Java tutorial
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.crosswire.jsword.passage.Key; import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.Versification; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.util.Log; import de.greenrobot.event.EventBus; /** Control status of reading plans * * @author Martin Denham [mjdenham at gmail dot com] * @see gnu.lgpl.License for license details.<br> * The copyright to this program is held by it's author. */ public class ReadingPlanControl { private ReadingPlanDao readingPlanDao = new ReadingPlanDao(); private SpeakControl mSpeakControl; private static final String READING_PLAN = "reading_plan"; private static final String READING_PLAN_DAY_EXT = "_day"; private static final String TAG = "ReadingPlanControl"; private ReadingStatus readingStatus; /** allow front end to determine if a plan needs has been selected */ public boolean isReadingPlanSelected() { return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getCurrentPlanCode()); } /** get a list of plans so the user can choose one */ public List<ReadingPlanInfoDto> getReadingPlanList() { return readingPlanDao.getReadingPlanList(); } /** User has chosen to start a plan */ public void startReadingPlan(ReadingPlanInfoDto plan) { // set default plan setReadingPlan(plan.getCode()); // tell the plan to set a start date plan.start(); } /** Adjust the start date to Jan 1 */ public void setStartToJan1(ReadingPlanInfoDto plan) { // tell the plan to set a start date plan.setStartToJan1(); } /** change default plan */ public void setReadingPlan(String planCode) { // set default plan to this SharedPreferences prefs = CommonUtils.getSharedPreferences(); prefs.edit().putString(READING_PLAN, planCode).commit(); } /** get list of days and readings for a plan so user can see the plan in advance */ public List<OneDaysReadingsDto> getCurrentPlansReadingList() { return readingPlanDao.getReadingList(getCurrentPlanCode()); } /** get read status of this days readings */ public ReadingStatus getReadingStatus(int day) { String planCode = getCurrentPlanCode(); if (readingStatus == null || !readingStatus.getPlanCode().equals(planCode) || readingStatus.getDay() != day) { OneDaysReadingsDto oneDaysReadingsDto = readingPlanDao.getReading(planCode, day); // if Historic then return historic status that returns read=true for all passages if (day < getCurrentPlanDay()) { readingStatus = new HistoricReadingStatus(getCurrentPlanCode(), day, oneDaysReadingsDto.getNumReadings()); } else { readingStatus = new ReadingStatus(getCurrentPlanCode(), day, oneDaysReadingsDto.getNumReadings()); } } return readingStatus; } public int getCurrentPlanDay() { String planCode = getCurrentPlanCode(); SharedPreferences prefs = CommonUtils.getSharedPreferences(); int day = prefs.getInt(planCode + READING_PLAN_DAY_EXT, 1); return day; } private void setCurrentPlanDay(int day) { String planCode = getCurrentPlanCode(); SharedPreferences prefs = CommonUtils.getSharedPreferences(); prefs.edit().putInt(planCode + READING_PLAN_DAY_EXT, day).commit(); } public long getDueDay(ReadingPlanInfoDto planInfo) { Date today = CommonUtils.getTruncatedDate(); Date startDate = planInfo.getStartdate(); // on final day, after done the startDate will be null if (startDate == null) { return 0; } // should not need to round as we use truncated dates, but safety first // later found that rounding is necessary (due to DST I think) because // when the clocks went forward the difference became 88.95833 but should have been 89 double diffInDays = (today.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / (1000.0 * 60 * 60 * 24); long diffInWholeDays = Math.round(diffInDays); Log.d(TAG, "Days diff between today and start:" + diffInWholeDays); // if diff is zero then we are on day 1 so add 1 return diffInWholeDays + 1; } /** mark this day as complete unless it is in the future * if last day then reset plan */ public int done(ReadingPlanInfoDto planInfo, int day, boolean force) { // which day to show next -1 means the user is up to date and can close Reading Plan int nextDayToShow = -1; // force Done to work for whatever day is passed in, otherwise Done only works for current plan day and ignores other days if (force) { // for Done to work for non plan day setCurrentPlanDay(day); // normal reading status update is circumvented so mark all as read here getReadingStatus(day).setAllRead(); } // was this the next reading plan day due whether on schedule or not if (getCurrentPlanDay() == day) { // do not leave prefs for historic days - we show all historic readings as 'read' getReadingStatus(day).delete(); // was this the last day in the plan if (readingPlanDao.getNumberOfPlanDays(getCurrentPlanCode()) == day) { // last plan day is just Done so clear all plan status reset(planInfo); nextDayToShow = -1; } else { // move to next plan day int nextDay = incrementCurrentPlanDay(); // if there are no readings scheduled for the next day then mark it as Done and carry on to next next day OneDaysReadingsDto nextReadings = getDaysReading(nextDay); if (nextReadings.getNumReadings() == 0) { nextDay = done(planInfo, nextDay, force); } nextDayToShow = nextDay; } } else { if (planInfo.getNumberOfPlanDays() > day) { nextDayToShow = day + 1; } } //if user is not behind then do not show Daily Reading screen if (!isDueToBeRead(planInfo, nextDayToShow)) { nextDayToShow = -1; } return nextDayToShow; } public boolean isDueToBeRead(ReadingPlanInfoDto planInfo, int day) { return getDueDay(planInfo) >= day; } /** increment current day */ public int incrementCurrentPlanDay() { int nextDay = getCurrentPlanDay() + 1; setCurrentPlanDay(nextDay); return nextDay; } /** get readings due for current plan on specified day */ public OneDaysReadingsDto getDaysReading(int day) { return readingPlanDao.getReading(getCurrentPlanCode(), day); } /** User wants to read a passage from the daily reading * Also mark passage as read */ public void read(int day, int readingNo, Key readingKey) { if (readingKey != null) { // mark reading as 'read' getReadingStatus(day).setRead(readingNo); EventBus.getDefault().post(new BeforeCurrentPageChangeEvent()); ; // show the current bible AbstractPassageBook bible = CurrentPageManager.getInstance().getCurrentBible().getCurrentPassageBook(); // convert the verse to the v11n of the current bible List<Key> keyList = convertReadingVersification(readingKey, bible); Key firstKey = keyList.get(0); // go to correct passage CurrentPageManager.getInstance().setCurrentDocumentAndKey(bible, firstKey); } } /** * Speak 1 reading and mark as read. Also convert from ReadingPlan v11n type to v11n type of current Bible. */ public void speak(int day, int readingNo, Key readingKey) { AbstractPassageBook bible = CurrentPageManager.getInstance().getCurrentBible().getCurrentPassageBook(); List<Key> keyList = convertReadingVersification(readingKey, bible); mSpeakControl.speak(bible, keyList, true, false); getReadingStatus(day).setRead(readingNo); } /** User wants all passages from the daily reading spoken using TTS * Also mark passages as read */ public void speak(int day, List<Key> allReadings) { AbstractPassageBook bible = CurrentPageManager.getInstance().getCurrentBible().getCurrentPassageBook(); List<Key> allReadingsWithCorrectV11n = new ArrayList<Key>(); for (Key key : allReadings) { List<Key> keyList = convertReadingVersification(key, bible); allReadingsWithCorrectV11n.addAll(keyList); } mSpeakControl.speak(bible, allReadingsWithCorrectV11n, true, false); // mark all readings as read for (int i = 0; i < allReadings.size(); i++) { getReadingStatus(day).setRead(i); } } /** IOC */ public void setSpeakControl(SpeakControl speakControl) { this.mSpeakControl = speakControl; } /** User has chosen to start a plan */ public void reset(ReadingPlanInfoDto plan) { plan.reset(); SharedPreferences prefs = CommonUtils.getSharedPreferences(); Editor prefsEditor = prefs.edit(); // if resetting default plan then remove default if (plan.getCode().equals(getCurrentPlanCode())) { prefsEditor.remove(READING_PLAN); } prefsEditor.remove(plan.getCode() + ReadingPlanInfoDto.READING_PLAN_START_EXT); prefsEditor.remove(plan.getCode() + READING_PLAN_DAY_EXT); prefsEditor.commit(); } public String getShortTitle() { return StringUtils.left(getCurrentPlanCode(), 8); } public String getCurrentDayDescription() { if (isReadingPlanSelected()) { return getDaysReading(getCurrentPlanDay()).getDayDesc(); } else { return ""; } } protected List<Key> convertReadingVersification(Key readingKey, AbstractPassageBook bibleToBeUsed) { Versification documentV11n = bibleToBeUsed.getVersification(); VersificationConverter v11nConverter = new VersificationConverter(); Key convertedPassage = v11nConverter.convert(readingKey, documentV11n); List<Key> keyList = new ArrayList<Key>(); keyList.add(convertedPassage); return keyList; } /** keep track of which plan the user has currently. This can be safely changed and reverted to without losing track */ private String getCurrentPlanCode() { SharedPreferences prefs = CommonUtils.getSharedPreferences(); String currentPlan = prefs.getString(READING_PLAN, null); return currentPlan; } }