Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Barcelona Supercomputing Center * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser * General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of * the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307 USA */ package net.emotivecloud.scheduler.drp4ost; import com.sun.jersey.spi.resource.Singleton; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.MarshalException; import javax.xml.bind.PropertyException; import javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException; import javax.xml.bind.ValidationException; import net.emotivecloud.commons.ListStrings; import net.emotivecloud.utils.ovf.EmotiveOVF; import net.emotivecloud.utils.ovf.OVFAux; import net.emotivecloud.utils.ovf.OVFDisk; import net.emotivecloud.utils.ovf.OVFException; import net.emotivecloud.utils.ovf.OVFNetwork; import net.emotivecloud.utils.ovf.OVFWrapper; import net.emotivecloud.utils.ovf.OVFWrapperFactory; import; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.ProductSectionType; import org.dmtf.schemas.ovf.envelope._1.SectionType; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; /** * ************************************************************************* * Este es el componente con el cual la capa de Gestin de Cloud Federada * * interacta directamente. Se trata de un interfaz REST. La implementacin* que * se har ser mediante el protocolo HTTP y los mtodos GET, POST, PUT* y * DELETE. * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Skeleton reused by ENG with BSC fine OVFWrapper to use OpenNebula OCA * * ************************************************************************ */ /** * This is the OCCI API interface with whom the VMManager interacts with * OpenStack. It is an extension of the REST OCCI API which transforms the http * requests to http requests that OpenNebula can execute. * * REST Interface: * * @GET * @Path("/compute"): * @GET * @Path("/compute/{envid}"): * @GET * @Path("/compute/all"): * @GET * @Path("/environments/{envid}/status"): * @GET * @Path("/environments/{envid}/{taskid}"): * * @POST /compute: * * @DELETE * @Path("/compute/{envid}"): * * @author */ @Path("/") @Singleton /** * Class * <code>DRP4OST</code> the class providing the REST service implementation * * @author smendoza */ public class DRP4OST { // implements Closeable { private OStackClient oStackClient = null; private String tmpPath = "/tmp/"; public DRP4OST() { oStackClient = new OStackClient(); } @GET @Path("/info") @Produces("text/plain") public String info() { return "DRP is running"; } @GET @Path("/mergetest") public void merge() { String isoImage = "/home/smendoza/contextiso.iso.test"; String qcow2Image = "/home/smendoza/interoperabilityTest.qcow2.test"; System.out.println("DRP4OST-merge()> isoImage=" + isoImage + ", qcow2Image=" + qcow2Image); ImageMerge.merge(isoImage, qcow2Image); } /** * ************************************************************************* * Methods with a correspondence in the OCCI interface. * * ************************************************************************ */ /** * Method to manage the get to http://host/ovf4one/compute/[envid], that * retrieves data about the given VM instance * * @param envId a <code>String</code> the ID of the VM instance we are * interested in * @param request an <code>HttpServletRequest</code> with the full http * request * @return a <code>String</code> an OVF file with the required informations * @exception DRPOneException If something goes wrong, what else ? * */ /** * Creates a VM on OpenStack with the information received from the *.ovf * content received attached to the POST request. Returns an OVF with the VM * launched * * @param ovfXml * @return String containin an OVF input with the VM instance ID * @throws DRPOSTException */ @POST @Path("/compute") @Consumes("application/xml") @Produces("application/xml") public String createCompute(String ovfXml) throws DRPOSTException { HashMap<String, String> hmap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String vmName = null; String vmID = null; System.out.println("**********************************************"); System.out.println("**********************************************"); System.out.println("**********************************************"); System.out.println("THE OVF: \n" + ovfXml); System.out.println("**********************************************"); System.out.println("**********************************************"); System.out.println("**********************************************"); //(0) Parse the info from the *.ovf if (ovfXml == null) { throw new DRPOSTException("\nFailed createCompute method!!\n." + "\nThe ovf xml is" + ovfXml + "\n.Please enter correct xml ovf and try again.\n", StatusCodes.BAD_OVF); } OVFWrapper ovf; try { ovf = parse(ovfXml); } catch (DRPOSTException e) { // This one is expectet to be thrown, and should pass unchanged throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DRPOSTException("\nFailed createCompute method!!\n" + "An error occured to parse ovfXml.\n The parse of ovfxml is " + e.getCause() + "\n.Please enter correct xml ovf anf try again.\n", StatusCodes.BAD_OVF); } EmotiveOVF emotiveOvf = new EmotiveOVF(ovf); List<SectionType> sections = OVFAux.findSections(emotiveOvf.getOVFEnvelope().getSection(), ProductSectionType.class); ProductSectionType ps = null; for (SectionType s : sections) { if (s instanceof ProductSectionType && ((ProductSectionType) s).getClazz().equals(OVFWrapper.class.getName())) { ps = (ProductSectionType) s; break; } } if (ps != null) { List cop = ps.getCategoryOrProperty(); ProductSectionType.Property propertyToRemove = null; for (Object prop : cop) { if (prop instanceof ProductSectionType.Property) { ProductSectionType.Property p = (ProductSectionType.Property) prop; hmap.put(p.getKey(), p.getValueAttribute()); } } } //(1) we must create an Image for the VM //(1.1) Merge ISO & QCOW2 Collection<OVFDisk> tmpDisks = ovf.getDisks().values(); OVFDisk oDisks[] = tmpDisks.toArray(new OVFDisk[tmpDisks.size()]); String baseImageID = emotiveOvf.getBaseImage(); String pathLocalIso = null; String pathLocalBaseImage = null; OVFDisk baseDisk = null; boolean isoFound = false; boolean baseFound = false; String name = emotiveOvf.getId(); for (OVFDisk disk : oDisks) { String path = disk.getHref(); System.out.println("DRP4OST>createCompute()Disk info- disk.getId()=" + disk.getId() + ", disk.getHref()=" + disk.getHref()); System.out.println("DRP4OST>createCompute()Disk info- disk.getHref()=" + disk.getHref()); if (path.trim().endsWith(".iso")) { pathLocalIso = this.tmpPath + getFileNameFromPath(path); downloadImage(path, pathLocalIso); isoFound = true; System.out.println("DRP4OST>createCompute()Found ISO to merge isoPath=" + pathLocalIso); } else if (path.contains(baseImageID)) { pathLocalBaseImage = this.tmpPath + getFileNameFromPath(path); downloadImage(path, pathLocalBaseImage); baseDisk = disk; baseFound = true; System.out.println( "DRP4OST>createCompute()Found baseImage to merge baseImagePath=" + pathLocalBaseImage); } else { // if not base, and not iso, leave the images System.out.println( "DRP4OST>createCompute(), This disk will be ignored (suposed to use just QCOW2 and ISO)"); } } // Verify that merge is possible if (isoFound && baseFound) { ImageMerge.merge(pathLocalIso, pathLocalBaseImage); } else { System.out.println("DRP4OST>createCompute() -> ISO or BASE missing: isoFound=" + isoFound + ", baseFound=" + baseFound); } //(1.2) Create the baseImage at the OpenStack repository (if iso found, it has been merged) if (!existsImage(getFileNameFromPath(baseDisk.getHref()))) { baseImageID = createImage(baseDisk, pathLocalBaseImage); } else { System.out.println("DRP4OST>CREATE IMAGE: NO (ALREADY exist), baseDisk.getId()=" + baseDisk.getId()); //TODO: get image ID } //Remove the downloaded images, after merged and uploaded to OpenStack FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(pathLocalBaseImage)); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(pathLocalIso)); //(2) we must create a flavor for the VM String flavorID = createFlavor(emotiveOvf); //(3) we must create VM with Flavor & Image created at sections (1)&(2) vmName = ovf.getId(); // + "_" + (new Random()).nextInt(99999999); String host = emotiveOvf.getProductProperty(EmotiveOVF.PROPERTYNAME_DESTINATION_HOST); if (host != null) { String response = oStackClient.createVM(flavorID, baseImageID, vmName, host); // Parsing the JSON response to get the flavor ID JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(response); jo = (JSONObject) jo.get("server"); vmID = jo.get("id").toString(); } else { String response = oStackClient.createVM(flavorID, baseImageID, vmName); JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(response); jo = (JSONObject) jo.get("server"); vmID = jo.get("id").toString(); } System.out.println("DRP4OST>DRP4OST.createImage(), VM created vmID=" + vmID); // get the network properties // Collection<OVFNetwork> tmpNets = ovf.getNetworks().values(); // OVFNetwork nets[] = tmpNets.toArray(new OVFNetwork[tmpNets.size()]); // public OVFNetwork(String connectionName, String ip, String mac, String netmask, String gateway) OVFNetwork nets[] = this.getNetworks(vmID); // Create the ovf String xx = OVFWrapperFactory.create(vmID, ovf.getCPUsNumber(), ovf.getMemoryMB(), oDisks, nets, hmap) .toCleanString(); return xx; } @POST @Path("/compute/{vmId}/migrate") @Produces("application/xml") public String migrate(@PathParam("vmId") String vmId, @QueryParam("dstHost") String dstHost) throws DRPOSTException { System.out.println("DRP4OST: VMID: " + vmId); System.out.println("DRP4OST: DSTHOST: " + dstHost); // int intVmId = Integer.parseInt(vmId); // int intDstHost = Integer.parseInt(dstHost); // intVmId = 4; // intDstHost = 6; oStackClient.migrate(vmId, dstHost); // Create the ovf // String xx = OVFWrapperFactory.create(String.valueOf(baseImageID), // ovf.getCPUsNumber(), ovf.getMemoryMB(), oDisks, nets, hmap) // .toCleanString(); // // return xx; return "el retorno"; } @GET @Path("/compute/{envid}") @Produces("application/xml") public String getCompute(@PathParam("envid") String envId) throws DRPOSTException { String vmDetails = null; vmDetails = oStackClient.getServerAsOVF(envId); return vmDetails; } /** * * @return A ListStrings object containing the vmIDs of the VMs launched by * the user */ @GET @Path("/compute") @Produces("application/xml") public ListStrings getComputes() { ArrayList<String> allVMsIDs = oStackClient.getAllVMsIDs(); ListStrings vmsIDsList = new ListStrings(); vmsIDsList.addAll(allVMsIDs); return vmsIDsList; } /** * <code>deleteCompute</code> Kills an instance of a VM * * @param envid a <code>String</code> the id of the VM to kill * @exception DRPOSTException when something goes wrong. */ @DELETE @Path("/compute/{envid}") public void deleteCompute(@PathParam("envid") String envId) throws DRPOSTException { String imageId = oStackClient.getServerImage(envId); int nactive = oStackClient.activeInstancesWithImage(imageId); boolean deleteAccepted = oStackClient.deleteVM(envId); //If the delete request was accepted and it was the last VM, proceed deleting the Image if (deleteAccepted && nactive == 1) { System.out.println("DRP4OST-deleteCompute()> DELETING image=" + imageId + ", oStackClient.activeInstancesWithImage(" + imageId + ")=" + oStackClient.activeInstancesWithImage(imageId)); oStackClient.deleteImage(imageId); } else { System.out.println("DRP4OST-deleteCompute()> NOT DELETING image=" + imageId + ", oStackClient.activeInstancesWithImage(" + imageId + ")=" + oStackClient.activeInstancesWithImage(imageId)); } } /** * *************************COMPUTE methods.****************************** */ /** * Get a List with all the running environments. * * @return A ListStrings object containing a List with a set of OVFWrapper * objects expressed in XML, as Strings (using OVFWrapper.toCleanString). * They can be converted back to OVFWrapper objects using * OVFWrapperFactory.parse(String ovfxml). */ @GET @Path("/compute/all") @Produces("application/xml") public ListStrings getAllEnvironments() { OVFWrapper[] w = this.getAllServersWrappers(); ListStrings ret = new ListStrings(); for (OVFWrapper ovf : w) { ret.add(ovf.toCleanString()); } return ret; } @GET @Path("/environments/{envid}/status") //antic state, falta el destroy per arreglar, al VtM ho fa be @Produces("text/plain") public String getState(@PathParam("envid") String envId) { String status = "Unknown"; try { // Status receives the OpenStack STATUS, we should transform to the equivalent in EMOTIVE // cause is the unique understood by the DRP4OST clients status = oStackClient.getVMStatus(envId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DRPOSTException("Exception getting VM status", StatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); } return status; } /** * *********************NODE MANAGEMENT methods.************************** */ @GET @Path("/") @Produces("text/plain") public String getLocation(@QueryParam("id") String id) { String ret = ""; if (id != null) { try { // ret = super.getLocation(id, SecureSessionInfo.getUserDN(req)); // } catch (VRMMSchedulerException e) { //catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // if (e.getMessage().contains("cannot be found in any node")) { // throw new WebApplicationException(e, 426); // } else if (e.getMessage().contains("VirtMonitor")) {//REPAIR:VirtMonitor: getDomainId error. // throw new WebApplicationException(e, 420); // } else if (e.getMessage().contains("Not enough resources")) {//REPAIR:INFO: Not enough resources: Memory // throw new WebApplicationException(e, 425); // } else if (e.getMessage().contains("VM does not exist")) {//REPAIR:INFO: Not enough resources: Memory // throw new WebApplicationException(e, 427); // } else if (e.getMessage().contains("No available nodes")) { // throw new WebApplicationException(e, 428); // } else if (e.getMessage().contains("Cannot connect with the Scheduler ")) { // throw new WebApplicationException(e, 429); // } else if (e.getMessage().contains("Cannot connect with Simple Scheduler")) { // throw new WebApplicationException(e, 430); // } else if (e.getMessage().contains("Cannot connect with Hadoop Scheduler")) { // throw new WebApplicationException(e, 431); // } else if (e.getMessage().contains("Cannot recognize address ")) { // throw new WebApplicationException(e, 432); // } else if (e.getMessage().contains("is not in any VM")) { // throw new WebApplicationException(e, 433); // } else if (e.getMessage().contains("cannot be found in any node")) { // throw new WebApplicationException(e, 434); // } else { // throw new WebApplicationException(e, 424); // } // } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new DRPOSTException("Exception getting Location", StatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); } } return ret; } @GET @Path("/resources") @Produces("application/xml") public ListStrings getNodes() { ListStrings list = new ListStrings(); ArrayList<String> hostsNames = new ArrayList<String>(); String hosts = oStackClient.getHosts(); JSONObject jsonHosts = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(hosts); JSONArray jsonHostsArray = (JSONArray) jsonHosts.get("hosts"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonHostsArray.size(); ++i) { JSONObject flavor = (JSONObject) jsonHostsArray.get(i); String hostName = flavor.get("host_name").toString(); hostsNames.add(hostName); } list.addAll(hostsNames); // list.addAll(super.getNodes()); //GenericEntity<ListStrings> entity = new GenericEntity<ListStrings>(list) {}; //Response response = Response.ok(entity).build(); return list; } @POST @Path("/resources") public void nodeUp(@QueryParam("node") String nodeId) { // super.nodeUp(nodeId); oStackClient.startup(nodeId); } @DELETE @Path("/resources") public void nodeDown(@QueryParam("node") String node, @QueryParam("cause") String type) { // super.nodeDown(node, type); oStackClient.shutdown(node); } // public String getLocation(String id) throws VRMMSchedulerException { // return getLocation(id, (String) null); // } /* * ************************************************************************* * Functions to help OCCI Interface * ************************************************************************* */ /** * * @param username * @param psswd * @param projectName * @return */ private String getToken(String username, String psswd, String projectName) { return oStackClient.getToken(username, psswd, projectName); } /** * Returns the private IPs associated to the server ID * * @param vmID * @return */ public String[] getIPs(String serverID) { ArrayList<String> ips = new ArrayList<String>(); String serverDetails = null; String status = "UNKNOWN"; // Until VM has ACTIVE status, no IP is assigned while (!status.equals("ACTIVE")) { serverDetails = oStackClient.getServer(serverID); status = oStackClient.getVMStatus(serverID); System.out.println("DRP4OST>DRP4OST.getIPs(), VM has status=" + status); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Parsing the JSON response to get all the images JSONObject allFlavors = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(serverDetails); JSONObject jsonServer = (JSONObject) allFlavors.get("server"); JSONObject jsonAddresses = (JSONObject) jsonServer.get("addresses"); JSONArray jsonPrivate = (JSONArray) jsonAddresses.get("private"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonPrivate.size(); ++i) { JSONObject addr = (JSONObject) jsonPrivate.get(i); String tmpAddr = addr.get("addr").toString(); ips.add(tmpAddr); System.out.println("DRP4OST>DRP4OST.getIPs(), VM has ip=" + tmpAddr); } String[] ipsArray = ips.toArray(new String[ips.size()]); return ipsArray; } private OVFNetwork[] getNetworks(String serverID) { String[] ips = this.getIPs(serverID); OVFNetwork[] nets = new OVFNetwork[ips.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ips.length; ++i) { //public OVFNetwork(String connectionName, String ip, String mac, String netmask, String gateway) // nets[i] = new OVFNetwork(null, ips[i], null, null, null); nets[i] = new OVFNetwork("public", ips[i], null, null, null); } return nets; } // // public OVFNetwork(String connectionName, String ip, String mac, String netmask, String gateway) // private OVFNetwork getNetworkDetails(String label) { // String apiAddress = ":8774/v2/" + projectID + "/os-networks/" + networkID; // OVFNetwork net = null; // String connectionName = null; // String ip = null; // String mac = null; // String netmask = null; // String gateway = null; // // //Instantiate an HttpClient // HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); // try { // //Instantiate a GET HTTP method // HttpGet request = new HttpGet(this.serverIP + apiAddress); // request.setHeader("X-Auth-Token", this.token); // // //Execute the request, obtain a Response // HttpResponse response = client.execute(request); // // //If the response is not OK, throw an exception // if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) { // throw new DRPOSTException(response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase(), StatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); // } // // //Get the Response Content in a String // String responseContent = IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent()); // images = responseContent; // // } catch (IOException ex) { // throw new DRPOSTException("Exception getting all images", StatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); // } // // return net; // } // Generates a VM description starting from an ovf disk private String createImage(OVFDisk disk, String pathLocalBaseImage) { String name = oStackClient.createImage(disk, pathLocalBaseImage); // return "e487d76e-ffdd-4356-9c9b-6f6356542262"; // La imagen del cirros por defecto return name; } /** * This function creates a Flavor with the extracted information from the * *.ovf . To create the Flavor, I'll need disk space (disk), VM ram (ram), * number of virtual CPU's (vcpus), Flavor name (name) and flavor * identification (name) * * @param ovf * @return ID of the created Flavor */ private String createFlavor(EmotiveOVF ovf) { String flavorID = oStackClient.createFlavor(ovf); return flavorID; } private boolean existsImage(String imageID) { boolean exists = false; //Get the Response Content in a String String images = oStackClient.getAllImages(); // Parsing the JSON response to get all the images JSONObject allImages = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(images); JSONArray jsonImages = (JSONArray) allImages.get("images"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonImages.size(); ++i) { JSONObject image = (JSONObject) jsonImages.get(i); String tmpImgID = image.get("name").toString(); if (tmpImgID.equals(imageID)) { exists = true; break; } } return exists; } private OVFWrapper[] getAllServersWrappers() { ArrayList<OVFWrapper> wrappers = new ArrayList<OVFWrapper>(); String servers = oStackClient.getAllServers(); JSONObject allServers = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(servers); JSONArray jsonServers = (JSONArray) allServers.get("servers"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonServers.size(); ++i) { JSONObject server = (JSONObject) jsonServers.get(i); OVFWrapper wTmp = this.parse(server.toString()); wrappers.add(wTmp); } OVFWrapper vms[] = wrappers.toArray(new OVFWrapper[wrappers.size()]); return vms; } private OVFWrapper parse(String ovfXml) { OVFWrapper rv = null; StringBuilder cause = new StringBuilder(); try { rv = OVFWrapperFactory.parse(ovfXml); } catch (JAXBException e) { if (e instanceof PropertyException) { cause.append("Access to property failed: " + e.getErrorCode()); } else if (e instanceof MarshalException) { cause.append("Marshalling failed: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } else if (e instanceof UnmarshalException) { cause.append("Unmarshalling failed: " + e.getCause()); } else if (e instanceof ValidationException) { cause.append("XML Validation failed: " + e.getErrorCode()); } else { cause.append("Unespected " + e.getErrorCode()); cause.append(e.getClass().getName()); cause.append(": "); } cause.append(e.getMessage()); throw new DRPOSTException(cause.toString(), e, StatusCodes.XML_PROBLEM); } catch (OVFException e) { cause.append("Problems parsing OVF file: "); cause.append(e.getMessage()); throw new DRPOSTException(cause.toString(), e, StatusCodes.XML_PROBLEM); } return rv; } private void downloadImage(String imageURL, String dest) { try { // System.out.println("DRP4OST.downloadImage()>START Downloading from imageURL=" + imageURL + " to dest=" + dest); FileUtils.copyURLToFile(new URL(imageURL), new File(dest)); // System.out.println("DRP4OST.downloadImage()>FINISH Downloading from imageURL=" + imageURL + " to dest=" + dest); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("DRP4OST.downloadImage()>Exception downloading the file"); e.printStackTrace(); } } private String getFileNameFromPath(String path) { String[] pathSplit = path.split("[/]"); String fileName = pathSplit[pathSplit.length - 1]; return fileName; } }