Java tutorial
package; import java.text.BreakIterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.util.Log; /** Keep track of a list of chunks of text being fed to TTS * * @author Martin Denham [mjdenham at gmail dot com] * @see gnu.lgpl.License for license details.<br> * The copyright to this program is held by it's author. */ public class SpeakTextProvider { private List<String> mTextToSpeak = new ArrayList<String>(); private int nextTextToSpeak = 0; // this fraction supports pause/rew/ff; if o then speech occurs normally, if 0.5 then next speech chunk is half completed... private float fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken = 0; // Before ICS Android would split up long text for you but since ICS this error occurs: // if (mText.length() >= MAX_SPEECH_ITEM_CHAR_LENGTH) { // Log.w(TAG, "Text too long: " + mText.length() + " chars"); private static final int MAX_SPEECH_ITEM_CHAR_LENGTH = 4000; // require DOTALL to allow . to match new lines which occur in books like JOChrist private static Pattern BREAK_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".{100,2000}[a-z]+[.?!][\\s]{1,}+", Pattern.DOTALL); private static class StartPos { boolean found = false; private int startPosition = 0; private String text = ""; private float actualFractionOfWhole = 1; } // enable state to be persisted if paused for a long time private static final String PERSIST_SPEAK_TEXT = "SpeakText"; private static final String PERSIST_SPEAK_TEXT_SEPARATOR = "XXSEPXX"; private static final String PERSIST_NEXT_TEXT = "NextText"; private static final String PERSIST_FRACTION_SPOKEN = "FractionSpoken"; private static final String TAG = "Speak"; public void addTextsToSpeak(List<String> textsToSpeak) { for (String text : textsToSpeak) { this.mTextToSpeak.addAll(breakUpText(text)); } Log.d(TAG, "Total Num blocks in speak queue:" + mTextToSpeak.size()); } public boolean isMoreTextToSpeak() { //TODO: there seems to be an occasional problem when using ff/rew/pause in the last chunk return nextTextToSpeak < mTextToSpeak.size(); } public String getNextTextToSpeak() { String text = getNextTextChunk(); // if a pause occurred then skip the first part if (fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken > 0) { Log.d(TAG, "Getting part of text to read. Fraction:" + fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken); StartPos textFraction = getPrevTextStartPos(text, fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken); if (textFraction.found) { fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken = textFraction.actualFractionOfWhole; text = textFraction.text; } else { Log.e(TAG, "Eror finding next text. fraction:" + fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken); // try to prevent recurrence of error, but do not say anything fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken = 0; text = ""; } } return text; } private String getNextTextChunk() { String text = peekNextTextChunk(); nextTextToSpeak++; return text; } private String peekNextTextChunk() { if (!isMoreTextToSpeak()) { Log.e(TAG, "Error: passed end of Speaktext. nextText:" + nextTextToSpeak + " textToSpeak size:" + mTextToSpeak.size()); return ""; } return mTextToSpeak.get(nextTextToSpeak); } /** fractionCompleted may be a fraction of a fraction of the current block if this is not the first pause in this block * * @param fractionCompleted of last block of text returned by getNextTextToSpeak */ public void pause(float fractionCompleted) { Log.d(TAG, "Pause CurrentSentence:" + nextTextToSpeak); // accumulate these fractions until we reach the end of a chunk of text // if pause several times the fraction of text completed becomes a fraction of the fraction left i.e. 1-previousFractionCompleted // also ensure the fraction is never greater than 1/all text fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken += Math.min(1, ((1.0 - fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken) * fractionCompleted)); Log.d(TAG, "Fraction of current sentence spoken:" + fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken); backOneChunk(); } public void rewind() { // go back to start of current sentence StartPos textFraction = getPrevTextStartPos(peekNextTextChunk(), fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken); // if could not find a previous sentence end if (!textFraction.found) { if (backOneChunk()) { textFraction = getPrevTextStartPos(peekNextTextChunk(), 1.0f); } } else { // go back a little bit further in the current chunk StartPos extraFraction = getPrevTextStartPos(peekNextTextChunk(), getStartPosFraction(textFraction.startPosition, peekNextTextChunk())); if (extraFraction.found) { textFraction = extraFraction; } } if (textFraction.found) { fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken = textFraction.actualFractionOfWhole; } else { Log.e(TAG, "Could not rewind"); } Log.d(TAG, "Rewind chunk length start position:" + fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken); } public void forward() { Log.d(TAG, "Forward nextText:" + nextTextToSpeak); // go back to start of current sentence StartPos textFraction = getForwardTextStartPos(peekNextTextChunk(), fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken); // if could not find the next sentence start if (!textFraction.found && forwardOneChunk()) { textFraction = getForwardTextStartPos(peekNextTextChunk(), 0.0f); } if (textFraction.found) { fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken = textFraction.actualFractionOfWhole; } else { Log.e(TAG, "Could not forward"); } Log.d(TAG, "Forward chunk length start position:" + fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken); } public void finishedUtterance(String utteranceId) { // reset pause info as a chunk is now finished and it may have been started using continue fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken = 0; } /** current chunk needs to be re-read (at least a fraction of it after pause) */ private boolean backOneChunk() { if (nextTextToSpeak > 0) { nextTextToSpeak--; return true; } else { return false; } } /** current chunk needs to be re-read (at least a fraction of it after pause) */ private boolean forwardOneChunk() { if (nextTextToSpeak < mTextToSpeak.size() - 1) { nextTextToSpeak++; return true; } else { return false; } } public void reset() { if (mTextToSpeak != null) { mTextToSpeak.clear(); } nextTextToSpeak = 0; fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken = 0; } /** save state to allow long pauses */ public void persistState() { if (mTextToSpeak.size() > 0) { CommonUtils.getSharedPreferences().edit() .putString(PERSIST_SPEAK_TEXT, StringUtils.join(mTextToSpeak, PERSIST_SPEAK_TEXT_SEPARATOR)) .putInt(PERSIST_NEXT_TEXT, nextTextToSpeak) .putFloat(PERSIST_FRACTION_SPOKEN, fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken).commit(); } } /** restore state to allow long pauses * * @return state restored */ public boolean restoreState() { boolean isRestored = false; SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = CommonUtils.getSharedPreferences(); if (sharedPreferences.contains(PERSIST_SPEAK_TEXT)) { mTextToSpeak = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList( sharedPreferences.getString(PERSIST_SPEAK_TEXT, "").split(PERSIST_SPEAK_TEXT_SEPARATOR))); nextTextToSpeak = sharedPreferences.getInt(PERSIST_NEXT_TEXT, 0); fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken = sharedPreferences.getFloat(PERSIST_FRACTION_SPOKEN, 0); clearPersistedState(); isRestored = true; } return isRestored; } public void clearPersistedState() { CommonUtils.getSharedPreferences().edit().remove(PERSIST_SPEAK_TEXT).remove(PERSIST_NEXT_TEXT) .remove(PERSIST_FRACTION_SPOKEN).commit(); } private StartPos getPrevTextStartPos(String text, float fraction) { StartPos retVal = new StartPos(); int allTextLength = text.length(); int nextTextOffset = (int) (Math.min(1, fraction) * allTextLength); BreakIterator breakIterator = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(); breakIterator.setText(text); int startPos = 0; try { // this can rarely throw an Exception startPos = breakIterator.preceding(nextTextOffset); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error finding previous sentence start", e); } retVal.found = startPos >= 0; if (retVal.found) { retVal.startPosition = startPos; // because we don't return an exact fraction, but go to the beginning of a sentence, we need to update the fractionAlreadySpoken retVal.actualFractionOfWhole = ((float) retVal.startPosition) / allTextLength; retVal.text = text.substring(retVal.startPosition); } return retVal; } private StartPos getForwardTextStartPos(String text, float fraction) { StartPos retVal = new StartPos(); int allTextLength = text.length(); int nextTextOffset = (int) (Math.min(1, fraction) * allTextLength); BreakIterator breakIterator = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(); breakIterator.setText(text); int startPos = 0; try { // this can rarely throw an Exception startPos = breakIterator.following(nextTextOffset); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error finding next sentence start", e); } retVal.found = startPos >= 0; if (retVal.found) { // nudge the startPos past the beginning of sentence so this sentence start is found when searching for previous block in getNextSentence retVal.startPosition = startPos < text.length() - 1 - 1 ? startPos + 1 : startPos; // because we don't return an exact fraction, but go to the beginning of a sentence, we need to update the fractionAlreadySpoken retVal.actualFractionOfWhole = ((float) retVal.startPosition) / allTextLength; retVal.text = text.substring(retVal.startPosition); } return retVal; } /** ICS rejects text longer than 4000 chars so break it up * */ private List<String> breakUpText(String text) { // // first try to split text nicely at the end of sentences // List<String> chunks1 = new ArrayList<String>(); // is the text short enough to use as is if (text.length() < MAX_SPEECH_ITEM_CHAR_LENGTH) { chunks1.add(text); } else { // break up the text at sentence ends Matcher matcher = BREAK_PATTERN.matcher(text); int matchedUpTo = 0; while (matcher.find()) { int nextEnd = matcher.end(); chunks1.add(text.substring(matchedUpTo, nextEnd)); matchedUpTo = nextEnd; } // add on the final part of the text, if there is any if (matchedUpTo < text.length()) { chunks1.add(text.substring(matchedUpTo)); } } // // If any text is still too long because the regexp was not matched then forcefully split it up // All chunks are probably now less than 4000 chars as required by tts but go through again for languages that don't have '. ' at the end of sentences // List<String> chunks2 = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String chunk : chunks1) { if (chunk.length() < MAX_SPEECH_ITEM_CHAR_LENGTH) { chunks2.add(chunk); } else { // force chunks to be correct length -10 is just to allow a bit of extra room chunks2.addAll(splitEqually(chunk, MAX_SPEECH_ITEM_CHAR_LENGTH - 10)); } } return chunks2; } private List<String> splitEqually(String text, int size) { // Give the list the right capacity to start with. You could use an array instead if you wanted. List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>((text.length() + size - 1) / size); for (int start = 0; start < text.length(); start += size) { ret.add(text.substring(start, Math.min(text.length(), start + size))); } return ret; } private float getStartPosFraction(int startPos, String text) { float startFraction = ((float) startPos) / text.length(); // ensure fraction is between 0 and 1 startFraction = Math.max(0, startFraction); startFraction = Math.min(1, startFraction); return startFraction; } public long getTotalChars() { long totChars = 0; for (String chunk : mTextToSpeak) { totChars += chunk.length(); } return totChars; } /** this relies on fraction which is set at pause */ public long getSpokenChars() { long spokenChars = 0; if (mTextToSpeak.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nextTextToSpeak - 1; i++) { String chunk = mTextToSpeak.get(i); spokenChars += chunk.length(); } if (nextTextToSpeak < mTextToSpeak.size()) { spokenChars += fractionOfNextSentenceSpoken * (float) mTextToSpeak.get(nextTextToSpeak).length(); } } return spokenChars; } // private List<String> nonREbreakUpText(String text) { // List<String> chunks = new ArrayList<String>(); // // int matchedUpTo = 0; // int count = 0; // while (text.length()-matchedUpTo>1000) { // int nextEnd = text.indexOf(". ",matchedUpTo+100)+2; // if (nextEnd!=-1) { // Log.d(TAG, "Match "+(++count)+" from "+matchedUpTo+" to "+nextEnd); // chunks.add(text.substring(matchedUpTo, nextEnd)); // matchedUpTo = nextEnd; // } // } // // add on the final part of the text // chunks.add(text.substring(matchedUpTo)); // // return chunks; // } // }