Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package net.demilich.metastone.bahaviour.ModifiedMCTS; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import*; import*; //import org. //import org.bytedeco.javacpp.presets. //import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation. //import org.bytedeco.javacpp.presets. import org.iq80.leveldb.*; import static org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Iq80DBFactory.*; import*; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.Loader; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.caffe; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.caffe.Caffe; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.caffe.FloatBlob; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.caffe.FloatNet; import; import; import org.encog.mathutil.error.ErrorCalculation; import org.encog.mathutil.error.ErrorCalculationMode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.encog.neural.networks.BasicNetwork; import org.encog.neural.networks.layers.BasicLayer; import; import; import; import; import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.caffe.*; /** * * @author dfreelan */ public class MCTSCritique implements GameCritique { int samples = 11; int rollouts = 400; int trees = 1; double exploreRate = 1.4; BasicNetwork network; int playerID; FeatureCollector f; static FloatNet caffe_net = null; String modelFile = null; static { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(caffe.class.getSimpleName()).setLevel(Level.OFF); ; System.err.println("changing to "); System.err.println("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH\n\n\n\n\n"); System.err.println( "rollout fix changing to .1 neural and .9 playthroughfoeced clone. 10000 samples. 4 rollou555ts executing updated"); System.err.println("correcte\n\\nd"); System.err.println("updated"); } public MCTSCritique(String modelFile) { //System.err.println("someething new requested of me"); //caffe_net. if (caffe_net != null) { return; } this.modelFile = modelFile; modelFile = null; modelFile = "/home/dfreelan/dev/networks/hybrid.caffemodel"; String paramFile = "/home/dfreelan/dev/networks/singleLayerExample.prototxt"; //Caffe.set_mode(Caffe.CPU); try { //String str = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(paramFile), "utf-8"); ///System.err.println(str); if (modelFile != null) { Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt(10000 + 1000)); caffe_net = new FloatNet(paramFile, TEST); caffe_net.CopyTrainedLayersFrom(modelFile); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(caffe.class.getSimpleName()).setLevel(Level.OFF); ; } ExperimentalMCTS[] behaviours; @Override public synchronized GameCritique trainBasedOnActor(Behaviour a, GameContext startingTurn, Player p) { f = new FeatureCollector(startingTurn, p); if (caffe_net != null) { return this; } Random generator = new Random(); f = new FeatureCollector(startingTurn, p); f.printFeatures(startingTurn, p); playerID = p.getId(); startingTurn = startingTurn.clone(); startingTurn.getPlayer1().setBehaviour(a.clone()); startingTurn.getPlayer2().setBehaviour(a.clone()); ArrayList<double[]> gameFeatures = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Double> gameLabels = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Double> gameWeights = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<double[]> gameFeaturesTesting = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Double> gameLabelsTesting = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Double> gameWeightsTesting = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<GameContext> testingSetContexts = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Double> testingSetReTests = new ArrayList<>(); // //System.err.println("on sample " + i); //GameContext simulation = startingTurn.clone(); final GameContext simulation = startingTurn.clone(); behaviours = new ExperimentalMCTS[samples * 2]; IntStream.range(0, samples).parallel().forEach((int i) -> { doPlay(RandomizeSimulation(simulation.clone()), i, f.clone()); }); System.err.println("game playing is done!"); //System.exit(0); for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) { boolean testing = !(i < samples - samples / 10); if (!testing) { gatherSamplesFrom(behaviours[i * 2], gameFeatures, gameLabels, gameWeights, null, 1); gatherSamplesFrom(behaviours[i * 2 + 1], gameFeatures, gameLabels, gameWeights, null, 0); } else { gatherSamplesFrom(behaviours[i * 2], gameFeaturesTesting, gameLabelsTesting, gameWeightsTesting, testingSetReTests, 1); gatherSamplesFrom(behaviours[i * 2 + 1], gameFeaturesTesting, gameLabelsTesting, gameWeightsTesting, testingSetReTests, 0); } } System.err.println("total weight: " + getSum(gameWeights)); System.err.println("total ones: " + getNumOnes(gameWeights)); double[][] trainingFeatures = new double[gameFeatures.size()][gameFeatures.get(0).length]; double[][] trainingLabels = new double[gameLabels.size()][1]; double[][] trainingWeights = new double[gameLabels.size()][1]; for (int i = 0; i < trainingFeatures.length; i++) { trainingFeatures[i] = gameFeatures.get(i); double[] arr1 = new double[1]; arr1[0] = gameLabels.get(i); trainingLabels[i] = arr1; arr1 = new double[1]; arr1[0] = gameWeights.get(i); trainingWeights[i] = arr1; } sendCaffeData(trainingFeatures, trainingLabels, trainingWeights, "HearthstoneTrainingALLSTUFF.h5", false, false);//(int) (gameFeatures.size() * 1.6),true); // train.iteration(1000); double[][] testingFeatures = new double[gameFeaturesTesting.size()][gameFeaturesTesting.get(0).length]; double[][] testingLabels = new double[gameLabelsTesting.size()][1]; double[][] testingWeights = new double[gameLabelsTesting.size()][1]; for (int i = 0; i < testingFeatures.length; i++) { testingFeatures[i] = gameFeaturesTesting.get(i); double[] arr1 = new double[1]; arr1[0] = gameLabelsTesting.get(i); testingLabels[i] = arr1; arr1 = new double[1]; arr1[0] = gameWeightsTesting.get(i); testingWeights[i] = arr1; } sendCaffeData(testingFeatures, testingLabels, testingWeights, "HearthstoneTestingALLSTUFF.h5", true, false); System.err.println("testing err if just 0's" + this.getErrorIfZero(testingLabels)); System.err.println("ideal testing err: " + this.getIdealTestingError(testingLabels, testingSetContexts, testingSetReTests)); return this; } public void doPlay(GameContext simulation, int index, FeatureCollector f) { System.err.println("on sample " + index); ExperimentalMCTS mctsP1 = new ExperimentalMCTS(rollouts, trees, exploreRate, false, false); mctsP1.doLog(f); ExperimentalMCTS mctsP2 = new ExperimentalMCTS(rollouts, trees, exploreRate, false, false); mctsP2.doLog(f); simulation = playSimulation(simulation, mctsP1, mctsP2); behaviours[index * 2] = mctsP1; behaviours[index * 2 + 1] = mctsP2; } public void gatherSamplesFrom(ExperimentalMCTS mctsP2, ArrayList<double[]> gameFeatures, ArrayList<Double> gameLabels, ArrayList<Double> gameWeights, ArrayList<Double> retestValues, int playerID) { for (int q = 0; q < mctsP2.samples.size(); q++) { MCTSSample sampleSeed = mctsP2.samples.get(q); MCTSSample allSamples[] = sampleSeed.expandSample(); //System.err.println("there are " + mctsP2.samples.size() + " samples to choose from"); for (MCTSSample sample : allSamples) { GameContext randomContext = sample.reachableState; double distribution = sample.winRate; //System.err.println("example of a label: " + distribution); if (Double.isNaN(distribution)) { distribution = 0; } else { distribution = distribution * 2 - 1; } ArrayList<Double> temp = new ArrayList<Double>(); double[] info = sample.getFeatures();//f.getFeatures(true, randomContext, randomContext.getPlayer(playerID)); //f.printFeatures(randomContexts[w], randomContexts[w].getPlayer2()); double sum = 0; for (int d = 0; d < info.length; d++) { sum += info[d] * (d + 1) * 2; } // System.err.println("feature vector is all like " + sum + " " + info.length); gameFeatures.add(info); gameLabels.add((Double) (double) distribution); gameWeights.add(sample.weight); if (retestValues != null) { retestValues.add(sample.testValue); } } } } //probability 0-1 of winning from the player erspective @Override public synchronized double getCritique(GameContext context, Player p) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(caffe.class.getSimpleName()).setLevel(Level.OFF); ; context = context.clone(); p = context.getPlayer(p.getId()); Caffe.set_mode(Caffe.CPU); //System.err.println("network is " + network + " " + context + " " + f); double input[] = f.getFeatures(true, context, p); if (input.length != 169) { System.err.println("heyyyoo"); System.exit(0); } //System.err.println("input length is " + input.length); int hash = 0; for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { hash += (i + 1) * (input[i] + i); } //System.err.println("hash is " + hash); String paramFile = "/home/dfreelan/dev/networks/singleLayerExample.prototxt"; // System.err.println("HPASE IS: " + caffe_net.phase()); java.util.logging.Logger.getGlobal().setLevel(Level.OFF); //caffe_net.ClearParamDiffs(); FloatBlob dataBlob = caffe_net.blob_by_name("data"); //dataBlob.Reshape(169, 1, 1, 1); dataBlob.set_cpu_data(toFloats(input)); dataBlob.Update(); dataBlob.Update(); // System.err.println("bott blob length? " + bottom.size()); //FloatBlobVector top = caffe_net.ForwardPrefilled(); caffe_net.ForwardFrom(1); float out = caffe_net.blob_by_name("tanhFinal").cpu_data().get(); dataBlob.set_cpu_data(new float[169]); dataBlob.Update(); dataBlob.Update(); // System.err.println("bott blob length? " + bottom.size()); //FloatBlobVector top = caffe_net.ForwardPrefilled(); caffe_net.ForwardFrom(1); float out2 = caffe_net.blob_by_name("tanhFinal").cpu_data().get(); if (Float.isNaN(out) || out2 == out) { System.err.println("is nan you or producing same output..." + out + " " + out2); out = 0; //f.printFeatures(context, p); // modelFile = "/home/dfreelan/dev/networks/_iter_350000.caffemodel"; paramFile = "/home/dfreelan/dev/networks/singleLayerExample.prototxt"; Caffe.set_mode(Caffe.CPU); try { //String str = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(paramFile), "utf-8"); ///System.err.println(str); if (modelFile != null) { caffe_net = new FloatNet(paramFile, TEST); caffe_net.CopyTrainedLayersFrom(modelFile); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } return getCritique(context, p); } //System.err.println(" i made a deicsion! " + out); return (out + 1.0) / 2.0; //NeuralDataSet sample = new BasicNeuralDataSet(new double[][] //{ f.getFeatures(true, context, context.getPlayer(playerID)) }); } public double getSum(ArrayList<Double> weights) { double sum = 0.0; for (Double a : weights) { sum += a; } return sum; } public double getNumOnes(ArrayList<Double> weights) { double sum = 0.0; for (Double a : weights) { if (a == 1.0) { sum += a; } } return sum; } public float[] toFloats(double[] doubles) { float[] floats = new float[doubles.length]; int i = 0; for (double a : doubles) { floats[i] = (float) a; i++; } return floats; } @Override public GameCritique clone() { MCTSCritique clone = new MCTSCritique(modelFile); clone.f = this.f.clone(); return clone; } public GameContext playSimulation(GameContext simulation, ExperimentalMCTS mctsP1, ExperimentalMCTS mctsP2) { this.RandomizeSimulation(simulation); simulation.getPlayer1().setBehaviour(mctsP1); simulation.getPlayer2().setBehaviour(mctsP2);; return simulation; } public GameContext RandomizeSimulation(GameContext simulation) { simulation.getPlayer2().getDeck().shuffle(); simulation.getPlayer1().getDeck().shuffle(); Player p1 = simulation.getPlayer1(); ; Player p2 = simulation.getPlayer2(); p1.getDeck().addAll(p1.getHand()); int handSize = p1.getHand().getCount(); for (int k = 0; k < handSize; k++) { Card card = p1.getHand().get(0); simulation.getLogic().removeCard(p1.getId(), card); } p1.getDeck().shuffle(); for (int a = 0; a < handSize; a++) { simulation.getLogic().receiveCard(p1.getId(), p1.getDeck().removeFirst()); } p2.getDeck().addAll(p2.getHand()); handSize = p2.getHand().getCount(); for (int k = 0; k < handSize; k++) { Card card = p2.getHand().get(0); simulation.getLogic().removeCard(p2.getId(), card); } p2.getDeck().shuffle(); for (int a = 0; a < handSize; a++) { simulation.getLogic().receiveCard(p2.getId(), p2.getDeck().removeFirst()); } return simulation; } public void sendCaffeData(double[][] data2, double[][] labels2, double[][] weights, String name, boolean ordered, int numItemsInBatch, int numBatches, boolean file) { double[][] batchedData = new double[numBatches * numItemsInBatch][]; double[][] batchedLabels = new double[numBatches * numItemsInBatch][]; double[][] batchedWeights = new double[numBatches * numItemsInBatch][]; Random generator = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < batchedData.length; i++) { if (i % 1000 == 0) { System.err.println("i is " + i); } int randomIndex = generator.nextInt(data2.length); batchedData[i] = data2[randomIndex]; batchedLabels[i] = labels2[randomIndex]; batchedWeights[i] = weights[randomIndex]; } sendCaffeData(batchedData, batchedLabels, batchedWeights, name, true, file); } public void sendCaffeData(double[][] data2, double[][] labels2, double[][] weights, String name, boolean ordered, boolean file) { double[][] data = new double[data2.length][]; double[][] labels = new double[data2.length][]; if (!ordered) { for (int i = 0; i < data2.length; i++) { data[i] = data2[i].clone(); labels[i] = labels2[i].clone(); } } else { data = data2; labels = labels2; } try { String sentence; String modifiedSentence; Random generator = new Random(); //set up our socket server BufferedReader inFromServer = null; DataOutputStream outToServer = null; Socket clientSocket = null; //add in data in a random order if (!file) { System.err.println("starting to send on socket"); clientSocket = new Socket("localhost", 5004); clientSocket.setTcpNoDelay(false); outToServer = new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream()); inFromServer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream())); outToServer.writeBytes(name + "\n"); outToServer.writeBytes((data.length + " " + data[0].length + " " + labels[0].length) + "\n"); try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { outToServer = new DataOutputStream((OutputStream) new FileOutputStream(name)); } StringBuffer wholeMessage = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (i % 1000 == 0) { System.err.println("(constructed) i is " + i); } String features = ""; int randomIndex = generator.nextInt(data.length - i); if (!ordered) { swap(data, i, i + randomIndex); swap(labels, i, i + randomIndex); } for (int a = 0; a < data[i].length; a++) { wholeMessage.append(data[i][a] + " "); } wholeMessage.append("\n"); String myLabels = ""; for (int a = 0; a < labels[i].length; a++) { wholeMessage.append(labels[i][a] + " "); } wholeMessage.append("\n"); wholeMessage.append(weights[i][0] + ""); wholeMessage.append("\n"); outToServer.writeBytes(wholeMessage.toString()); wholeMessage = new StringBuffer(); } System.err.println("total message size is " + wholeMessage.toString().length()); //outToServer.writeBytes(wholeMessage.toString()); if (!file) { System.err.println("sending done"); outToServer.writeBytes("done\n"); System.err.println("waiting for ack..."); inFromServer.readLine(); System.err.println("got the ack!"); clientSocket.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("server wasn't waiting"); } System.err.println("hey i sent somethin!"); } public void swap(double[][] data, int index1, int index2) { double[] temp = data[index1]; data[index1] = data[index2]; data[index2] = temp; } private double getErrorIfZero(double[][] testingLabels) { double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < testingLabels.length; i++) { sum += testingLabels[i][0] * testingLabels[i][0]; } return sum / ((double) testingLabels.length); } //just do hdf5 in java private double getIdealTestingError(double[][] labels, ArrayList<GameContext> games, ArrayList<Double> testValues) { double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { if (testValues.size() != labels.length) { System.err.println("MISMATCH!"); System.exit(0); } double actualResult = testValues.get(i); sum += ((labels[i][0] - actualResult) * (labels[i][0] - actualResult)) / ((double) labels.length); if (Double.isInfinite((labels[i][0] - actualResult) * (labels[i][0] - actualResult))) { System.err.println("HEY FUCK UP!! " + labels[i][0] + " " + actualResult); } System.err.println("test value was " + labels[i][0] + " actual value " + actualResult + " " + labels.length + " " + testValues.size()); } return sum; } } class FileOutStream extends OutputStream { //DataOutputStream(OutputStream out) File file = null; BufferedWriter output = null; public FileOutStream(String fileName) { try { file = new File(fileName); output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } @Override public void write(byte[] b) { try { output.write(new String(b)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } } class Datum { int channels; int height; int width; float[] data; int label; boolean encoded; }