Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 Cardinal Info.Tech.Co.,Ltd. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import static net.cit.tetrad.utility.QueryUtils.setUid; import net.cit.tetrad.common.Config; import net.cit.tetrad.common.Utility; import; import net.cit.tetrad.model.Global; import net.cit.tetrad.monad.MonadService; import net.cit.tetrad.rrd.bean.GraphDefInfo; import net.cit.tetrad.rrd.utils.RrdUtil; import net.cit.tetrad.rrd.utils.TimestampUtil; import static net.cit.tetrad.common.ColumnConstent.*; public class MainDaoImpl implements MainDao { private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); private final String PERIOD_MINUTEY = "1"; private final String PERIOD_DAY = "2"; private MonadService monadService; public void setMonadService(MonadService monadService) { this.monadService = monadService; } /** * ?,??? ? */ @Override public String[] setFilters(String type, String period, String dsType) { String[] filters = null; // String graphPeriod = getGraphPeriod(period); String getDsType = getDsType(dsType); if (type.equals("conn")) { filters = new String[] { "connections_current" }; } else if (type.equals("r_mem")) { filters = new String[] { "mem_resident" }; } else if (type.equals("v_mem")) { filters = new String[] { "mem_virtual" }; } else if (type.equals("p_fault")) { filters = new String[] { "extra_info_page_faults" }; } else if (type.equals("op_insert")) { filters = new String[] { "opcounters_insert" }; } else if (type.equals("op_delete")) { filters = new String[] { "opcounters_delete" }; } else if (type.equals("op_update")) { filters = new String[] { "opcounters_update" }; } else if (type.equals("op_query")) { filters = new String[] { "opcounters_query" }; } else if (type.equals("global")) { filters = new String[] { "globalLock_lockTime" }; } else if (type.equals("w_locks")) { filters = new String[] { "locks_timeLockedMicros_W" }; } else if (type.equals("r_locks")) { filters = new String[] { "locks_timeLockedMicros_R" }; } else if (type.equals("in_network")) { filters = new String[] { "network_bytesIn" }; } else if (type.equals("out_network")) { filters = new String[] { "network_bytesOut" }; } else if (type.equals("totdb")) { filters = new String[] { "dbDataSize" }; } else if (type.equals("dbDataSize")) { filters = new String[] { getDsType + "dbDataSize" }; } else if (type.equals("dbIndexSize")) { filters = new String[] { getDsType + "dbIndexSize" }; } return filters; } public String[] setGraphLegend(String type) { String[] graphLegend = null; if (type.equals("conn")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Current" }; } else if (type.equals("r_mem")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Resident Memory" }; } else if (type.equals("v_mem")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Virtual Memory" }; } else if (type.equals("p_fault")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Page fault" }; } else if (type.equals("op_insert")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Insert" }; } else if (type.equals("op_delete")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Delete" }; } else if (type.equals("op_update")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Update" }; } else if (type.equals("op_query")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Query" }; } else if (type.equals("global")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Lock Time" }; } else if (type.equals("w_locks")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Write locks" }; } else if (type.equals("r_locks")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Read locks" }; } else if (type.equals("in_network")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "In network" }; } else if (type.equals("out_network")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Out network" }; } else if (type.equals("totdb")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "DB Size" }; } else if (type.equals("dbDataSize")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "DB data size sum" }; } else if (type.equals("dbIndexSize")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "DB index size sum" }; } return graphLegend; } public String getDsType(String dsType) { String gDstype = ""; if (dsType != null && dsType.equals("cur")) gDstype = "diff_"; return gDstype; } public String[] setDbFilters(String dsType, String gubun) { String[] filters = null; String getDsType = getDsType(dsType); if (gubun.equals(IMGTOTALFIELD2_0[0])) { filters = new String[] { getDsType + IMGTOTALFIELD2_0[0] }; } else if (gubun.equals(IMGTOTALFIELD2_0[1])) { filters = new String[] { getDsType + IMGTOTALFIELD2_0[1] }; } else if (gubun.equals(IMGTOTALFIELD2_0[2])) { filters = new String[] { getDsType + IMGTOTALFIELD2_0[2] }; } else if (gubun.equals("dataSize")) { filters = new String[] { getDsType + "dataSize" }; } else if (gubun.equals("indexSize")) { filters = new String[] { getDsType + "indexSize" }; } return filters; } public String[] setDbGraphLegend(String gubun) { String[] graphLegend = null; if (gubun.equals(IMGTOTALFIELD2_0[0])) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Total DB Size" }; } else if (gubun.equals(IMGTOTALFIELD2_0[1])) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Total Index Size" }; } else if (gubun.equals(IMGTOTALFIELD2_0[2])) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Global Lock" }; } else if (gubun.equals("dataSize")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "DB Size" }; } else if (gubun.equals("indexSize")) { graphLegend = new String[] { "Index Size" }; } return graphLegend; } public String getGraphPeriod(String period) { String gperiod; if (period.equals(PERIOD_MINUTEY)) { gperiod = RRD_SUFFIXPATH[0]; } else { gperiod = RRD_SUFFIXPATH[1]; } return gperiod; } public long getSubGraphSearchTime(String period, String date, String hour, String min) { long timeStamp; String fullDate; if (period.equals(PERIOD_MINUTEY)) { fullDate = date + " " + hour + ":" + min; timeStamp = TimestampUtil.readTimestamp(fullDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); } else if (period.equals(PERIOD_DAY)) { fullDate = date + " " + hour; timeStamp = TimestampUtil.readTimestamp(fullDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH"); } else { fullDate = date; timeStamp = TimestampUtil.readTimestamp(fullDate, "yyyy-MM-dd"); } return timeStamp; } public String graphGubun() { String graph_period = "2"; Global global = globalValue(2); graph_period = global.getValue(); return graph_period; } public Global globalValue(int num) { Query query = new Query(); String[] essentialGlobalVariable = Config.getConfig("essentialGlobalVariable").split(";"); query = setUid(essentialGlobalVariable[num]); Global global = (Global) monadService.getFind(query, Global.class); return global; } public GraphDefInfo setGraphDefInfo(GraphDefInfo gdInfo, String grphPeriod, String[] graphLegend, String consolFun, long step) { gdInfo.setGraphLegend(graphLegend); gdInfo.setAxisTimeUnitDiv(grphPeriod); gdInfo.setConsolFun(consolFun); gdInfo.setStep(step); return gdInfo; } public int mainRefreshPeriodMinute() { int main_period = 0; Global global = globalValue(1); main_period = Integer.parseInt(global.getValue()); return main_period; } public String getGlobalMongoVersion() { String mongoVer = MONGOVER2_2; checkExsitEssentialGlobalVariable(); Global global = globalValue(4); mongoVer = global.getValue(); return mongoVer; } public int getLogRetentionPeriod() { Global global = globalValue(0); int logRetentionPeriod = Integer.parseInt(Utility.isNullNumber(global.getValue())); if (logRetentionPeriod < 7) logRetentionPeriod = 7; return logRetentionPeriod; } public String getGlobalHostname() { Global global = globalValue(5); String globalHostName = Utility.isNull(global.getValue()); return globalHostName; } public void checkExsitEssentialGlobalVariable() { List<String> essentialGlobalVariableList = getEssentialGlobalVariable(); List<String> exsitGlobalVariableList = getExsitGlobalVariable(essentialGlobalVariableList); if (exsitGlobalVariableList.size() < essentialGlobalVariableList.size()) { registerEssentialGlobalVariable(essentialGlobalVariableList, exsitGlobalVariableList); } default_log_retention_period_update(); } public void default_log_retention_period_update() { Query query = new Query(); Update update = new Update(); String[] essentialGlobalVariable = Config.getConfig("essentialGlobalVariable").split(";"); query = setUid(essentialGlobalVariable[0]); update.set("value", RrdUtil.readLogRetentionPeriod()); monadService.update(query, update, Global.class); } public List<String> getExsitGlobalVariable(List<String> essentialGlobalVariableList) { Query query = new Query(); query.addCriteria(Criteria.where("uid").in(essentialGlobalVariableList)); query.fields().exclude("_id").include("uid"); List<Object> globalList = monadService.getList(query, Global.class); List<String> exsitGlobalVariable = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object obj : globalList) { Global g = (Global) obj; exsitGlobalVariable.add(g.getUid()); } return exsitGlobalVariable; } public List<String> getEssentialGlobalVariable() { String[] essentialGlobalVariable = Config.getConfig("essentialGlobalVariable").split(";"); List<String> globalVariable = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String str : essentialGlobalVariable) { globalVariable.add(str); } return globalVariable; } public void registerEssentialGlobalVariable(List<String> essentialList, List<String> exsitList) { List<Object> globalList = new ArrayList<Object>(); String[] value = Config.getConfig("essentialGlobalVariableDefaultValue").split(";"); int index = 0; for (String essentialGlobalVariable : essentialList) { if (!exsitList.contains(essentialGlobalVariable)) { String globalValue = value[index]; if (essentialGlobalVariable.equals("hostname")) { String getHostName = Utility.isNull(getServerName()); globalList.add(setEssentialGlobal(essentialGlobalVariable, getHostName == "" ? globalValue : getHostName)); } else { globalList.add(setEssentialGlobal(essentialGlobalVariable, globalValue)); } } index++; } monadService.listAdd(globalList, Global.class); } public Global setEssentialGlobal(String variable, String value) { Global global = new Global(); global.setUid(variable); global.setValue(value); return global; } private String getServerName() { String hostname = ""; try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); // Get hostname hostname = addr.getHostName();"no error hostname:" + hostname); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { log.error(e, e); try { // Get hostname by textual representation of IP address InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(""); // /[ is always localhost -dmw]/ // Get the host name from the address hostname = addr.getHostName(); // Get canonical host name String hostnameCanonical = addr.getCanonicalHostName();"hostname:" + hostname + " || hostnameCanonical:" + hostnameCanonical); } catch (UnknownHostException e2) { // handle exception log.error(e2, e2); } } return hostname; } }