Java tutorial
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; /** * Convert OSIS tags into html tags * * Example OSIS tags from KJV Ps 119 v1 showing title, w, note <title * canonical="true" subType="x-preverse" type="section"> <foreign * n="?">ALEPH.</foreign> </title> <w lemma="strong:H0835">Blessed</w> * <transChange type="added">are</transChange> <w lemma="strong:H08549">the * undefiled</w> ... <w lemma="strong:H01980" morph="strongMorph:TH8802">who * walk</w> ... <w lemma="strong:H03068">of the * <seg><divineName>Lord</divineName></seg></w>. <note type="study">undefiled: * or, perfect, or, sincere</note> * * Example of notes cross references from ESV In the <note n="a" * osisID="Gen.1.1!crossReference.a" osisRef="Gen.1.1" * type="crossReference"><reference osisRef="Job.38.4-Job.38.7">Job * 38:4-7</reference>; <reference osisRef="Ps.33.6">Ps. 33:6</reference>; * <reference osisRef="Ps.136.5">136:5</reference>; <reference * osisRef="Isa.42.5">Isa. 42:5</reference>; <reference * osisRef="Isa.45.18">45:18</reference>; <reference * osisRef="John.1.1-John.1.3">John 1:1-3</reference>; <reference * osisRef="Acts.14.15">Acts 14:15</reference>; <reference * osisRef="Acts.17.24">17:24</reference>; <reference * osisRef="Col.1.16-Col.1.17">Col. 1:16, 17</reference>; <reference * osisRef="Heb.1.10">Heb. 1:10</reference>; <reference * osisRef="Heb.11.3">11:3</reference>; <reference osisRef="Rev.4.11">Rev. * 4:11</reference></note>beginning * * @author Martin Denham [mjdenham at gmail dot com] * @see gnu.lgpl.License for license details.<br> * The copyright to this program is held by it's author. */ public class OsisToHtmlSaxHandler extends OsisSaxHandler { /** TagHandler, CommonHandlerData, and TagHandlerData all have different scopes - static, per-parse, per-tag. * TagHandlers are re-used by all handlers, * CommonHandlerData is created once per call to this SaxHandler. * TagData objects are created when start tag is encountered for each tag and passed to the start and end calls */ private static Map<String, TagHandler> tagHandlerMap; static { tagHandlerMap = new HashMap<String, TagHandler>(); TagHandler tagHandler = new QHandler(); tagHandlerMap.put(tagHandler.getTagName(), tagHandler); } private CommonHandlerData commonHandlerData; private Stack<TagHandlerData> stack = new Stack<TagHandlerData>(); private NoteAndReferenceHandler noteAndReferenceHandler; private LHandler lHandler; // internal logic private int currentVerseNo; private int currentVersePosition; List<String> pendingStrongsAndMorphTags; // the following characters are not handled well in Android 2.2 & 2.3 and // need special processing which for all except Sof Pasuq means removal // puctuation char at the end of hebrew verses that looks like a ':' private static final String HEBREW_LANGUAGE_CODE = "he"; private static final String HEBREW_SOF_PASUQ_CHAR = "\u05C3"; // vowels are on the first row and cantillations on the second private static final char[] HEBREW_VOWELS_AND_CANTILLATIONS = new char[] { '\u05B0', '\u05B1', '\u05B2', '\u05B3', '\u05B4', '\u05B5', '\u05B6', '\u05B7', '\u05B8', '\u05B9', '\u05BA', '\u05BB', '\u05BC', '\u05BD', '\u05BE', '\u05BF', '\u05C1', '\u05C2', '\u0591', '\u0592', '\u0593', '\u0594', '\u0595', '\u0596', '\u0597', '\u0598', '\u0599', '\u059A', '\u059B', '\u059C', '\u059D', '\u059E', '\u05A0', '\u05A1', '\u05A2', '\u05A3', '\u05A4', '\u05A5', '\u05A6', '\u05A7', '\u05A8', '\u05A9', '\u05AA', '\u05AB', '\u05AC', '\u05AD', '\u05AE', '\u05AF' }; private static final Logger log = new Logger("OsisToHtmlSaxHandler"); public OsisToHtmlSaxHandler(OsisToHtmlParameters parameters) { super(); this.commonHandlerData = new CommonHandlerData(parameters, getWriter()); noteAndReferenceHandler = new NoteAndReferenceHandler(parameters, getWriter()); lHandler = new LHandler(parameters, getWriter()); } @Override public void startDocument() { log.debug("Show verses:" + commonHandlerData.getParameters().isShowVerseNumbers() + " notes:" + commonHandlerData.getParameters().isShowNotes()); String jsTag = "\n<script type='text/javascript' src='file:///android_asset/script.js'></script>\n"; String styleSheetTag = "<link href='file:///android_asset/style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>"; String extraStyleSheetTag = ""; if (commonHandlerData.getParameters().getExtraStylesheet() != null) { extraStyleSheetTag = "<link href='file:///android_asset/" + commonHandlerData.getParameters().getExtraStylesheet() + "' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>"; } write("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\"> " + "<html xmlns='' dir='" + getDirection() + "'><head>" + styleSheetTag + extraStyleSheetTag + jsTag + "<meta charset='utf-8'/>" + "</head>" + "<body onscroll='jsonscroll()' onload='jsonload()' >"); // force rtl for rtl languages - rtl support on Android is poor but // forcing it seems to help occasionally if (!commonHandlerData.getParameters().isLeftToRight()) { write("<span dir='rtl'>"); } } /* * Called when the Parser Completes parsing the Current XML File. */ @Override public void endDocument() { // close last verse if (commonHandlerData.getParameters().isVersePerline()) { //close preceding verse if (currentVerseNo > 1) { write("</div>"); } } // add optional footer e.g. Strongs show all occurrences link if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(commonHandlerData.getParameters().getExtraFooter())) { write(commonHandlerData.getParameters().getExtraFooter()); } if (!commonHandlerData.getParameters().isLeftToRight()) { write("</span>"); } // add padding at bottom to allow last verse to scroll to top of page // and become current verse write(getPaddingAtBottom() + "</body></html>"); } /* * Called when the starting of the Element is reached. For Example if we * have Tag called <Title> ... </Title>, then this method is called when * <Title> tag is Encountered while parsing the Current XML File. The * AttributeList Parameter has the list of all Attributes declared for the * Current Element in the XML File. */ @Override public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String sName, // simple name String qName, // qualified name Attributes attrs) { String name = getName(sName, qName); // element name debug(name, attrs, true); if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_VERSE)) { if (attrs != null) { currentVerseNo = osisIdToVerseNum(attrs.getValue("", OSISUtil.OSIS_ATTR_OSISID)); } else { currentVerseNo++; } if (commonHandlerData.getParameters().isVersePerline()) { //close preceding verse if (currentVerseNo > 1) { write("</div>"); } // start current verse write("<div>"); } writeVerse(currentVerseNo); } else if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_TITLE) && commonHandlerData.getParameters().isShowHeadings()) { getWriter().beginInsertAt(currentVersePosition); write("<h1>"); } else if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_NOTE)) { noteAndReferenceHandler.startNote(attrs); } else if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_REFERENCE)) { noteAndReferenceHandler.startReference(attrs); } else if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_LB)) { write(HTML.BR); } else if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_L)) { lHandler.startL(attrs); } else if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_P)) { write("<p />"); } else if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_Q)) { TagHandler tagHandler = tagHandlerMap.get(name); TagHandlerData tagData = tagHandler.createData(attrs, commonHandlerData); stack.push(tagData); tagHandler.start(tagData, commonHandlerData); } else if (name.equals("transChange")) { write("<span class='transChange'>"); } else if ((commonHandlerData.getParameters().isShowStrongs() || commonHandlerData.getParameters().isShowMorphology()) && name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_W) && isAttr(OSISUtil.ATTRIBUTE_W_LEMMA, attrs)) { // Strongs & morphology references // example of strongs refs: <w lemma="strong:H0430">God</w> <w lemma="strong:H0853 strong:H01254" morph="strongMorph:TH8804">created</w> // better example, because we just use Robinson: <w lemma="strong:G652" morph="robinson:N-NSM" src="2">an apostle</w> String strongsLemma = attrs.getValue(OSISUtil.ATTRIBUTE_W_LEMMA); if (strongsLemma.startsWith(OSISUtil.LEMMA_STRONGS)) { String morphology = attrs.getValue(OSISUtil.ATTRIBUTE_W_MORPH); pendingStrongsAndMorphTags = getStrongsAndMorphTags(strongsLemma, morphology); } } else { //"Verse "+currentVerseNo+" unsupported OSIS tag:"+name); } } /* * Called when the Ending of the current Element is reached. For example in * the above explanation, this method is called when </Title> tag is reached */ @Override public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String sName, // simple name String qName // qualified name ) { String name = getName(sName, qName); debug(name, null, false); if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_TITLE) && commonHandlerData.getParameters().isShowHeadings()) { write("</h1>"); getWriter().finishInserting(); } else if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_VERSE)) { // verse opening and closing tags wrap the verse number at start of the verse } else if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_NOTE)) { noteAndReferenceHandler.endNote(currentVerseNo); } else if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_REFERENCE)) { noteAndReferenceHandler.endReference(currentVerseNo); } else if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_L)) { lHandler.endL(); } else if (name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_Q)) { // end quotation, but <q /> tag is a marker and contains no content // so <q /> will appear at beginning and end of speech TagHandler tagHandler = tagHandlerMap.get(name); TagHandlerData tagData = stack.pop(); tagHandler.end(tagData, commonHandlerData); } else if (name.equals("transChange")) { write("</span>"); } else if ((commonHandlerData.getParameters().isShowStrongs() || commonHandlerData.getParameters().isShowMorphology()) && name.equals(OSISUtil.OSIS_ELEMENT_W)) { if (pendingStrongsAndMorphTags != null) { for (int i = 0; i < pendingStrongsAndMorphTags.size(); i++) { write(HTML.SPACE); // separator between adjacent tags and words write(pendingStrongsAndMorphTags.get(i)); } write(HTML.SPACE); // separator between adjacent tags and words pendingStrongsAndMorphTags = null; } } } /* * While Parsing the XML file, if extra characters like space or enter * Character are encountered then this method is called. If you don't want * to do anything special with these characters, then you can normally leave * this method blank. */ @Override public void characters(char buf[], int offset, int len) { String s = new String(buf, offset, len); if (HEBREW_LANGUAGE_CODE.equals(commonHandlerData.getParameters().getLanguageCode())) { s = doHebrewCharacterAdjustments(s); } write(s); } /** * Some characters are not handled well in Android 2.2 & 2.3 and need * special processing which for all except Sof Pasuq means removal * * @param s * @return adjusted string */ private String doHebrewCharacterAdjustments(String s) { // remove Hebrew vowels because i) they confuse bidi and ii) they are // not positioned correctly under/over the appropriate letter // s = remove(s, HEBREW_VOWELS_AND_CANTILLATIONS); // even without vowel points the : at the end of each verse confuses // Android's bidi but specifying the char as rtl helps s = s.replace(HEBREW_SOF_PASUQ_CHAR, "<span dir='rtl'>" + HEBREW_SOF_PASUQ_CHAR + "</span> "); return s; } private void writeVerse(int verseNo) { currentVersePosition = getWriter().getPosition(); // the id is used to 'jump to' the verse using javascript so always // need the verse tag with an id StringBuilder verseHtml = new StringBuilder(); if (commonHandlerData.getParameters().isShowVerseNumbers()) { verseHtml.append(" <span class='verse' id='").append(verseNo).append("'>").append(verseNo) .append("</span>").append(HTML.NBSP); } else { // we really want an empty span but that is illegal and causes // problems such as incorrect verse calculation in Psalms // so use something that will hopefully interfere as little as // possible - a zero-width-space verseHtml.append("<span class='verse' id='").append(verseNo).append("'/>​</span>"); } write(verseHtml.toString()); } /* * In the XML File if the parser encounters a Processing Instruction which * is declared like this <?ProgramName:BooksLib * QUERY="author, isbn, price"?> Then this method is called where Target * parameter will have "ProgramName:BooksLib" and data parameter will have * QUERY="author, isbn, price". You can invoke a External Program from this * Method if required. */ public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) { // noop } public String getDirection() { return commonHandlerData.getParameters().isLeftToRight() ? "ltr" : "rtl"; } /** * Convert a Strongs lemma into a url E.g. lemmas "strong:H0430", * "strong:H0853 strong:H01254" * * @return a single char to use as a note ref */ private List<String> getStrongsAndMorphTags(String strongsLemma, String morphology) { // there may occasionally be more than on ref so split them into a list // of single refs List<String> strongsTags = getStrongsTags(strongsLemma); List<String> morphTags = getMorphTags(morphology); List<String> mergedStrongsAndMorphTags = new ArrayList<String>(); // each morph tag should relate to a Strongs tag so they should be same // length but can't assume that // merge the tags into the merge list for (int i = 0; i < Math.max(strongsTags.size(), morphTags.size()); i++) { StringBuilder merged = new StringBuilder(); if (i < strongsTags.size()) { merged.append(strongsTags.get(i)); } if (i < morphTags.size()) { merged.append(morphTags.get(i)); } mergedStrongsAndMorphTags.add(merged.toString()); } // for some reason the generic tags should come last and the order seems // always reversed in other systems // the second tag (once reversed) seems to relate to a missing word like // eth Collections.reverse(mergedStrongsAndMorphTags); return mergedStrongsAndMorphTags; } private List<String> getStrongsTags(String strongsLemma) { // there may occasionally be more than on ref so split them into a list // of single refs List<String> strongsTags = new ArrayList<String>(); if (commonHandlerData.getParameters().isShowStrongs()) { String[] refList = strongsLemma.split(" "); for (String ref : refList) { // ignore if string doesn't start with "strong;" if (ref.startsWith(OSISUtil.LEMMA_STRONGS) && ref.length() > OSISUtil.LEMMA_STRONGS.length() + 2) { // reduce ref like "strong:H0430" to "H0430" ref = ref.substring(OSISUtil.LEMMA_STRONGS.length()); // select Hebrew or Greek protocol String protocol = null; if (ref.startsWith("H")) { protocol = Constants.HEBREW_DEF_PROTOCOL; } else if (ref.startsWith("G")) { protocol = Constants.GREEK_DEF_PROTOCOL; } if (protocol != null) { // remove initial G or H String noPadRef = ref.substring(1); // pad with leading zeros to 5 characters String paddedRef = StringUtils.leftPad(noPadRef, 5, "0"); StringBuilder tag = new StringBuilder(); // create opening tag for Strong's link tag.append("<a href='"); // calculate uri e.g. H:01234 tag.append(protocol).append(":").append(paddedRef); // set css class tag.append("' class='strongs'>"); // descriptive string tag.append(noPadRef); // link closing tag tag.append("</a>"); strongsTags.add(tag.toString()); } } } } return strongsTags; } /** * example of strongs and morphology, we just use Robinson: <w * lemma="strong:G652" morph="robinson:N-NSM" src="2">an apostle</w> * * @param morphology * @return */ private List<String> getMorphTags(String morphology) { // there may occasionally be more than on ref so split them into a list // of single refs List<String> morphTags = new ArrayList<String>(); if (commonHandlerData.getParameters().isShowMorphology()) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(morphology)) { String[] refList = morphology.split(" "); for (String ref : refList) { // ignore if string doesn't start with "robinson" if (ref.startsWith(OSISUtil.MORPH_ROBINSONS) && ref.length() > OSISUtil.MORPH_ROBINSONS.length() + 2) { // reduce ref like "robinson:N-NSM" to "N-NSM" for // display String display = ref.substring(OSISUtil.MORPH_ROBINSONS.length()); StringBuilder tag = new StringBuilder(); tag.append("<a href='").append(ref).append("' class='morphology'>").append(display) .append("</a>"); morphTags.add(tag.toString()); } } } } return morphTags; } /** * StringUtils methods only compare with a single char and hence create lots * of temporary Strings This method compares with all chars and just creates * one new string for each original string. This is to minimise memory * overhead & gc. * * @param str * @param removeChars * @return */ public static String remove(String str, char[] removeChars) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(str) || !StringUtils.containsAny(str, removeChars)) { return str; } StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(str.length()); // for all chars in string for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { char strCur = str.charAt(i); // compare with all chars to be removed boolean matched = false; for (int j = 0; j < removeChars.length && !matched; j++) { if (removeChars[j] == strCur) { matched = true; } } // if current char does not match any in the list then add it to the if (!matched) { r.append(strCur); } } return r.toString(); } /** * see if an attribute exists and has a value * * @param attributeName * @param attrs * @return */ private boolean isAttr(String attributeName, Attributes attrs) { String attrValue = attrs.getValue(attributeName); return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(attrValue); } private String getPaddingAtBottom() { return StringUtils.repeat(HTML.BR, commonHandlerData.getParameters().getNumPaddingBrsAtBottom()); } public List<Note> getNotesList() { return noteAndReferenceHandler.getNotesList(); } }