Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2013 Dries K. Aka Dries007 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package net.dries007.coremod; import argo.jdom.JdomParser; import argo.jdom.JsonNode; import argo.jdom.JsonStringNode; import argo.saj.InvalidSyntaxException; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLLaunchHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.IFMLCallHook; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.IFMLLoadingPlugin; import net.dries007.coremod.Module.ModuleFile; import net.dries007.coremod.dependencies.IDependency; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; public class Coremod implements IFMLLoadingPlugin, IFMLCallHook { protected static final JdomParser JSON_PARSER = new JdomParser(); protected static boolean online = false; protected static JsonNode root; protected static HashMap<String, Module> moduleMap = new HashMap<String, Module>(); protected static HashSet<File> moduleFiles = new HashSet<File>(); protected static HashSet<IDependency> depencies = new HashSet<IDependency>(); protected static HashSet<String> usedDependencys = new HashSet<String>(); public static HashMap<String, Module> getModuleMap() { return moduleMap; } @Override public Void call() throws IOException { Data.loadSettings(); msg("Version " + Data.get(Data.VERSION) + " for MC " + Data.get(Data.MC_VERSION)); /** * When wanting to test the JSON and download functionality, comment the line below. */ Data.readConfigs(); if (checkDev()) return null; getJSON(); if (online) { doVersionCheck(); branchCheck(); parseOnlineModules(); } else { if (Data.firstRun) { msg("#################################################################", "##### No first run without connection to the update server. #####", "#################################################################"); System.exit(1); } parseOfflineModules(); } removeUnwantedFiles(); Data.saveConfigs(); classloadAll(); return null; } private static void getJSON() { try { InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(new URL(Data.get(Data.JSONNURL)).openStream()); root = Coremod.JSON_PARSER.parse(isr).getNode(Data.get(Data.NAME)); = true; isr.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { msg("JSON offline? Check manually: " + Data.get(Data.JSONNURL), "###################################################", "##### WARNING: The update URL is unavailable. #####", "##### Only classloading will be done! #####", "###################################################"); } catch (final InvalidSyntaxException e) { msg("Invalid JSON at target? Check manually: " + Data.get(Data.JSONNURL), "###############################################", "##### WARNING: The update URL is corrupt. #####", "##### Only classloading will be done! #####", "###############################################"); } if (!online && Boolean.parseBoolean(Data.get(Data.FORCEONLINE))) { msg("################################################", "##### The update server must be available. #####", "################################################"); System.exit(1); } } private static boolean checkDev() throws IOException { if (!Data.debug) return false; msg("###########################################################", "#### DEV MODE ENGAGED. NO CLASSLOADING OR LIB LOADING. ####", "#### ONLY USE IN A DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT ####", "###########################################################"); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(Data.FEfolder, ""))); if (properties.containsKey(Data.get(Data.CLASSKEY_ASM))) { if (!properties.getProperty(Data.get(Data.CLASSKEY_ASM)).equals("")) { for (String className : properties.getProperty(Data.get(Data.CLASSKEY_ASM)).split(" ")) { msg("DEV ASM class: " + className); try { Data.classLoader.registerTransformer(className); } catch (Exception e) { msg("DEV ASM class ERROR."); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } if (properties.containsKey(Data.get(Data.FILEKEY_TA))) { if (!properties.getProperty(Data.get(Data.FILEKEY_TA)).equals("")) { for (String ATfile : properties.getProperty(Data.get(Data.FILEKEY_TA)).split(" ")) { msg("DEV AccessTransformer: " + ATfile); try { CustomAT.addTransformerMap(ATfile); } catch (Exception e) { msg("DEV AccessTransformer ERROR."); e.printStackTrace(); } } } for (String ATfile : properties.getProperty(Data.get(Data.FILEKEY_TA)).split(" ")) { msg("DEV AccessTransformer: " + ATfile); try { CustomAT.addTransformerMap(ATfile); } catch (Exception e) { msg("DEV AccessTransformer ERROR."); e.printStackTrace(); } } } return true; } private static void doVersionCheck() { try { if (!root.getStringValue(Data.get(Data.JSONKEY_VERSION), Data.get(Data.MC_VERSION)) .equals(Data.get(Data.VERSION))) msg("##############################################################", "##### WARNING: The version you are using is out of date. #####", "##### This might result in issues. Update now! #####", "##############################################################"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { msg("Tag missing: [" + Data.get(Data.NAME) + "] [" + Data.get(Data.JSONKEY_VERSION) + "] [" + Data.get(Data.MC_VERSION) + "]"); } } private static void branchCheck() throws IOException { boolean knownBranch = false; for (JsonNode node : root.getArrayNode(Data.get(Data.JSONKEY_BRANCHES))) { if (Data.branch.equals(node.getText())) knownBranch = true; } if (!knownBranch) { msg("Branch (" + Data.branch + ") not found! Reverting to default (" + Data.get(Data.BRANCH_DEFAULT) + ")"); Data.userSettings.setProperty(Data.USERKEY_BRANCH, Data.get(Data.BRANCH_DEFAULT)); Data.branch = Data.get(Data.BRANCH_DEFAULT); } if (Data.hasKey(Data.BRANCHLOCK_URL) && Boolean.parseBoolean(Data.get(Data.BRANCHLOCK_ENABLE, "false"))) { try { if (!Boolean .parseBoolean(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL(Data.BRANCHLOCK_URL + "?key=" + Data.userSettings.getProperty(Data.USERKEY_BRANCH_KEY) + "&branch=" + Data.branch) .openStream())).readLine())) { msg("Branch (" + Data.branch + ") not allowed! Reverting to default (" + Data.get(Data.BRANCH_DEFAULT) + ")"); Data.userSettings.setProperty(Data.USERKEY_BRANCH, Data.get(Data.BRANCH_DEFAULT)); Data.branch = Data.get(Data.BRANCH_DEFAULT); } } catch (Exception e) { msg("Something went wrong with the branch lock."); e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void classloadAll() throws MalformedURLException { for (final Module m : Coremod.moduleMap.values()) { msg("Module " + + " adds:"); for (final IDependency dependency : m.dependecies) { msg("Dependency: " + dependency.getFileName()); Data.classLoader.addURL(new File(Data.dependencyFolder, dependency.getFileName()).toURI().toURL()); } for (final ModuleFile mf : m.files) { msg("Module file: " + mf.file.getName()); Data.classLoader.addURL(mf.file.toURI().toURL()); } for (final String asmclass : m.ASMClasses) { msg("ASM class: " + asmclass); Data.classLoader.registerTransformer(asmclass); } for (final String at : m.ATFiles) { msg("AT: " + at); CustomAT.addTransformerMap(at); } } } private static void parseOnlineModules() throws IOException { JsonNode modules = root.getNode(Data.get(Data.JSONKEY_MODULES)); for (JsonStringNode key : modules.getFields().keySet()) { if (!moduleMap.containsKey(key.getText())) { parseModule(modules, key.getText()); } } for (IDependency dependency : depencies) { File file = new File(Data.dependencyFolder, dependency.getFileName()); if (file.exists()) { if (!getChecksum(file).equals(dependency.getHash())) { msg("Lib " + dependency.getFileName() + " had wrong hash! " + dependency.getHash() + " != " + getChecksum(file)); file.delete(); } } if (!file.exists()) { msg("Downloading lib " + dependency.getFileName() + " from " + dependency.getDownloadURL()); FileUtils.copyURLToFile(dependency.getDownloadURL(), file); } usedDependencys.add(file.getName()); } } private static void parseOfflineModules() { msg("The update server is offline. No checking done, just loading."); for (File file : Data.modulesFolder.listFiles()) { Module m = new Module(file); m.parceJarFiles(); moduleMap.put(, m); } for (File file : Data.dependencyFolder.listFiles()) { usedDependencys.add(file.getName()); } } private static void parseModule(JsonNode modulesJSON, String moduleName) { msg("Parsing module " + moduleName); try { JsonNode moduleJSON = modulesJSON.getNode(moduleName); // Getting default from JSON if (!Data.modules.containsKey(moduleName)) { if (Data.hasKey(Data.JSONKEY_DEFAULT)) Data.modules.put(moduleName, moduleJSON.getBooleanValue(Data.get(Data.JSONKEY_DEFAULT), FMLLaunchHandler.side().name().toLowerCase()).toString()); else Data.modules.put(moduleName, false); } // Actual parsing if we want the module if (Boolean.parseBoolean(Data.modules.getProperty(moduleName))) { Module module = new Module(moduleName); if (!moduleJSON.isNode(Data.get(Data.MC_VERSION))) { msg("Module (" + moduleName + ") not available for your MC version. Skipping."); return; } // Get the files from the JSON for (JsonNode fileJSON : moduleJSON.getArrayNode(Data.get(Data.MC_VERSION), Data.branch, Data.get(Data.JSONKEY_FILES))) { File file = new File(Data.modulesFolder, fileJSON.getStringValue(Data.get(Data.JSONKEY_FILE_NAME))); moduleFiles.add(file); module.files.add( new ModuleFile(file, new URL(fileJSON.getStringValue(Data.get(Data.JSONKEY_FILE_URL))), fileJSON.getStringValue(Data.get(Data.JSONKEY_FILE_HASH)))); } // Get the INTERMODULE dependencies from the JSON for (JsonNode dependencyJSON : moduleJSON.getArrayNode(Data.get(Data.MC_VERSION), Data.branch, Data.get(Data.JSONKEY_DEPENDENCIES))) { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(Data.modules.getProperty(dependencyJSON.getText(), "false"))) { msg("Module (" + moduleName + ") needs another module (" + dependencyJSON.getText() + ") as dependency that is not enabled. Enabling!"); Data.modules.setProperty(dependencyJSON.getText(), "true"); if (!moduleMap.containsKey(dependencyJSON.getText())) parseModule(modulesJSON, dependencyJSON.getText()); } } module.checkJarFiles(); module.parceJarFiles(); depencies.addAll(module.dependecies); moduleMap.put(moduleName, module); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { msg("Parsing module (" + moduleName + ") FAILED"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { msg("Parsing module (" + moduleName + ") FAILED"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { msg("Parsing module (" + moduleName + ") FAILED"); e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void removeUnwantedFiles() throws IOException { for (final File file : Data.modulesFolder.listFiles()) { if (moduleFiles.contains(file)) continue; file.delete(); msg("Removing not needed module file " + file.getName()); } for (final File file : Data.dependencyFolder.listFiles()) { if (usedDependencys.contains(file)) continue; file.delete(); msg("Removing not needed dependency " + file.getName()); } } public static HashSet<? extends IDependency> getDependencies(IDependency dependency) { final HashSet<IDependency> set = new HashSet<IDependency>(); for (final IDependency nd : dependency.getTransitiveDependencies()) { set.add(nd); if (dependency.getTransitiveDependencies() != null && !dependency.getTransitiveDependencies().isEmpty()) set.addAll(getDependencies(nd)); } return set; } public static String getChecksum(File file) { try { final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1"); final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); final byte[] dataBytes = new byte[1024]; int nread = 0; while ((nread = != -1) { md.update(dataBytes, 0, nread); } final byte[] mdbytes = md.digest(); // convert the byte to hex format final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""); for (int i = 0; i < mdbytes.length; i++) { sb.append(Integer.toString((mdbytes[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1)); } fis.close(); return sb.toString(); } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static void msg(String... lines) { for (String msg : lines) { System.out.println("[" + Data.get(Data.NAME) + "] " + msg); } } @Override public void injectData(final Map<String, Object> data) { Data.injectData(data); } @Override public String[] getASMTransformerClass() { return Data.ASMCLASSES; } @Override public String getModContainerClass() { return null; } @Override public String getSetupClass() { return this.getClass().getName(); } }