Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of FTB Launcher. * * Copyright 2012-2014, FTB Launcher Contributors <> * FTB Launcher is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.ftb.util; import static; import static; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import; import; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; import; import; import; import lombok.NonNull; import; import; import net.ftb.gui.LaunchFrame; import net.ftb.gui.dialogs.LoadingDialog; import net.ftb.log.Logger; import; import; import; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; public class DownloadUtils extends Thread { /** * @param file - the name of the file, as saved to the repo (including extension) * @return - the direct link */ public static String getCreeperhostLink(String file) { String resolved = (downloadServers.containsKey(Settings.getSettings().getDownloadServer())) ? "http://" + downloadServers.get(Settings.getSettings().getDownloadServer()) : Locations.masterRepo; resolved += "/FTB2/" + file; HttpURLConnection connection = null; try { connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(resolved).openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-transform"); connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); for (String server : downloadServers.values()) { if (connection.getResponseCode() != 200) { if (!server.contains("creeper")) { file = file.replaceAll("%5E", "/"); } resolved = "http://" + server + "/FTB2/" + file; connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(resolved).openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-transform"); connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); } else { break; } } } catch (IOException e) { } connection.disconnect(); return resolved; } /** * @param file - the name of the file, as saved to the repo (including extension) * @param backupLink - the link of the location to backup to if the repo copy isn't found * @return - the direct static link or the backup link if the file isn't found */ public static String getStaticCreeperhostLinkOrBackup(String file, String backupLink) { String resolved = (downloadServers.containsKey(Settings.getSettings().getDownloadServer())) ? "http://" + downloadServers.get(Settings.getSettings().getDownloadServer()) : Locations.masterRepo; resolved += "/FTB2/static/" + file; HttpURLConnection connection = null; boolean good = false; try { connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(resolved).openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-transform"); connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); if (connection.getResponseCode() != 200) { for (String server : downloadServers.values()) { if (connection.getResponseCode() != 200) { resolved = "http://" + server + "/FTB2/static/" + file; connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(resolved).openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-transform"); connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); } else { if (connection.getResponseCode() == 200) good = true; break; } } } else if (connection.getResponseCode() == 200) { good = true; } } catch (IOException e) { } connection.disconnect(); if (good) return resolved; else { Logger.logWarn("Using backupLink for " + file); return backupLink; } } /** * @param file - the name of the file, as saved to the repo (including extension) * @return - the direct link */ public static String getStaticCreeperhostLink(String file) { String resolved = (downloadServers.containsKey(Settings.getSettings().getDownloadServer())) ? "http://" + downloadServers.get(Settings.getSettings().getDownloadServer()) : Locations.masterRepo; resolved += "/FTB2/static/" + file; HttpURLConnection connection = null; try { connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(resolved).openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-transform"); connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); if (connection.getResponseCode() != 200) { for (String server : downloadServers.values()) { if (connection.getResponseCode() != 200) { resolved = "http://" + server + "/FTB2/static/" + file; connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(resolved).openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-transform"); connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); } else { break; } } } } catch (IOException e) { } connection.disconnect(); return resolved; } /** * @param file - file on the repo in static * @return boolean representing if the file exists */ public static boolean staticFileExists(String file) { try { HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(getStaticCreeperhostLink(file)) .openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-transform"); connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); return (connection.getResponseCode() == 200); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * @param file - file on the repo * @return boolean representing if the file exists */ public static boolean fileExists(String file) { try { HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(Locations.masterRepo + "/FTB2/" + file) .openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-transform"); connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); return (connection.getResponseCode() == 200); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * @param repoURL - URL on the repo * @param fullDebug - should this dump the full cloudflare debug info in the console * @return boolean representing if the file exists */ public static boolean CloudFlareInspector(String repoURL, boolean fullDebug) { try { boolean ret; HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(repoURL + "cdn-cgi/trace").openConnection(); if (!fullDebug) connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); Logger.logInfo("CF-RAY: " + connection.getHeaderField("CF-RAY")); if (fullDebug) Logger.logInfo("CF Debug Info: " + connection.getContent().toString()); ret = connection.getResponseCode() == 200; IOUtils.close(connection); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Downloads data from the given URL and saves it to the given file * @param filename - String of destination * @param urlString - http location of file to download */ public static void downloadToFile(String filename, String urlString) throws IOException { downloadToFile(new URL(urlString), new File(filename)); } /** * Downloads data from the given URL and saves it to the given file * @param url The url to download from * @param file The file to save to. * * TODO: how to handle partial downloads? Old file is overwritten as soon as FileOutputStream is created. */ public static void downloadToFile(URL url, File file) throws IOException { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); ReadableByteChannel rbc = Channels.newChannel(url.openStream()); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); fos.getChannel().transferFrom(rbc, 0, 1 << 24); fos.close(); } /** * Download data from the given URL and saves it to the given file, tries to download attempts times * @param url The url to download from * @param file The file to save to * @param attempts attempts to download file if downloadToFile(URL url, File file) fails */ public static void downloadToFile(URL url, File file, int attempts) { int attempt = 0; boolean success = false; Exception reason = null; while ((attempt < attempts) && !success) { try { success = true; DownloadUtils.downloadToFile(url, file); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; reason = e; attempt++; } if (attempt == attempts && !success) { Logger.logError("library JSON download failed", reason); //TODO: check fail reason and delete malformed JSON return; } } } /** * Used to download pack images from repo to hard disk * @param file Name of the image * @param location Image save location in hard disk * @param type image type to use when saving */ public static void saveImage(String file, File location, String type) { // stupid code: tries to find working server twice. if (DownloadUtils.staticFileExists(file)) { try { URL url_ = new URL(DownloadUtils.getStaticCreeperhostLink(file)); BufferedImage tempImg =; ImageIO.write(tempImg, type, new File(location, file)); tempImg.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.logWarn("image download/save failed", e); new File(location, file).delete(); } } } /** * Checks the file for corruption. * @param file - File to check * @param md5 - remote MD5 to compare against * @return boolean representing if it is valid * @throws IOException */ public static boolean isValid(File file, String md5) throws IOException { String result = fileMD5(file); // Logger.logInfo("OLDHASHING: " + fileHash(file, "md5")); Logger.logInfo("Local: " + result.toUpperCase()); Logger.logInfo("Remote: " + md5.toUpperCase()); return md5.equalsIgnoreCase(result); } /** * Checks the file for corruption. * @param file - File to check * @param url - base url to grab md5 with old method * @return boolean representing if it is valid * @throws IOException */ public static boolean backupIsValid(File file, String url) throws IOException { Logger.logInfo("Issue with new md5 method, attempting to use backup method."); String content = null; Scanner scanner = null; String resolved = (downloadServers.containsKey(Settings.getSettings().getDownloadServer())) ? "http://" + downloadServers.get(Settings.getSettings().getDownloadServer()) : Locations.masterRepo; resolved += "/md5/FTB2/" + url; HttpURLConnection connection = null; try { connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(resolved).openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-transform"); int response = connection.getResponseCode(); if (response == 200) { scanner = new Scanner(connection.getInputStream()); scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z"); content =; } if (response != 200 || (content == null || content.isEmpty())) { for (String server : backupServers.values()) { resolved = "http://" + server + "/md5/FTB2/" + url.replace("/", "%5E"); connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(resolved).openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-transform"); response = connection.getResponseCode(); if (response == 200) { scanner = new Scanner(connection.getInputStream()); scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z"); content =; if (content != null && !content.isEmpty()) { break; } } } } } catch (IOException e) { } finally { connection.disconnect(); if (scanner != null) { scanner.close(); } } String result = fileMD5(file); Logger.logInfo("Local: " + result.toUpperCase()); Logger.logInfo("Remote: " + content.toUpperCase()); return content.equalsIgnoreCase(result); } /** * Gets the md5 of the downloaded file * @param file - File to check * @return - string of file's md5 * @throws IOException */ public static String fileMD5(File file) throws IOException { if (file.exists()) { return Files.hash(file, Hashing.md5()).toString(); //FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); //String result = DigestUtils.md5Hex(fis); //fis.close(); //return result; } else return ""; } public static String fileSHA(File file) throws IOException { if (file.exists()) { return Files.hash(file, Hashing.sha1()).toString(); //FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); //String result = DigestUtils.sha1Hex(fis).toLowerCase(); //fis.close(); //return result; } else return ""; //return fileHash(file, "sha1").toLowerCase(); } public static String fileHash(File file, String type) throws IOException { if (!file.exists()) { return ""; } if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("md5")) return fileMD5(file); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("sha1")) return fileSHA(file); URL fileUrl = file.toURI().toURL(); MessageDigest dgest = null; try { dgest = MessageDigest.getInstance(type); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { } InputStream str = fileUrl.openStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[65536]; int readLen; while ((readLen =, 0, buffer.length)) != -1) { dgest.update(buffer, 0, readLen); } str.close(); Formatter fmt = new Formatter(); for (byte b : dgest.digest()) { fmt.format("%02X", b); } String result = fmt.toString(); fmt.close(); return result; } /** * Used to load all available download servers in a thread to prevent wait. */ @Override public void run() { setName("DownloadUtils"); if (!Locations.hasDLInitialized) { Benchmark.start("DlUtils"); Logger.logInfo(" starting"); downloadServers.put("Automatic", Locations.masterRepoNoHTTP); Random r = new Random(); double choice = r.nextDouble(); try { // Super catch-all to ensure the launcher always renders try { // Fetch the percentage json first String json = IOUtils.toString(new URL(Locations.masterRepo + "/FTB2/static/balance.json")); JsonElement element = new JsonParser().parse(json); if (element != null && element.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject jso = element.getAsJsonObject(); if (jso != null && jso.get("minUsableLauncherVersion") != null) { LaunchFrame.getInstance().minUsable = jso.get("minUsableLauncherVersion").getAsInt(); } if (jso != null && jso.get("chEnabled") != null) { Locations.chEnabled = jso.get("chEnabled").getAsBoolean(); } if (jso != null && jso.get("repoSplitCurse") != null) { JsonElement e = jso.get("repoSplitCurse"); Logger.logDebug("Balance Settings: " + e.getAsDouble() + " > " + choice); if (e != null && e.getAsDouble() > choice) { Logger.logInfo("Balance has selected Automatic:CurseCDN"); } else { Logger.logInfo("Balance has selected Automatic:CreeperRepo"); Locations.masterRepoNoHTTP = Locations.chRepo.replaceAll("http://", ""); Locations.masterRepo = Locations.chRepo; Locations.primaryCH = true; downloadServers.remove("Automatic"); downloadServers.put("Automatic", Locations.masterRepoNoHTTP); } } } Benchmark.logBenchAs("DlUtils", "Download Utils Bal"); if (Locations.chEnabled) { // Fetch servers from creeperhost using edges.json first parseJSONtoMap(new URL(Locations.chRepo + "/edges.json"), "CH", downloadServers, false, "edges.json"); Benchmark.logBenchAs("DlUtils", "Download Utils CH"); } // Fetch servers list from curse using edges.json second parseJSONtoMap(new URL(Locations.curseRepo + "/edges.json"), "Curse", downloadServers, false, "edges.json"); Benchmark.logBenchAs("DlUtils", "Download Utils Curse"); LoadingDialog.setProgress(80); } catch (IOException e) { int i = 10; // If fetching edges.json failed, assume new. is inaccessible // Try alternate mirrors from the cached server list in resources downloadServers.clear(); Logger.logInfo("Primary mirror failed, Trying alternative mirrors"); LoadingDialog.setProgress(i); parseJSONtoMap(this.getClass().getResource("/edges.json"), "Backup", downloadServers, true, "edges.json"); } LoadingDialog.setProgress(90); if (downloadServers.size() == 0) { Logger.logError( "Could not find any working mirrors! If you are running a software firewall please allow the FTB Launcher permission to use the internet."); // Fall back to new. (old system) on critical failure downloadServers.put("Automatic", Locations.masterRepoNoHTTP); } else if (!downloadServers.containsKey("Automatic")) { // Use a random server from edges.json as the Automatic server int index = (int) (Math.random() * downloadServers.size()); List<String> keys = Lists.newArrayList(downloadServers.keySet()); String defaultServer = downloadServers.get(keys.get(index)); downloadServers.put("Automatic", defaultServer); Logger.logInfo("Selected " + keys.get(index) + " mirror for Automatic assignment"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.logError("Error while selecting server", e); downloadServers.clear(); downloadServers.put("Automatic", Locations.masterRepoNoHTTP); } LoadingDialog.setProgress(100); Locations.serversLoaded = true; // This line absolutely must be hit, or the console will not be shown // and the user/we will not even know why an error has occurred. Logger.logInfo("DL ready"); String selectedMirror = Settings.getSettings().getDownloadServer(); String selectedHost = downloadServers.get(selectedMirror); String resolvedIP = "UNKNOWN"; String resolvedHost = "UNKNOWN"; String resolvedMirror = "UNKNOWN"; try { InetAddress ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName(selectedHost); resolvedIP = ipAddress.getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { Logger.logError("Failed to resolve selected mirror: " + e.getMessage()); } try { for (String key : downloadServers.keySet()) { if (key.equals("Automatic")) continue; InetAddress host = InetAddress.getByName(downloadServers.get(key)); if (resolvedIP.equalsIgnoreCase(host.getHostAddress())) { resolvedMirror = key; resolvedHost = downloadServers.get(key); break; } } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { Logger.logError("Failed to resolve mirror: " + e.getMessage()); } Logger.logInfo("Using download server " + selectedMirror + ":" + resolvedMirror + " on host " + resolvedHost + " (" + resolvedIP + ")"); Benchmark.logBenchAs("DlUtils", "Download Utils Init"); } Locations.hasDLInitialized = true; } /** * method to parse & test if needed server listing * @param u - URL of file to download & parse * @param name - json server's nickname for use in error reports * @param h - map to be written to * @param testEntries - should the locations be tested? * @param location - location to test on the repo ex: edges.json would test ${repoURL}/edges.json */ @NonNull public void parseJSONtoMap(URL u, String name, HashMap<String, String> h, boolean testEntries, String location) { try { String json = IOUtils.toString(u); JsonElement element = new JsonParser().parse(json); int i = 10; if (element.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject jso = element.getAsJsonObject(); for (Entry<String, JsonElement> e : jso.entrySet()) { if (testEntries) { try { Logger.logInfo("Testing Server:" + e.getKey()); //test that the server will properly handle file DL's if it doesn't throw an error the web daemon should be functional IOUtils.toString(new URL("http://" + e.getValue().getAsString() + "/" + location)); h.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getAsString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.logWarn( (e.getValue().getAsString().contains("creeper") ? "CreeperHost" : "Curse") + " Server: " + e.getKey() + " was not accessible, ignoring." + ex.getMessage()); } if (i < 90) i += 10; LoadingDialog.setProgress(i); } else { h.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getAsString()); } } } } catch (Exception e2) { Logger.logError("Error parsing JSON " + name + " " + location, e2); } } }