Java tutorial
/** * @author bookingnet * @ * @version 4.0.0 */ package net.cbtltd.client.form; import java.util.ArrayList; import net.cbtltd.client.AbstractRequest; import net.cbtltd.client.AbstractRoot; import net.cbtltd.client.Component; import net.cbtltd.client.Components; import net.cbtltd.client.GuardedRequest; import net.cbtltd.client.HasCommand; import net.cbtltd.client.HasComponents; import net.cbtltd.client.NameIdRequest; import net.cbtltd.client.Razor; import net.cbtltd.client.field.AbstractField; import net.cbtltd.client.field.AbstractField.Level; import net.cbtltd.client.field.HelpLabel; import net.cbtltd.client.field.MessagePanel; import net.cbtltd.client.field.MessagePopup; import net.cbtltd.client.field.PasswordField; import net.cbtltd.client.field.ProgressField; import net.cbtltd.client.panel.AboutPopup; import net.cbtltd.client.panel.SearchPopup; import net.cbtltd.client.resource.FieldBundle; import net.cbtltd.client.resource.FieldConstants; import net.cbtltd.client.resource.FieldCssResource; import net.cbtltd.client.resource.Hosts; import net.cbtltd.shared.License; import net.cbtltd.shared.NameId; import net.cbtltd.shared.NameIdAction; import net.cbtltd.shared.Party; import net.cbtltd.shared.Service; import net.cbtltd.shared.Session; import net.cbtltd.shared.Table; import net.cbtltd.shared.api.HasResetId; import net.cbtltd.shared.api.HasState; import net.cbtltd.shared.session.PasswordUpdate; import net.cbtltd.shared.session.SessionAutoLogin; import net.cbtltd.shared.session.SessionLogout; import com.bookingnet.config.RazorConfig; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class AbstractForm is the parent of all concrete form classes to display and change a value of type T. * The type T must extend HasState because every form has a finite state machine to help manage its appearance * and behaviour according to its current state. A form contains components such as fields and buttons which * implement this appearance and behaviour. AbstractForm extends the GWT DockLayoutPanel which allows its child * widgets to be docked at its outer edges, and for its last widget to take up the remaining space in its centre. * It attaches its header, including its main menu, at the top (north) and its optional information * bar at the bottom (south). Its data entry or detail panel is typically attached to the left (west) side, and * other widgets populate the remainder of the form. * It also implements HasComponents so that it can contain Component types such as fields and buttons. * * @param <T> the type, which extends the HasState interface, value displayed and changed by this class. * @see * @see for Window parameters * @see net.cbtltd.client.HasComponents */ public abstract class AbstractForm<T extends HasState> extends DockLayoutPanel implements HasComponents { /* Request to log in to the server automatically. */ private final GuardedRequest<Session> sessionAutologin = new GuardedRequest<Session>() { protected boolean error() { return pos == null || pos.isEmpty(); } protected void send() { super.send(new SessionAutoLogin(pos)); } protected void receive(Session session) { setValue(session); } }; /** * Sets the point of sale code and attempts to to log into the server automatically. * * @param pos the point of sale code with which to to log into the server. */ public void setPos(String pos) { AbstractForm.pos = pos; sessionAutologin.execute(); } /* Sets the attributes of the specified session action. */ private static Session getValue(Session session) { session.setId(AbstractRoot.getSession().getId()); session.setOrganizationid(AbstractRoot.getSession().getOrganizationid()); session.setActorid(AbstractRoot.getSession().getActorid()); session.setEmailaddress(AbstractRoot.getSession().getEmailaddress()); return session; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.cbtltd.client.form.AbstractForm#setValue(net.cbtltd.shared.api.HasState) */ private void setValue(Session session) { // Window.alert("AbstractForm setValue " + session); if (session == null || session.notState(Session.LOGGED_IN)) { new MessagePanel(Level.ERROR, AbstractField.CONSTANTS.errPOScode()); } else { AbstractRoot.setSession(session); setup(0); //TODO: } } /* Remote request to enable automatic login to the server given a valid point of sale code */ private GuardedRequest<Session> sessionLogout = new GuardedRequest<Session>() { protected boolean error() { return false; } protected void send() { super.send(getValue(new SessionLogout())); } protected void receive(Session session) { AbstractRoot.newSession(); AbstractRoot.render(Razor.SESSION_TAB); } }; private static final FieldBundle BUNDLE = FieldBundle.INSTANCE; private static final FieldCssResource CSS = BUNDLE.css(); private static final FieldConstants CONSTANTS = GWT.create(FieldConstants.class); private static final Hosts HOSTS = GWT.create(Hosts.class); private static final int MAX_SEARCH = 30; protected static double NORTH_SIZE = 3.6; protected static double SOUTH_SIZE = 2.0; protected final Components components = new Components(); protected final HorizontalPanel header = new HorizontalPanel(); private final HorizontalPanel footer = new HorizontalPanel(); private TextBox searchText; private boolean isSetup = false; private static boolean resetting = false; /** The finite state machine to control the appearance and behaviour of the form. */ protected ArrayList<Transition> fsm; /** The current state of the form, which is used by the finite state machine. */ protected String state; /** The old state is the previous state when executing a state transition - the transition is from sate oldsate to state if successful. */ protected String oldstate; /** The tab counter which is incremented each time a field or button is added. */ protected int tab = 0; /** The optional point of sale code (pos) enables the form to automatically log into the server. */ protected static String pos; /** * Checks if the form is a widget and is not part of an application. * * @return true, if the form is a widget and is not part of an application. */ protected static boolean isWidget() { return pos != null; } /** Initializes the form and its components. Delay this until the form is actually needed (lazy loading). */ protected abstract void initialize(); /** * Gets the permissions needed to include the form in the current session of the application. * * @return the permissions needed to include the form in the current session of the application. */ public abstract short[] permission(); /** * Gets the current value of the form, which is typically a data transfer object. * * @return the value of the form. */ public abstract T getValue(); /** * Sets the form to the specified value, which is typically a data transfer object. * * @param value the specified value. */ public abstract void setValue(T value); /** Instantiates a new abstract form with em size units. */ public AbstractForm() { super(Unit.EM); } /** * Checks if the current value of the form (or its components) has changed since the most recent setChanged() even. * * @return true if the value has changed. */ public boolean hasChanged() { return components.hasChanged(); } /** Initialize the form if it has not yet been initialized. */ public final void setup(int index) { if (!isSetup) { isSetup = true; CSS.ensureInjected(); addStyleName(CSS.appBody()); createHeader(header, index); addNorth(header, NORTH_SIZE); addSouth(createFooter(footer), SOUTH_SIZE); Window.addResizeHandler(new ResizeHandler() { Timer resizeTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { onResizeForm(); } }; @Override public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) { resizeTimer.schedule(250); } }); initialize(); } } /** * Executed when window is resized */ protected void onResizeForm() { } /** * Create the header for the specified panel. * * @param panel the specified panel. */ protected void createHeader(HorizontalPanel panel, int index) { panel.clear(); panel.addStyleName(CSS.appHeader()); panel.setVerticalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); HTML headerLogo = new HTML(); headerLogo.setHTML("a<span style='font-weight: 600;'>booking</span>net"); headerLogo.addStyleName(CSS.appHeaderLogo()); panel.add(headerLogo); final HorizontalPanel panelTabs = new HorizontalPanel(); createTabs(panelTabs, index); panel.add(panelTabs); panel.add(createUtilities()); } /* Create the header logo. */ private FlowPanel createLogo() { final FlowPanel logoPanel = new FlowPanel(); Image logoImage = new Image(BUNDLE.logo()); // if (AbstractRoot.logo != null) {logoImage = new Image(AbstractRoot.logo);} if (AbstractRoot.hasLogo()) { logoImage = new Image(AbstractRoot.getLogo()); } logoPanel.add(logoImage); return logoPanel; } /* Adds the tabs for which the current session has permission to the specified panel. */ private void createTabs(HorizontalPanel panel, int this_index) { if (this instanceof SessionForm || AbstractRoot.noOrganizationid()) { return; } Tab tab = null; for (int index = 1; index < CONSTANTS.sessionTabs().length; index++) { if (AbstractRoot.permitted(index)) { tab = new Tab(index, CONSTANTS.sessionTabs()[index]); tab.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommand()); //tab.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandBegin()); if (index == this_index) { tab.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandSelected()); } tab.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { int index = ((Tab) event.getSource()).getIndex(); if (hasChanged()) { MessagePopup.getInstance().showYesNo(CONSTANTS.errChangeOK(), index, null); } else { AbstractRoot.render(index); } } }); panel.add(tab); } } //if (tab != null) {tab.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandEnd());} } /* Creates the utility buttons to be added to the header panel. */ private HorizontalPanel createUtilities() { final HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); panel.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandRight()); final Label homeButton = new Label(CONSTANTS.homeButton()); homeButton.setTitle(CONSTANTS.helpHome()); homeButton.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandHyperlink()); homeButton.setVisible(AbstractRoot.noLogo()); homeButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {, "_blank", "menubar=yes,location=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes"); } }); Label aboutButton = new Label(CONSTANTS.allAbout()); aboutButton.setTitle(CONSTANTS.helpAbout()); aboutButton.setVisible(true); aboutButton.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandHyperlink()); aboutButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { new AboutPopup().center(); } }); Label passwordButton = new Label(CONSTANTS.allPassword()); passwordButton.setTitle(CONSTANTS.helpPassword()); passwordButton.setVisible(!(this instanceof SessionForm)); passwordButton.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandHyperlink()); passwordButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { new PasswordPopup().center(); } }); Label logoutButton = new Label(CONSTANTS.sessionLogout()); logoutButton.setVisible(!(this instanceof SessionForm)); logoutButton.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandHyperlink()); logoutButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Cookies.removeCookie("sid"); sessionLogout.execute(); } }); if (!(this instanceof SessionForm)) { panel.add(createSearch()); } panel.add(homeButton); panel.add(aboutButton); panel.add(passwordButton); panel.add(logoutButton); return panel; } /* Creates the search box to be added to the header panel. */ private FlowPanel createSearch() { FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel(); final Image searchLeft = new Image(BUNDLE.searchLeft()); final Image searchCenter = new Image(BUNDLE.searchCenter()); final Image searchLoading = new Image(BUNDLE.searchLoading()); searchLoading.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandSearchLoading()); searchLoading.setVisible(false); searchText = new TextBox(); searchText.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandSearchField()); searchText.addKeyDownHandler(new KeyDownHandler() { @Override public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { if (event.getNativeKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) { NameIdRequest searchRequest = new NameIdRequest( new NameIdAction(Service.SESSION, searchText.getText())) { public void receive(Table<NameId> response) { searchLoading.setVisible(false); searchText.setVisible(true); if (!ifMessage(response == null || response.noValue(), Level.ERROR, CONSTANTS.searchNoresult(), searchText)) { new SearchPopup(response.getValue()).center(); } } }; searchRequest.getAction().setNumrows(MAX_SEARCH); searchText.setVisible(false); searchLoading.setVisible(true); searchRequest.execute(); } } }); final Image searchRight = new Image(BUNDLE.searchRight()); searchRight.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { NameIdRequest searchRequest = new NameIdRequest( new NameIdAction(Service.SESSION, searchText.getText())) { public void receive(Table<NameId> response) { searchText.setVisible(true); searchLoading.setVisible(false); if (!ifMessage(response == null || response.noValue(), Level.ERROR, CONSTANTS.searchNoresult(), searchText)) { new SearchPopup(response.getValue()).center(); } } }; searchRequest.getAction().setNumrows(MAX_SEARCH); searchText.setVisible(false); searchLoading.setVisible(true); searchRequest.execute(); } }); panel.add(searchLeft); panel.add(searchCenter); panel.add(searchText); panel.add(searchLoading); panel.add(searchRight); panel.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandSearch()); return panel; } /* * Creates the footer region to be added to the specified panel. * * @param panel the specified panel. */ private HorizontalPanel createFooter(HorizontalPanel panel) { panel.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandFooter()); // if (this instanceof SessionForm) {return panel;} // final Image image = new Image(; // image.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandImage()); // image.setTitle(CONSTANTS.imageHelp()); // image.setVisible(false); // panel.add(image); // final FlowPanel up = new FlowPanel(); // final HorizontalPanel user = new HorizontalPanel(); // final Label userLabel = new Label(AbstractRoot.getActorname()); // userLabel.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandUser()); // user.add(userLabel); // // final Double rank = totalProgress() / 10.0; // final Label rankLabel = new Label(CONSTANTS.userRanks()[rank.intValue()]); // rankLabel.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandRank()); // user.add(rankLabel); // up.add(user); // progressField = new ProgressField(this, null, null, 0, 100, tab); // progressField.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandProgress()); // progressField.addStyleName(CSS.cbtAbstractCursor()); // progressField.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { // // @Override // public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // new ProgressPopup().center(); // } // }); // progressField.setDefaultValue(totalProgress()); // up.add(progressField); // panel.add(up); final Label copyrightLabel = new Label(CONSTANTS.allCopyright()); copyrightLabel.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {, "_blank", "menubar=yes,location=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes"); } }); copyrightLabel.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandFooterHyperlink()); panel.add(copyrightLabel); final HTML supportLabel = new HTML( "<a href='' title='Click to send a feedback & support message'>Feedback & Support</a>"); supportLabel.removeStyleName("a"); supportLabel.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandFooterHyperlink()); supportLabel.addStyleName(CSS.cbtCommandRight()); supportLabel.setVisible(AbstractRoot.noLogo()); panel.add(supportLabel); return panel; } /** * Displays a pop up message if a condition is satisfied. * * @param condition the condition is true if the message is to be displayed. * @param level the level of the message which dictates its importance and sets its colour. * @param text the text to be displayed in the message. * @param target the field or other widget next to which the message is to be displayed. * @return true, if the condition is satisfied. */ protected boolean ifMessage(boolean condition, Level level, String text, UIObject target) { if (condition) { AbstractField.addMessage(level, text, target); } return condition; } /** * Checks if the form is being reset or updated. * * @return true if the form is being reset or updated. */ protected boolean isResetting() { return resetting; } /** * Checks if the form is reset and is not being updated. * * @return true, if is reset. */ protected boolean isReset() { return !isResetting(); } /** * Sets the reset or update status of the form. * * @param resetting is true when a reset or update starts, and false when it ends. */ public void setResetting(boolean resetting) { AbstractForm.resetting = resetting; } /** * Handles change events. * * @param event when changed. */ @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent click) { execute(fsm, click); } /** Executed when the form gets focus. */ public void onFocus() { } /** Executed when the form loses focus. */ public void onBlur() { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.cbtltd.client.HasComponents#addComponent(net.cbtltd.client.Component) */ public void addComponent(Component component) { components.add(component); } /** * Removes the specified component from the form. * * @param component the component to be removed. */ public void removeComponent(Component component) { if (components != null) { components.remove(component); } } /** * Resets this form and its components to the specified state. * * @param state the state to which the form is set. */ public void onReset(String state) { setResetting(true); components.onReset(); onStateChange(state); setResetting(false); } /** * Resets the form to the values of the HasResetId having the specified ID. * * @param resetid the ID of the HasResetId to whose value the form is to be set. */ public void onReset(HasResetId resetid) { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.cbtltd.client.HasComponents#onRefresh() */ public void onRefresh() { components.onRefresh(); } /** * Changes the option of the components of the form to the specified value. * * @param option the specified option value. */ public void onOptionChange(String option) { components.onOptionChange(option); } /** * Checks if the form has no current state. * * @return true, if the form has no current state. */ protected boolean noState() { return state == null; } /** * Checks if the form had a state prior to the most recent transition. * * @return true, if the form had a state prior to the most recent transition. */ public boolean hadState(String state) { return this.oldstate != null && this.oldstate.equals(state); } /** * Checks if the form is in the specified state. * * @param state the specified state * @return true, if the form is in the specified state. */ public boolean hasState(String state) { return this.state != null && this.state.equals(state); } /** * Checks if the form is not in the specified state. * * @param state the specified state * @return true, if the form is not in the specified state. */ public boolean notState(String state) { return !hasState(state); } /** * Handles changes to the form state. * * @param state the new state. */ protected void onStateChange(String state) { this.state = state; components.onStateChange(fsm, state); components.onOptionChange(state); } /** * Executes the finite state machine in response to the specified event. * * @param fsm is the finite state machine defining the rules governing state transition. * @param event the event that triggers the transition. */ private final void execute(ArrayList<Transition> fsm, ClickEvent event) { //Window.alert("execute " + state + " " + oldstate + " " + fsm); if (fsm == null || fsm.isEmpty()) { return; } if (GuardedRequest.isSending()) { new MessagePanel(Level.VERBOSE, CONSTANTS.allLoading()).center(); return; } for (Transition t : fsm) { HasCommand c = t.getCommand(); AbstractRequest r = c.getRequest(); oldstate = state; if (t.inState(state) && event.getSource())) { state = t.getToState(); if (r == null || r.execute(true)) { onStateChange(state); } else { state = oldstate; } return; } } } /* Inner Class PasswordPopup is to change the password when the Password utility in the header is clicked. */ private class PasswordPopup extends PopupPanel { /* Request to update the password on the server. */ private GuardedRequest<Session> passwordUpdate = new GuardedRequest<Session>() { protected boolean error() { return (ifMessage(AbstractRoot.noActorid(), Level.ERROR, CONSTANTS.errActorid(), passwordField) || ifMessage(passwordField.noValue(), Level.ERROR, CONSTANTS.errPassword(), passwordField) || ifMessage(passwordcheckField.noValue(), Level.ERROR, CONSTANTS.errPasswordcheck(), passwordcheckField) || ifMessage(passwordField.notValue(passwordcheckField.getValue()), Level.ERROR, CONSTANTS.errPasswordsUnequal(), passwordcheckField)); } protected void send() { super.send(getPasswordValue()); } protected void receive(Session session) { hide(); } }; private Session getPasswordValue() { Session session = new PasswordUpdate(); session.setId(passwordField.getValue()); session.setOrganizationid(AbstractRoot.getSession().getOrganizationid()); session.setActorid(AbstractRoot.getSession().getActorid()); session.setEmailaddress(AbstractRoot.getSession().getEmailaddress()); return session; } private int tab = 0; private PasswordField passwordField; private PasswordField passwordcheckField; /** Instantiates a new password pop up panel. */ public PasswordPopup() { super(true); final VerticalPanel form = new VerticalPanel(); setWidget(form); setStylePrimaryName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtAbstractPopup()); final Label title = new Label(CONSTANTS.passwordtitleLabel()); title.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtAbstractPopupLabel()); form.add(title); final Label closeButton = new Label(); closeButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { PasswordPopup.this.hide(); passwordField.clear(); passwordcheckField.clear(); } }); closeButton.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtAbstractPopupClose()); form.add(closeButton); //----------------------------------------------- // Password field //----------------------------------------------- passwordField = new PasswordField(AbstractForm.this, null, CONSTANTS.passwordLabel(), tab++); passwordField.setSecure(true); form.add(passwordField); //----------------------------------------------- // Check Password field //----------------------------------------------- passwordcheckField = new PasswordField(AbstractForm.this, null, CONSTANTS.checkPasswordLabel(), tab++); passwordcheckField.setSecure(true); form.add(passwordcheckField); final HorizontalPanel bar = new HorizontalPanel(); bar.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtAbstractCommand()); Button saveButton = new Button(AbstractField.CONSTANTS.allSave(), new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { passwordUpdate.execute(); } }); saveButton.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtCommandButton()); saveButton.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtGradientGreen()); saveButton.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtCommandButtonTwo()); bar.add(saveButton); Button cancelButton = new Button(AbstractField.CONSTANTS.allCancel(), new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { hide(); } }); cancelButton.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtCommandButton()); cancelButton.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtGradientRed()); cancelButton.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtCommandButtonTwo()); bar.add(cancelButton); form.add(bar); } } /* Gets the total progress to completion of the form. */ private Integer totalProgress() { Double progress = 0.0; progress += getProgressActivity() * 0.10; progress += getProgressAge() * 0.10; progress += getProgressBrochure() * 0.15; progress += getProgressConfirm() * 0.15; progress += getProgressCreator() * 0.30; progress += getProgressValue() * 0.20; return progress.intValue(); } private Double getProgressActivity() { Double value = AbstractRoot.getDoubleValue(; Double valuemax = AbstractRoot.getDoubleValue(; return Math.min(100.0, (value == null || valuemax == null || valuemax == 0.0) ? 0.0 : value * 100 / valuemax); } private Double getProgressAge() { Double value = AbstractRoot.getDoubleValue(; Double valuemax = AbstractRoot.getDoubleValue(; return Math.min(100.0, (value == null || valuemax == null || valuemax == 0.0) ? 0.0 : value * 100 / valuemax); } private Double getProgressBrochure() { Double value = AbstractRoot.getDoubleValue(; Double valuemax = AbstractRoot.getDoubleValue(; return Math.min(100.0, (value == null || valuemax == null || valuemax == 0.0) ? 0.0 : value * 100 / valuemax); } private Double getProgressConfirm() { Double value = AbstractRoot.getDoubleValue(; return Math.min(100.0, (value == null) ? 0.0 : value * 100); } private Double getProgressCreator() { Double value = AbstractRoot.getDoubleValue(; Double valuemax = AbstractRoot.getDoubleValue(; return Math.min(100.0, (value == null || valuemax == null || valuemax == 0.0) ? 0.0 : value * 100 / valuemax); } private Double getProgressValue() { Double value = AbstractRoot.getDoubleValue(; Double valuemax = AbstractRoot.getDoubleValue(; return Math.min(100.0, (value == null || valuemax == null || valuemax == 0.0) ? 0.0 : value * 100 / valuemax); } /* Inner Class ProgressPopup is to display progress in the footer bar of the form. */ private class ProgressPopup extends PopupPanel { /** Instantiates a new progress pop up panel. */ public ProgressPopup() { super(true); AbstractField.CSS.ensureInjected(); CSS.ensureInjected(); final VerticalPanel form = new VerticalPanel(); final HelpLabel title = new HelpLabel(CONSTANTS.progressTitle(), CONSTANTS.progressHelp(), this); title.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtAbstractPopupLabel()); form.add(title); final Label closeButton = new Label(); closeButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { ProgressPopup.this.hide(); } }); closeButton.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtAbstractPopupClose()); form.add(closeButton); ProgressField progressactivityField = new ProgressField(AbstractForm.this, null, CONSTANTS.progressactivityLabel(), 0, 100, tab); progressactivityField.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtCommandProgress()); progressactivityField.setHelpText(CONSTANTS.progressactivityHelp()); progressactivityField.setValue(getProgressActivity().intValue()); form.add(progressactivityField); ProgressField progressageField = new ProgressField(AbstractForm.this, null, CONSTANTS.progressageLabel(), 0, 100, tab); progressageField.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtCommandProgress()); progressageField.setHelpText(CONSTANTS.progressageHelp()); progressageField.setValue(getProgressAge().intValue()); form.add(progressageField); ProgressField progressbrochureField = new ProgressField(AbstractForm.this, null, CONSTANTS.progressbrochureLabel(), 0, 100, tab); progressbrochureField.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtCommandProgress()); progressbrochureField.setHelpText(CONSTANTS.progressbrochureHelp()); progressbrochureField.setValue(getProgressBrochure().intValue()); form.add(progressbrochureField); ProgressField progressconfirmField = new ProgressField(AbstractForm.this, null, CONSTANTS.progressconfirmLabel(), 0, 100, tab); progressconfirmField.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtCommandProgress()); progressconfirmField.setHelpText(CONSTANTS.progressconfirmHelp()); progressconfirmField.setValue(getProgressConfirm().intValue()); form.add(progressconfirmField); ProgressField progresscreatorField = new ProgressField(AbstractForm.this, null, CONSTANTS.progresscreatorLabel(), 0, 100, tab); progresscreatorField.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtCommandProgress()); progresscreatorField.setHelpText(CONSTANTS.progresscreatorHelp()); progresscreatorField.setValue(getProgressCreator().intValue()); form.add(progresscreatorField); ProgressField progressvalueField = new ProgressField(AbstractForm.this, null, CONSTANTS.progressvalueLabel(), 0, 100, tab); progressvalueField.addStyleName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtCommandProgress()); progressvalueField.setHelpText(CONSTANTS.progressvalueHelp()); progressvalueField.setValue(getProgressValue().intValue()); form.add(progressvalueField); setWidget(form); setStylePrimaryName(AbstractField.CSS.cbtAbstractPopup()); } } }