Java tutorial
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; /** * Convert OSIS tags into html tags * * Example OSIS tags from KJV Ps 119 v1 showing title, w, note <title canonical="true" subType="x-preverse" type="section"> <foreign n="?">ALEPH.</foreign> </title> <w lemma="strong:H0835">Blessed</w> <transChange type="added">are</transChange> <w lemma="strong:H08549">the undefiled</w> ... <w lemma="strong:H01980" morph="strongMorph:TH8802">who walk</w> ... <w lemma="strong:H03068">of the <seg><divineName>Lord</divineName></seg></w>. <note type="study">undefiled: or, perfect, or, sincere</note> Example of notes cross references from ESV In the <note n="a" osisID="Gen.1.1!crossReference.a" osisRef="Gen.1.1" type="crossReference"><reference osisRef="Job.38.4-Job.38.7">Job 38:4-7</reference>; <reference osisRef="Ps.33.6">Ps. 33:6</reference>; <reference osisRef="Ps.136.5">136:5</reference>; <reference osisRef="Isa.42.5">Isa. 42:5</reference>; <reference osisRef="Isa.45.18">45:18</reference>; <reference osisRef="John.1.1-John.1.3">John 1:1-3</reference>; <reference osisRef="Acts.14.15">Acts 14:15</reference>; <reference osisRef="Acts.17.24">17:24</reference>; <reference osisRef="Col.1.16-Col.1.17">Col. 1:16, 17</reference>; <reference osisRef="Heb.1.10">Heb. 1:10</reference>; <reference osisRef="Heb.11.3">11:3</reference>; <reference osisRef="Rev.4.11">Rev. 4:11</reference></note>beginning * * @author Martin Denham [mjdenham at gmail dot com] * @see gnu.lgpl.License for license details.<br> * The copyright to this program is held by it's author. */ public class NoteHandler { private OsisToHtmlParameters parameters; private VerseInfo verseInfo; private int noteCount = 0; //todo temporarily use a string but later switch to Map<int,String> of verse->note private List<Note> notesList = new ArrayList<Note>(); private boolean isInNote = false; private String currentNoteRef; private HtmlTextWriter writer; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final Logger log = new Logger("NoteHandler"); public NoteHandler(OsisToHtmlParameters osisToHtmlParameters, VerseInfo verseInfo, HtmlTextWriter theWriter) { this.parameters = osisToHtmlParameters; this.verseInfo = verseInfo; this.writer = theWriter; } public void startNote(Attributes attrs) { isInNote = true; currentNoteRef = getNoteRef(attrs); writeNoteRef(currentNoteRef); // prepare to fetch the actual note into the notes repo writer.writeToTempStore(); } /* * Called when the Ending of the current Element is reached. For example in the * above explanation, this method is called when </Title> tag is reached */ public void endNote() { String noteText = writer.getTempStoreString(); if (noteText.length() > 0) { if (!StringUtils.containsOnly(noteText, "[];().,")) { Note note = new Note(verseInfo.currentVerseNo, currentNoteRef, noteText, NoteType.TYPE_GENERAL, null); notesList.add(note); } // and clear the buffer writer.clearTempStore(); } isInNote = false; writer.finishWritingToTempStore(); } /** a reference is finished and now the note must be added */ public void addNoteForReference(String refText, String osisRef) { // add teh html to show a note character in the (bible) text // a few modules like HunUj have refs in the text but not surrounded by a Note tag (like esv) so need to add Note here // special code to cope with HunUj problem if (parameters.isAutoWrapUnwrappedRefsInNote() && !isInNote()) { currentNoteRef = createNoteRef(); writeNoteRef(currentNoteRef); } // record the note information to show if user requests to see notes for this verse if (isInNote || parameters.isAutoWrapUnwrappedRefsInNote()) { Note note = new Note(verseInfo.currentVerseNo, currentNoteRef, refText, NoteType.TYPE_REFERENCE, osisRef); notesList.add(note); } } /** either use the 'n' attribute for the note ref or just get the next character in a list a-z * * @return a single char to use as a note ref */ private String getNoteRef(Attributes attrs) { // if the ref is specified as an attribute then use that String noteRef = attrs.getValue("n"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(noteRef)) { noteRef = createNoteRef(); } return noteRef; } /** either use the character passed in or get the next character in a list a-z * * @return a single char to use as a note ref */ private String createNoteRef() { // else just get the next char int inta = (int) 'a'; char nextNoteChar = (char) (inta + (noteCount++ % 26)); return String.valueOf(nextNoteChar); } /** write noteref html to outputstream */ private void writeNoteRef(String noteRef) { if (parameters.isShowNotes()) { writer.write("<span class='noteRef'>" + noteRef + "</span> "); } } public boolean isInNote() { return isInNote; } public List<Note> getNotesList() { return notesList; } }