Java tutorial
/** * @author bookingnet * @ * @version 4.0.0 */ package net.cbtltd.client.widget.text; import java.util.ArrayList; import net.cbtltd.client.Component; import net.cbtltd.client.Components; import net.cbtltd.client.GuardedRequest; import net.cbtltd.client.HasComponents; import net.cbtltd.client.field.AbstractField; import net.cbtltd.client.field.AbstractField.Level; import net.cbtltd.client.field.LabelField; import net.cbtltd.client.field.ListField; import net.cbtltd.client.widget.NameIdWidgetItems; import net.cbtltd.client.widget.RazorWidget; import net.cbtltd.shared.Error; import net.cbtltd.shared.JSONRequest; import net.cbtltd.shared.Language; import net.cbtltd.shared.License; import net.cbtltd.shared.NameId; import net.cbtltd.shared.NameIdAction; import net.cbtltd.shared.Service; import net.cbtltd.shared.Text; import net.cbtltd.client.resource.Hosts; import net.cbtltd.shared.text.WidgetText; import com.bookingnet.config.RazorConfig; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** The Class TextWidget is to display text via a widget that can be hosted by a web page. */ public class TextWidget extends VerticalPanel implements ChangeHandler, HasComponents { private static final TextConstants CONSTANTS = GWT.create(TextConstants.class); private static final Hosts HOSTS = GWT.create(Hosts.class); private static final Components COMPONENTS = new Components(); private static final Image loader = new Image(AbstractField.BUNDLE.loader()); private static ListField productField; private static LabelField labelField; private boolean rpc; private String pos; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.cbtltd.client.HasComponents#addComponent(net.cbtltd.client.Component) */ public void addComponent(Component component) { COMPONENTS.add(component); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.cbtltd.client.HasComponents#onRefresh() */ public void onRefresh() { COMPONENTS.onRefresh(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.cbtltd.client.HasComponents#hasChanged() */ public boolean hasChanged() { return COMPONENTS.hasChanged(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.cbtltd.client.HasComponents#onReset(java.lang.String) */ public void onReset(String state) { COMPONENTS.onReset(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void onClick(ClickEvent click) { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void onChange(ChangeEvent change) { if (productField.sent(change) || labelField.sent(change)) { getText(); } } /* A timer to schedule periodic refreshes of the widget. */ private final Timer refreshTimer = new Timer() { public void run() { getText(); } }; /** * Instantiates a new text widget. * If GWT RPC is used the widget must be in an iFrame in the host HTML page to prevent cross-site problems. * If JSONP is used the widget JavaScript must be served from the same site as the host HTML page. * * @param rpc is true if GWT RPC is to be used, else JSONP is used. * @param pos the point of sale code of the organization hosting the widget. * @param productid the ID of the product whose position is to be shown on the map. */ public TextWidget(boolean rpc, String pos, String productid) { try { if (productid == null || productid.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException(Error.product_id.getMessage()); } this.rpc = rpc; this.pos = pos; this.setStylePrimaryName("TextWidget"); int tab = 0; //----------------------------------------------- // Product field //----------------------------------------------- productField = new ListField(this, null, new NameIdAction(Service.PRODUCT), //TODO: new NoOfflineNameId(), CONSTANTS.productLabel(), false, tab++); productField.setFieldStyle("Field"); productField.setLabelStyle("Label"); productField.setAllOrganizations(true); productField.setIds(NameId.getCdlist(productid)); productField.setVisible(productid.split(",").length > 1); // multiple properties productField.setHelpText(CONSTANTS.productHelp()); loader.setVisible(false); final HorizontalPanel bar = new HorizontalPanel(); bar.add(productField); bar.add(loader); this.add(bar); //----------------------------------------------- // Text Output field //----------------------------------------------- labelField = new LabelField(this, null, CONSTANTS.types()[0], Language.getTranslatableNameIds(), tab++); labelField.setLabelStyle("Label"); labelField.setTypeStyle("Type"); labelField.setAllOrganizations(true); labelField.setEnabled(false); labelField.setTypeVisible(rpc); ScrollPanel scroll = new ScrollPanel(); scroll.addStyleName("Text"); this.add(scroll); scroll.add(labelField); this.add(RazorWidget.getHome()); getProduct(productid); labelField.onRefresh(); refreshTimer.cancel(); refreshTimer.schedule(RazorWidget.delay); } catch (Throwable x) { x.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(Error.widget_text.getMessage() + " " + x.getMessage()); } } /* The request callback to refresh the text. */ private void getText() { if (rpc) { textWidget.execute(); } else { getJsonpText(); } } /* The GWT RPC request callback to refresh the text. */ final GuardedRequest<Text> textWidget = new GuardedRequest<Text>() { protected boolean error() { return productField.noValue(); } protected void send() { super.send(new WidgetText( + productField.getValue() + RazorWidget.getParameter("text"), labelField.getLanguage())); } protected void receive(Text response) { if (response == null) { AbstractField.addMessage(Level.ERROR, CONSTANTS.productError(), productField); } else { labelField.setText(response); } } }; /* The JSONP request callback to refresh the text. */ private void getJsonpText() { if (productField.noValue()) { return; } JsonpRequestBuilder jsonp = new JsonpRequestBuilder(); String url = HOSTS.jsonUrl() + "?service=" + JSONRequest.TEXT + "&pos=" + pos + "&model=" + + "&id=" + productField.getValue() + "&language=" + labelField.getLanguage() + "&type=" + RazorWidget.getParameter("text"); loader.setVisible(true); jsonp.requestObject(url, new AsyncCallback<TextWidgetItem>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable x) { loader.setVisible(false); throw new RuntimeException(Error.widget_text.getMessage() + " " + x.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(TextWidgetItem response) { loader.setVisible(false); if (response == null) { AbstractField.addMessage(Level.ERROR, CONSTANTS.productError(), labelField); } else { labelField.setValue(response.getMessage()); } } }); } /* * The request callback to get product name ID pairs. * * @param productid the ID of the selected product. */ private void getProduct(String productid) { if (rpc) { productField.onRefresh(); } else { getJsonpProductNameIds(productid); } } /* * The JSONP request callback to get product name ID pairs. * * @param productid the selected product. */ private void getJsonpProductNameIds(String productid) { JsonpRequestBuilder jsonp = new JsonpRequestBuilder(); String url = HOSTS.jsonUrl() + "?service=" + JSONRequest.NAMEID + "&pos=" + pos + "&model=" + + "&id=" + productid; loader.setVisible(true); jsonp.requestObject(url, new AsyncCallback<NameIdWidgetItems>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable x) { loader.setVisible(false); throw new RuntimeException(Error.nameid_json.getMessage() + " " + x.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(NameIdWidgetItems response) { loader.setVisible(false); if (response != null && response.getItems() != null && response.getItems().length() > 0) { ArrayList<NameId> items = new ArrayList<NameId>(); for (int index = 0; index < response.getItems().length(); index++) { items.add(new NameId(response.getItems().get(index).getName(), response.getItems().get(index).getId())); } productField.setItems(items); } } }); } }