Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * <copyright> Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V.. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying * materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at </copyright> *******************************************************************************/ package net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import net.bhl.cdt.model.util.ModelHelper; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.Cabin; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.CabinFactory; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.Curtain; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.Door; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.DoorOption; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.Galley; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.Lavatory; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.ObjectOption; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.PhysicalObject; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.Row; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.Seat; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.TravelClass; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.model.TravelOption; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.util.input.InputChecker; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.util.math.Vector; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.util.math.Vector2D; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.util.string.StringHelper; import net.bhl.cdt.paxelerate.util.toOpenCDT.Log; /** * This class contains all constructors for the different elements of the cabin. * You can construct every single part of cabin on its own. * * @author marc.engelmann * @version 1.0 * @since 0.5 * @see for implementation example. */ public class CabinGenerator { /** The cabin. */ private Cabin cabin; /** The number of aisles. */ private int globalSeatPositionY, globalSeatPositionX, seats, abreast, seatPitch, seatHelper, passengers, numberOfAisles; /** The seat dimensions. */ private Vector seatDimensions = new Vector2D(0, 0); /** The tc. */ private TravelClass tc; /** The row parts int. */ private ArrayList<Integer> rowPartsInt; /** The do it once. */ boolean doItOnce = true; /** The seat structure. */ private String seatStructure = "1-1"; /** * This method is the constructor of this class. * * @param cabin * the cabin element */ public CabinGenerator(Cabin cabin) { this.cabin = cabin; rowPartsInt = new ArrayList<Integer>(); globalSeatPositionY = 0; globalSeatPositionX = 50; seatStructure = "3-3"; } /** * Returns the cabin. * * @return the cabin that was created within this class. */ public Cabin getCabin() { return cabin; } /** * This method clears all objects from the cabin object <b>excluding the * passenger classes</b>. These are removed in a later step. */ public void clearCabin() { cabin.getClasses().clear(); cabin.getDoors().clear(); cabin.getLavatories().clear(); cabin.getGalleys().clear(); cabin.getCurtains().clear(); cabin.getStairways().clear(); cabin.getStowages().clear(); cabin.getPassengers().clear(); } /** * Load the class settings depending on type. * * NOTE: This only works if there is just one existing class per class type. * * @param travelOption * the subclass */ public void switchSettings(TravelOption travelOption) { tc = CabinFactory.eINSTANCE.createTravelClass(); tc.setTravelOption(travelOption); switch (travelOption) { case PREMIUM_ECONOMY_CLASS: seats = 24; seatStructure = "3-3"; seatDimensions = new Vector2D(60, 50); seatPitch = 85; passengers = 1; break; case BUSINESS_CLASS: seats = 8; seatStructure = "2-2"; seatDimensions = new Vector2D(80, 72); seatPitch = 90; passengers = 1; break; case FIRST_CLASS: seats = 2; seatStructure = "1-1"; seatDimensions = new Vector2D(120, 100); seatPitch = 100; passengers = 1; break; case ECONOMY_CLASS: seats = 72; seatStructure = "3-3"; seatDimensions = new Vector2D(60, 50); seatPitch = 80; passengers = 1; break; } } /** * This method splits the String into parts and reads out the information in * it. This string has the form X-X and it is separated by the "-" operator. * * @param seatString * is the string */ public void splitSeatString(String seatString) { /* * This method checks the user input for errors and automatically * corrects it! */ seatString = InputChecker.checkStructureString(seatString); rowPartsInt = new ArrayList<Integer>(); numberOfAisles = StringUtils.countMatches(seatString, "-"); abreast = 0; String[] rowParts = seatString.split("-"); for (String str : rowParts) { abreast += Integer.parseInt(str); rowPartsInt.add(Integer.parseInt(str)); } } /** * This method creates the physical objects except for seats!. * * @param option the option * @param xDimension the x dimension */ public void createPhysicalObject(ObjectOption option, int xDimension) { int currentPosition = 0; splitSeatString(seatStructure); if (doItOnce) { if (!cabin.getClasses().isEmpty()) { seatStructure = cabin.getClasses().get(0).getRowStructure(); splitSeatString(seatStructure); } else { rowPartsInt.clear(); rowPartsInt.addAll(Arrays.asList(3, 3)); } doItOnce = false; } for (int k = 0; k < rowPartsInt.size(); k++) { PhysicalObject obj; switch (option) { case LAVATORY: obj = CabinFactory.eINSTANCE.createLavatory(); cabin.getLavatories().add((Lavatory) obj); obj.setName(" " + cabin.getLavatories().size() + 1); obj.setId(cabin.getLavatories().size() + 1); break; case GALLEY: obj = CabinFactory.eINSTANCE.createGalley(); cabin.getGalleys().add((Galley) obj); obj.setName(" " + cabin.getGalleys().size() + 1); obj.setId(cabin.getGalleys().size() + 1); break; default: obj = null; break; } try { obj.setXDimension(xDimension); } catch (NullPointerException e) { Log.add(this, "Define the seat dimensions"); //e.printStackTrace(); } try { obj.setXPosition(globalSeatPositionX); obj.setYDimension(rowPartsInt.get(k) * (tc.getYDimensionOfSeats() + seatHelper) + seatHelper); } catch (NullPointerException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); obj.setYDimension( (cabin.getYDimension() - numberOfAisles * cabin.getAisleWidth()) / (numberOfAisles + 1)); } obj.setYPosition(currentPosition); currentPosition = currentPosition + obj.getYDimension() + cabin.getAisleWidth(); } globalSeatPositionX += xDimension; } /** * This method creates a new seat. * * @param row is the row in which the seat should be generated */ public void createSeat(Row row) { Seat newSeat = CabinFactory.eINSTANCE.createSeat(); row.getSeats().add(newSeat); newSeat.setId(ModelHelper.getChildrenByClass(cabin, Seat.class).size() + 1); newSeat.setName(row.getRowNumber() + StringHelper.toString(row.getSeats().size())); newSeat.setXDimension(seatDimensions.getX()); newSeat.setYDimension(seatDimensions.getY()); newSeat.setLetter("" + StringHelper.toString(row.getSeats().size())); newSeat.setXPosition(globalSeatPositionX); newSeat.setYPosition(globalSeatPositionY); newSeat.setTravelClass(tc); newSeat.setRow(row); } /** * This method creates a class and the subclasses (seats, rows, etc.). * * @param travelOption is the subclass */ public void createClass(TravelOption travelOption) { tc = null; switchSettings(travelOption); cabin.getClasses().add(tc); splitSeatString(seatStructure); tc.setPassengers(passengers); tc.setAvailableSeats(seats); tc.setRowStructure(InputChecker.checkStructureString(seatStructure)); tc.setSeatPitch(seatPitch); tc.setYDimensionOfSeats(seatDimensions.getY()); tc.setXDimensionOfSeats(seatDimensions.getX()); tc.setName(""); if (seats > 0) { seatHelper = 0; if ((seats % abreast) != 0) { Log.add(this, "Check your number of seats in " + StringHelper.splitCamelCase(travelOption.getName()) + ". Could not fill all rows."); } if (tc.getTravelOption() == TravelOption.FIRST_CLASS) { globalSeatPositionX += 20; } for (int i = 1; i <= seats / abreast; i++) { globalSeatPositionY = 0; /** Calculate the gap between the seats **/ if ((abreast * seatDimensions.getY() + numberOfAisles * cabin.getAisleWidth()) <= cabin .getYDimension()) { globalSeatPositionY = ((cabin.getYDimension() - numberOfAisles * cabin.getAisleWidth() - abreast * seatDimensions.getY()) / (abreast + numberOfAisles + 1)); seatHelper = globalSeatPositionY; } else { Log.add(this, "The seats in row " + i + " do not fit into the cabin!"); seatHelper = 0; globalSeatPositionY = 0; } /****************************************/ if ((globalSeatPositionY < 0)) { seatHelper = 0; globalSeatPositionY = 0; Log.add(this, "The seats in row " + i + " do not fit into the cabin!"); } createRow(); globalSeatPositionX += seatPitch; } if (!(tc.getTravelOption() == TravelOption.ECONOMY_CLASS)) { createCurtain(true, "after " + StringHelper.splitCamelCase(travelOption.getName())); } } } /** * This function creates a row and the seats in it. */ public void createRow() { Row newRow = CabinFactory.eINSTANCE.createRow(); tc.getRows().add(newRow); newRow.setRowNumber(ModelHelper.getChildrenByClass(cabin, Row.class).size()); for (int rowBlock : rowPartsInt) { for (int j = 1; j <= rowBlock; j++) { createSeat(newRow); globalSeatPositionY = globalSeatPositionY + seatDimensions.getY() + seatHelper; } globalSeatPositionY = cabin.getAisleWidth() + globalSeatPositionY + seatHelper; } } /** * This function creates a door. * * @param option the option * @param symmetrical describes if the door will be generated on both sides * @param id is the id of the door * @param yPosition set it to -1 to ignore value, only important for emergency * exit. */ public void createDoor(DoorOption option, boolean symmetrical, int id, int yPosition) { Door door = CabinFactory.eINSTANCE.createDoor(); door.setDoorOption(option); door.setId(id); door.setOnBothSides(symmetrical); switch (option) { case EMERGENCY_EXIT: door.setWidth(50); door.setXPosition(yPosition); door.setIsActive(false); break; default: door.setWidth(80); door.setXPosition(globalSeatPositionX); door.setIsActive(false); globalSeatPositionX += 80; break; } cabin.getDoors().add(door); } /** * This method creates a curtain. Curtains are generated automatically in * the class generation. * * @param openOrNot * describes whether the curtain is open or not. * @param name * is the name of the door. * */ public void createCurtain(boolean openOrNot, String name) { int currentCurtainPosition = 0; for (int k = 0; k < rowPartsInt.size(); k++) { Curtain curtain = CabinFactory.eINSTANCE.createCurtain(); cabin.getCurtains().add(curtain); curtain.setCurtainOpen(openOrNot); curtain.setName(name + " (Part " + (k + 1) + ")"); curtain.setXDimension(10); curtain.setId(cabin.getCurtains().size() + 1); curtain.setXPosition(globalSeatPositionX + 10); curtain.setYDimension(rowPartsInt.get(k) * (tc.getYDimensionOfSeats() + seatHelper) + seatHelper); curtain.setYPosition(currentCurtainPosition); currentCurtainPosition = currentCurtainPosition + curtain.getYDimension() + cabin.getAisleWidth(); } globalSeatPositionX += 40; } }