Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2014 Cohesive Integrations, LLC ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.di2e.ecdr.commons.query; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.di2e.ecdr.api.query.QueryConfiguration; import net.di2e.ecdr.commons.constants.SearchConstants; import net.di2e.ecdr.commons.util.SearchUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class QueryConfigurationImpl implements QueryConfiguration { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryConfigurationImpl.class); private int defaultCount = 100; private long defaultTimeoutMillis = 300000; private String defaultDateType = "effective"; private String defaultDateTypeCustom = null; private double defaultRadius = 50000; private String defaultResponseFormat = SearchConstants.ATOM_RESPONSE_FORMAT; private String defaultResponseFormatCustom = null; private boolean defaultFuzzySearch = true; private boolean defaultDeduplication = false; private String defaultQueryLanguage = SearchConstants.CDR_KEYWORD_QUERY_LANGUAGE; private String defaultQueryLanguageCustom = null; private int queryRequestCacheSize = 1000; private Map<String, String> parameterExtensionMap = SearchUtils.convertToMap("uid=id"); private List<String> parameterPropertyList = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "oid", "path" }); private List<String> headerPropertyList = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "EMID" }); @Override public int getDefaultCount() { return defaultCount; } public void setDefaultCount(int count) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default count to [{}]", defaultCount); this.defaultCount = count; } @Override public long getDefaultTimeoutMillis() { return defaultTimeoutMillis; } public void setDefaultTimeoutSeconds(long seconds) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default timeout (in seconds) to [{}]", seconds); this.defaultTimeoutMillis = seconds * 1000L; } @Override public String getDefaultDateType() { return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(defaultDateTypeCustom, defaultDateType); } public void setDefaultDateType(String dateType) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dateType)) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default dateType to [{}]", dateType); this.defaultDateType = dateType; } else { LOGGER.debug( "ConfigUpdateError: Configuration update for defaultDateType in endpoint was empty or null so leaving at existing value for [{}]", defaultDateType); } } public void setDefaultDateTypeCustom(String dateType) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default dateType custom value to [{}]", dateType); this.defaultDateTypeCustom = dateType; } @Override public double getDefaultRadius() { return defaultRadius; } public void setDefaultRadiusMeters(double radius) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default radius (in meters) to [{}]", radius); this.defaultRadius = radius; } @Override public String getDefaultResponseFormat() { return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(defaultResponseFormatCustom, defaultResponseFormat); } public void setDefaultResponseFormat(String format) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(format)) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default response format to [{}]", format); this.defaultResponseFormat = format; } else { LOGGER.debug( "ConfigUpdateError: Configuration update for defaultResponseFormat in endpoint was empty or null so leaving at existing value for [{}]", defaultResponseFormat); } } public void setDefaultResponseFormatCustom(String format) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default response format custom override value to [{}]", format); this.defaultResponseFormatCustom = format; } @Override public boolean isDefaultFuzzySearch() { return defaultFuzzySearch; } public void setDefaultFuzzySearch(boolean fuzzy) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default fuzzy search value to [{}]", fuzzy); this.defaultFuzzySearch = fuzzy; } @Override public boolean isDefaultDeduplication() { return defaultDeduplication; } public void setDefaultDeduplication(boolean dedup) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default deduplication value to [{}]", dedup); this.defaultDeduplication = dedup; } @Override public String getDefaultQueryLanguage() { return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(defaultQueryLanguageCustom, defaultQueryLanguage); } public void setDefaultQueryLanguage(String lang) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default query language to [{}]", lang); this.defaultQueryLanguage = lang; } public void setDefaultQueryLanguageCustom(String lang) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default query language custom value to [{}]", lang); this.defaultQueryLanguageCustom = lang; } @Override public Map<String, String> getParameterExtensionMap() { return parameterExtensionMap; } public void setParameterExtensionMap(List<String> paramList) { Map<String, String> paramMap = SearchUtils.convertToMap(paramList); LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default parameter extension map value to [{}]", paramMap); this.parameterExtensionMap = paramMap; } @Override public List<String> getParameterPropertyList() { return parameterPropertyList; } public void setParameterPropertyList(List<String> propList) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default parameter property map value to [{}]", propList); this.parameterPropertyList = propList; } @Override public List<String> getHeaderPropertyList() { return headerPropertyList; } public void setHeaderPropertyList(List<String> propList) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the default HTTP Header property map value to [{}]", propList); this.headerPropertyList = propList; } @Override public int getQueryRequestCacheSize() { return queryRequestCacheSize; } public void setQueryRequestCacheSize(int size) { LOGGER.debug("ConfigUpdate: Updating the query request cache size value to [{}]", size); queryRequestCacheSize = size; } }