Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) July 2014 Rafael Aznar * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package net.daw.service.specific.implementation; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.daw.bean.generic.specific.implementation.MensajeprivadoBeanGenSpImpl; import net.daw.dao.specific.implementation.MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl; import net.daw.helper.AppConfigurationHelper; import net.daw.helper.EncodingUtilHelper; import net.daw.helper.ExceptionBooster; import net.daw.helper.FilterBeanHelper; import net.daw.service.publicinterface.MetaServiceInterface; import net.daw.service.publicinterface.TableServiceInterface; import net.daw.service.publicinterface.ViewServiceInterface; public class MensajeprivadoServiceSpImpl implements TableServiceInterface, ViewServiceInterface, MetaServiceInterface { protected Connection oConnection = null; protected String strObjectName = null; protected String strPojo = null; public MensajeprivadoServiceSpImpl(String strObject, String pojo, Connection con) { strObjectName = strObject; oConnection = con; strPojo = Character.toUpperCase(pojo.charAt(0)) + pojo.substring(1); } @Override public void setSource(String source) throws Exception { strObjectName = source; } @Override public void setPojo(String pojo) throws Exception { strPojo = Character.toUpperCase(pojo.charAt(0)) + pojo.substring(1); } @Override public String remove(Integer id) throws Exception { String resultado = null; try { oConnection.setAutoCommit(false); MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl oMensajeprivadoDAO = new MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl(strObjectName, oConnection); MensajeprivadoBeanGenSpImpl oMensajeprivado = new MensajeprivadoBeanGenSpImpl(id); Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>(); oMensajeprivadoDAO.remove(oMensajeprivado); data.put("status", "200"); data.put("message", "se ha eliminado el registro con id=" + oMensajeprivado.getId()); Gson gson = new Gson(); resultado = gson.toJson(data); oConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster.boost(new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":remove ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return resultado; } @Override public String set(String jason) throws Exception { String resultado = null; try { oConnection.setAutoCommit(false); MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl oMensajeprivadoDAO = new MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl(strObjectName, oConnection); MensajeprivadoBeanGenSpImpl oMensajeprivado = new MensajeprivadoBeanGenSpImpl(); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss").create(); jason = EncodingUtilHelper.decodeURIComponent(jason); oMensajeprivado = gson.fromJson(jason, oMensajeprivado.getClass()); oMensajeprivado = oMensajeprivadoDAO.set(oMensajeprivado); Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("status", "200"); data.put("message", Integer.toString(oMensajeprivado.getId())); resultado = gson.toJson(data); oConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster.boost(new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":set ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return resultado; } public String set2(String jason, int idusuario, int idtipousuario) throws Exception { String resultado = null; try { oConnection.setAutoCommit(false); MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl oMensajeprivadoDAO = new MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl(strObjectName, oConnection); MensajeprivadoBeanGenSpImpl oMensajeprivado = new MensajeprivadoBeanGenSpImpl(); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss").create(); jason = EncodingUtilHelper.decodeURIComponent(jason); oMensajeprivado = gson.fromJson(jason, oMensajeprivado.getClass()); if (idusuario != oMensajeprivado.getId_usuario_1() && idtipousuario != 1) { Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("message", "Su ID no corresponde al usuario que enva"); resultado = gson.toJson(data); } else if (oMensajeprivado.getId_usuario_1() == oMensajeprivado.getId_usuario_2()) { Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("message", "No puedes mandarte un mensaje privado a t mismo"); resultado = gson.toJson(data); } else { oMensajeprivado = oMensajeprivadoDAO.set(oMensajeprivado); Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("status", "200"); data.put("message", Integer.toString(oMensajeprivado.getId())); resultado = gson.toJson(data); } oConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster.boost(new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":set ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return resultado; } @Override public String get(Integer id) throws Exception { String data = null; try { oConnection.setAutoCommit(false); MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl oMensajeprivadoDAO = new MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl(strObjectName, oConnection); MensajeprivadoBeanGenSpImpl oMensajeprivado = new MensajeprivadoBeanGenSpImpl(id); oMensajeprivado = oMensajeprivadoDAO.get(oMensajeprivado, AppConfigurationHelper.getJsonDepth()); GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.setDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); data = gson.toJson(oMensajeprivado); oConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster.boost(new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":get ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return data; } @Override public String getPage(int intRegsPerPag, int intPage, ArrayList<FilterBeanHelper> alFilter, HashMap<String, String> hmOrder) throws Exception { String data = null; try { oConnection.setAutoCommit(false); MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl oMensajeprivadoDAO = new MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl(strObjectName, oConnection); List<MensajeprivadoBeanGenSpImpl> oMensajeprivados = oMensajeprivadoDAO.getPage(intRegsPerPag, intPage, alFilter, hmOrder); GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.setDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); data = gson.toJson(oMensajeprivados); data = "{\"list\":" + data + "}"; oConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster.boost(new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getPage ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return data; } @Override public String getPages(int intRegsPerPag, ArrayList<FilterBeanHelper> alFilter) throws Exception { String data = null; try { oConnection.setAutoCommit(false); MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl oMensajeprivadoDAO = new MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl(strObjectName, oConnection); int pages = oMensajeprivadoDAO.getPages(intRegsPerPag, alFilter); data = "{\"data\":\"" + Integer.toString(pages) + "\"}"; oConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster .boost(new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getPages ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return data; } @Override public String getCount(ArrayList<FilterBeanHelper> alFilter) throws Exception { String data = null; try { oConnection.setAutoCommit(false); MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl oMensajeprivadoDAO = new MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl(strObjectName, oConnection); int registers = oMensajeprivadoDAO.getCount(alFilter); data = "{\"data\":\"" + Integer.toString(registers) + "\"}"; oConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster .boost(new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getCount ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return data; } @Override public String getPrettyColumns() throws Exception { String data = null; ArrayList<String> alColumns = null; try { oConnection.setAutoCommit(false); MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl oMensajeprivadoDAO = new MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl(strObjectName, oConnection); alColumns = oMensajeprivadoDAO.getPrettyColumnsNames(); data = new Gson().toJson(alColumns); //data = "{\"data\":" + data + "}"; oConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster.boost( new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getPrettyColumns ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return data; } @Override public String getColumns() throws Exception { String data = null; try { oConnection.setAutoCommit(false); ArrayList<String> alColumns = null; MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl oMensajeprivadoDAO = new MensajeprivadoDaoSpcImpl(strObjectName, oConnection); alColumns = oMensajeprivadoDAO.getColumnsNames(); data = new Gson().toJson(alColumns); //data = "{\"data\":" + data + "}"; oConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster .boost(new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getColumns ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return data; } @Override public String getAggregateViewOne(Integer id) throws Exception { String data = null; try { oConnection.setAutoCommit(false); String columns = this.getColumns(); String prettyColumns = this.getPrettyColumns(); //String types = this.getTypes(); String one = this.get(id); data = "{\"data\":{" + "\"columns\":" + columns + ",\"prettyColumns\":" + prettyColumns // + ",\"types\":" + types + ",\"data\":" + one + "}}"; oConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster.boost( new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getAggregateViewOne ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return data; } @Override public String getAggregateViewSome(int intRegsPerPag, int intPage, ArrayList<FilterBeanHelper> alFilter, HashMap<String, String> hmOrder) throws Exception { String data = null; try { oConnection.setAutoCommit(false); String columns = this.getColumns(); String prettyColumns = this.getPrettyColumns(); //String types = this.getTypes(); String page = this.getPage(intRegsPerPag, intPage, alFilter, hmOrder); String pages = this.getPages(intRegsPerPag, alFilter); String registers = this.getCount(alFilter); data = "{\"data\":{" + "\"columns\":" + columns + ",\"prettyColumns\":" + prettyColumns // + ",\"types\":" + types + ",\"page\":" + page + ",\"pages\":" + pages + ",\"registers\":" + registers + "}}"; oConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster.boost( new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getAggregateViewSome ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return data; } public String getAggregateViewSomeId(int intRegsPerPag, int intPage, ArrayList<FilterBeanHelper> alFilter, HashMap<String, String> hmOrder, int idusuario, int tipousuario) throws Exception { String data = null; try { oConnection.setAutoCommit(false); String columns = this.getColumns(); String prettyColumns = this.getPrettyColumns(); //String types = this.getTypes(); String page = this.getPage(intRegsPerPag, intPage, alFilter, hmOrder); String pages = this.getPages(intRegsPerPag, alFilter); String registers = this.getCount(alFilter); data = "{\"data\":{" + "\"columns\":" + columns + ",\"prettyColumns\":" + prettyColumns // + ",\"types\":" + types + ",\"page\":" + page + ",\"pages\":" + pages + ",\"registers\":" + registers + "}}"; oConnection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { oConnection.rollback(); ExceptionBooster.boost( new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ":getAggregateViewSome ERROR: " + ex.getMessage())); } return data; } @Override public String updateOne(int intId, String strTabla, String strCampo, String strValor) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } }