Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2017 Austin Keener & Michael Ritter & Florian Spie * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.impl; import; import net.dv8tion.jda.client.requests.restaction.pagination.MentionPaginationAction; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.AccountType; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.Permission; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.Region; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.*; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.exceptions.AccountTypeException; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.exceptions.GuildUnavailableException; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.exceptions.PermissionException; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.managers.AudioManager; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.managers.GuildController; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.managers.GuildManager; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.managers.GuildManagerUpdatable; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.managers.impl.AudioManagerImpl; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.Request; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.Response; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.RestAction; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.Route; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.restaction.pagination.AuditLogPaginationAction; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.utils.Checks; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.utils.Helpers; import net.dv8tion.jda.core.utils.MiscUtil; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.time.OffsetDateTime; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; import java.util.*; import; public class GuildImpl implements Guild { private final long id; private final JDAImpl api; private final TLongObjectMap<TextChannel> textChannels = MiscUtil.newLongMap(); private final TLongObjectMap<VoiceChannel> voiceChannels = MiscUtil.newLongMap(); private final TLongObjectMap<Member> members = MiscUtil.newLongMap(); private final TLongObjectMap<Role> roles = MiscUtil.newLongMap(); private final TLongObjectMap<Emote> emotes = MiscUtil.newLongMap(); private final TLongObjectMap<JSONObject> cachedPresences = MiscUtil.newLongMap(); private final Object mngLock = new Object(); private volatile GuildManager manager; private volatile GuildManagerUpdatable managerUpdatable; private volatile GuildController controller; private Member owner; private String name; private String iconId; private String splashId; private Region region; private TextChannel publicChannel; private VoiceChannel afkChannel; private Role publicRole; private VerificationLevel verificationLevel; private NotificationLevel defaultNotificationLevel; private MFALevel mfaLevel; private ExplicitContentLevel explicitContentLevel; private Timeout afkTimeout; private boolean available; private boolean canSendVerification = false; public GuildImpl(JDAImpl api, long id) { = id; this.api = api; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public String getIconId() { return iconId; } @Override public String getIconUrl() { return iconId == null ? null : "" + id + "/" + iconId + ".jpg"; } @Override public String getSplashId() { return splashId; } @Override public String getSplashUrl() { return splashId == null ? null : "" + id + "/" + splashId + ".jpg"; } @Override public VoiceChannel getAfkChannel() { return afkChannel; } @Override public RestAction<List<Webhook>> getWebhooks() { if (!getSelfMember().hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_WEBHOOKS)) throw new PermissionException(Permission.MANAGE_WEBHOOKS); Route.CompiledRoute route = Route.Guilds.GET_WEBHOOKS.compile(getId()); return new RestAction<List<Webhook>>(api, route) { @Override protected void handleResponse(Response response, Request<List<Webhook>> request) { if (!response.isOk()) { request.onFailure(response); return; } List<Webhook> webhooks = new LinkedList<>(); JSONArray array = response.getArray(); EntityBuilder builder = api.getEntityBuilder(); for (Object object : array) { try { webhooks.add(builder.createWebhook((JSONObject) object)); } catch (JSONException | NullPointerException e) { JDAImpl.LOG.log(e); } } request.onSuccess(webhooks); } }; } @Override public Member getOwner() { return owner; } @Override public Timeout getAfkTimeout() { return afkTimeout; } @Override public Region getRegion() { return region; } @Override public boolean isMember(User user) { return members.containsKey(user.getIdLong()); } @Override public Member getSelfMember() { return getMember(getJDA().getSelfUser()); } @Override public Member getMember(User user) { return getMemberById(user.getIdLong()); } @Override public Member getMemberById(String userId) { return members.get(MiscUtil.parseSnowflake(userId)); } @Override public Member getMemberById(long userId) { return members.get(userId); } @Override public List<Member> getMembers() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(members.valueCollection())); } @Override public List<Member> getMembersByName(String name, boolean ignoreCase) { Checks.notNull(name, "name"); return Collections.unmodifiableList(members.valueCollection().stream().filter( m -> ignoreCase ? name.equalsIgnoreCase(m.getUser().getName()) : name.equals(m.getUser().getName())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } @Override public List<Member> getMembersByNickname(String nickname, boolean ignoreCase) { Checks.notNull(nickname, "nickname"); return Collections.unmodifiableList(members.valueCollection().stream().filter( m -> ignoreCase ? nickname.equalsIgnoreCase(m.getNickname()) : nickname.equals(m.getNickname())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } @Override public List<Member> getMembersByEffectiveName(String name, boolean ignoreCase) { Checks.notNull(name, "name"); return Collections.unmodifiableList(members.valueCollection().stream().filter( m -> ignoreCase ? name.equalsIgnoreCase(m.getEffectiveName()) : name.equals(m.getEffectiveName())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } @Override public List<Member> getMembersWithRoles(Role... roles) { Checks.notNull(roles, "roles"); return getMembersWithRoles(Arrays.asList(roles)); } @Override public List<Member> getMembersWithRoles(Collection<Role> roles) { Checks.notNull(roles, "roles"); for (Role r : roles) { Checks.notNull(r, "Role provided in collection"); if (!r.getGuild().equals(this)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Role provided was from a different Guild! Role: " + r); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(members.valueCollection().stream() .filter(m -> m.getRoles().containsAll(roles)).collect(Collectors.toList())); } @Override public TextChannel getTextChannelById(String id) { return textChannels.get(MiscUtil.parseSnowflake(id)); } @Override public TextChannel getTextChannelById(long id) { return textChannels.get(id); } @Override public List<TextChannel> getTextChannelsByName(String name, boolean ignoreCase) { Checks.notNull(name, "name"); return Collections.unmodifiableList(textChannels.valueCollection().stream() .filter(tc -> ignoreCase ? name.equalsIgnoreCase(tc.getName()) : name.equals(tc.getName())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } @Override public List<TextChannel> getTextChannels() { ArrayList<TextChannel> channels = new ArrayList<>(textChannels.valueCollection()); channels.sort(Comparator.reverseOrder()); return Collections.unmodifiableList(channels); } @Override public VoiceChannel getVoiceChannelById(String id) { return voiceChannels.get(MiscUtil.parseSnowflake(id)); } @Override public VoiceChannel getVoiceChannelById(long id) { return voiceChannels.get(id); } @Override public List<VoiceChannel> getVoiceChannelsByName(String name, boolean ignoreCase) { Checks.notNull(name, "name"); return Collections.unmodifiableList(voiceChannels.valueCollection().stream() .filter(vc -> ignoreCase ? name.equalsIgnoreCase(vc.getName()) : name.equals(vc.getName())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } @Override public List<VoiceChannel> getVoiceChannels() { List<VoiceChannel> channels = new ArrayList<>(voiceChannels.valueCollection()); channels.sort(Comparator.reverseOrder()); return Collections.unmodifiableList(channels); } @Override public Role getRoleById(String id) { return roles.get(MiscUtil.parseSnowflake(id)); } @Override public Role getRoleById(long id) { return roles.get(id); } @Override public List<Role> getRoles() { List<Role> list = new ArrayList<>(roles.valueCollection()); list.sort(Comparator.reverseOrder()); return Collections.unmodifiableList(list); } @Override public List<Role> getRolesByName(String name, boolean ignoreCase) { Checks.notNull(name, "name"); return Collections.unmodifiableList(roles.valueCollection().stream() .filter(r -> ignoreCase ? name.equalsIgnoreCase(r.getName()) : name.equals(r.getName())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } @Override public Emote getEmoteById(String id) { return emotes.get(MiscUtil.parseSnowflake(id)); } @Override public Emote getEmoteById(long id) { return emotes.get(id); } @Override public List<Emote> getEmotes() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(new LinkedList<>(emotes.valueCollection())); } @Override public List<Emote> getEmotesByName(String name, boolean ignoreCase) { Checks.notNull(name, "name"); return Collections.unmodifiableList(emotes.valueCollection().parallelStream().filter( e -> ignoreCase ? Helpers.equalsIgnoreCase(e.getName(), name) : Objects.equals(e.getName(), name)) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } @Override public RestAction<List<User>> getBans() { if (!isAvailable()) throw new GuildUnavailableException(); if (!getSelfMember().hasPermission(Permission.BAN_MEMBERS)) throw new PermissionException(Permission.BAN_MEMBERS); Route.CompiledRoute route = Route.Guilds.GET_BANS.compile(getId()); return new RestAction<List<User>>(getJDA(), route) { @Override protected void handleResponse(Response response, Request<List<User>> request) { if (!response.isOk()) { request.onFailure(response); return; } EntityBuilder builder = api.getEntityBuilder(); List<User> bans = new LinkedList<>(); JSONArray bannedArr = response.getArray(); for (int i = 0; i < bannedArr.length(); i++) { JSONObject user = bannedArr.getJSONObject(i).getJSONObject("user"); bans.add(builder.createFakeUser(user, false)); } request.onSuccess(Collections.unmodifiableList(bans)); } }; } @Override public RestAction<Integer> getPrunableMemberCount(int days) { if (!isAvailable()) throw new GuildUnavailableException(); if (!getSelfMember().hasPermission(Permission.KICK_MEMBERS)) throw new PermissionException(Permission.KICK_MEMBERS); if (days < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Days amount must be at minimum 1 day."); Route.CompiledRoute route = Route.Guilds.PRUNABLE_COUNT.compile(getId()).withQueryParams("days", Integer.toString(days)); return new RestAction<Integer>(getJDA(), route) { @Override protected void handleResponse(Response response, Request<Integer> request) { if (response.isOk()) request.onSuccess(response.getObject().getInt("pruned")); else request.onFailure(response); } }; } @Override public Role getPublicRole() { return publicRole; } @Override public TextChannel getPublicChannel() { return publicChannel; } @Override public GuildManager getManager() { GuildManager mng = manager; if (mng == null) { synchronized (mngLock) { mng = manager; if (mng == null) mng = manager = new GuildManager(this); } } return mng; } @Override public GuildManagerUpdatable getManagerUpdatable() { GuildManagerUpdatable mng = managerUpdatable; if (mng == null) { synchronized (mngLock) { mng = managerUpdatable; if (mng == null) mng = managerUpdatable = new GuildManagerUpdatable(this); } } return mng; } @Override public GuildController getController() { GuildController ctrl = controller; if (ctrl == null) { synchronized (mngLock) { ctrl = controller; if (ctrl == null) ctrl = controller = new GuildController(this); } } return ctrl; } @Override public MentionPaginationAction getRecentMentions() { if (getJDA().getAccountType() != AccountType.CLIENT) throw new AccountTypeException(AccountType.CLIENT); return getJDA().asClient().getRecentMentions(this); } @Override public AuditLogPaginationAction getAuditLogs() { return new AuditLogPaginationAction(this); } @Override public RestAction<Void> leave() { if (owner.equals(getSelfMember())) throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot leave a guild that you are the owner of! Transfer guild ownership first!"); Route.CompiledRoute route = Route.Self.LEAVE_GUILD.compile(getId()); return new RestAction<Void>(api, route) { @Override protected void handleResponse(Response response, Request<Void> request) { if (response.isOk()) request.onSuccess(null); else request.onFailure(response); } }; } @Override public RestAction<Void> delete() { if (api.getSelfUser().isMfaEnabled()) throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot delete a guild without providing MFA code. Use Guild#delete(String)"); return delete(null); } @Override public RestAction<Void> delete(String mfaCode) { if (!owner.equals(getSelfMember())) throw new PermissionException("Cannot delete a guild that you do not own!"); JSONObject mfaBody = null; if (api.getSelfUser().isMfaEnabled()) { Checks.notEmpty(mfaCode, "Provided MultiFactor Auth code"); mfaBody = new JSONObject().put("code", mfaCode); } Route.CompiledRoute route = Route.Guilds.DELETE_GUILD.compile(getId()); return new RestAction<Void>(api, route, mfaBody) { @Override protected void handleResponse(Response response, Request<Void> request) { if (response.isOk()) request.onSuccess(null); else request.onFailure(response); } }; } @Override public AudioManager getAudioManager() { if (!api.isAudioEnabled()) throw new IllegalStateException( "Audio is disabled. Cannot retrieve an AudioManager while audio is disabled."); final TLongObjectMap<AudioManagerImpl> managerMap = api.getAudioManagerMap(); AudioManagerImpl mng = managerMap.get(id); if (mng == null) { // No previous manager found -> create one synchronized (managerMap) { mng = managerMap.get(id); if (mng == null) { mng = new AudioManagerImpl(this); managerMap.put(id, mng); } } } // set guild again to make sure the manager references this instance! Avoiding invalid member cache mng.setGuild(this); return mng; } @Override public JDAImpl getJDA() { return api; } @Override public List<GuildVoiceState> getVoiceStates() { return Collections.unmodifiableList( members.valueCollection().stream().map(Member::getVoiceState).collect(Collectors.toList())); } @Override public VerificationLevel getVerificationLevel() { return verificationLevel; } @Override public NotificationLevel getDefaultNotificationLevel() { return defaultNotificationLevel; } @Override public MFALevel getRequiredMFALevel() { return mfaLevel; } @Override public ExplicitContentLevel getExplicitContentLevel() { return explicitContentLevel; } @Override public boolean checkVerification() { if (api.getAccountType() == AccountType.BOT) return true; if (canSendVerification) return true; switch (verificationLevel) { case HIGH: if (ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(getSelfMember().getJoinDate(), < 10) break; case MEDIUM: if (ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(MiscUtil.getCreationTime(api.getSelfUser()), < 5) break; case LOW: if (!api.getSelfUser().isVerified()) break; case NONE: canSendVerification = true; return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean isAvailable() { return available; } @Override public long getIdLong() { return id; } // ---- Setters ----- public GuildImpl setAvailable(boolean available) { this.available = available; return this; } public GuildImpl setOwner(Member owner) { this.owner = owner; return this; } public GuildImpl setName(String name) { = name; return this; } public GuildImpl setIconId(String iconId) { this.iconId = iconId; return this; } public GuildImpl setSplashId(String splashId) { this.splashId = splashId; return this; } public GuildImpl setRegion(Region region) { this.region = region; return this; } public GuildImpl setPublicChannel(TextChannel publicChannel) { this.publicChannel = publicChannel; return this; } public GuildImpl setAfkChannel(VoiceChannel afkChannel) { this.afkChannel = afkChannel; return this; } public GuildImpl setPublicRole(Role publicRole) { this.publicRole = publicRole; return this; } public GuildImpl setVerificationLevel(VerificationLevel level) { this.verificationLevel = level; this.canSendVerification = false; //recalc on next send return this; } public GuildImpl setDefaultNotificationLevel(NotificationLevel level) { this.defaultNotificationLevel = level; return this; } public GuildImpl setRequiredMFALevel(MFALevel level) { this.mfaLevel = level; return this; } public GuildImpl setExplicitContentLevel(ExplicitContentLevel level) { this.explicitContentLevel = level; return this; } public GuildImpl setAfkTimeout(Timeout afkTimeout) { this.afkTimeout = afkTimeout; return this; } // -- Map getters -- public TLongObjectMap<TextChannel> getTextChannelsMap() { return textChannels; } public TLongObjectMap<VoiceChannel> getVoiceChannelMap() { return voiceChannels; } public TLongObjectMap<Member> getMembersMap() { return members; } public TLongObjectMap<Role> getRolesMap() { return roles; } public TLongObjectMap<JSONObject> getCachedPresenceMap() { return cachedPresences; } public TLongObjectMap<Emote> getEmoteMap() { return emotes; } // -- Object overrides -- @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof GuildImpl)) return false; GuildImpl oGuild = (GuildImpl) o; return this == oGuild || ==; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Long.hashCode(id); } @Override public String toString() { return "G:" + getName() + '(' + id + ')'; } @Override public RestAction<List<Invite>> getInvites() { if (!this.getSelfMember().hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_SERVER)) throw new PermissionException(Permission.MANAGE_SERVER); final Route.CompiledRoute route = Route.Invites.GET_GUILD_INVITES.compile(getId()); return new RestAction<List<Invite>>(api, route) { @Override protected void handleResponse(final Response response, final Request<List<Invite>> request) { if (response.isOk()) { EntityBuilder entityBuilder = this.api.getEntityBuilder(); JSONArray array = response.getArray(); List<Invite> invites = new ArrayList<>(array.length()); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { invites.add(entityBuilder.createInvite(array.getJSONObject(i))); } request.onSuccess(invites); } else { request.onFailure(response); } } }; } }