Java tutorial
/** * This file belongs to the BPELUnit utility and Eclipse plugin set. See enclosed * license file for more information. * */ package net.bpelunit.framework; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.wsdl.Definition; import javax.wsdl.WSDLException; import javax.wsdl.factory.WSDLFactory; import javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLReader; import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import net.bpelunit.framework.control.datasource.DataSourceUtil; import net.bpelunit.framework.control.deploy.IBPELDeployer; import net.bpelunit.framework.control.ext.IDataSource; import net.bpelunit.framework.control.ext.IHeaderProcessor; import net.bpelunit.framework.control.ext.ISOAPEncoder; import net.bpelunit.framework.control.soap.NamespaceContextImpl; import net.bpelunit.framework.control.util.ActivityUtil; import net.bpelunit.framework.control.util.ActivityUtil.ActivityConstant; import net.bpelunit.framework.control.util.BPELUnitConstants; import net.bpelunit.framework.control.util.BPELUnitUtil; import net.bpelunit.framework.exception.DataSourceException; import net.bpelunit.framework.exception.SpecificationException; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.HumanPartner; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.Partner; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.ProcessUnderTest; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.PartnerTrack; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.TestCase; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.TestSuite; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.activity.Activity; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.activity.CompleteHumanTask; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.activity.ReceiveAsync; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.activity.ReceiveSendAsync; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.activity.ReceiveSendSync; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.activity.SendAsync; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.activity.SendReceiveAsync; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.activity.SendReceiveSync; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.activity.TwoWayAsyncActivity; import net.bpelunit.framework.model.test.activity.Wait; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.bpelunit.framework.verify.ConditionGroupsExistInTestSuiteValidator; import net.bpelunit.framework.verify.ITestSuiteValidator; import net.bpelunit.framework.verify.NoCyclesInConditionGroupInheritanceValidator; import net.bpelunit.framework.verify.PartnersHaveUniqueNamesValidator; import net.bpelunit.framework.verify.PartnersInTestCasesHaveNamesValidator; import net.bpelunit.framework.verify.PartnersUsedInTestCaseAreDeclaredInTestSuiteValidator; import net.bpelunit.framework.verify.TestCaseNamesAreUniqueValidator; import net.bpelunit.framework.verify.TestSuiteRootInformationValidator; import net.bpelunit.framework.verify.TestSuiteXMLValidator; import net.bpelunit.framework.verify.XMLDataIsEitherSetOrImportedValidator; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLActivity; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLAnyElement; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLCompleteHumanTaskActivity; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLCondition; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLConditionGroup; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLCopy; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLDataExtraction; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLDeploymentSection; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLHeaderProcessor; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLHumanPartnerDeploymentInformation; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLHumanPartnerTrack; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLMapping; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLPUTDeploymentInformation; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLPartnerDeploymentInformation; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLPartnerTrack; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLProperty; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLReceiveActivity; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLSendActivity; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLSendOnlyActivity; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLSetUp; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLSoapActivity; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLTestCase; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLTestCasesSection; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLTestSuite; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLTestSuiteDocument; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLTrack; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLTwoWayActivity; import net.bpelunit.framework.xml.suite.XMLWaitActivity; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import; /** * The specificaton loader reads test suite documents and creates the in-memory * test run data structure, which is made ready for test execution. * * @version $Id$ * @author Philip Mayer * */ public class SpecificationLoader { private Logger fLogger; private BPELUnitRunner fRunner; private Map<String, XMLConditionGroup> conditionGroups = new HashMap<String, XMLConditionGroup>(); public SpecificationLoader(BPELUnitRunner runner) { fRunner = runner; fLogger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); } public TestSuite loadTestSuite(File suite) throws SpecificationException { try {"Loading test suite from file " + suite); String path = suite.getCanonicalFile().getParent() + File.separator;"Using base path: " + path); XMLTestSuiteDocument doc = XMLTestSuiteDocument.Factory.parse(suite); validateTestSuite(doc); extractConditionGroups(doc); TestSuite testSuite = parseSuite(path, doc);"Loaded test suite with name \"" + testSuite.getName() + "\" and " + testSuite.getTestCaseCount() + " test cases."); return testSuite; } catch (XmlException e) { throw new SpecificationException("An XML reading error occurred when reading the test suite file.", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SpecificationException("An I/O error occurred when reading the test suite file.", e); } } private void extractConditionGroups(XMLTestSuiteDocument doc) { if (doc == null || doc.getTestSuite() == null || doc.getTestSuite().getConditionGroups() == null) { return; } List<XMLConditionGroup> cgList = doc.getTestSuite().getConditionGroups().getConditionGroupList(); if (cgList != null) { for (XMLConditionGroup cg : cgList) { conditionGroups.put(cg.getName(), cg); } } } private void validateTestSuite(final XMLTestSuiteDocument doc) throws SpecificationException { ITestSuiteValidator[] validators = new ITestSuiteValidator[] { new TestSuiteXMLValidator(), new PartnersHaveUniqueNamesValidator(), new PartnersUsedInTestCaseAreDeclaredInTestSuiteValidator(), new TestSuiteRootInformationValidator(), new PartnersInTestCasesHaveNamesValidator(), new ConditionGroupsExistInTestSuiteValidator(), new NoCyclesInConditionGroupInheritanceValidator(), new XMLDataIsEitherSetOrImportedValidator(), new TestCaseNamesAreUniqueValidator() }; for (ITestSuiteValidator v : validators) { v.validate(doc); } } private TestSuite parseSuite(String testDirectory, XMLTestSuiteDocument xmlTestSuiteDocument) throws SpecificationException, XmlException, IOException { XMLTestSuite xmlTestSuite = xmlTestSuiteDocument.getTestSuite(); // Name String xmlSuiteName = xmlTestSuite.getName(); URL suiteBaseURL = getBaseURL(xmlTestSuite); // Load deployment information XMLDeploymentSection xmlDeployment = xmlTestSuite.getDeployment(); /* * The Process Under Test and his Deployer. */ XMLPUTDeploymentInformation xmlPut = xmlDeployment.getPut(); Map<String, Partner> suitePartners = new HashMap<String, Partner>(); ProcessUnderTest processUnderTest = createProcessUnderTest(testDirectory, suiteBaseURL, suitePartners, xmlPut); /* * The Client. Note that the client uses the PUT's WSDL. This is * intended as the clients activities will all deal with the partners * operations. */ String xmlPutWSDL = xmlPut.getWsdl(); String xmlPutPartnerWSDL = xmlPut.getPartnerWSDL(); Partner suiteClient = new Partner(BPELUnitConstants.CLIENT_NAME, loadWsdlDefinition(testDirectory, xmlPutWSDL, BPELUnitConstants.CLIENT_NAME), loadWsdlDefinition(testDirectory, xmlPutPartnerWSDL, BPELUnitConstants.CLIENT_NAME), suiteBaseURL.toString()); /* * The Partners. Each partner is initialized with the attached WSDL * information, which allows retrieving operations from this partner * later on. */ createPartners(testDirectory, suiteBaseURL, xmlDeployment, suitePartners); Map<String, HumanPartner> humanPartners = createHumanPartners(xmlDeployment, suiteBaseURL); // Create the suite. TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(xmlSuiteName, suiteBaseURL, processUnderTest); // Process the contents of the setUp block, if any try { readTestSuiteSetUpBlock(suite, xmlTestSuite); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SpecificationException("Error during test suite set up", ex); } /* * The Test Cases. Each test case consists of a number of Partner * Tracks, which in turn consist of an ordered collection of Activities. */ createTestCases(testDirectory, xmlTestSuiteDocument, xmlTestSuite, suitePartners, humanPartners, suiteClient, suite); return suite; } private Map<String, HumanPartner> createHumanPartners(XMLDeploymentSection xmlDeployment, URL baseURL) throws SpecificationException { Map<String, HumanPartner> humanPartners = new HashMap<String, HumanPartner>(); if (xmlDeployment.getHumanPartnerList() != null) { for (XMLHumanPartnerDeploymentInformation hp : xmlDeployment.getHumanPartnerList()) { humanPartners.put(hp.getName(), new HumanPartner(hp.getName(), baseURL, hp.getWshtEndpoint(), hp.getUsername(), hp.getPassword())); } } return humanPartners; } private void createTestCases(String testDirectory, XMLTestSuiteDocument xmlTestSuiteDocument, XMLTestSuite xmlTestSuite, Map<String, Partner> suitePartners, Map<String, HumanPartner> suiteHumanPartners, Partner suiteClient, TestSuite suite) throws SpecificationException { XMLTestCasesSection xmlTestCases = xmlTestSuite.getTestCases(); List<XMLTestCase> xmlTestCaseList = xmlTestCases.getTestCaseList(); int currentNumber = 0; for (XMLTestCase xmlTestCase : xmlTestCaseList) { currentNumber++; createTestCase(testDirectory, xmlTestSuiteDocument, xmlTestSuite, suitePartners, suiteHumanPartners, suiteClient, suite, currentNumber, xmlTestCase); } } private void createTestCase(String testDirectory, XMLTestSuiteDocument xmlTestSuiteDocument, XMLTestSuite xmlTestSuite, Map<String, Partner> suitePartners, Map<String, HumanPartner> suiteHumanPartners, Partner suiteClient, TestSuite suite, int currentNumber, XMLTestCase xmlTestCase) throws SpecificationException { String xmlTestCaseName = getTestCaseName(currentNumber, xmlTestCase); boolean isVary = xmlTestCase.getVary(); int rounds = computeNumberOfRounds(xmlTestSuiteDocument, isVary);"Varying: " + isVary + " (Rounds: " + rounds + ")"); IDataSource dataSource = readDataSource(testDirectory, xmlTestSuite, xmlTestCase); final int nRows = getNumberOfRows(dataSource); final int nRounds = getNumberOfRounds(isVary, rounds); for (int iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; ++iRow) { for (int iRound = 0; iRound < nRounds; iRound++) { String currentTestCaseName = getHumanReadableTestCaseName(xmlTestCaseName, rounds, dataSource, iRow, iRound); if (!xmlTestCase.getAbstract()) { TestCase test = createTestCase(suitePartners, suiteHumanPartners, suiteClient, suite, xmlTestCase, currentTestCaseName, iRound, testDirectory); test.setDataSource(dataSource); test.setRowIndex(iRow); suite.addTestCase(test); } } } } private String getHumanReadableTestCaseName(String xmlTestCaseName, int rounds, IDataSource dataSource, int iRow, int iRound) { String currentTestCaseName = xmlTestCaseName; if (dataSource != null) { currentTestCaseName += " (Row " + (iRow + 1) + ")"; } if (rounds > 1) { // Create a non-computer-science name ;) currentTestCaseName += " (Round " + (iRound + 1) + ")"; } return currentTestCaseName; } private int getNumberOfRounds(boolean isVary, int rounds) { return isVary && rounds > 0 ? rounds : 1; } private int getNumberOfRows(IDataSource dataSource) { final int nRows = dataSource != null ? dataSource.getNumberOfRows() : 1; return nRows; } private String getTestCaseName(int currentNumber, XMLTestCase xmlTestCase) { String xmlTestCaseName = xmlTestCase.getName(); if (xmlTestCaseName == null) { xmlTestCaseName = "Test Case " + currentNumber; } return xmlTestCaseName; } private IDataSource readDataSource(String testDirectory, XMLTestSuite xmlTestSuite, XMLTestCase xmlTestCase) throws SpecificationException { IDataSource dataSource; try { dataSource = DataSourceUtil.createDataSource(xmlTestSuite, xmlTestCase, new File(testDirectory), fRunner); } catch (DataSourceException e) { throw new SpecificationException( "There was a problem while " + "initializing the specified data source.", e); } return dataSource; } private void createPartners(String testDirectory, URL suiteBaseURL, XMLDeploymentSection xmlDeployment, Map<String, Partner> suitePartners) throws SpecificationException { for (XMLPartnerDeploymentInformation xmlPDI : xmlDeployment.getPartnerList()) { String name = xmlPDI.getName(); Partner p = new Partner(name, loadWsdlDefinition(testDirectory, xmlPDI.getWsdl(), name), loadWsdlDefinition(testDirectory, xmlPDI.getPartnerWsdl(), name), suiteBaseURL.toString()); suitePartners.put(p.getName(), p); } } public static Definition loadWsdlDefinition(String baseDir, String wsdlFileName, String partnerName) throws SpecificationException { if (wsdlFileName == null || wsdlFileName.equals("")) { return null; } return loadWsdlDefinition(new File(baseDir, wsdlFileName).getPath(), partnerName); } /** * TODO FIXME Used in tests as well but this is not clean... * * @param wsdlFileName * @param partnerName * @return * @throws SpecificationException */ public static Definition loadWsdlDefinition(String wsdlFileName, String partnerName) throws SpecificationException { // Check file exists if (!new File(wsdlFileName).exists()) { throw new SpecificationException("Cannot read WSDL file for partner " + partnerName + ": File \"" + wsdlFileName + "\" not found."); } // load WSDL try { WSDLFactory factory = WSDLFactory.newInstance(); WSDLReader reader = factory.newWSDLReader(); reader.setFeature(Constants.FEATURE_VERBOSE, false); return reader.readWSDL(wsdlFileName); } catch (WSDLException e) { throw new SpecificationException( "Error while reading WSDL for partner " + partnerName + " from file \"" + wsdlFileName + "\".", e); } } private ProcessUnderTest createProcessUnderTest(String testDirectory, URL suiteBaseURL, Map<String, Partner> suitePartners, XMLPUTDeploymentInformation xmlPut) throws SpecificationException { String xmlPutName = xmlPut.getName(); String xmlPutWSDL = xmlPut.getWsdl(); String xmlPutPartnerWSDL = xmlPut.getPartnerWSDL(); String xmlPutType = xmlPut.getType(); ProcessUnderTest processUnderTest = new ProcessUnderTest(xmlPutName, testDirectory, loadWsdlDefinition(testDirectory, xmlPutWSDL, xmlPutName), loadWsdlDefinition(testDirectory, xmlPutPartnerWSDL, xmlPutName), suiteBaseURL.toString()); for (XMLProperty property : xmlPut.getPropertyList()) { processUnderTest.setXMLDeploymentOption(property.getName(), property.getStringValue()); } IBPELDeployer suitePutDeployer = fRunner.createNewDeployer(xmlPutType); processUnderTest.setDeployer(suitePutDeployer); processUnderTest.setGlobalConfiguration(fRunner.getGlobalConfigurationForDeployer(suitePutDeployer)); // Add the put to the partners in case of running in test mode suitePartners.put(processUnderTest.getName(), processUnderTest); /* * Add partners of the process to put in order to facilitate end point * replacement */ processUnderTest.setPartners(suitePartners); return processUnderTest; } private URL getBaseURL(XMLTestSuite xmlTestSuite) throws SpecificationException { try { // Use the local base URL, and if that doesn't work, try the default // one String xmlUrl = xmlTestSuite.getBaseURL(); if (xmlUrl == null) { xmlUrl = BPELUnitConstants.DEFAULT_BASE_URL; } URL suiteBaseURL = new URL(xmlUrl); // Normalize the URL: add port and trailing slash if missing int port = suiteBaseURL.getPort(); if (port == -1) { port = BPELUnitConstants.DEFAULT_BASE_PORT; } String path = suiteBaseURL.getPath(); if (!path.endsWith("/")) { path += "/"; } suiteBaseURL = new URL(suiteBaseURL.getProtocol(), suiteBaseURL.getHost(), port, path); return suiteBaseURL; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new SpecificationException("Could not create a valid URL from specified base URL.", e); } } private int computeNumberOfRounds(XMLTestSuiteDocument xmlTestSuiteDocument, boolean isVary) throws SpecificationException { int rounds; rounds = 0; if (isVary) { /* * This is a varying test case. Each activity may have an arbitrary * number of delay times specified. These lists SHOULD be of equal * length, although no varying also also okay. * * We use XPath to find all delay sequences and find the highest * size. This will be the size expected from all activities. */ XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); NamespaceContextImpl nsContext = new NamespaceContextImpl(); nsContext.setNamespace("ts", BPELUnitConstants.BPELUNIT_TESTSUITE_NAMESPACE); xpath.setNamespaceContext(nsContext); try { NodeList set = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("//@delaySequence", xmlTestSuiteDocument.getDomNode(), XPathConstants.NODESET); int currentMax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < set.getLength(); i++) { if (set.item(i) instanceof Attr) { Attr attr = (Attr) set.item(i); List<Double> ints = getRoundInformation(attr.getValue()); if (ints != null) { currentMax = ints.size(); } } } rounds = currentMax; } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { // This should not happen. throw new SpecificationException( "There was a problem finding delay sequences. This most likely indicates a bug in the framework.", e); } } return rounds; } private void readTestSuiteSetUpBlock(TestSuite testSuite, XMLTestSuite xmlTestSuite) { if (!xmlTestSuite.isSetSetUp()) { return; } XMLSetUp xmlSetUp = xmlTestSuite.getSetUp(); if (xmlSetUp.isSetScript()) { testSuite.setSetUpVelocityScript(xmlSetUp.getScript()); } } private TestCase createTestCase(Map<String, Partner> suitePartners, Map<String, HumanPartner> suiteHumanPartners, Partner suiteClient, TestSuite suite, XMLTestCase xmlTestCase, String xmlTestCaseName, int round, String testDirectory) throws SpecificationException { TestCase test = new TestCase(suite, xmlTestCaseName); readMetaData(xmlTestCase, test); readTestCaseSetUpBlock(test, xmlTestCase); readClientTrack(suiteClient, xmlTestCase, round, testDirectory, test); // Partners Partner Track readPartners(suitePartners, xmlTestCase, round, testDirectory, test); readHumanPartners(suiteHumanPartners, xmlTestCase, testDirectory, test); return test; } private void readHumanPartners(Map<String, HumanPartner> suiteHumanPartners, XMLTestCase xmlTestCase, String testDirectory, TestCase test) throws SpecificationException { List<XMLHumanPartnerTrack> humanPartnerTrackList = xmlTestCase.getHumanPartnerTrackList(); if (humanPartnerTrackList != null) { for (XMLHumanPartnerTrack xmlHumanPartnerTrack : humanPartnerTrackList) { readHumanPartner(suiteHumanPartners, testDirectory, test, xmlHumanPartnerTrack); } } } private void readHumanPartner(Map<String, HumanPartner> suiteHumanPartners, String testDirectory, TestCase test, XMLHumanPartnerTrack xmlHumanPartnerTrack) throws SpecificationException { String xmlPartnerTrackName = xmlHumanPartnerTrack.getName(); HumanPartner realPartner = suiteHumanPartners.get(xmlPartnerTrackName); PartnerTrack pTrack = new PartnerTrack(test, realPartner); readActivities(pTrack, xmlHumanPartnerTrack, testDirectory); pTrack.setNamespaceContext(getNamespaceMap(xmlHumanPartnerTrack.newCursor())); test.addPartnerTrack(pTrack); } private void readActivities(PartnerTrack pTrack, XMLHumanPartnerTrack xmlHumanPartnerTrack, String testDirectory) throws SpecificationException { List<XMLActivity> activities = ActivityUtil.getActivities(xmlHumanPartnerTrack); for (XMLActivity xmlActivity : activities) { if (xmlActivity instanceof XMLCompleteHumanTaskActivity) { CompleteHumanTask activity = createCompleteHumanTaskActivity(pTrack, testDirectory, (XMLCompleteHumanTaskActivity) xmlActivity); pTrack.addActivity(activity); } else { throw new SpecificationException("Unknown Activity in Human Partner Track " + pTrack.getName() + ": " + xmlActivity.getDomNode().getLocalName()); } } } private CompleteHumanTask createCompleteHumanTaskActivity(PartnerTrack pTrack, String testDirectory, XMLCompleteHumanTaskActivity xmlActivity) throws SpecificationException { CompleteHumanTask activity = new CompleteHumanTask(pTrack); activity.setTaskName(xmlActivity.getTaskName()); NamespaceContext context = getNamespaceMap(xmlActivity.newCursor()); Element rawDataRoot = null; String templateText = null; try { if (xmlActivity.isSetData()) { rawDataRoot = getLiteralDataForSend(xmlActivity.getData(), testDirectory); } if (xmlActivity.isSetTemplate()) { templateText = getTemplateText(testDirectory, xmlActivity.getTemplate()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SpecificationException( "There was a problem while interpreting the 'src' attribute in activity " + activity, ex); } final Element literalSendDataChild = rawDataRoot != null ? (Element) rawDataRoot.getFirstChild() : null; CompleteHumanTaskSpecification spec = new CompleteHumanTaskSpecification(activity, context, literalSendDataChild, templateText, pTrack); // get conditions List<XMLCondition> xmlConditionList = xmlActivity.getConditionList(); List<ReceiveCondition> cList = new ArrayList<ReceiveCondition>(); if (xmlConditionList != null) { for (XMLCondition xmlCondition : xmlConditionList) { cList.add(new ReceiveCondition(spec, xmlCondition.getExpression(), xmlCondition.getTemplate(), xmlCondition.getValue())); } } addConditionsFromConditionGroups(xmlActivity.getConditionGroupList(), spec, cList); spec.setConditions(cList); // get data extraction requests final List<XMLDataExtraction> xmlDataExtractionList = xmlActivity.getDataExtractionList(); final List<DataExtraction> deList = readDataExtractionElements(spec, xmlDataExtractionList); spec.setDataExtractions(deList); activity.initialize(spec); return activity; } private void readPartners(Map<String, Partner> suitePartners, XMLTestCase xmlTestCase, int round, String testDirectory, TestCase test) throws SpecificationException { List<XMLPartnerTrack> partnerTrackList = xmlTestCase.getPartnerTrackList(); if (partnerTrackList != null) { for (XMLPartnerTrack xmlPartnerTrack : partnerTrackList) { readPartner(suitePartners, xmlTestCase, round, testDirectory, test, xmlPartnerTrack); } } } private void readPartner(Map<String, Partner> suitePartners, XMLTestCase xmlTestCase, int round, String testDirectory, TestCase test, XMLPartnerTrack xmlPartnerTrack) throws SpecificationException { String xmlPartnerTrackName = xmlPartnerTrack.getName(); Partner realPartner = suitePartners.get(xmlPartnerTrackName); PartnerTrack pTrack = new PartnerTrack(test, realPartner); readActivities(pTrack, xmlTestCase, xmlPartnerTrack, round, testDirectory); pTrack.setNamespaceContext(getNamespaceMap(xmlPartnerTrack.newCursor())); if (xmlPartnerTrack.isSetAssume()) { pTrack.setAssumption(xmlPartnerTrack.getAssume()); } test.addPartnerTrack(pTrack); } private void readClientTrack(Partner suiteClient, XMLTestCase xmlTestCase, int round, String testDirectory, TestCase test) throws SpecificationException { XMLTrack xmlClientTrack = xmlTestCase.getClientTrack(); PartnerTrack track = new PartnerTrack(test, suiteClient); readActivities(track, xmlTestCase, xmlClientTrack, round, testDirectory); track.setNamespaceContext(getNamespaceMap(xmlClientTrack.newCursor())); test.addPartnerTrack(track); } private void readMetaData(XMLTestCase xmlTestCase, TestCase test) { for (XMLProperty data : xmlTestCase.getPropertyList()) { String xmlPropertyName = data.getName(); String xmlPropertyData = data.getStringValue(); test.addProperty(xmlPropertyName, xmlPropertyData); } } private void readTestCaseSetUpBlock(TestCase test, XMLTestCase xmlTestCase) { if (!xmlTestCase.isSetSetUp()) { return; } XMLSetUp xmlSetUp = xmlTestCase.getSetUp(); if (xmlSetUp.isSetScript()) { test.setSetUpVelocityScript(xmlSetUp.getScript()); } } /** * Reads a list of XML activities from inside a partnerTrack and adds them * to the partnerTrack. * * @param partnerTrack * the track to which the activites belong. * @param xmlTestCase * @param xmlTrack * the list of XML activities * @param round * @throws SpecificationException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void readActivities(PartnerTrack partnerTrack, XMLTestCase xmlTestCase, XMLTrack xmlTrack, int round, String testDirectory) throws SpecificationException { List<XMLActivity> xmlActivities = ActivityUtil.getActivities(xmlTrack); if (xmlActivities.isEmpty()) { // Activity list is empty. If the test case is based on another // test case, check the activities of this test case. if (xmlTestCase.getBasedOn() != null && !"".equals(xmlTestCase.getBasedOn())) { // Find name of track String trackName = null; trackName = getPartnerTrackName(xmlTrack); // Find the first test case with has a non-empty track like ours XMLTestCase basedOnTestCase = findInHierarchy(xmlTestCase, trackName); if (basedOnTestCase != null) { XMLTrack trackInNewTestCase = getPartnerTrack(basedOnTestCase, trackName); if (trackInNewTestCase != null) { readActivities(partnerTrack, basedOnTestCase, trackInNewTestCase, round, testDirectory); return; } } } partnerTrack.setActivities(new ArrayList<Activity>()); } else { List<Activity> activities = new ArrayList<Activity>(); for (XMLActivity event : xmlActivities) { Activity a; /* * Each activity is one of the seven specified activites: * ReceiveOnly, SendOnly, ReceiveSendSync, SendReceiveSync, * ReceiveSendAsync, SendReceiveAsync, and Wait. */ if (event instanceof XMLWaitActivity) { a = readWait(partnerTrack, activities, event, (XMLWaitActivity) event); } else if (event instanceof XMLReceiveActivity) { a = readReceive(partnerTrack, activities, event, (XMLReceiveActivity) event); } else if (event instanceof XMLSendOnlyActivity) { a = readSend(partnerTrack, round, testDirectory, activities, event, (XMLSendOnlyActivity) event); } else if (event instanceof XMLTwoWayActivity) { XMLTwoWayActivity op = (XMLTwoWayActivity) event; a = readTwoWayActivity(partnerTrack, round, testDirectory, activities, event, op); } else { throw new SpecificationException( "No activity found when reading event list for " + partnerTrack); } a.setId(event.getId()); a.setDependsOn(event.getDependsOn()); } partnerTrack.setActivities(activities); } } private Activity readTwoWayActivity(PartnerTrack partnerTrack, int round, String testDirectory, List<Activity> activities, XMLActivity event, XMLTwoWayActivity op) throws SpecificationException { Activity activity = null; if (ActivityUtil.isActivity(op, ActivityConstant.RECEIVE_SEND_SYNC)) { activity = createReceiveSendSynchronous(op, partnerTrack, round, testDirectory); } else if (ActivityUtil.isActivity(op, ActivityConstant.SEND_RECEIVE_SYNC)) { activity = createSendReceiveSynchronous(op, partnerTrack, round, testDirectory); } else if (ActivityUtil.isActivity(op, ActivityConstant.RECEIVE_SEND_ASYNC)) { ReceiveSendAsync a = new ReceiveSendAsync(partnerTrack); fillAsyncTwoWay(a, op, round, testDirectory); activity = a; } else if (ActivityUtil.isActivity(op, ActivityConstant.SEND_RECEIVE_ASYNC)) { SendReceiveAsync a = new SendReceiveAsync(partnerTrack); fillAsyncTwoWay(a, op, round, testDirectory); activity = a; } activity.setAssumption(event.getAssume()); activities.add(activity); return activity; } private Activity readSend(PartnerTrack partnerTrack, int round, String testDirectory, List<Activity> activities, XMLActivity event, XMLSendOnlyActivity xmlSend) throws SpecificationException { SendAsync activity = new SendAsync(partnerTrack); SendDataSpecification spec = createSendSpecificationFromStandalone(activity, xmlSend, SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier.INPUT, round, testDirectory); XMLHeaderProcessor xmlHeaderProcessor = xmlSend.getHeaderProcessor(); IHeaderProcessor proc = getHeaderProcessor(xmlHeaderProcessor); activity.initialize(spec, proc); activity.setAssumption(event.getAssume()); activities.add(activity); return activity; } private Activity readReceive(PartnerTrack partnerTrack, List<Activity> activities, XMLActivity event, XMLReceiveActivity xmlReceive) throws SpecificationException { ReceiveAsync activity = new ReceiveAsync(partnerTrack); ReceiveDataSpecification spec = createReceiveSpecificationStandalone(activity, xmlReceive, SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier.INPUT); activity.initialize(spec); activity.setAssumption(event.getAssume()); activities.add(activity); return activity; } private Activity readWait(PartnerTrack partnerTrack, List<Activity> activities, XMLActivity event, XMLWaitActivity xmlWait) { Wait activity = new Wait(partnerTrack); activity.setWaitDuration(xmlWait.getWaitForMilliseconds()); activity.setAssumption(event.getAssume()); activities.add(activity); return activity; } private String getPartnerTrackName(XMLTrack xmlTrack) { String trackName; if (xmlTrack instanceof XMLPartnerTrack) { trackName = ((XMLPartnerTrack) xmlTrack).getName(); } else { trackName = BPELUnitConstants.CLIENT_NAME; } return trackName; } /** * * Creates a synchronous send/receive activity. * * @throws IOException * @throws XmlException * */ private Activity createSendReceiveSynchronous(XMLTwoWayActivity xmlSendReceiveSync, PartnerTrack partnerTrack, int round, String testDirectory) throws SpecificationException { SendReceiveSync activity = new SendReceiveSync(partnerTrack); XMLSendActivity xmlSend = xmlSendReceiveSync.getSend(); XMLReceiveActivity xmlReceive = xmlSendReceiveSync.getReceive(); if ((xmlSend == null) || (xmlReceive == null)) { throw new SpecificationException( "A synchronous send/receive activity must have both receive and send children."); } XMLHeaderProcessor xmlHeaderProcessor = xmlSendReceiveSync.getHeaderProcessor(); IHeaderProcessor proc = getHeaderProcessor(xmlHeaderProcessor); // Always send to an input element SendDataSpecification sSpec = createSendSpecificationFromParent(activity, xmlSendReceiveSync, xmlSend, SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier.INPUT, round, testDirectory); // Receive may expect a fault - or receive from an output element SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier receiveDirection = SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier.OUTPUT; if (xmlReceive.getFault()) { receiveDirection = SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier.FAULT; } ReceiveDataSpecification rSpec = createReceiveSpecificationFromParent(activity, xmlSendReceiveSync, xmlReceive, receiveDirection); List<> mapping = getCopyOperations(activity, xmlSendReceiveSync); activity.initialize(sSpec, rSpec, proc, mapping); return activity; } /** * Creates a synchronous receive/send activity. * * @throws IOException * @throws XmlException * */ private Activity createReceiveSendSynchronous(XMLTwoWayActivity xmlReceiveSendSync, PartnerTrack partnerTrack, int round, String testDirectory) throws SpecificationException { ReceiveSendSync activity = new ReceiveSendSync(partnerTrack); activity.setAssumption(xmlReceiveSendSync.getAssume()); XMLSendActivity xmlSend = xmlReceiveSendSync.getSend(); XMLReceiveActivity xmlReceive = xmlReceiveSendSync.getReceive(); if ((xmlSend == null) || (xmlReceive == null)) { throw new SpecificationException( "A synchronous receive/send activity must have both receive and send children."); } XMLHeaderProcessor xmlHeaderProcessor = xmlReceiveSendSync.getHeaderProcessor(); // Always receive to the input element. ReceiveDataSpecification rSpec = createReceiveSpecificationFromParent(activity, xmlReceiveSendSync, xmlReceive, SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier.INPUT); // The "send" part may send a fault here, or to an output element SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier sendDirection = SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier.OUTPUT; if (xmlSend.getFault()) { sendDirection = SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier.FAULT; } SendDataSpecification sSpec = createSendSpecificationFromParent(activity, xmlReceiveSendSync, xmlSend, sendDirection, round, testDirectory); IHeaderProcessor proc = getHeaderProcessor(xmlHeaderProcessor); List<> mapping = getCopyOperations(activity, xmlReceiveSendSync); activity.initialize(sSpec, rSpec, proc, mapping); return activity; } /** * Fills an already-existing asynchronous two-way activity with the relevant * information from the test suite XML document. * * @param twoWayActivity * the given asynchronous activity * @param xmlAsyncTwoWay * the XML data * @param round * @throws SpecificationException */ private void fillAsyncTwoWay(TwoWayAsyncActivity twoWayActivity, XMLTwoWayActivity xmlAsyncTwoWay, int round, String testDirectory) throws SpecificationException { XMLSendActivity xmlSend = xmlAsyncTwoWay.getSend(); XMLReceiveActivity xmlReceive = xmlAsyncTwoWay.getReceive(); if ((xmlSend == null) || (xmlReceive == null)) { throw new SpecificationException( "An asynchronous receive/send or send/receive activity must have both receive and send children."); } XMLHeaderProcessor xmlHeaderProcessor = xmlAsyncTwoWay.getHeaderProcessor(); List<> mapping = getCopyOperations(twoWayActivity, xmlAsyncTwoWay); SendAsync sendAct = new SendAsync(twoWayActivity); SendDataSpecification sSpec = createSendSpecificationFromStandalone(sendAct, xmlSend, SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier.INPUT, round, testDirectory); sendAct.initialize(sSpec, null); ReceiveAsync receiveAct = new ReceiveAsync(twoWayActivity); ReceiveDataSpecification rSpec = createReceiveSpecificationStandalone(receiveAct, xmlReceive, SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier.INPUT); receiveAct.initialize(rSpec); IHeaderProcessor proc = getHeaderProcessor(xmlHeaderProcessor); twoWayActivity.initialize(sendAct, receiveAct, proc, mapping); } // ******************** Specifications ******************* /** * Creates a send specification for an asnychronous send-only. In this case, * service information must be stored directly on the send activity itself. * * @throws IOException * @throws XmlException * */ private SendDataSpecification createSendSpecificationFromStandalone(Activity parentActivity, XMLSendActivity xmlSend, SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier direction, int round, String testDirectory) throws SpecificationException { SOAPOperationCallIdentifier operation = getOperationCallIdentifier(parentActivity, getService(parentActivity, xmlSend), xmlSend.getPort(), xmlSend.getOperation(), direction); return createSendSpecification(parentActivity, operation, xmlSend, round, testDirectory); } /** * Creates a send specficiation for a synchronous send/receive. In this * case, service information must be stored on the send/receive activity. * * @throws IOException * @throws XmlException * */ private SendDataSpecification createSendSpecificationFromParent(Activity parentActivity, XMLTwoWayActivity xmlSendReceiveSync, XMLSendActivity xmlSend, SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier direction, int round, String testDirectory) throws SpecificationException { SOAPOperationCallIdentifier operation = getOperationCallIdentifier(parentActivity, getService(parentActivity, xmlSendReceiveSync), xmlSendReceiveSync.getPort(), xmlSendReceiveSync.getOperation(), direction); return createSendSpecification(parentActivity, operation, xmlSend, round, testDirectory); } /** * Creates a send specification for the given activity and operation and * from the given XML Send Specification. * * @throws IOException * @throws XmlException * */ private SendDataSpecification createSendSpecification(Activity activity, SOAPOperationCallIdentifier operation, XMLSendActivity xmlSend, int round, String testDirectory) throws SpecificationException { // Namespaces NamespaceContext context = getNamespaceMap(xmlSend.newCursor()); SendDataSpecification spec = new SendDataSpecification(activity, context); String encodingStyle = operation.getEncodingStyle(); String targetURL = operation.getTargetURL(); String soapAction = operation.getSOAPHTTPAction(); ISOAPEncoder encoder = fRunner.createNewSOAPEncoder(encodingStyle); for (XMLProperty p : xmlSend.getTransportOptionList()) { spec.putProtocolOption(p.getName(), p.getStringValue()); } // "delay" attribute if (xmlSend.isSetDelay() && xmlSend.isSetDelaySequence()) { throw new SpecificationException( "Send Element can only have exactly one of {delay, delaySequence}, and not both"); } final String delayExpression = xmlSend.getDelay(); /* * Import namespaces in the BPTS file to the root elements of the <data> * or <template> element, and convert the <template> contents to text. */ Element rawDataRoot = null; String templateText = null; try { if (xmlSend.isSetData()) { rawDataRoot = getLiteralDataForSend(xmlSend.getData(), testDirectory); } if (xmlSend.isSetTemplate()) { templateText = getTemplateText(testDirectory, xmlSend.getTemplate()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SpecificationException( "There was a problem while interpreting the 'src' attribute in activity " + activity, ex); } /* * Get round data */ String delaySequence = xmlSend.getDelaySequence(); List<Double> sequence = getRoundInformation(delaySequence); double currentDelay = 0; if (sequence != null && sequence.size() > round) { currentDelay = sequence.get(round); } // If the user hasn't specified any fault code or string, use these // default values final QName faultCode = xmlSend.isSetFaultcode() ? xmlSend.getFaultcode() : BPELUnitConstants.SOAP_FAULT_CODE_CLIENT; final String faultString = xmlSend.isSetFaultstring() ? xmlSend.getFaultstring() : BPELUnitConstants.SOAP_FAULT_DESCRIPTION; if (activity instanceof ReceiveSendSync) { // This send specification will be used to send back // a response to a HTTP request inside the same channel // It does not need targetURL and soapAction. spec.initialize(operation, currentDelay, delayExpression, null, null, encodingStyle, encoder, rawDataRoot, templateText, faultCode, faultString); } else { spec.initialize(operation, currentDelay, delayExpression, targetURL, soapAction, encodingStyle, encoder, rawDataRoot, templateText, faultCode, faultString); } return spec; } private String getTemplateText(String testDirectory, final XMLAnyElement xmlTemplate) throws IOException, SpecificationException, XmlException { String templateText; if (xmlTemplate.isSetSrc()) { // 'src' attribute in <template> - load as raw text, *not* // XML - much less escaping involved // Cannot reuse namespaces in .bpts - user must set // namespaces in the .vm (same as when loading an external // XML file) final StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(); sbuf.append("<"); sbuf.append(BPELUnitUtil.DUMMY_ELEMENT_NAME); sbuf.append(">"); sbuf.append(FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(testDirectory, xmlTemplate.getSrc()))); sbuf.append("</"); sbuf.append(BPELUnitUtil.DUMMY_ELEMENT_NAME); sbuf.append(">"); templateText = sbuf.toString(); } else if (hasChildElements(xmlTemplate)) { // We have child elements: import their namespaces and then dump them as text Element templateRoot = copyAsRootWithNamespaces(xmlTemplate); templateText = XmlObject.Factory.parse(templateRoot).xmlText(); } else { /* * No child elements: the <template> is probably using a * CDATA section to store a standalone template that is not * valid XML, so use the text as-is. */ final XmlCursor c = xmlTemplate.newCursor(); String chars = ""; if (!c.toFirstContentToken().isFinish()) { chars = c.getChars(); } templateText = wrapWithDummyElement(chars); c.dispose(); } return templateText; } private String wrapWithDummyElement(final String text) { String templateText; final StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(); sbuf.append("<"); sbuf.append(BPELUnitUtil.DUMMY_ELEMENT_NAME); sbuf.append(">"); sbuf.append(text); sbuf.append("</"); sbuf.append(BPELUnitUtil.DUMMY_ELEMENT_NAME); sbuf.append(">"); templateText = sbuf.toString(); return templateText; } private boolean hasChildElements(XmlObject xmlObject) { final XmlCursor c = xmlObject.newCursor(); try { return c.toFirstChild(); } finally { c.dispose(); } } private Element getLiteralDataForSend(XMLAnyElement dataInSend, String testDirectory) throws SpecificationException { if (dataInSend == null) { return null; } Element rawDataRoot; if (dataInSend.isSetSrc()) { // src attribute in <data> final String path = dataInSend.getSrc(); try { rawDataRoot = copyAsRootWithNamespaces(XmlObject.Factory.parse(new File(testDirectory, path))); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SpecificationException("Error while importing data: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else { rawDataRoot = copyAsRootWithNamespaces(dataInSend); } return rawDataRoot; } private Element copyAsRootWithNamespaces(XmlObject xmlData) throws SpecificationException { final Element rawDataRoot = BPELUnitUtil.generateDummyElementNode(); final Document rawDataDoc = rawDataRoot.getOwnerDocument(); final XmlCursor dataCursor = xmlData.newCursor(); if (dataCursor.toFirstChild()) { do { // Skip comments if (dataCursor.isComment()) { continue; } if (dataCursor.isContainer()) { // Import elements, including their namespace nodes final Node original = dataCursor.getDomNode(); final Node imported = rawDataDoc.importNode(original, true); rawDataRoot.appendChild(imported); } } while (dataCursor.toNextSibling()); } dataCursor.dispose(); return rawDataRoot; } /** * Creates a receive data specification for an asynchronous receive. In this * case, the service information must be stored on the asynchronous receive * itself. */ private ReceiveDataSpecification createReceiveSpecificationStandalone(Activity parentActivity, XMLReceiveActivity xmlReceive, SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier direction) throws SpecificationException { SOAPOperationCallIdentifier operation = getOperationCallIdentifier(parentActivity, getService(parentActivity, xmlReceive), xmlReceive.getPort(), xmlReceive.getOperation(), direction); return createReceiveSpecification(parentActivity, operation, xmlReceive); } /** * Creates a receive data specification for a synchronous receive/send. In * this case, service information must be stored on the receive/send * activity. */ private ReceiveDataSpecification createReceiveSpecificationFromParent(Activity parentActivity, XMLTwoWayActivity xmlReceiveSendSync, XMLReceiveActivity xmlReceive, SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier direction) throws SpecificationException { SOAPOperationCallIdentifier operation = getOperationCallIdentifier(parentActivity, getService(parentActivity, xmlReceiveSendSync), xmlReceiveSendSync.getPort(), xmlReceiveSendSync.getOperation(), direction); return createReceiveSpecification(parentActivity, operation, xmlReceive); } /** * Creates a receive specification for the given activity and operation from * the information stored in the XML Receive. */ private ReceiveDataSpecification createReceiveSpecification(Activity activity, SOAPOperationCallIdentifier operation, XMLReceiveActivity xmlReceive) throws SpecificationException { // Namespaces NamespaceContext context = getNamespaceMap(xmlReceive.newCursor()); ReceiveDataSpecification spec = new ReceiveDataSpecification(activity, context); String encodingStyle = operation.getEncodingStyle(); ISOAPEncoder encoder = fRunner.createNewSOAPEncoder(encodingStyle); // get conditions List<XMLCondition> xmlConditionList = xmlReceive.getConditionList(); List<ReceiveCondition> cList = new ArrayList<ReceiveCondition>(); if (xmlConditionList != null) { for (XMLCondition xmlCondition : xmlConditionList) { cList.add(new ReceiveCondition(spec, xmlCondition.getExpression(), xmlCondition.getTemplate(), xmlCondition.getValue())); } } addConditionsFromConditionGroups(xmlReceive.getConditionGroupList(), spec, cList); // get data extraction requests final List<XMLDataExtraction> xmlDataExtractionList = xmlReceive.getDataExtractionList(); final List<DataExtraction> deList = readDataExtractionElements(spec, xmlDataExtractionList); // Add fault code and string. These will be only checked if this message // is a fault and if // they are not null. QName faultCode = xmlReceive.getFaultcode(); String faultString = xmlReceive.getFaultstring(); spec.initialize(operation, encodingStyle, encoder, cList, deList, faultCode, faultString); return spec; } private List<DataExtraction> readDataExtractionElements(DataSpecification spec, final List<XMLDataExtraction> xmlDataExtractionList) throws SpecificationException { List<DataExtraction> deList = new ArrayList<DataExtraction>(); if (xmlDataExtractionList != null) { for (XMLDataExtraction xmlDE : xmlDataExtractionList) { deList.add(new DataExtraction(spec, xmlDE.getExpression(), xmlDE.getVariable(), xmlDE.getScope(), xmlDE.getType())); } } return deList; } private void addConditionsFromConditionGroups(List<String> conditionGroupNames, DataSpecification spec, List<ReceiveCondition> cList) throws SpecificationException { if (conditionGroupNames != null) { for (String cgName : conditionGroupNames) { XMLConditionGroup cg = conditionGroups.get(cgName); addConditionsFromConditionGroup(spec, cList, cg); } } } private void addConditionsFromConditionGroup(DataSpecification spec, List<ReceiveCondition> cList, XMLConditionGroup cg) throws SpecificationException { List<XMLCondition> conditionList = resolveConditionsForGroup(cg); for (XMLCondition xmlCondition : conditionList) { cList.add(new ReceiveCondition(spec, xmlCondition.getExpression(), xmlCondition.getTemplate(), xmlCondition.getValue())); } } // *********** HELPERS ******************* private List<XMLCondition> resolveConditionsForGroup(XMLConditionGroup cg) { List<XMLConditionGroup> cgs = getInheritanceBranch(cg); List<XMLCondition> conditions = new ArrayList<XMLCondition>(); for (XMLConditionGroup currentCG : cgs) { if (currentCG.getConditionList() != null) { conditions.addAll(currentCG.getConditionList()); } } return conditions; } private List<XMLConditionGroup> getInheritanceBranch(XMLConditionGroup cg) { List<XMLConditionGroup> cgs = new ArrayList<XMLConditionGroup>(); XMLConditionGroup currentCG = cg; cgs.add(currentCG); while (currentCG.getInheritFrom() != null) { currentCG = conditionGroups.get(currentCG.getInheritFrom()); cgs.add(0, currentCG); } return cgs; } private List<DataCopyOperation> getCopyOperations(Activity activity, XMLTwoWayActivity xmlTwoWayType) throws SpecificationException { ArrayList<DataCopyOperation> copyDataOperations = new ArrayList<DataCopyOperation>(); XMLMapping xmlMapping = xmlTwoWayType.getMapping(); if (xmlMapping != null) { List<XMLCopy> xmlCopyList = xmlMapping.getCopyList(); if (xmlCopyList != null) { for (XMLCopy xmlCopy : xmlCopyList) { String xmlCopyFrom = xmlCopy.getFrom(); String xmlCopyTo = xmlCopy.getTo(); if ((xmlCopyFrom == null) || (xmlCopyTo == null)) { throw new SpecificationException( "Copy operations need both copy-from and copy-to specifications."); } copyDataOperations.add(new DataCopyOperation(activity, xmlCopyFrom, xmlCopyTo)); } } } return copyDataOperations; } private IHeaderProcessor getHeaderProcessor(XMLHeaderProcessor xmlHeaderProcessor) throws SpecificationException { if (xmlHeaderProcessor == null) { return null; } String xmlHeaderProcessorName = xmlHeaderProcessor.getName(); if (xmlHeaderProcessorName == null) { throw new SpecificationException("Header Processor needs a name."); } List<XMLProperty> propertyList = xmlHeaderProcessor.getPropertyList(); IHeaderProcessor proc = fRunner.createNewHeaderProcessor(xmlHeaderProcessorName); if (propertyList != null) { for (XMLProperty property : propertyList) { String xmlPropertyName = property.getName(); String xmlPropertyData = property.getStringValue(); if ((xmlPropertyName == null) || (xmlPropertyData == null)) { throw new SpecificationException("Properties in Header Processor " + xmlHeaderProcessorName + " need both property name and value."); } proc.setProperty(xmlPropertyName, xmlPropertyData); } } return proc; } private SOAPOperationCallIdentifier getOperationCallIdentifier(Activity activity, QName service, String port, String operation, SOAPOperationDirectionIdentifier direction) throws SpecificationException { Partner partner = (Partner) activity.getPartner(); if (service == null) { throw new SpecificationException("Expected a service specification in activity " + activity.getName() + " (PartnerTrack for partner " + partner + ")."); } if (port == null) { throw new SpecificationException("Expected a port specification in activity " + activity.getName() + " (PartnerTrack for partner " + partner + ")."); } if (operation == null) { throw new SpecificationException("Expected a operation specification in activity " + activity.getName() + " (PartnerTrack for partner " + partner + ")."); } return partner.getOperation(service, port, operation, direction); } private QName getService(Activity parentActivity, XMLSoapActivity xmlActivity) throws SpecificationException { QName service = null; try { service = xmlActivity.getService(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (service == null) { throw new SpecificationException("Could not find service for activity " + parentActivity.getName() + ": not specified or wrong prefix."); } return service; } /** * Get namespaces from send object (include all those specified higher up * the chain). We could get these from the top-level element, if the only * way of specifiying the test suite document were the tool support... * */ private NamespaceContextImpl getNamespaceMap(XmlCursor newCursor) { Map<String, String> namespaces = new HashMap<String, String>(); newCursor.getAllNamespaces(namespaces); NamespaceContextImpl context = new NamespaceContextImpl(); for (String prefix : namespaces.keySet()) { context.setNamespace(prefix, namespaces.get(prefix)); } return context; } /** * Finds a track with a non-empty partner track in the test case inheritance * hierarchy * */ private XMLTestCase findInHierarchy(XMLTestCase xmlTestCase, String partnerTrackName) { XmlCursor cursor = xmlTestCase.newCursor(); try { String basedOn = xmlTestCase.getBasedOn(); if (cursor.toParent()) { XMLTestCasesSection section = (XMLTestCasesSection) cursor.getObject(); for (XMLTestCase xmlTestCaseFor : section.getTestCaseList()) { if (basedOn.equals(xmlTestCaseFor.getName())) { if (hasNonEmptyPartnerTrack(xmlTestCaseFor, partnerTrackName)) { return xmlTestCaseFor; } else if (xmlTestCaseFor.getBasedOn() != null && !"".equals(xmlTestCaseFor.getBasedOn())) { return findInHierarchy(xmlTestCaseFor, partnerTrackName); } } } } return null; } finally { cursor.dispose(); } } private boolean hasNonEmptyPartnerTrack(XMLTestCase xmlTestCase, String partnerTrackName) { XMLTrack track = getPartnerTrack(xmlTestCase, partnerTrackName); if (track != null) { return !ActivityUtil.getActivities(track).isEmpty(); } return false; } private XMLTrack getPartnerTrack(XMLTestCase xmlTestCase, String trackName) { XMLTrack track = null; if (trackName.equalsIgnoreCase(BPELUnitConstants.CLIENT_NAME)) { track = xmlTestCase.getClientTrack(); } else { for (XMLPartnerTrack pTrack : xmlTestCase.getPartnerTrackList()) { if (trackName.equals(pTrack.getName())) { track = pTrack; break; } } } return track; } private List<Double> getRoundInformation(String roundsAsText) { List<Double> list = new ArrayList<Double>(); if (roundsAsText != null && !"".equals(roundsAsText)) { String[] values = roundsAsText.split(","); for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { try { list.add(Double.parseDouble(values[j].trim())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } return list; } return null; } }