume(); if ((sciId = sciIdMap.get(item.getId())) != null) { db.update("schedule_item", row, "sci_id = ?", new String[] { "" + sciId.longValue() }); } else { sciIdMap.put(item.getId(), db.insert("schedule_item", null, row)); } sleep(); } public ArrayList<DbSchedule> getScheduleList() { ArrayList<DbSchedule> ret = new ArrayList<DbSchedule>(); Cursor q; resume(); q = db.rawQuery("Select * From schedule Order By sch_atime Desc", null); while (q.moveToNext()) { ret.add(new DbSchedule(q)); } q.close(); sleep(); return ret; } public void refreshScheduleList() { resume(); updateData(db, true); sleep(); } public boolean refreshSingleSchedule(byte[] blob) { String jsons; try { jsons = new String(blob, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Log.d("Db.refreshSingle", "Not Unicode? " + e.toString()); jsons = null; } if (jsons == null || !jsons.matches("(?s)^\\s*\\{.*")) { ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(blob); try { Log.d("Db.refreshSingle", "Trying gunzip " + blob.length + " bytes"); GZIPInputStream gz = new GZIPInputStream(stream); ByteArrayOutputStream plain = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(gz, plain); return refreshSingleSchedule(plain.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { Log.d("gunzip", e.toString()); return false; } } Log.d("Db.refreshSingle", "Found something that looks like json"); Seed.Schedule parsed; try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(jsons); Log.d("Db.refreshSingle", "Found something that parsed like json"); parsed = new Seed.Schedule(obj); if (parsed.url == null) { Log.d("Db.refreshSingle", "Object didn't even contain a URL?"); return false; } } catch (JSONException e) { return false; } Log.d("Db.refreshSingle", "Found something that parsed like my json: " + parsed); removeSchedule(parsed.url); app.flushSchedule(parsed.url); resume(); updateSchedule(db, parsed, 0); sleep(); return true; } public int getDay() { return day; } public void setDay(int day_) { day = day_; ContentValues row; resume(); row = new ContentValues(); row.put("sch_day", day); db.update("schedule", row, "sch_id = ?", new String[] { "" + schId }); sleep(); } public String getMetadata() { return metadata; } public void removeSchedule(String url) { resume(); Cursor q = db.rawQuery("Select sch_id From schedule Where sch_url = ?", new String[] { url }); while (q.moveToNext()) { db.delete("schedule", "sch_id = ?", new String[] { "" + q.getInt(0) }); db.delete("schedule_item", "sci_sch_id = ?", new String[] { "" + q.getInt(0) }); } q.close(); sleep(); } private void flushHidden(int id) { resume(); db.execSQL("Update schedule_item Set sci_hidden = 0 Where sci_sch_id = ?", new String[] { "" + id }); sleep(); } } public class DbSchedule { private int id_n; private String url, id, title; private Date start, end, atime, rtime; public DbSchedule(Cursor q) { id_n = q.getInt(q.getColumnIndexOrThrow("sch_id")); url = q.getString(q.getColumnIndexOrThrow("sch_url")); id = q.getString(q.getColumnIndexOrThrow("sch_id_s")); title = q.getString(q.getColumnIndexOrThrow("sch_title")); start = new Date(q.getLong(q.getColumnIndexOrThrow("sch_start")) * 1000); end = new Date(q.getLong(q.getColumnIndexOrThrow("sch_end")) * 1000); atime = new Date(q.getLong(q.getColumnIndexOrThrow("sch_atime")) * 1000); rtime = new Date(q.getLong(q.getColumnIndexOrThrow("sch_rtime")) * 1000); } public String getUrl() { return url; } public String getId() { return id; } public String getTitle() { if (title != null) return title; else return url; } public Date getStart() { return start; } public Date getEnd() { return end; } public Date getAtime() { return atime; } public Date getRtime() { return rtime; } public void flushHidden() { Connection db = getConnection(); db.flushHidden(id_n); db.sleep(); } } }