Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2016 Austin Keener & Michael Ritter * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.dv8tion.jda.handle; import net.dv8tion.jda.JDA; import net.dv8tion.jda.OnlineStatus; import net.dv8tion.jda.entities.ChannelType; import net.dv8tion.jda.entities.Game; import net.dv8tion.jda.entities.Guild; import net.dv8tion.jda.entities.impl.JDAImpl; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.*; public class ReadyHandler extends SocketHandler { private final EntityBuilder builder; private static Map<JDA, Set<String>> guildIds = new HashMap<>(); private static Map<JDA, Set<String>> chunkIds = new HashMap<>(); private static Map<JDA, JSONObject> cachedJson = new HashMap<>(); public ReadyHandler(JDAImpl api, int responseNumber) { super(api, responseNumber); this.builder = new EntityBuilder(api); if (!guildIds.containsKey(api)) guildIds.put(api, new HashSet<>()); if (!chunkIds.containsKey(api)) chunkIds.put(api, new HashSet<>()); } @Override protected String handleInternally(final JSONObject content) { Game oldGame = null; OnlineStatus oldStatus = null; if (api.getSelfInfo() != null) { oldGame = api.getSelfInfo().getCurrentGame(); oldStatus = api.getSelfInfo().getOnlineStatus(); } builder.createSelfInfo(content.getJSONObject("user")); if (oldGame != null) { if (oldGame.getType() == Game.GameType.DEFAULT) { api.getAccountManager().setGame(oldGame.getName()); } else { api.getAccountManager().setStreaming(oldGame.getName(), oldGame.getUrl()); } } if (oldStatus != null && oldStatus.equals(OnlineStatus.AWAY)) { api.getAccountManager().setIdle(true); } JSONArray guilds = content.getJSONArray("guilds"); if (guilds.length() == 0) { finishReady(content); } else { cachedJson.put(api, content); Set<String> guildIds = ReadyHandler.guildIds.get(api); Set<JSONObject> guildJsons = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < guilds.length(); i++) { JSONObject guildJson = guilds.getJSONObject(i); guildIds.add(guildJson.getString("id")); guildJsons.add(guildJson); } for (JSONObject guildJson : guildJsons) { if (guildJson.has("unavailable") && guildJson.getBoolean("unavailable")) { builder.createGuildFirstPass(guildJson, null); } else { builder.createGuildFirstPass(guildJson, this::onGuildInit); } } } return null; } public void onGuildNeedsMembers(Guild g) { Set<String> chunks = chunkIds.get(api); chunks.add(g.getId()); if (chunks.size() == guildIds.get(api).size()) { sendChunks(); } } public void onGuildInit(Guild guild) { Set<String> ids = guildIds.get(api); ids.remove(guild.getId()); if (ids.isEmpty()) { finishReady(cachedJson.get(api)); } else if (ids.size() == chunkIds.get(api).size()) { sendChunks(); } } public void finishReady(JSONObject content) { JSONArray priv_chats = content.getJSONArray("private_channels"); for (int i = 0; i < priv_chats.length(); i++) { JSONObject privateChannel = priv_chats.getJSONObject(i); ChannelType type = ChannelType.fromId(privateChannel.getInt("type")); if (type == ChannelType.PRIVATE) builder.createPrivateChannel(privateChannel); else if (type == ChannelType.GROUP) JDAImpl.LOG.debug( "Received a group channel in the READY packet, but GROUPS aren't supported by JDA (JDA-Client only)"); else JDAImpl.LOG.fatal("Received a private channel in the READY packet that is of an unknown type!"); } api.getClient().ready(); } public void clearCache() { guildIds.get(api).clear(); chunkIds.get(api).clear(); cachedJson.remove(api); } private void sendChunks() { Iterator<String> iterator = chunkIds.get(api).iterator(); JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { arr.put(; if (arr.length() == 50) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject().put("op", 8).put("d", new JSONObject().put("guild_id", arr).put("query", "").put("limit", 0)); api.getClient().send(obj.toString()); arr = new JSONArray(); } } if (arr.length() > 0) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject().put("op", 8).put("d", new JSONObject().put("guild_id", arr).put("query", "").put("limit", 0)); api.getClient().send(obj.toString()); } chunkIds.get(api).clear(); } }