Java tutorial
// Bukkit Plugin "VirtualPack" by Siguza // The license under which this software is released can be accessed at: // package net.drgnome.virtualpack.components; import java.util.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import net.minecraft.server.v#MC_VERSION#.*; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v#MC_VERSION#.inventory.*; import net.drgnome.virtualpack.util.*; public class VAnvil extends ContainerAnvil { private int _whatever = 0; private String _itemName; private final EntityPlayer _player; public VAnvil(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { super(entityplayer.inventory, null, new BlockPosition(0, 0, 0), entityplayer); checkReachable = false; _player = entityplayer; #FIELD_CONTAINER_3#.set(2, new VAnvilSlot(this, getInv("#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_2#"), 2, 134, 47)); } public VAnvil(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int x, int y, int z) { super(entityplayer.inventory,, new BlockPosition(x, y, z), entityplayer); _player = entityplayer; } public void#FIELD_CONTAINER_6#( IInventory iinventory) { super.#FIELD_CONTAINER_6#(iinventory); if(iinventory == VAnvil.#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_1#(this)) { #FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_4#(); } } public final ItemStack#FIELD_CONTAINER_11#( int slot, int mouse,#F_INVCLICK_META#meta, EntityHuman human) { ItemStack stack = super.#FIELD_CONTAINER_11#(slot, mouse, meta, human); updatePlayerInventory(); return stack; } public void#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_4#() { final int maxLevel = Config.getInt(_player.getBukkitEntity(), "tools", "anvil", "maxlevel", Config.MODE_MAX); IInventory invG = getInv("#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_2#"); IInventory invH = VAnvil.#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_1#(this); boolean flag = false; boolean flag1 = true; boolean flag2 = true; boolean flag3 = true; boolean flag4 = true; boolean flag5 = true; boolean flag6 = true; ItemStack itemstack = invH.getItem(0); #FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_5# = 1; int i = 0; byte b0 = 0; byte b1 = 0; if(itemstack == null || itemstack == #F_ITEMSTACK_NULL#) { invG.setItem(0, (ItemStack)#F_ITEMSTACK_NULL#); #FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_5# = 0; } else { ItemStack itemstack1 = itemstack.cloneItemStack(); ItemStack itemstack2 = invH.getItem(1); Map map = EnchantmentManager.#FIELD_ENCHANTMENTMANAGER_3#(itemstack1); boolean flag7 = false; int j = b0 + itemstack.getRepairCost() + ((itemstack2 == null || itemstack2 == #F_ITEMSTACK_NULL#) ? 0 : itemstack2.getRepairCost()); _whatever = 0; int k; if(itemstack2 != null && itemstack2 != #F_ITEMSTACK_NULL#) { flag7 = itemstack2.getItem() == Items.ENCHANTED_BOOK && Items.ENCHANTED_BOOK.#FIELD_ITEMENCHANTEDBOOK_2#(itemstack2).size() > 0; int l; int i1; if(itemstack1.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_10#() && itemstack1.getItem().#FIELD_ITEM_6#(itemstack, itemstack2)) { k = Math.min(itemstack1.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_5#(), itemstack1.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_6#() / 4); if(k <= 0) { invG.setItem(0, (ItemStack)#F_ITEMSTACK_NULL#); #FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_5# = 0; return; } ---------- PRE 1.11 START ---------- for(l = 0; k > 0 && l < itemstack2.count; ++l) ---------- PRE 1.11 END ---------- ---------- SINCE 1.11 START ---------- for(l = 0; k > 0 && l < itemstack2.getCount(); ++l) ---------- SINCE 1.11 END ---------- { i1 = itemstack1.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_GETDAMAGE#() - k; itemstack1.setData(i1); ++i; k = Math.min(itemstack1.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_5#(), itemstack1.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_6#() / 4); } _whatever = l; } else { if(!flag7 && (itemstack1.getItem() != itemstack2.getItem() || !itemstack1.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_10#())) { invG.setItem(0, (ItemStack)#F_ITEMSTACK_NULL#); #FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_5# = 0; return; } int j1; if(itemstack1.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_10#() && !flag7) { k = itemstack.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_6#() - itemstack.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_5#(); l = itemstack2.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_6#() - itemstack2.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_5#(); i1 = l + itemstack1.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_6#() * 12 / 100; int k1 = k + i1; j1 = itemstack1.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_6#() - k1; if(j1 < 0) { j1 = 0; } if(j1 < itemstack1.getData()) { itemstack1.setData(j1); i += 2; } } Map map1 = EnchantmentManager.#FIELD_ENCHANTMENTMANAGER_3#(itemstack2); Iterator iterator = map1.keySet().iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { ---------- PRE 1.9 START ---------- int key = (Integer); Enchantment enchantment = Enchantment.#FIELD_ENCHANTMENT_GETBYID#(key); ---------- PRE 1.9 END ---------- ---------- SINCE 1.9 START ---------- Enchantment key = (Enchantment); Enchantment enchantment = key; ---------- SINCE 1.9 END ---------- if(enchantment != null) { j1 = map.containsKey(key) ? (Integer)map.get(key) : 0; int l1 = (Integer)map1.get(key); l1 = (j1 == l1) ? (l1 + 1) : Math.max(l1, j1); boolean flag8 = enchantment.canEnchant(itemstack); if(playerFree(_player) || itemstack.getItem() == Items.ENCHANTED_BOOK) { flag8 = true; } Iterator iterator1 = map.keySet().iterator(); while(iterator1.hasNext()) { ---------- PRE 1.9 START ---------- int key2 = (Integer); Enchantment ench2 = Enchantment.#FIELD_ENCHANTMENT_GETBYID#(key2); ---------- PRE 1.9 END ---------- ---------- SINCE 1.9 START ---------- Enchantment key2 = (Enchantment); Enchantment ench2 = key2; ---------- SINCE 1.9 END ---------- if(key != key2 && !enchantment.#FIELD_ENCHANTMENT_1#(ench2)) { flag8 = false; ++i; } } if(flag8) { if(l1 > enchantment.getMaxLevel()) { l1 = enchantment.getMaxLevel(); } map.put(key, l1); int k2 = 0; ---------- PRE 1.9 START ---------- switch(enchantment.getRandomWeight()) { case 1: k2 = 8; break; case 2: k2 = 4; break; case 5: k2 = 2; break; case 10: k2 = 1; break; } ---------- PRE 1.9 END ---------- ---------- SINCE 1.9 START ---------- switch(enchantment.#FIELD_ENCHANTMENT_GETRARITY#()) { case COMMON: k2 = 1; break; case UNCOMMON: k2 = 2; break; case RARE: k2 = 4; break; case VERY_RARE: k2 = 8; break; } ---------- SINCE 1.9 END ---------- if(flag7) { k2 = Math.max(1, k2 / 2); } i += k2 * l1; } } } } } if(StringUtils.isBlank(_itemName)) { if(itemstack.hasName()) { b1 = 1; i += b1; itemstack1.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_11#(); } } else if(!_itemName.equals(itemstack.getName())) { b1 = 1; i += b1; itemstack1.#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_9#(_itemName); } #FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_5# = j + i; if(i <= 0) { itemstack1 = null; } if(b1 == i && b1 > 0 && #FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_5# >= maxLevel) { #FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_5# = maxLevel - 1; } if(#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_5# >= maxLevel && !playerFree(_player)) { itemstack1 = null; } if(itemstack1 != null && itemstack1 != #F_ITEMSTACK_NULL#) { k = itemstack1.getRepairCost(); if((itemstack2 != null && itemstack2 != #F_ITEMSTACK_NULL#) && k < itemstack2.getRepairCost()) { k = itemstack2.getRepairCost(); } ---------- PRE 1.9 START ---------- k = k * 2 + 1; ---------- PRE 1.9 END ---------- ---------- SINCE 1.9 START ---------- if(b1 != i || b1 == 0) { k = k * 2 + 1; } ---------- SINCE 1.9 END ---------- itemstack1.setRepairCost(k); EnchantmentManager.#FIELD_ENCHANTMENTMANAGER_4#(map, itemstack1); } invG.setItem(0, itemstack1 == null ? #F_ITEMSTACK_NULL# : itemstack1); this.#FIELD_CONTAINER_9#(); } } public void#FIELD_CONTAINER_5#( EntityHuman entityhuman) { for(int i = 0; i < VAnvil.#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_1#(this).getSize(); ++i) { ItemStack itemstack = VAnvil.#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_1#(this).splitWithoutUpdate(i); if(itemstack != null && itemstack != #F_ITEMSTACK_NULL#) { entityhuman.drop(itemstack, false); // Let's just put some random trues and falses here and there... } } } public ItemStack#FIELD_CONTAINER_10#( EntityHuman entityhuman, int i) { ItemStack itemstack = null; Slot slot = (Slot) #FIELD_CONTAINER_3#.get(i); if(slot != null && slot.#FIELD_SLOT_1#()) { ItemStack itemstack1 = slot.getItem(); itemstack = itemstack1.cloneItemStack(); if(i == 2) { if(!#FIELD_CONTAINER_8#(itemstack1, 3, 39, true)) { return null; } slot.#FIELD_SLOT_2#(itemstack1, itemstack); } else if(i != 0 && i != 1) { if(i >= 3 && i < 39 && !#FIELD_CONTAINER_8#(itemstack1, 0, 2, false)) { return null; } } else if(!#FIELD_CONTAINER_8#(itemstack1, 3, 39, false)) { return null; } ---------- PRE 1.11 START ---------- if(itemstack1.count == 0) ---------- PRE 1.11 END ---------- ---------- SINCE 1.11 START ---------- if(itemstack1.getCount() == 0) ---------- SINCE 1.11 END ---------- { slot.set((ItemStack)#F_ITEMSTACK_NULL#); } else { slot.#FIELD_SLOT_3#(); } ---------- PRE 1.11 START ---------- if(itemstack1.count == itemstack.count) ---------- PRE 1.11 END ---------- ---------- SINCE 1.11 START ---------- if(itemstack1.getCount() == itemstack.getCount()) ---------- SINCE 1.11 END ---------- { return null; } slot.#FIELD_SLOT_2#(entityhuman, itemstack1); } return itemstack; } public void#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_6#( String s) { _itemName = s; if(this.getSlot(2).#FIELD_SLOT_1#()) { this.getSlot(2).getItem().#FIELD_ITEMSTACK_9#(_itemName); } #FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_4#(); } public static IInventory#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_1#( VAnvil anvil) { return getInv(anvil, "#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_3#"); } public int getWhatever() { return _whatever; } public static int#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_7#( VAnvil anvil) { return anvil.getWhatever(); } public IInventory getInv(String name) { return getInv(this, name); } public static IInventory getInv(VAnvil anvil, String name) { try { Field f = ContainerAnvil.class.getDeclaredField(name); f.setAccessible(true); return (IInventory) f.get(anvil); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public void updatePlayerInventory() { _player.updateInventory(_player.activeContainer); } public static boolean playerFree(EntityHuman entityhuman) { return (entityhuman.abilities.canInstantlyBuild || Perm.has(, (Player)entityhuman.getBukkitEntity(), "")); } ----------SINCE 1.9 START---------- public CraftInventoryView getBukkitView() { return new CraftInventoryView(_player.getBukkitEntity(), new CraftInventoryAnvil(null, VAnvil.#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_1#(this), getInv("#FIELD_CONTAINERANVIL_2#") ---------- SINCE 1.11 START ---------- , this ---------- SINCE 1.11 END ---------- ), this); }----------SINCE 1.9 END---------- }