Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Movecraft. * * Movecraft is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Movecraft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Movecraft. If not, see <>. */ package net.countercraft.movecraft.async.rotation; import com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.Town; import com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.TownBlock; import com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.TownyWorld; import com.sk89q.worldguard.LocalPlayer; import; import; import net.countercraft.movecraft.Movecraft; import net.countercraft.movecraft.async.AsyncTask; import net.countercraft.movecraft.config.Settings; import net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.Craft; import net.countercraft.movecraft.craft.CraftManager; import net.countercraft.movecraft.localisation.I18nSupport; import net.countercraft.movecraft.utils.BlockUtils; import net.countercraft.movecraft.utils.EntityUpdateCommand; import net.countercraft.movecraft.utils.MapUpdateCommand; import net.countercraft.movecraft.utils.MapUpdateManager; import net.countercraft.movecraft.utils.MathUtils; import net.countercraft.movecraft.utils.MovecraftLocation; import net.countercraft.movecraft.utils.Rotation; import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils; import org.bukkit.Chunk; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.Sign; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import net.countercraft.movecraft.utils.TownyUtils; import net.countercraft.movecraft.utils.TownyWorldHeightLimits; import net.countercraft.movecraft.utils.WGCustomFlagsUtils; import org.bukkit.Material; public class RotationTask extends AsyncTask { private final MovecraftLocation originPoint; private boolean failed = false; private String failMessage; private MovecraftLocation[] blockList; // used to be final, not sure why. Changed by Mark / Loraxe42 private MapUpdateCommand[] updates; private EntityUpdateCommand[] entityUpdates; private int[][][] hitbox; private Integer minX, minZ; private final Rotation rotation; private final World w; private final boolean isSubCraft; private HashMap<MapUpdateCommand, Long> scheduledBlockChanges; public RotationTask(Craft c, MovecraftLocation originPoint, MovecraftLocation[] blockList, Rotation rotation, World w) { super(c); this.originPoint = originPoint; this.blockList = blockList; this.rotation = rotation; this.w = w; this.isSubCraft = false; } public RotationTask(Craft c, MovecraftLocation originPoint, MovecraftLocation[] blockList, Rotation rotation, World w, boolean isSubCraft) { super(c); this.originPoint = originPoint; this.blockList = blockList; this.rotation = rotation; this.w = w; this.isSubCraft = isSubCraft; } @Override public void excecute() { int waterLine = 0; int[][][] hb = getCraft().getHitBox(); if (hb == null) return; // Determine craft borders int minY = 65535; int maxY = -65535; for (int[][] i1 : hb) { for (int[] i2 : i1) { if (i2 != null) { if (i2[0] < minY) { minY = i2[0]; } if (i2[1] > maxY) { maxY = i2[1]; } } } } Integer maxX = getCraft().getMinX() + hb.length; Integer maxZ = getCraft().getMinZ() + hb[0].length; // safe because if the first x array doesn't have a z array, then it wouldn't be the first x array minX = getCraft().getMinX(); minZ = getCraft().getMinZ(); int distX = maxX - minX; int distZ = maxZ - minZ; Player craftPilot = CraftManager.getInstance().getPlayerFromCraft(getCraft()); if (getCraft().getDisabled() && (!getCraft().getSinking())) { failed = true; failMessage = String.format(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Craft is disabled!")); } // blockedByWater=false means an ocean-going vessel boolean waterCraft = !getCraft().getType().blockedByWater(); if (waterCraft) { // next figure out the water level by examining blocks next to the outer boundaries of the craft for (int posY = maxY; (posY >= minY) && (waterLine == 0); posY--) { int posX; int posZ; posZ = getCraft().getMinZ() - 1; for (posX = getCraft().getMinX() - 1; (posX <= maxX + 1) && (waterLine == 0); posX++) { if (w.getBlockAt(posX, posY, posZ).getTypeId() == 9) { waterLine = posY; } } posZ = maxZ + 1; for (posX = getCraft().getMinX() - 1; (posX <= maxX + 1) && (waterLine == 0); posX++) { if (w.getBlockAt(posX, posY, posZ).getTypeId() == 9) { waterLine = posY; } } posX = getCraft().getMinX() - 1; for (posZ = getCraft().getMinZ(); (posZ <= maxZ) && (waterLine == 0); posZ++) { if (w.getBlockAt(posX, posY, posZ).getTypeId() == 9) { waterLine = posY; } } posX = maxX + 1; for (posZ = getCraft().getMinZ(); (posZ <= maxZ) && (waterLine == 0); posZ++) { if (w.getBlockAt(posX, posY, posZ).getTypeId() == 9) { waterLine = posY; } } } // now add all the air blocks found within the crafts borders below the waterline to the craft blocks so they will be rotated HashSet<MovecraftLocation> newHSBlockList = new HashSet<MovecraftLocation>(Arrays.asList(blockList)); for (int posY = waterLine; posY >= minY; posY--) { for (int posX = getCraft().getMinX(); posX <= maxX; posX++) { for (int posZ = getCraft().getMinZ(); posZ <= maxZ; posZ++) { if (w.getBlockAt(posX, posY, posZ).getTypeId() == 0) { MovecraftLocation l = new MovecraftLocation(posX, posY, posZ); newHSBlockList.add(l); } } } } blockList = newHSBlockList.toArray(new MovecraftLocation[newHSBlockList.size()]); } // check for fuel, burn some from a furnace if needed. Blocks of coal are supported, in addition to coal and charcoal double fuelBurnRate = getCraft().getType().getFuelBurnRate(); if (fuelBurnRate != 0.0 && getCraft().getSinking() == false) { if (getCraft().getBurningFuel() < fuelBurnRate) { Block fuelHolder = null; for (MovecraftLocation bTest : blockList) { Block b = getCraft().getW().getBlockAt(bTest.getX(), bTest.getY(), bTest.getZ()); if (b.getTypeId() == 61) { InventoryHolder inventoryHolder = (InventoryHolder) b.getState(); if (inventoryHolder.getInventory().contains(263) || inventoryHolder.getInventory().contains(173)) { fuelHolder = b; } } } if (fuelHolder == null) { failed = true; failMessage = String.format( I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Translation - Failed Craft out of fuel")); } else { InventoryHolder inventoryHolder = (InventoryHolder) fuelHolder.getState(); if (inventoryHolder.getInventory().contains(263)) { ItemStack iStack = inventoryHolder.getInventory() .getItem(inventoryHolder.getInventory().first(263)); int amount = iStack.getAmount(); if (amount == 1) { inventoryHolder.getInventory().remove(iStack); } else { iStack.setAmount(amount - 1); } getCraft().setBurningFuel(getCraft().getBurningFuel() + 7.0); } else { ItemStack iStack = inventoryHolder.getInventory() .getItem(inventoryHolder.getInventory().first(173)); int amount = iStack.getAmount(); if (amount == 1) { inventoryHolder.getInventory().remove(iStack); } else { iStack.setAmount(amount - 1); } getCraft().setBurningFuel(getCraft().getBurningFuel() + 79.0); } } } else { getCraft().setBurningFuel(getCraft().getBurningFuel() - fuelBurnRate); } } // Rotate the block set MovecraftLocation[] centeredBlockList = new MovecraftLocation[blockList.length]; MovecraftLocation[] originalBlockList = blockList.clone(); HashSet<MovecraftLocation> existingBlockSet = new HashSet<MovecraftLocation>( Arrays.asList(originalBlockList)); Set<MapUpdateCommand> mapUpdates = new HashSet<MapUpdateCommand>(); HashSet<EntityUpdateCommand> entityUpdateSet = new HashSet<EntityUpdateCommand>(); boolean townyEnabled = Movecraft.getInstance().getTownyPlugin() != null; Set<TownBlock> townBlockSet = new HashSet<TownBlock>(); TownyWorld townyWorld = null; TownyWorldHeightLimits townyWorldHeightLimits = null; if (townyEnabled && Settings.TownyBlockMoveOnSwitchPerm) { townyWorld = TownyUtils.getTownyWorld(getCraft().getW()); if (townyWorld != null) { townyEnabled = townyWorld.isUsingTowny(); if (townyEnabled) townyWorldHeightLimits = TownyUtils.getWorldLimits(getCraft().getW()); } } else { townyEnabled = false; } // if a subcraft, find the parent craft. If not a subcraft, it is it's own parent Craft[] craftsInWorld = CraftManager.getInstance().getCraftsInWorld(getCraft().getW()); Craft parentCraft = getCraft(); for (Craft craft : craftsInWorld) { if (BlockUtils.arrayContainsOverlap(craft.getBlockList(), originalBlockList) && craft != getCraft()) { // found a parent craft // if(craft.isNotProcessing()==false) { // failed=true; // failMessage = String.format( I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString( "Parent Craft is busy" )); // return; // } else { // craft.setProcessing(true); // prevent the parent craft from moving or updating until the subcraft is done parentCraft = craft; // } } } int craftMinY = 0; int craftMaxY = 0; // make the centered block list for (int i = 0; i < blockList.length; i++) { centeredBlockList[i] = blockList[i].subtract(originPoint); } for (int i = 0; i < blockList.length; i++) { blockList[i] = MathUtils.rotateVec(rotation, centeredBlockList[i]).add(originPoint); int typeID = w.getBlockTypeIdAt(blockList[i].getX(), blockList[i].getY(), blockList[i].getZ()); Material testMaterial = w.getBlockAt(originalBlockList[i].getX(), originalBlockList[i].getY(), originalBlockList[i].getZ()).getType(); if (testMaterial.equals(Material.CHEST) || testMaterial.equals(Material.TRAPPED_CHEST)) { if (!checkChests(testMaterial, blockList[i], existingBlockSet)) { //prevent chests collision failed = true; failMessage = String .format(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Rotation - Craft is obstructed") + " @ %d,%d,%d", blockList[i].getX(), blockList[i].getY(), blockList[i].getZ()); break; } } Location plugLoc = new Location(w, blockList[i].getX(), blockList[i].getY(), blockList[i].getZ()); if (craftPilot != null) { // See if they are permitted to build in the area, if WorldGuard integration is turned on if (Movecraft.getInstance().getWorldGuardPlugin() != null && Settings.WorldGuardBlockMoveOnBuildPerm) { if (Movecraft.getInstance().getWorldGuardPlugin().canBuild(craftPilot, plugLoc) == false) { failed = true; failMessage = String.format(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString( "Rotation - Player is not permitted to build in this WorldGuard region") + " @ %d,%d,%d", blockList[i].getX(), blockList[i].getY(), blockList[i].getZ()); break; } } } Player p; if (craftPilot == null) { p = getCraft().getNotificationPlayer(); } else { p = craftPilot; } if (p != null) { if (Movecraft.getInstance().getWorldGuardPlugin() != null && Movecraft.getInstance().getWGCustomFlagsPlugin() != null && Settings.WGCustomFlagsUsePilotFlag) { LocalPlayer lp = Movecraft.getInstance().getWorldGuardPlugin().wrapPlayer(p); WGCustomFlagsUtils WGCFU = new WGCustomFlagsUtils(); if (!WGCFU.validateFlag(plugLoc, Movecraft.FLAG_ROTATE, lp)) { failed = true; failMessage = String.format( I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("WGCustomFlags - Rotation Failed") + " @ %d,%d,%d", blockList[i].getX(), blockList[i].getY(), blockList[i].getZ()); break; } } if (townyEnabled) { TownBlock townBlock = TownyUtils.getTownBlock(plugLoc); if (townBlock != null && !townBlockSet.contains(townBlock)) { if (TownyUtils.validateCraftMoveEvent(p, plugLoc, townyWorld)) { townBlockSet.add(townBlock); } else { int y = plugLoc.getBlockY(); boolean oChange = false; if (craftMinY > y) { craftMinY = y; oChange = true; } if (craftMaxY < y) { craftMaxY = y; oChange = true; } if (oChange) { Town town = TownyUtils.getTown(townBlock); if (town != null) { Location locSpawn = TownyUtils.getTownSpawn(townBlock); if (locSpawn != null) { if (!townyWorldHeightLimits.validate(y, locSpawn.getBlockY())) { failed = true; } } else { failed = true; } if (failed) { if (Movecraft.getInstance().getWorldGuardPlugin() != null && Movecraft.getInstance().getWGCustomFlagsPlugin() != null && Settings.WGCustomFlagsUsePilotFlag) { LocalPlayer lp = Movecraft.getInstance().getWorldGuardPlugin() .wrapPlayer(p); ApplicableRegionSet regions = Movecraft.getInstance() .getWorldGuardPlugin().getRegionManager(plugLoc.getWorld()) .getApplicableRegions(plugLoc); if (regions.size() != 0) { WGCustomFlagsUtils WGCFU = new WGCustomFlagsUtils(); if (WGCFU.validateFlag(plugLoc, Movecraft.FLAG_ROTATE, lp)) { failed = false; } } } } if (failed) { failMessage = String.format( I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Towny - Rotation Failed") + " %s @ %d,%d,%d", town.getName(), blockList[i].getX(), blockList[i].getY(), blockList[i].getZ()); break; } } } } } } } if (!waterCraft) { if ((typeID != 0 && typeID != 34) && !existingBlockSet.contains(blockList[i])) { failed = true; failMessage = String .format(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Rotation - Craft is obstructed") + " @ %d,%d,%d", blockList[i].getX(), blockList[i].getY(), blockList[i].getZ()); break; } else { int id = w.getBlockTypeIdAt(originalBlockList[i].getX(), originalBlockList[i].getY(), originalBlockList[i].getZ()); byte data = w.getBlockAt(originalBlockList[i].getX(), originalBlockList[i].getY(), originalBlockList[i].getZ()).getData(); int currentID = w.getBlockTypeIdAt(blockList[i].getX(), blockList[i].getY(), blockList[i].getZ()); byte currentData = w.getBlockAt(blockList[i].getX(), blockList[i].getY(), blockList[i].getZ()) .getData(); if (BlockUtils.blockRequiresRotation(id)) { data = BlockUtils.rotate(data, id, rotation); } mapUpdates.add(new MapUpdateCommand(originalBlockList[i], currentID, currentData, blockList[i], id, data, rotation, parentCraft)); } } else { // allow watercraft to rotate through water if ((typeID != 0 && typeID != 9 && typeID != 34) && !existingBlockSet.contains(blockList[i])) { failed = true; failMessage = String .format(I18nSupport.getInternationalisedString("Rotation - Craft is obstructed") + " @ %d,%d,%d", blockList[i].getX(), blockList[i].getY(), blockList[i].getZ()); break; } else { int id = w.getBlockTypeIdAt(originalBlockList[i].getX(), originalBlockList[i].getY(), originalBlockList[i].getZ()); byte data = w.getBlockAt(originalBlockList[i].getX(), originalBlockList[i].getY(), originalBlockList[i].getZ()).getData(); int currentID = w.getBlockTypeIdAt(blockList[i].getX(), blockList[i].getY(), blockList[i].getZ()); byte currentData = w.getBlockAt(blockList[i].getX(), blockList[i].getY(), blockList[i].getZ()) .getData(); if (BlockUtils.blockRequiresRotation(id)) { data = BlockUtils.rotate(data, id, rotation); } mapUpdates.add(new MapUpdateCommand(originalBlockList[i], currentID, currentData, blockList[i], id, data, rotation, parentCraft)); } } } if (!failed) { //rotate entities in the craft Location tOP = new Location(getCraft().getW(), originPoint.getX(), originPoint.getY(), originPoint.getZ()); List<Entity> eList = null; int numTries = 0; while ((eList == null) && (numTries < 100)) { try { eList = getCraft().getW().getEntities(); } catch (java.util.ConcurrentModificationException e) { numTries++; } } Iterator<Entity> i = getCraft().getW().getEntities().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Entity pTest =; // if ( MathUtils.playerIsWithinBoundingPolygon( getCraft().getHitBox(), getCraft().getMinX(), getCraft().getMinZ(), MathUtils.bukkit2MovecraftLoc( pTest.getLocation() ) ) ) { if (MathUtils.locIsNearCraftFast(getCraft(), MathUtils.bukkit2MovecraftLoc(pTest.getLocation()))) { if (pTest.getType() != org.bukkit.entity.EntityType.DROPPED_ITEM) { // Player is onboard this craft tOP.setX(tOP.getBlockX() + 0.5); tOP.setZ(tOP.getBlockZ() + 0.5); Location playerLoc = pTest.getLocation(); // direct control no longer locks the player in place // if(getCraft().getPilotLocked()==true && pTest==CraftManager.getInstance().getPlayerFromCraft(getCraft())) { // playerLoc.setX(getCraft().getPilotLockedX()); // playerLoc.setY(getCraft().getPilotLockedY()); // playerLoc.setZ(getCraft().getPilotLockedZ()); // } Location adjustedPLoc = playerLoc.subtract(tOP); double[] rotatedCoords = MathUtils.rotateVecNoRound(rotation, adjustedPLoc.getX(), adjustedPLoc.getZ()); Location rotatedPloc = new Location(getCraft().getW(), rotatedCoords[0], playerLoc.getY(), rotatedCoords[1]); Location newPLoc = rotatedPloc.add(tOP); newPLoc.setPitch(playerLoc.getPitch()); float newYaw = playerLoc.getYaw(); if (rotation == Rotation.CLOCKWISE) { newYaw = newYaw + 90.0F; if (newYaw >= 360.0F) { newYaw = newYaw - 360.0F; } } if (rotation == Rotation.ANTICLOCKWISE) { newYaw = newYaw - 90; if (newYaw < 0.0F) { newYaw = newYaw + 360.0F; } } newPLoc.setYaw(newYaw); // if(getCraft().getPilotLocked()==true && pTest==CraftManager.getInstance().getPlayerFromCraft(getCraft())) { // getCraft().setPilotLockedX(newPLoc.getX()); // getCraft().setPilotLockedY(newPLoc.getY()); // getCraft().setPilotLockedZ(newPLoc.getZ()); // } EntityUpdateCommand eUp = new EntityUpdateCommand(pTest.getLocation().clone(), newPLoc, pTest); entityUpdateSet.add(eUp); // if(getCraft().getPilotLocked()==true && pTest==CraftManager.getInstance().getPlayerFromCraft(getCraft())) { // getCraft().setPilotLockedX(newPLoc.getX()); // getCraft().setPilotLockedY(newPLoc.getY()); // getCraft().setPilotLockedZ(newPLoc.getZ()); // } } else { // pTest.remove(); removed to test cleaner fragile item removal } } } /* //update player spawn locations if they spawned where the ship used to be for(Player p : Movecraft.getInstance().getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { if(p.getBedSpawnLocation()!=null) { if( MathUtils.playerIsWithinBoundingPolygon( getCraft().getHitBox(), getCraft().getMinX(), getCraft().getMinZ(), MathUtils.bukkit2MovecraftLoc( p.getBedSpawnLocation() ) ) ) { Location spawnLoc = p.getBedSpawnLocation(); Location adjustedPLoc = spawnLoc.subtract( tOP ); double[] rotatedCoords = MathUtils.rotateVecNoRound( rotation, adjustedPLoc.getX(), adjustedPLoc.getZ() ); Location rotatedPloc = new Location( getCraft().getW(), rotatedCoords[0], spawnLoc.getY(), rotatedCoords[1] ); Location newBedSpawn = rotatedPloc.add( tOP ); p.setBedSpawnLocation(newBedSpawn, true); } } }*/ // Calculate air changes List<MovecraftLocation> airLocation = ListUtils.subtract(Arrays.asList(originalBlockList), Arrays.asList(blockList)); for (MovecraftLocation l1 : airLocation) { if (waterCraft) { // if its below the waterline, fill in with water. Otherwise fill in with air. if (l1.getY() <= waterLine) { mapUpdates.add(new MapUpdateCommand(l1, 9, (byte) 0, parentCraft)); } else { mapUpdates.add(new MapUpdateCommand(l1, 0, (byte) 0, parentCraft)); } } else { mapUpdates.add(new MapUpdateCommand(l1, 0, (byte) 0, parentCraft)); } } // rotate scheduled block changes HashMap<MapUpdateCommand, Long> newScheduledBlockChanges = new HashMap<MapUpdateCommand, Long>(); HashMap<MapUpdateCommand, Long> oldScheduledBlockChanges = getCraft().getScheduledBlockChanges(); for (MapUpdateCommand muc : oldScheduledBlockChanges.keySet()) { MovecraftLocation newLoc = muc.getNewBlockLocation(); newLoc = newLoc.subtract(originPoint); newLoc = MathUtils.rotateVec(rotation, newLoc).add(originPoint); Long newTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 5000; MapUpdateCommand newMuc = new MapUpdateCommand(newLoc, muc.getTypeID(), muc.getDataID(), parentCraft); newScheduledBlockChanges.put(newMuc, newTime); } this.scheduledBlockChanges = newScheduledBlockChanges; MapUpdateCommand[] updateArray = mapUpdates.toArray(new MapUpdateCommand[1]); // MapUpdateManager.getInstance().sortUpdates(updateArray); this.updates = updateArray; this.entityUpdates = entityUpdateSet.toArray(new EntityUpdateCommand[1]); maxX = null; maxZ = null; minX = null; minZ = null; for (MovecraftLocation l : blockList) { if (maxX == null || l.getX() > maxX) { maxX = l.getX(); } if (maxZ == null || l.getZ() > maxZ) { maxZ = l.getZ(); } if (minX == null || l.getX() < minX) { minX = l.getX(); } if (minZ == null || l.getZ() < minZ) { minZ = l.getZ(); } } // Rerun the polygonal bounding formula for the newly formed craft int sizeX, sizeZ; sizeX = (maxX - minX) + 1; sizeZ = (maxZ - minZ) + 1; int[][][] polygonalBox = new int[sizeX][][]; for (MovecraftLocation l : blockList) { if (polygonalBox[l.getX() - minX] == null) { polygonalBox[l.getX() - minX] = new int[sizeZ][]; } if (polygonalBox[l.getX() - minX][l.getZ() - minZ] == null) { polygonalBox[l.getX() - minX][l.getZ() - minZ] = new int[2]; polygonalBox[l.getX() - minX][l.getZ() - minZ][0] = l.getY(); polygonalBox[l.getX() - minX][l.getZ() - minZ][1] = l.getY(); } else { minY = polygonalBox[l.getX() - minX][l.getZ() - minZ][0]; maxY = polygonalBox[l.getX() - minX][l.getZ() - minZ][1]; if (l.getY() < minY) { polygonalBox[l.getX() - minX][l.getZ() - minZ][0] = l.getY(); } if (l.getY() > maxY) { polygonalBox[l.getX() - minX][l.getZ() - minZ][1] = l.getY(); } } } this.hitbox = polygonalBox; if (getCraft().getCruising()) { if (rotation == Rotation.ANTICLOCKWISE) { // ship faces west if (getCraft().getCruiseDirection() == 0x5) { getCraft().setCruiseDirection((byte) 0x2); } else // ship faces east if (getCraft().getCruiseDirection() == 0x4) { getCraft().setCruiseDirection((byte) 0x3); } else // ship faces north if (getCraft().getCruiseDirection() == 0x2) { getCraft().setCruiseDirection((byte) 0x4); } else // ship faces south if (getCraft().getCruiseDirection() == 0x3) { getCraft().setCruiseDirection((byte) 0x5); } } else if (rotation == Rotation.CLOCKWISE) { // ship faces west if (getCraft().getCruiseDirection() == 0x5) { getCraft().setCruiseDirection((byte) 0x3); } else // ship faces east if (getCraft().getCruiseDirection() == 0x4) { getCraft().setCruiseDirection((byte) 0x2); } else // ship faces north if (getCraft().getCruiseDirection() == 0x2) { getCraft().setCruiseDirection((byte) 0x5); } else // ship faces south if (getCraft().getCruiseDirection() == 0x3) { getCraft().setCruiseDirection((byte) 0x4); } } } // if you rotated a subcraft, update the parent with the new blocks if (this.isSubCraft) { // also find the furthest extent from center and notify the player of the new direction int farthestX = 0; int farthestZ = 0; for (MovecraftLocation loc : blockList) { if (Math.abs(loc.getX() - originPoint.getX()) > Math.abs(farthestX)) farthestX = loc.getX() - originPoint.getX(); if (Math.abs(loc.getZ() - originPoint.getZ()) > Math.abs(farthestZ)) farthestZ = loc.getZ() - originPoint.getZ(); } if (Math.abs(farthestX) > Math.abs(farthestZ)) { if (farthestX > 0) { if (getCraft().getNotificationPlayer() != null) getCraft().getNotificationPlayer().sendMessage("The farthest extent now faces East"); } else { if (getCraft().getNotificationPlayer() != null) getCraft().getNotificationPlayer().sendMessage("The farthest extent now faces West"); } } else { if (farthestZ > 0) { if (getCraft().getNotificationPlayer() != null) getCraft().getNotificationPlayer().sendMessage("The farthest extent now faces South"); } else { if (getCraft().getNotificationPlayer() != null) getCraft().getNotificationPlayer().sendMessage("The farthest extent now faces North"); } } craftsInWorld = CraftManager.getInstance().getCraftsInWorld(getCraft().getW()); for (Craft craft : craftsInWorld) { if (BlockUtils.arrayContainsOverlap(craft.getBlockList(), originalBlockList) && craft != getCraft()) { List<MovecraftLocation> parentBlockList = ListUtils .subtract(Arrays.asList(craft.getBlockList()), Arrays.asList(originalBlockList)); parentBlockList.addAll(Arrays.asList(blockList)); craft.setBlockList(parentBlockList.toArray(new MovecraftLocation[1])); // Rerun the polygonal bounding formula for the parent craft Integer parentMaxX = null; Integer parentMaxZ = null; Integer parentMinX = null; Integer parentMinZ = null; for (MovecraftLocation l : parentBlockList) { if (parentMaxX == null || l.getX() > parentMaxX) { parentMaxX = l.getX(); } if (parentMaxZ == null || l.getZ() > parentMaxZ) { parentMaxZ = l.getZ(); } if (parentMinX == null || l.getX() < parentMinX) { parentMinX = l.getX(); } if (parentMinZ == null || l.getZ() < parentMinZ) { parentMinZ = l.getZ(); } } int parentSizeX, parentSizeZ; parentSizeX = (parentMaxX - parentMinX) + 1; parentSizeZ = (parentMaxZ - parentMinZ) + 1; int[][][] parentPolygonalBox = new int[parentSizeX][][]; for (MovecraftLocation l : parentBlockList) { if (parentPolygonalBox[l.getX() - parentMinX] == null) { parentPolygonalBox[l.getX() - parentMinX] = new int[parentSizeZ][]; } if (parentPolygonalBox[l.getX() - parentMinX][l.getZ() - parentMinZ] == null) { parentPolygonalBox[l.getX() - parentMinX][l.getZ() - parentMinZ] = new int[2]; parentPolygonalBox[l.getX() - parentMinX][l.getZ() - parentMinZ][0] = l.getY(); parentPolygonalBox[l.getX() - parentMinX][l.getZ() - parentMinZ][1] = l.getY(); } else { int parentMinY = parentPolygonalBox[l.getX() - parentMinX][l.getZ() - parentMinZ][0]; int parentMaxY = parentPolygonalBox[l.getX() - parentMinX][l.getZ() - parentMinZ][1]; if (l.getY() < parentMinY) { parentPolygonalBox[l.getX() - parentMinX][l.getZ() - parentMinZ][0] = l.getY(); } if (l.getY() > parentMaxY) { parentPolygonalBox[l.getX() - parentMinX][l.getZ() - parentMinZ][1] = l.getY(); } } } craft.setMinX(parentMinX); craft.setMinZ(parentMinZ); craft.setHitBox(parentPolygonalBox); } } } } else { // this else is for "if(!failed)" if (this.isSubCraft) { if (parentCraft != getCraft()) { parentCraft.setProcessing(false); } } } } public HashMap<MapUpdateCommand, Long> getScheduledBlockChanges() { return scheduledBlockChanges; } public void setScheduledBlockChanges(HashMap<MapUpdateCommand, Long> scheduledBlockChanges) { this.scheduledBlockChanges = scheduledBlockChanges; } public MovecraftLocation getOriginPoint() { return originPoint; } public boolean isFailed() { return failed; } public String getFailMessage() { return failMessage; } public MovecraftLocation[] getBlockList() { return blockList; } public MapUpdateCommand[] getUpdates() { return updates; } public EntityUpdateCommand[] getEntityUpdates() { return entityUpdates; } public int[][][] getHitbox() { return hitbox; } public int getMinX() { return minX; } public int getMinZ() { return minZ; } public Rotation getRotation() { return rotation; } public boolean getIsSubCraft() { return isSubCraft; } private boolean checkChests(Material mBlock, MovecraftLocation newLoc, HashSet<MovecraftLocation> existingBlockSet) { Material testMaterial; MovecraftLocation aroundNewLoc; aroundNewLoc = newLoc.translate(1, 0, 0); testMaterial = getCraft().getW().getBlockAt(aroundNewLoc.getX(), aroundNewLoc.getY(), aroundNewLoc.getZ()) .getType(); if (testMaterial.equals(mBlock)) { if (!existingBlockSet.contains(aroundNewLoc)) { return false; } } aroundNewLoc = newLoc.translate(-1, 0, 0); testMaterial = getCraft().getW().getBlockAt(aroundNewLoc.getX(), aroundNewLoc.getY(), aroundNewLoc.getZ()) .getType(); if (testMaterial.equals(mBlock)) { if (!existingBlockSet.contains(aroundNewLoc)) { return false; } } aroundNewLoc = newLoc.translate(0, 0, 1); testMaterial = getCraft().getW().getBlockAt(aroundNewLoc.getX(), aroundNewLoc.getY(), aroundNewLoc.getZ()) .getType(); if (testMaterial.equals(mBlock)) { if (!existingBlockSet.contains(aroundNewLoc)) { return false; } } aroundNewLoc = newLoc.translate(0, 0, -1); testMaterial = getCraft().getW().getBlockAt(aroundNewLoc.getX(), aroundNewLoc.getY(), aroundNewLoc.getZ()) .getType(); if (testMaterial.equals(mBlock)) { if (!existingBlockSet.contains(aroundNewLoc)) { return false; } } return true; } }