Java tutorial
/** * Distributed as part of Fwap'a Derp UHC. A UHC plugin for Spigot 1.9 * made by Ashrynn Macke (Flutterflies). You should have received a copy * of the MIT license with this code, if not please find it here: * */ package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MappingIterator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvParser; import net.flutterflies.fwapaderp.FwapaDerp; import net.flutterflies.fwapaderp.scoreboard.UHCTeam; import net.flutterflies.fwapaderp.utils.StringRef; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * Manages all instances of UHCTeam */ public class TeamManager { //Instance of the main plugin class private final FwapaDerp plugin; //The List of Teams private ArrayList<UHCTeam> teamList; //List of all players alive, linked to their respective team <player, team> private Map<String, String> playerMap; //List of all dead players private ArrayList<Player> deadPlayers; /** * Construct a new instance of the team manager * * @param plugin instance of the main plugin class */ public TeamManager(FwapaDerp plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; teamList = new ArrayList<>(); playerMap = new HashMap<>(); deadPlayers = new ArrayList<>(); } public void assignPlayers(Collection<? extends Player> players) { plugin.getLogger().info("Online Players: " + players.size()); Scoreboard scoreboard = plugin.getGameManager().getScoreboardManager().getScoreboard(); for (Player player : players) { Team sbTeam = scoreboard.getTeam(findTeamByPlayer(player.getName()).getTeamColor()); assignPlayer(player, sbTeam); } } public void assignPlayer(Player player, Team team) { // Try to add a player; if the player doesn't exist, skip try { team.addEntry(player.getName()); } catch (NullPointerException ignored) { plugin.getLogger().severe(Arrays.deepToString(player.getScoreboard().getTeams().toArray(new Team[1]))); } } /** * Converts a .csv spreadsheet template into a UHCTeam object * * @param teamsList Used purely as a reference to an earlier object, overwriting it * @return A list of all UHCTeams */ public ArrayList<UHCTeam> createTeamsFromCSV(ArrayList<UHCTeam> teamsList) { ArrayList<String[]> rows = new ArrayList<>(); File teamsFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "teams.csv"); CsvMapper mapper = new CsvMapper(); //Clear any existing teams on the team list teamsList.clear(); mapper.enable(CsvParser.Feature.WRAP_AS_ARRAY); //Try to load values from teams.csv try { MappingIterator<String[]> iterator = mapper.readerFor(String[].class).readValues(teamsFile); while (iterator.hasNext()) { rows.add(rows.size(),; } } catch (IOException e) { plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not find the file teams.csv! Please either supply" + "a teams.csv file or disable usePreMadeTeams in the plugin's config file."); System.exit(0); } //For each row in the csv file create a new team for (int i = 1; i < rows.size(); i++) { String[] team = rows.get(i); List<String> teamPlayerList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j = 2; j < team.length; j++) { if (!team[j].equals("")) { teamPlayerList.add(teamPlayerList.size(), team[j]); } } teamsList.add(teamsList.size(), new UHCTeam(team[0], team[1].toUpperCase().replace(' ', '_'), teamPlayerList)); } //Write Teams to a yaml file for (int i = 0; i < teamList.size(); i++) { //Get the team UHCTeam team = teamList.get(i); //Write the team name plugin.getTeamConfig().set("" + (i + 1) + ".name", team.getTeamName(false)); //Write the team's color plugin.getTeamConfig().set("" + (i + 1) + ".color", team.getTeamColor()); //Write all the players in the team for (int j = 0; j < team.getTeamSize(); j++) { plugin.getTeamConfig().set("" + (i + 1) + ".players.player" + (j + 1), team.getPlayers().get(j)); } } plugin.saveTeamsConfig(); return teamsList; } /** * Finds the team of which the player is a member * * @param player Player to find * @return The team the player was found in */ public UHCTeam findTeamByPlayer(String player) { UHCTeam playerTeam = null; for (UHCTeam team : teamList) { if (team.contains(player)) { playerTeam = team; } } return playerTeam; } /** * Finds the team of which the color is the team's identifier * * @param teamColor Color to find * @return The team using the color */ public UHCTeam findTeamByColor(String teamColor) { UHCTeam uhcTeam = null; teamColor = teamColor.toUpperCase().replace(" ", "_"); for (UHCTeam team : teamList) { if (team.getTeamColor().equals(teamColor)) { uhcTeam = team; } } return uhcTeam; } /** * Lists all the teams registered, including their members, and sends them to chat * * @param sender The issuer of the command */ public void listAllTeams(CommandSender sender) { // Initial part of the message String msg = ChatColor.AQUA + "==================\n" + ChatColor.GREEN + "Teams:\n"; // Loop through every team, displaying team name, color and members for (UHCTeam team : teamList) { msg += "- " + team.getTeamColorCode() + team.getTeamName(false) + " [" + team.getTeamColor() + "]" + ChatColor.GREEN + " ("; for (int i = 0; i < team.getTeamSize(); i++) { msg += "" + team.getTeamColorCode() + team.getPlayers().get(i) + ChatColor.GREEN; if (i < team.getTeamSize() - 2) { msg += ", "; } if (i == team.getTeamSize() - 2) { msg += " and "; } } msg += ")\n"; } msg += ChatColor.AQUA + "\n==================" + ChatColor.RESET; // Send a private message to the issuer of the command sender.sendMessage(msg); } /** * List a single team, specified by the color of the team * * @param teamColor The color to identify the team with * @param sender The issuer of the command */ public void listTeam(String teamColor, CommandSender sender) { // Find the team to list UHCTeam team = findTeamByColor(teamColor.toUpperCase().replace(" ", "_")); if (team == null) { // If the team wasn't found, display a message to the user sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + teamColor.toUpperCase().replace(" ", "_") + "wasn't a valid team color!" + ChatColor.RESET); } else { // Else, build the message for the target team String msg = ChatColor.AQUA + "==================\n" + ChatColor.GREEN + team.getTeamColorCode() + team.getTeamName(false) + " [" + team.getTeamColor() + "]" + ChatColor.GREEN + " ("; for (int i = 0; i < team.getTeamSize(); i++) { msg += "" + team.getTeamColorCode() + team.getPlayers().get(i) + ChatColor.GREEN; if (i < team.getTeamSize() - 2) { msg += ", "; } if (i == team.getTeamSize() - 2) { msg += " and "; } } msg += ")\n" + ChatColor.AQUA + "==================" + ChatColor.RESET; // Send the information to the issuer sender.sendMessage(msg); } } /** * Generates a player map, containing all alive players linked to their team * * @param teamList The list of UHCTeams the match started with * @return The player map */ public Map<String, String> makePlayerMap(ArrayList<UHCTeam> teamList) { Map<String, String> playersMap = new HashMap<>(); for (UHCTeam team : teamList) { for (String player : team.getPlayers()) { // Team color is used as an identifier per team playersMap.put(player, team.getTeamColor()); } } return playersMap; } /** * Make a player switch between teams * * @param playerName The name of the player to move * @param teamColor The color of the destination team * @param sender The issuer of the command */ public void movePlayer(String playerName, String teamColor, CommandSender sender) { // Find the player and team color Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(playerName); teamColor = teamColor.toUpperCase().replace(" ", "_"); // Check if the player is valid (online/alive) if (player == null || !Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().contains(player)) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "The player you are looking for isn't online at the moment!" + ChatColor.RESET); } else if (deadPlayers.contains(player)) { sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.DARK_RED + "The player you are targeting is already dead!" + ChatColor.RESET); } else { Team scTeam = player.getScoreboard().getEntryTeam(playerName); // Check if the player is on a scoreboard team if (scTeam == null) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "The player you targeted doesn't have a team attached!" + ChatColor.RESET); } else { // Check if the color input was valid (if there was a team with that color value) if (findTeamByColor(teamColor) == null) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "The team you want to move to doesn't match any team names!" + ChatColor.RESET); } else if (findTeamByColor(teamColor).contains(playerName)) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "The player you targeted is already on that team!" + ChatColor.RESET); } else { // Remove the player from their old team (Both UHC and scoreboard) findTeamByPlayer(playerName).removePlayer(playerName); scTeam.removeEntry(playerName); // Add the player to their new teams (Both UHC and scoreboard) findTeamByColor(teamColor).addPlayer(playerName); player.getScoreboard().getTeam(teamColor).addEntry(playerName); // Send a messgae to the moved player player.sendMessage(StringRef.getPlayerMoveMessage(findTeamByPlayer(playerName))); // Overwrite the player map, updating it with the new team playerMap.put(playerName, teamColor); // If the Discord bot is active, switch the roles of the player too if (plugin.getGameManager().getSettings().useDiscord()) { plugin.getBot().handlePlayerSwitch(playerName, findTeamByPlayer(playerName).getTeamName(false)); } } } } }; /** * @return The list off all teams that started the game */ public ArrayList<UHCTeam> getTeamList() { return teamList; } /** * @return A map of all players tied to their team */ public Map<String, String> getPlayerMap() { return playerMap; } /** * @return A list of all the dead players */ public ArrayList<Player> getDeadPlayers() { return deadPlayers; } /** * Set a new List of teams * * @param teamList The new team list */ public void setTeamList(ArrayList<UHCTeam> teamList) { this.teamList = teamList; } /** * Set a new map of players * * @param playerMap The new map of player */ public void setPlayerMap(Map<String, String> playerMap) { this.playerMap = playerMap; } }