Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 by Rafael Angel Aznar Aparici (rafaaznar at gmail dot com) * * openAUSIAS: The stunning micro-library that helps you to develop easily * AJAX web applications by using Java and jQuery * openAUSIAS is distributed under the MIT License (MIT) * Sources at * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ package net.daw.service.specific.implementation; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import net.daw.bean.specific.implementation.OpcionBean; import net.daw.bean.specific.implementation.PreguntaBean; import net.daw.connection.implementation.BoneConnectionPoolImpl; import net.daw.connection.publicinterface.ConnectionInterface; import net.daw.dao.specific.implementation.PreguntaDao; import net.daw.helper.statics.AppConfigurationHelper; import static net.daw.helper.statics.AppConfigurationHelper.getSourceConnection; import net.daw.helper.statics.ExceptionBooster; import net.daw.helper.statics.FilterBeanHelper; import net.daw.helper.statics.JsonMessage; import net.daw.helper.statics.ParameterCook; import net.daw.service.generic.implementation.TableServiceGenImpl; /** * * @author juliomiguel */ public class PreguntaService extends TableServiceGenImpl { public PreguntaService(HttpServletRequest request) { super(request); } @Override public String get() throws Exception { int id = ParameterCook.prepareId(oRequest); Connection oConnection = new BoneConnectionPoolImpl().newConnection(); PreguntaDao oPreguntaDao = new PreguntaDao(oConnection); PreguntaBean oPreguntaBean = new PreguntaBean(); oPreguntaBean.setId(id); oPreguntaBean = oPreguntaDao.get(oPreguntaBean, 1); Gson gson = AppConfigurationHelper.getGson(); String data = gson.toJson(oPreguntaBean); return "{\"status\":200,\"message\":" + data + "}"; } public String getopciones() throws Exception { int id = ParameterCook.prepareId(oRequest); Connection oConnection = new BoneConnectionPoolImpl().newConnection(); PreguntaDao oPreguntaDao = new PreguntaDao(oConnection); OpcionBean oOpcionBean = new OpcionBean(); oOpcionBean.setId_pregunta(id); ArrayList<OpcionBean> alOpcionBean = new ArrayList<OpcionBean>(); alOpcionBean = oPreguntaDao.getOpciones(oOpcionBean, 1); Gson gson = AppConfigurationHelper.getGson(); String data = gson.toJson(alOpcionBean); return "{\"status\":200,\"message\":" + data + "}"; } @Override public String getall() throws Exception { Connection oConnection = new BoneConnectionPoolImpl().newConnection(); PreguntaDao oPreguntaDao = new PreguntaDao(oConnection); ArrayList<PreguntaBean> alPreguntaBean = new ArrayList<PreguntaBean>(); ArrayList<FilterBeanHelper> alFilterBeanHelper = ParameterCook.prepareFilter(oRequest); HashMap<String, String> hmOrder = ParameterCook.prepareOrder(oRequest); alPreguntaBean = oPreguntaDao.getAll(alFilterBeanHelper, hmOrder); GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.setDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); String data = "{\"status\":200,\"message\":" + gson.toJson(alPreguntaBean) + "}"; return data; } @Override public String getcount() throws Exception { Connection oConnection = new BoneConnectionPoolImpl().newConnection(); PreguntaDao oProfesorDao = new PreguntaDao(oConnection); ArrayList<FilterBeanHelper> alFilterBeanHelper = ParameterCook.prepareFilter(oRequest); int counter = oProfesorDao.getCount(alFilterBeanHelper/*alFilter*/); String data = "{\"status\":200,\"message\":" + Integer.toString(counter) + "}"; return data; } @Override public String set() throws Exception { Connection oConnection = new BoneConnectionPoolImpl().newConnection(); PreguntaDao oPreguntaDao = new PreguntaDao(oConnection); PreguntaBean oPreguntaBean = new PreguntaBean(); String json = ParameterCook.prepareJson(oRequest); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation().create(); /*oProfesorBean.setId(2); oProfesorBean.setNombre("julio"); oProfesorBean.setEstado("the best");*/ oPreguntaBean = gson.fromJson(json, PreguntaBean.class); oPreguntaBean = oPreguntaDao.set(oPreguntaBean); Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("status", "200"); data.put("message", Integer.toString(oPreguntaBean.getId())); String resultado = gson.toJson(data); return resultado; } @Override public String remove() throws Exception { Connection oConnection = new BoneConnectionPoolImpl().newConnection(); int id = ParameterCook.prepareId(oRequest); PreguntaDao oProfesorDao = new PreguntaDao(oConnection); PreguntaBean oProfesorBean = new PreguntaBean(); oProfesorBean.setId(id); oProfesorDao.remove(oProfesorBean); Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("status", "200"); data.put("message", "se ha eliminado la pregunta con id= " + ((Integer) id).toString()); Gson gson = new Gson(); String resultado = gson.toJson(data); return resultado; } @Override public String getpage() throws Exception { Connection oConnection = null; oConnection = new BoneConnectionPoolImpl().newConnection(); PreguntaDao oPreguntaDao = new PreguntaDao(oConnection); ArrayList<PreguntaBean> oPreguntaArray = new ArrayList<>(); //Obtenemos parmetros con el ParameterCook int rpp = ParameterCook.prepareRpp(oRequest); int page = ParameterCook.preparePage(oRequest); //ArrayList para sacar los filtros ArrayList<FilterBeanHelper> alFilterBeanHelper = ParameterCook.prepareFilter(oRequest); //HashMap para sacar el orden HashMap<String, String> hmOrder = ParameterCook.prepareOrder(oRequest); //Asignamos getPage(con sus parmetros) al ArrayList oProfesorArray oPreguntaArray = oPreguntaDao.getPage(rpp, page, alFilterBeanHelper, hmOrder); //Creamos el Json para mostrarlo en pantalla Gson oGson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").create(); return "{\"status\":200,\"message\":" + oGson.toJson(oPreguntaArray) + "}"; } @Override public String getmetainformation() throws Exception { Connection oConnection = new BoneConnectionPoolImpl().newConnection(); PreguntaDao oPreguntaDao = new PreguntaDao(oConnection); Gson oGson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation().create(); return "{\"status\":200,\"message\":" + oGson.toJson(oPreguntaDao.getmetainformation()) + "}"; } @Override public String getpages() throws Exception { if (this.checkpermission("getpages")) { Connection oConnection = null; ConnectionInterface oDataConnectionSource = null; String strResult = null; try { oDataConnectionSource = getSourceConnection(); oConnection = oDataConnectionSource.newConnection(); PreguntaDao oPreguntaDao = new PreguntaDao(oConnection); int intRpp = ParameterCook.prepareRpp(oRequest); ArrayList<FilterBeanHelper> alFilterBeanHelper = ParameterCook.prepareFilter(oRequest); strResult = ((Integer) oPreguntaDao.getPages(intRpp, alFilterBeanHelper)).toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster .boost(new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":remove ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } finally { if (oConnection != null) { oConnection.close(); } if (oDataConnectionSource != null) { oDataConnectionSource.disposeConnection(); } } return JsonMessage.getJsonMsg("200", strResult); } else { return JsonMessage.getJsonMsg("401", "Unauthorized"); } } @Override public String getaggregateviewone() throws Exception { if (this.checkpermission("getaggregateviewone")) { String data = null; try { String meta = this.getmetainformation(); String one = this.get(); data = "{" + "\"meta\":" + meta + ",\"bean\":" + one + "}"; data = JsonMessage.getJson("200", data); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBooster.boost(new Exception( this.getClass().getName() + ":getAggregateViewOne ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return data; } else { return JsonMessage.getJsonMsg("401", "Unauthorized"); } } @Override public String getaggregateviewsome() throws Exception { if (this.checkpermission("getaggregateviewsome")) { String data = null; try { String meta = this.getmetainformation(); String page = this.getpage(); String pages = this.getpages(); String registers = this.getcount(); data = "{" + "\"meta\":" + meta + ",\"page\":" + page + ",\"pages\":" + pages + ",\"registers\":" + registers + "}"; data = JsonMessage.getJson("200", data); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBooster.boost(new Exception( this.getClass().getName() + ":getAggregateViewSome ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return data; } else { return JsonMessage.getJsonMsg("401", "Unauthorized"); } } @Override public String getaggregateviewall() throws Exception { if (this.checkpermission("getaggregateviewall")) { String data = null; try { String meta = this.getmetainformation(); String all = this.getall(); String registers = this.getcount(); data = "{" + "\"meta\":" + meta + ",\"page\":" + all + ",\"registers\":" + registers + "}"; data = JsonMessage.getJson("200", data); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBooster.boost(new Exception( this.getClass().getName() + ":getAggregateViewAll ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return data; } else { return JsonMessage.getJsonMsg("401", "Unauthorized"); } } }