Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Andrew Bashore * This file is part of GeoBot. * * GeoBot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GeoBot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GeoBot. If not, see <>. */ package net.bashtech.geobot; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Channel { public JSONObject config; private String channel; private String twitchname; boolean staticChannel; private HashMap<String, String> commands = new HashMap<String, String>(); private HashMap<String, Integer> commandsRestrictions = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private HashMap<String, Integer> commandCounts = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private HashMap<String, String> commandAdders = new HashMap<String, String>(); private ArrayList<String> quotes = new ArrayList<String>(); private HashMap<String, String> quoteAdders = new HashMap<String, String>(); private HashMap<String, Long> quoteTimestamps = new HashMap<String, Long>(); HashMap<String, RepeatCommand> commandsRepeat = new HashMap<String, RepeatCommand>(); HashMap<String, ScheduledCommand> commandsSchedule = new HashMap<String, ScheduledCommand>(); List<Pattern> autoReplyTrigger = new ArrayList<Pattern>(); List<String> autoReplyResponse = new ArrayList<String>(); private boolean filterCaps; private int filterCapsPercent; private int filterCapsMinCharacters; private int filterCapsMinCapitals; private boolean filterLinks; private boolean filterOffensive; private boolean filterEmotes; private boolean filterSymbols; private int filterSymbolsPercent; private int filterSymbolsMin; private int filterEmotesMax; private boolean filterEmotesSingle; private int filterMaxLength; private String topic; private int topicTime; private Set<String> regulars = new HashSet<String>(); // private Set<String> subscribers = new HashSet<String>(); private Set<String> moderators = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> tagModerators = new HashSet<String>(); private Set<String> owners = new HashSet<String>(); private Set<String> raidWhitelist = new HashSet<String>(); private Set<String> permittedUsers = new HashSet<String>(); private ArrayList<String> permittedDomains = new ArrayList<String>(); public boolean useTopic = true; public boolean useFilters = true; private Poll currentPoll; private Giveaway currentGiveaway; private boolean enableThrow; private boolean signKicks; private boolean announceJoinParts; private String lastfm; private String steamID; private int mode; // 0: Admin/owner only; 1: Mod Only; 2: Everyone; -1 // Special mode to admins to use for channel moderation Raffle raffle; public boolean logChat; public long messageCount; public int commercialLength; String clickToTweetFormat; private boolean filterColors; private boolean filterMe; private Set<String> offensiveWords = new HashSet<String>(); private List<Pattern> offensiveWordsRegex = new LinkedList<Pattern>(); Map<String, EnumMap<FilterType, Integer>> warningCount; Map<String, Long> warningTime; private int timeoutDuration; private boolean enableWarnings; Map<String, Long> commandCooldown; String prefix; String emoteSet; boolean subscriberRegulars; String lastSong = ""; long songUpdated = System.currentTimeMillis(); private boolean wpOn; private long sinceWp = System.currentTimeMillis(); private int wpCount = 0; private String bullet = "#!"; private String gamerTag; private JSONObject defaults = new JSONObject(); private int cooldown = 0; private int maxViewers = 0; private boolean streamUp = false; private int streamMax = 0; private int streamNumber = 0; private int runningMaxViewers = 0; private int punishCount = 0; private int updateDelay = 120; private long sincePunish = System.currentTimeMillis(); private String maxviewerDate = new java.util.Date().toString(); public boolean subsRegsMinusLinks; public boolean active; private static Timer commercial; private int lastStrawpoll; // private long timeAliveStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); private boolean streamAlive = false; private boolean urbanEnabled = false; private boolean songRequestStatus = false; private ArrayList<String> ignoredUsers = new ArrayList<String>(); private long extraLifeID; public boolean resubAlerts; public String resubMessage; private boolean rollTimeout = false; private String rollLevel; private int rollDefault = 20; private int rollCooldown = 10; public Boolean subscriberAlerts; public String subscriberMessage; private boolean shouldModerate; private JSONObject lists; private boolean parseYoutube; public Channel(String name) { channel = name; twitchname = channel.substring(1); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try { Object obj = parser.parse(new FileReader(channel + ".json")); config = (JSONObject) obj; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Generating new config for " + channel); config = new JSONObject(); } loadProperties(name); if ((!checkPermittedDomain(""))) { this.addPermittedDomain(""); } warningCount = new HashMap<String, EnumMap<FilterType, Integer>>(); warningTime = new HashMap<String, Long>(); commandCooldown = new HashMap<String, Long>(); } public Channel(String name, int mode) { this(name); setMode(mode); } public String getChannel() { return channel; } public String getTwitchName() { return twitchname; } public String getPrefix() { return prefix; } public void setPrefix(String prefix) { this.prefix = prefix.charAt(0) + ""; config.put("commandPrefix", this.prefix); saveConfig(true); } public void setLastStrawpoll(int newId) { lastStrawpoll = newId; } public int getLastStrawpoll() { return lastStrawpoll; } public boolean getWp() { return wpOn; } public void setStreamCount(int newCount) { streamNumber = newCount; config.put("streamCount", streamNumber); saveConfig(true); } public void setWp(boolean state) { wpOn = state; config.put("wpTimer", wpOn); saveConfig(true); } public long timeSinceSaid() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long differenceInSeconds = (now - sinceWp) / 1000L; sinceWp = now; config.put("sinceWp", sinceWp); saveConfig(true); return (differenceInSeconds); } public long timeSinceNoUpdate() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long differenceInSeconds = (now - sinceWp) / 1000L; return (differenceInSeconds); } public long timeSincePunished() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long differenceInSeconds = (now - sincePunish) / 1000L; return (differenceInSeconds); } public void setBullet(String newBullet) { bullet = newBullet; config.put("bullet", newBullet); saveConfig(true); } public String getChannelBullet() { return bullet; } public void increaseWpCount() { wpCount++; config.put("wpCount", wpCount); saveConfig(false); } public int getWpCount() { return wpCount; } public String getEmoteSet() { return emoteSet; } public void setEmoteSet(String emoteSet) { this.emoteSet = emoteSet; config.put("emoteSet", emoteSet); saveConfig(true); } public boolean getSubsRegsMinusLinks() { return subsRegsMinusLinks; } public void setSubsRegsMinusLinks(boolean on) { // subscribers.clear(); subsRegsMinusLinks = on; config.put("subsRegsMinusLinks", subsRegsMinusLinks); saveConfig(true); } public boolean getSubscriberRegulars() { return subscriberRegulars; } public void setSubscriberRegulars(boolean subscriberRegulars) { // subscribers.clear(); this.subscriberRegulars = subscriberRegulars; config.put("subscriberRegulars", subscriberRegulars); saveConfig(true); } // ############################################################## public int addQuote(String quote, String editor) { if (quotes.contains(quote)) { return -1; } else { quotes.add(quote); quoteAdders.put(quote, editor); quoteTimestamps.put(quote, System.currentTimeMillis()); saveQuotes(true); return quotes.indexOf(quote); } } public void saveQuotes(boolean shouldSendUpdate) { JSONArray quotesArray = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < quotes.size(); i++) { JSONObject quoteObj = new JSONObject(); quoteObj.put("quote", quotes.get(i)); if (quoteAdders.containsKey(quotes.get(i))) { quoteObj.put("editor", quoteAdders.get(quotes.get(i))); } else quoteObj.put("editor", null); if (quoteTimestamps.containsKey(quotes.get(i))) { quoteObj.put("timestamp", quoteTimestamps.get(quotes.get(i))); } else quoteObj.put("timestamp", null); quotesArray.add(quoteObj); } config.put("quotes", quotesArray); saveConfig(shouldSendUpdate); } public int getQuoteSize() { return quotes.size(); } public String getQuote(int index) { if (index < quotes.size()) return quotes.get(index); else return "No quote at requested index."; } public boolean editQuote(int index, String newQuote, String editor) { if (index > quotes.size() - 1) return false; String oldquote = quotes.get(index); quoteAdders.remove(oldquote); quoteTimestamps.remove(oldquote); quoteAdders.put(newQuote, editor); quoteTimestamps.put(newQuote, System.currentTimeMillis()); quotes.remove(index); quotes.add(index, newQuote); saveQuotes(true); return true; } public boolean deleteQuote(int index) { if (index > quotes.size() - 1) return false; else { quotes.remove(index); saveQuotes(true); return true; } } public int getQuoteIndex(String quote) { if (quotes.contains(quote)) return quotes.indexOf(quote); else return -1; } // ################################################################ public String getCommand(String key) { key = key.toLowerCase(); if (commands.containsKey(key)) { return commands.get(key); } else { return null; } } public void setCommand(String key, String command, String adder) { key = key.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", ""); System.out.println("Key: " + key); command = command.replaceAll(",,", ""); if (key.length() < 1) return; if (commands.containsKey(key)) { commands.remove(key); commandAdders.remove(key); commands.put(key, command); commandAdders.put(key, adder); } else { commands.put(key, command); commandAdders.put(key, adder); commandCounts.put(key, 0); } saveCommands(true); } public void setCommand(String key, String command, String adder, int restriction) { key = key.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", ""); System.out.println("Key: " + key); if (key.length() < 1) return; if (commands.containsKey(key)) { commands.remove(key); commandAdders.remove(key); commands.put(key, command); commandAdders.put(key, adder); commandsRestrictions.put(key, restriction); } else { commands.put(key, command); commandAdders.put(key, adder); commandCounts.put(key, 0); commandsRestrictions.put(key, restriction); } saveCommands(true); } public int getRestriction(String key) { key = key.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", ""); if (commandsRestrictions.containsKey(key)) { return commandsRestrictions.get(key); } else { return -1; } } public boolean removeCommand(String key) { if (commands.containsKey(key)) { commands.remove(key); commandsRestrictions.remove(key); commandCounts.remove(key); commandAdders.remove(key); saveCommands(true); return true; } else return false; } public boolean renameCommand(String key, String newKey, String adder) { if (commands.containsKey(key)) { // save old stuff String response = commands.get(key); int restriction = commandsRestrictions.get(key); int count = commandCounts.get(key); // delete old stuff commands.remove(key); commandsRestrictions.remove(key); commandCounts.remove(key); commandAdders.remove(key); // add renamed command commands.put(newKey, response); commandsRestrictions.put(newKey, restriction); commandCounts.put(newKey, count); commandAdders.put(newKey, adder); saveCommands(true); return true; } else { return false; } } public void saveCommands(Boolean shouldSendUpdate) { JSONArray commandsArr = new JSONArray(); Iterator itr = commands.entrySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry); JSONObject commandObj = new JSONObject(); commandObj.put("key", pairs.getKey()); commandObj.put("value", pairs.getValue()); if (commandsRestrictions.containsKey(pairs.getKey())) { commandObj.put("restriction", commandsRestrictions.get(pairs.getKey())); } else { commandObj.put("restriction", 1); } if (commandAdders.containsKey(pairs.getKey())) { commandObj.put("editor", commandAdders.get(pairs.getKey())); } else commandObj.put("editor", null); commandObj.put("count", commandCounts.get(pairs.getKey())); commandsArr.add(commandObj); } config.put("commands", commandsArr); saveConfig(shouldSendUpdate); } public void increaseCommandCount(String commandName) { commandName = commandName.toLowerCase(); if (commandCounts.containsKey(commandName)) { int currentCount = commandCounts.get(commandName); currentCount++; commandCounts.put(commandName, currentCount); } saveCommands(false); } public int getCurrentCount(String commandName) { commandName = commandName.toLowerCase(); if (commandCounts.containsKey(commandName)) { int currentCount = commandCounts.get(commandName); return currentCount; } else return -1; } public boolean setCommandsRestriction(String command, int level) { command = command.toLowerCase(); if (!commands.containsKey(command)) return false; commandsRestrictions.put(command, level); saveCommands(true); return true; } public boolean checkCommandRestriction(String command, int level) { System.out.println("Checking command: " + command + " User level: " + level); if (!commandsRestrictions.containsKey(command.toLowerCase())) return true; if (level >= commandsRestrictions.get(command.toLowerCase())) return true; return false; } public void setRepeatCommand(String key, int delay, int diff) { key = key.toLowerCase(); if (commandsRepeat.containsKey(key)) { commandsRepeat.get(key).timer.cancel(); commandsRepeat.remove(key); RepeatCommand rc = new RepeatCommand(channel, key, delay, diff, true); commandsRepeat.put(key, rc); } else { RepeatCommand rc = new RepeatCommand(channel, key, delay, diff, true); commandsRepeat.put(key, rc); } saveRepeatCommands(); } public void removeRepeatCommand(String key) { key = key.toLowerCase(); if (commandsRepeat.containsKey(key)) { commandsRepeat.get(key).timer.cancel(); commandsRepeat.remove(key); saveRepeatCommands(); } } public void setRepeatCommandStatus(String key, boolean status) { if (commandsRepeat.containsKey(key)) { commandsRepeat.get(key).setStatus(status); saveRepeatCommands(); } } private void saveRepeatCommands() { JSONArray repeatedCommands = new JSONArray(); Iterator itr = commandsRepeat.entrySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry); JSONObject repeatObj = new JSONObject(); repeatObj.put("name", pairs.getKey()); repeatObj.put("delay", ((RepeatCommand) pairs.getValue()).delay); repeatObj.put("messageDifference", ((RepeatCommand) pairs.getValue()).messageDifference); repeatObj.put("active", ((RepeatCommand) pairs.getValue()).active); repeatedCommands.add(repeatObj); } config.put("repeatedCommands", repeatedCommands); saveConfig(true); } public void setScheduledCommand(String key, String pattern, int diff) { if (commandsSchedule.containsKey(key)) { commandsSchedule.get(key).s.stop(); commandsSchedule.remove(key); ScheduledCommand rc = new ScheduledCommand(channel, key, pattern, diff, true); commandsSchedule.put(key, rc); } else { ScheduledCommand rc = new ScheduledCommand(channel, key, pattern, diff, true); commandsSchedule.put(key, rc); } saveScheduledCommands(); } public void removeScheduledCommand(String key) { if (commandsSchedule.containsKey(key)) { commandsSchedule.get(key).s.stop(); commandsSchedule.remove(key); saveScheduledCommands(); } } public void setScheduledCommandStatus(String key, boolean status) { if (commandsSchedule.containsKey(key)) { commandsSchedule.get(key).setStatus(status); saveScheduledCommands(); } } private void saveScheduledCommands() { JSONArray scheduledCommands = new JSONArray(); Iterator itr = commandsSchedule.entrySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry); JSONObject scheduleObj = new JSONObject(); scheduleObj.put("name", pairs.getKey()); scheduleObj.put("pattern", ((ScheduledCommand) pairs.getValue()).pattern); scheduleObj.put("messageDifference", ((ScheduledCommand) pairs.getValue()).messageDifference); scheduleObj.put("active", ((ScheduledCommand) pairs.getValue()).active); scheduledCommands.add(scheduleObj); } config.put("scheduledCommands", scheduledCommands); saveConfig(true); } public ArrayList<String> getCommandList() { ArrayList<String> sorted = new ArrayList<String>(commands.keySet()); java.util.Collections.sort(sorted); return sorted; } public void addAutoReply(String trigger, String response) { trigger = trigger.replaceAll(",,", ""); response.replaceAll(",,", ""); if (!trigger.startsWith("REGEX:")) { String[] parts = trigger.replaceFirst("^\\*", "").replaceFirst("\\*$", "").split("\\*"); // Only apply leading & trailing any if an one was requested boolean trailingAny = trigger.endsWith("*"); if (trigger.startsWith("*")) trigger = ".*"; else trigger = ""; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if (parts[i].length() < 1) continue; trigger += Pattern.quote(parts[i]); if (i != parts.length - 1) trigger += ".*"; } if (trailingAny) trigger += ".*"; } else { trigger = trigger.replaceAll("REGEX:", ""); } System.out.println("Final: " + trigger); autoReplyTrigger.add(Pattern.compile(trigger, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)); autoReplyResponse.add(response); saveAutoReply(); } public boolean removeAutoReply(int pos) { pos = pos - 1; if (pos > autoReplyTrigger.size() - 1) return false; autoReplyTrigger.remove(pos); autoReplyResponse.remove(pos); saveAutoReply(); return true; } public boolean editAutoReplyResponse(int pos, String newResponse) { pos = pos - 1; if (pos > autoReplyTrigger.size() - 1) return false; autoReplyResponse.remove(pos); autoReplyResponse.add(pos, newResponse); saveAutoReply(); return true; } private void saveAutoReply() { JSONArray triggerString = new JSONArray(); JSONArray responseString = new JSONArray(); JSONArray autoReplies = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < autoReplyTrigger.size(); i++) { JSONObject autoreplyObj = new JSONObject(); autoreplyObj.put("trigger", autoReplyTrigger.get(i).toString()); autoreplyObj.put("response", autoReplyResponse.get(i).toString()); autoReplies.add(autoreplyObj); } config.put("autoReplies", autoReplies); saveConfig(true); } // ##################################################### public String getTopic() { return topic; } public void setTopic(String s) { topic = s; config.put("topic", topic); topicTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); config.put("topicTime", topicTime); saveConfig(false); } public boolean updateGame(String game) throws IOException { String resp = BotManager.putRemoteData("" +, "{\"channel\": {\"game\": \"" + JSONObject.escape(game) + "\"}}"); if (game.equals("-")) { game = null; } try { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); Object obj = parser.parse(resp); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj; try { String newStatus = (String) jsonObject.get("game"); return game.equalsIgnoreCase(newStatus); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public boolean updateStatus(String status) throws IOException { String resp = BotManager.putRemoteData("" +, "{\"channel\": {\"status\": \"" + JSONObject.escape(status) + "\"}}"); try { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); Object obj = parser.parse(resp); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj; String newStatus = (String) jsonObject.get("status"); return status.equalsIgnoreCase(newStatus); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public String getTopicTime() { int difference = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) - topicTime; String returnString = ""; if (difference >= 86400) { int days = (int) (difference / 86400); returnString += days + "d "; difference -= days * 86400; } if (difference >= 3600) { int hours = (int) (difference / 3600); returnString += hours + "h "; difference -= hours * 3600; } int seconds = (int) (difference / 60); returnString += seconds + "m"; difference -= seconds * 60; return returnString; } // ##################################################### public int getFilterSymbolsMin() { return filterSymbolsMin; } public int getFilterSymbolsPercent() { return filterSymbolsPercent; } public void setFilterSymbolsMin(int symbols) { filterSymbolsMin = symbols; config.put("filterSymbolsMin", filterSymbolsMin); saveConfig(true); } public void setFilterSymbolsPercent(int symbols) { filterSymbolsPercent = symbols; config.put("filterSymbolsPercent", filterSymbolsPercent); saveConfig(true); } public boolean getFilterCaps() { return filterCaps; } public int getfilterCapsPercent() { return filterCapsPercent; } public int getfilterCapsMinCharacters() { return filterCapsMinCharacters; } public int getfilterCapsMinCapitals() { return filterCapsMinCapitals; } public void setFilterCaps(boolean caps) { filterCaps = caps; config.put("filterCaps", filterCaps); saveConfig(true); } public void setfilterCapsPercent(int caps) { filterCapsPercent = caps; config.put("filterCapsPercent", filterCapsPercent); saveConfig(true); } public void setfilterCapsMinCharacters(int caps) { filterCapsMinCharacters = caps; config.put("filterCapsMinCharacters", filterCapsMinCharacters); saveConfig(true); } public void setfilterCapsMinCapitals(int caps) { filterCapsMinCapitals = caps; config.put("filterCapsMinCapitals", filterCapsMinCapitals); saveConfig(true); } public void setFilterLinks(boolean links) { filterLinks = links; config.put("filterLinks", links); saveConfig(true); } public boolean getFilterLinks() { return filterLinks; } public void setFilterOffensive(boolean option) { filterOffensive = option; config.put("filterOffensive", option); saveConfig(true); } public boolean getFilterOffensive() { return filterOffensive; } public void setFilterEmotes(boolean option) { filterEmotes = option; config.put("filterEmotes", option); saveConfig(true); } public boolean getFilterEmotes() { return filterEmotes; } public void setFilterSymbols(boolean option) { filterSymbols = option; config.put("filterSymbols", option); saveConfig(true); } public boolean getFilterSymbols() { return filterSymbols; } public int getFilterMax() { return filterMaxLength; } public void setFilterMax(int option) { filterMaxLength = option; config.put("filterMaxLength", option); saveConfig(true); } public void setFilterEmotesMax(int option) { filterEmotesMax = option; config.put("filterEmotesMax", option); saveConfig(true); } public int getFilterEmotesMax() { return filterEmotesMax; } public boolean getFilterEmotesSingle() { return filterEmotesSingle; } public void setFilterEmotesSingle(boolean filterEmotesSingle) { this.filterEmotesSingle = filterEmotesSingle; config.put("filterEmotesSingle", filterEmotesSingle); saveConfig(true); } public void setAnnounceJoinParts(boolean bol) { announceJoinParts = bol; config.put("announceJoinParts", bol); saveConfig(true); } public boolean getAnnounceJoinParts() { return announceJoinParts; } public void setFilterColor(boolean option) { filterColors = option; config.put("filterColors", option); saveConfig(true); } public boolean getFilterColor() { return filterColors; } public void setFilterMe(boolean option) { filterMe = option; config.put("filterMe", option); saveConfig(true); } public boolean getFilterMe() { return filterMe; } public void setEnableWarnings(boolean option) { enableWarnings = option; config.put("enableWarnings", option); saveConfig(true); } public boolean getEnableWarnings() { return enableWarnings; } public void setTimeoutDuration(int option) { timeoutDuration = option; config.put("timeoutDuration", option); saveConfig(true); } public int getTimeoutDuration() { return timeoutDuration; } // ################################################### public boolean isRegular(String name) { synchronized (regulars) { for (String s : regulars) { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return true; } } } return false; } public void addRegular(String name) { synchronized (regulars) { regulars.add(name.toLowerCase()); } JSONArray regularsArray = new JSONArray(); synchronized (regulars) { for (String s : regulars) { regularsArray.add(s); } } config.put("regulars", regularsArray); saveConfig(true); } public void removeRegular(String name) { synchronized (regulars) { if (regulars.contains(name.toLowerCase())) regulars.remove(name.toLowerCase()); } JSONArray regularsArray = new JSONArray(); synchronized (regulars) { for (String s : regulars) { regularsArray.add(s); } } config.put("regulars", regularsArray); saveConfig(true); } public Set<String> getRegulars() { return regulars; } public void permitUser(String name) { synchronized (permittedUsers) { if (permittedUsers.contains(name.toLowerCase())) return; } synchronized (permittedUsers) { permittedUsers.add(name.toLowerCase()); } } public boolean linkPermissionCheck(String name) { if (this.isRegular(name)) { return true; } synchronized (permittedUsers) { if (permittedUsers.contains(name.toLowerCase())) { permittedUsers.remove(name.toLowerCase()); return true; } } return false; } // ################################################### public void addRaidWhitelist(String name) { raidWhitelist.add(name.toLowerCase()); JSONArray raidWhitelistArray = new JSONArray(); for (String s : raidWhitelist) { raidWhitelistArray.add(s); } config.put("raidWhitelist", raidWhitelistArray); saveConfig(true); } public void deleteRaidWhitelist(String name) { raidWhitelist.remove(name); JSONArray raidWhitelistArray = new JSONArray(); for (String s : raidWhitelist) { raidWhitelistArray.add(s); } config.put("raidWhitelist", raidWhitelistArray); saveConfig(true); } public ArrayList<String> getRaidWhitelist() { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : raidWhitelist) { list.add(s); } java.util.Collections.sort(list); return list; } // ################################################### public void setGamertag(String gamerTag) { this.gamerTag = gamerTag.replaceAll(" ", "+"); config.put("gamerTag", this.gamerTag); saveConfig(true); } public String getGamerTag() { return (gamerTag); } // ################################################## public boolean isModerator(String name) { synchronized (tagModerators) { if (tagModerators.contains(name)) return true; } synchronized (moderators) { if (moderators.contains(name.toLowerCase())) return true; } return false; } public void addModerator(String name) { synchronized (moderators) { moderators.add(name.toLowerCase()); } JSONArray moderatorsArray = new JSONArray(); synchronized (moderators) { for (String s : moderators) { moderatorsArray.add(s); } } config.put("moderators", moderatorsArray); saveConfig(true); } public void removeModerator(String name) { synchronized (moderators) { if (moderators.contains(name.toLowerCase())) moderators.remove(name.toLowerCase()); } JSONArray moderatorsArray = new JSONArray(); synchronized (moderators) { for (String s : moderators) { moderatorsArray.add(s); } } config.put("moderators", moderatorsArray); saveConfig(true); } public Set<String> getModerators() { return moderators; } // ################################################### public boolean isOwner(String name) { synchronized (owners) { if (owners.contains(name.toLowerCase())) return true; } return false; } public void addOwner(String name) { synchronized (owners) { owners.add(name.toLowerCase()); } JSONArray ownersString = new JSONArray(); synchronized (owners) { for (String s : owners) { ownersString.add(s); } } config.put("owners", ownersString); saveConfig(true); } public void removeOwner(String name) { synchronized (owners) { if (owners.contains(name.toLowerCase())) owners.remove(name.toLowerCase()); } JSONArray ownersString = new JSONArray(); synchronized (owners) { for (String s : owners) { ownersString.add(s); } } config.put("owners", ownersString); saveConfig(true); } public Set<String> getOwners() { return owners; } // ################################################### public void addPermittedDomain(String name) { synchronized (permittedDomains) { permittedDomains.add(name.toLowerCase()); } JSONArray permittedDomainsString = new JSONArray(); synchronized (permittedDomains) { for (String s : permittedDomains) { permittedDomainsString.add(s); } } config.put("permittedDomains", permittedDomainsString); saveConfig(true); } public void removePermittedDomain(String name) { synchronized (permittedDomains) { for (int i = 0; i < permittedDomains.size(); i++) { if (permittedDomains.get(i).equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { permittedDomains.remove(i); } } } JSONArray permittedDomainsString = new JSONArray(); synchronized (permittedDomains) { for (String s : permittedDomains) { permittedDomainsString.add(s); } } config.put("permittedDomains", permittedDomainsString); saveConfig(true); } public boolean isDomainPermitted(String domain) { for (String d : permittedDomains) { if (d.equalsIgnoreCase(domain)) { return true; } } return false; } public ArrayList<String> getpermittedDomains() { return permittedDomains; } // ################################################# public void addOffensive(String word) { synchronized (offensiveWords) { offensiveWords.add(word); } synchronized (offensiveWordsRegex) { if (word.startsWith("REGEX:")) { String line = word.substring(6); Pattern tempP = Pattern.compile(line); offensiveWordsRegex.add(tempP); } else { String line = ".*" + Pattern.quote(word) + ".*"; Pattern tempP = Pattern.compile(line, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); offensiveWordsRegex.add(tempP); } } JSONArray offensiveWordsArray = new JSONArray(); synchronized (offensiveWords) { for (String s : offensiveWords) { offensiveWordsArray.add(s); } } config.put("offensiveWords", offensiveWordsArray); saveConfig(true); } public void removeOffensive(String word) { synchronized (offensiveWords) { if (offensiveWords.contains(word)) offensiveWords.remove(word); } JSONArray offensiveWordsArray = new JSONArray(); synchronized (offensiveWords) { for (String s : offensiveWords) { offensiveWordsArray.add(s); } } config.put("offensiveWords", offensiveWordsArray); saveConfig(true); synchronized (offensiveWordsRegex) { offensiveWordsRegex.clear(); for (String w : offensiveWords) { if (w.startsWith("REGEX:")) { String line = w.substring(6); // System.out.println("ReAdding: " + line); Pattern tempP = Pattern.compile(line); offensiveWordsRegex.add(tempP); } else { String line = ".*" + Pattern.quote(w) + ".*"; // System.out.println("ReAdding: " + line); Pattern tempP = Pattern.compile(line); offensiveWordsRegex.add(tempP); } } } } public void clearBannedPhrases() { offensiveWords.clear(); offensiveWordsRegex.clear(); config.put("offensiveWords", new JSONArray()); saveConfig(true); } public boolean isBannedPhrase(String phrase) { return offensiveWords.contains(phrase); } public boolean isOffensive(String word) { for (Pattern reg : offensiveWordsRegex) { Matcher match = reg.matcher(word.toLowerCase()); if (match.find()) { System.out.println("Matched: " + reg.toString()); return true; } } int severity = ((Long) config.get("banPhraseSeverity")).intValue(); if (BotManager.getInstance().banPhraseLists.containsKey(severity)) { for (Pattern reg : BotManager.getInstance().banPhraseLists.get(severity)) { Matcher match = reg.matcher(word.toLowerCase()); if (match.find()) { System.out.println("Matched: " + reg.toString()); return true; } } } return false; } public Set<String> getOffensive() { return offensiveWords; } // ################################################## public void setTopicFeature(boolean setting) { this.useTopic = setting; config.put("useTopic", this.useTopic); saveConfig(true); } public void setFiltersFeature(boolean setting) { this.useFilters = setting; config.put("useFilters", this.useFilters); saveConfig(true); } public Poll getPoll() { return currentPoll; } public void setPoll(Poll _poll) { currentPoll = _poll; } public Giveaway getGiveaway() { return currentGiveaway; } public void setGiveaway(Giveaway _gw) { currentGiveaway = _gw; } public boolean checkThrow() { return enableThrow; } public void setThrow(boolean setting) { this.enableThrow = setting; config.put("enableThrow", this.enableThrow); saveConfig(true); } public boolean checkSignKicks() { return signKicks; } public void setSignKicks(boolean setting) { this.signKicks = setting; config.put("signKicks", this.signKicks); saveConfig(true); } public void setLogging(boolean option) { logChat = option; config.put("logChat", option); saveConfig(false); } public boolean getLogging() { return logChat; } public int getCommercialLength() { return commercialLength; } public void setCommercialLength(int commercialLength) { this.commercialLength = commercialLength; config.put("commercialLength", commercialLength); saveConfig(true); } // ################################################## public boolean checkPermittedDomain(String message) { // Allow base domain w/o a path if (message.matches(".*(twitch\\.tv|twitchtv\\.com|justin\\.tv)")) { System.out.println("INFO: Permitted domain match on jtv/ttv base domain."); return true; } for (String d : permittedDomains) { // d = d.replaceAll("\\.", "\\\\."); String test = ".*(\\.|^|//)" + Pattern.quote(d) + "(/|$).*"; if (message.matches(test)) { // System.out.println("DEBUG: Matched permitted domain: " + // test); return true; } } return false; } // ################################################# public String getLastfm() { return lastfm; } public void setLastfm(String string) { lastfm = string; config.put("lastfm", lastfm); saveConfig(true); } public void updateSong(String newSong) { if (!streamAlive || newSong.equals(lastSong) || newSong.equals("(Nothing)") || newSong.equalsIgnoreCase("(Error querying API)")) { return; } else { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((now * 1L) >= (songUpdated + updateDelay * 1000L)) { lastSong = newSong; songUpdated = now + 5000; String currBullet = bullet; bullet = ""; BotManager.getInstance().receiverBot.send(channel, "Now Playing: " + newSong); bullet = currBullet; } return; } } public void checkViewerStats(String name) { long viewers = JSONUtil.krakenViewers(name); if (viewers > maxViewers) { maxViewers = (int) viewers; config.put("maxViewers", maxViewers); maxviewerDate = new java.util.Date().toString(); config.put("maxviewerDate", maxviewerDate); } saveConfig(false); } public int getViewerStats() { return maxViewers; } public String getViewerStatsTime() { return maxviewerDate; } public void resetMaxViewers(int newMax) { maxViewers = newMax; config.put("maxViewers", maxViewers); saveConfig(false); } public void increasePunCount() { punishCount++; sincePunish = System.currentTimeMillis(); config.put("sincePunish", sincePunish); config.put("punishCount", punishCount); saveConfig(false); } public int getPunCount() { return punishCount; } public void alive(String name) { long curViewers = JSONUtil.krakenViewers(name); if (curViewers > streamMax) { streamMax = (int) curViewers; config.put("maxViewersStream", curViewers); } } public void dead(String name) { streamNumber++; config.put("streamCount", streamNumber); runningMaxViewers += streamMax; config.put("runningMaxViewers", runningMaxViewers); streamMax = 0; config.put("maxViewersStream", 0); saveConfig(false); } public double getAverage() { return (double) runningMaxViewers / (streamNumber); } // ################################################# public String getSteam() { return steamID; } public void setSteam(String string) { steamID = string; config.put("steamID", steamID); saveConfig(false); } // ################################################# public String getClickToTweetFormat() { return clickToTweetFormat; } public void setClickToTweetFormat(String string) { clickToTweetFormat = string; config.put("clickToTweetFormat", clickToTweetFormat); saveConfig(true); } public int getWarningCount(String name, FilterType type) { if (warningCount.containsKey(name.toLowerCase()) && warningCount.get(name.toLowerCase()).containsKey(type)) return warningCount.get(name.toLowerCase()).get(type); else return 0; } public void incWarningCount(String name, FilterType type) { clearWarnings(); synchronized (warningCount) { if (warningCount.containsKey(name.toLowerCase())) { if (warningCount.get(name.toLowerCase()).containsKey(type)) { warningCount.get(name.toLowerCase()).put(type, warningCount.get(name.toLowerCase()).get(type) + 1); warningTime.put(name.toLowerCase(), getTime()); } else { warningCount.get(name.toLowerCase()).put(type, 1); warningTime.put(name.toLowerCase(), getTime()); } } else { warningCount.put(name.toLowerCase(), new EnumMap<FilterType, Integer>(FilterType.class)); warningCount.get(name.toLowerCase()).put(type, 1); warningTime.put(name.toLowerCase(), getTime()); } } } public void clearWarnings() { List<String> toRemove = new ArrayList<String>(); synchronized (warningTime) { synchronized (warningCount) { long time = getTime(); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : warningTime.entrySet()) { if ((time - entry.getValue()) > 3600) { toRemove.add((String) entry.getKey()); } } for (String name : toRemove) { warningCount.remove(name); warningTime.remove(name); } } } } public void registerCommandUsage(String command) { synchronized (commandCooldown) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Adding command " + command + " to cooldown list"); commandCooldown.put(command.toLowerCase(), getTime()); } } public boolean onCooldown(String command) { command = command.toLowerCase(); if (commandCooldown.containsKey(command)) { long lastUse = commandCooldown.get(command); if ((getTime() - lastUse) > 30) { // Over System.out.println("DEBUG: Cooldown for " + command + " is over"); return false; } else { // Not Over System.out.println("DEBUG: Cooldown for " + command + " is NOT over"); return true; } } else { return false; } } public void setUpdateDelay(int newDelay) { updateDelay = newDelay; config.put("updateDelay", newDelay); saveConfig(false); } public void reload() { BotManager.getInstance().removeChannel(channel); BotManager.getInstance().addChannel(channel, mode); } private void setDefaults() { // defaults.put("channel", channel); defaults.put("parseYoutube", true); defaults.put("lists", new JSONObject()); defaults.put("shouldModerate", true); defaults.put("rollTimeout", false); defaults.put("rollDefault", 20); defaults.put("rollLevel", "regulars"); defaults.put("rollCooldown", 10); defaults.put("ignoredUsers", new JSONArray()); defaults.put("urbanEnabled", true); defaults.put("songRequestStatus", false); defaults.put("extraLifeID", 0); defaults.put("subsRegsMinusLinks", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("filterCaps", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("filterOffensive", new Boolean(true)); defaults.put("filterCapsPercent", 50); defaults.put("filterCapsMinCharacters", 0); defaults.put("filterCapsMinCapitals", 6); defaults.put("filterLinks", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("filterEmotes", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("filterSymbols", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("filterEmotesMax", 4); defaults.put("punishCount", 0); defaults.put("sincePunish", sincePunish); defaults.put("sinceWp", System.currentTimeMillis()); defaults.put("maxviewerDate", ""); defaults.put("topic", ""); defaults.put("commands", new JSONArray()); defaults.put("repeatedCommands", new JSONArray()); defaults.put("scheduledCommands", new JSONArray()); defaults.put("autoReplies", new JSONArray()); defaults.put("regulars", new JSONArray()); defaults.put("moderators", new JSONArray()); defaults.put("owners", new JSONArray()); defaults.put("useTopic", new Boolean(true)); defaults.put("useFilters", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("enableThrow", new Boolean(true)); defaults.put("permittedDomains", new JSONArray()); defaults.put("signKicks", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("topicTime", 0); defaults.put("mode", 2); defaults.put("announceJoinParts", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("lastfm", ""); defaults.put("steamID", ""); defaults.put("logChat", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("filterMaxLength", 500); defaults.put("offensiveWords", new JSONArray()); defaults.put("commercialLength", 30); defaults.put("filterColors", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("filterMe", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("staticChannel", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("enableWarnings", new Boolean(true)); defaults.put("timeoutDuration", 600); defaults.put("clickToTweetFormat", "Checkout (_CHANNEL_URL_) playing (_GAME_) on @TwitchTV"); defaults.put("filterSymbolsPercent", 50); defaults.put("filterSymbolsMin", 5); defaults.put("commandPrefix", "!"); defaults.put("emoteSet", ""); defaults.put("subscriberRegulars", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("filterEmotesSingle", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("subMessage", "(_1_) has subscribed!"); defaults.put("subscriberAlert", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("resubAlert", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("resubMessage", "Welcome back, (_1_) has just resubscribed!"); defaults.put("banPhraseSeverity", 99); defaults.put("wpTimer", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("wpCount", 0); defaults.put("bullet", BotManager.getInstance().defaultBullet); defaults.put("cooldown", 5); defaults.put("maxViewers", 0); defaults.put("runningMaxViewers", 0); defaults.put("streamCount", 0); defaults.put("streamAlive", new Boolean(false)); defaults.put("maxViewersStream", 0); defaults.put("updateDelay", 120); defaults.put("quotes", new JSONArray()); defaults.put("raidWhitelist", new JSONArray()); defaults.put("gamerTag", ""); Iterator it = defaults.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry); String key = String.valueOf(pairs.getKey()); Object value = pairs.getValue(); if (value instanceof Integer) { value = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(value)) * 1L; } if (!config.containsKey(key)) config.put(key, value); } saveConfig(false); } private void loadProperties(String name) { setDefaults(); parseYoutube = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("parseYoutube")); lists = (JSONObject) config.get("lists"); shouldModerate = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("shouldModerate")); rollLevel = ((String) config.get("rollLevel")); rollCooldown = ((Long) config.get("rollCooldown")).intValue(); rollDefault = ((Long) config.get("rollDefault")).intValue(); rollTimeout = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("rollTimeout")); songRequestStatus = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("songRequestStatus")); urbanEnabled = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("urbanEnabled")); extraLifeID = ((Long) config.get("extraLifeID")); resubAlerts = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("resubAlert")); resubMessage = (String) config.get("resubMessage"); try { subscriberAlerts = Boolean.valueOf((String) config.get("subscriberAlert")); } catch (Exception e) { subscriberAlerts = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("subscriberAlert")); config.put("subscriberAlert", subscriberAlerts); } try { subscriberAlerts = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("subscriberAlert")); } catch (Exception e) { subscriberAlerts = Boolean.valueOf((String) config.get("subscriberAlert")); config.put("subscriberAlert", subscriberAlerts); } subscriberMessage = (String) config.get("subMessage"); gamerTag = (String) config.get("gamerTag"); // channel = config.getString("channel"); subsRegsMinusLinks = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("subsRegsMinusLinks")); updateDelay = ((Long) config.get("updateDelay")).intValue(); punishCount = ((Long) config.get("punishCount")).intValue(); streamAlive = (Boolean) config.get("streamAlive"); sinceWp = ((Long) config.get("sinceWp")); maxviewerDate = (String) config.get("maxviewerDate"); runningMaxViewers = ((Long) config.get("runningMaxViewers")).intValue(); streamNumber = ((Long) config.get("streamCount")).intValue(); streamMax = ((Long) config.get("maxViewersStream")).intValue(); maxViewers = ((Long) config.get("maxViewers")).intValue(); filterCaps = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("filterCaps")); filterCapsPercent = ((Long) config.get("filterCapsPercent")).intValue(); filterCapsMinCharacters = ((Long) config.get("filterCapsMinCharacters")).intValue(); filterCapsMinCapitals = ((Long) config.get("filterCapsMinCapitals")).intValue(); filterLinks = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("filterLinks")); filterOffensive = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("filterOffensive")); filterEmotes = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("filterEmotes")); wpOn = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("wpTimer")); wpCount = ((Long) config.get("wpCount")).intValue(); bullet = (String) config.get("bullet"); cooldown = ((Long) config.get("cooldown")).intValue(); sincePunish = (Long) config.get("sincePunish"); filterSymbols = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("filterSymbols")); filterSymbolsPercent = ((Long) config.get("filterSymbolsPercent")).intValue(); filterSymbolsMin = ((Long) config.get("filterSymbolsMin")).intValue(); filterEmotesMax = ((Long) config.get("filterEmotesMax")).intValue(); filterEmotesSingle = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("filterEmotesSingle")); // announceJoinParts = // Boolean.parseBoolean(config.getString("announceJoinParts")); announceJoinParts = false; topic = (String) config.get("topic"); topicTime = ((Long) config.get("topicTime")).intValue(); useTopic = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("useTopic")); useFilters = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("useFilters")); enableThrow = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("enableThrow")); signKicks = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("signKicks")); lastfm = (String) config.get("lastfm"); steamID = (String) config.get("steamID"); logChat = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("logChat")); mode = ((Long) config.get("mode")).intValue(); filterMaxLength = ((Long) config.get("filterMaxLength")).intValue(); commercialLength = ((Long) config.get("commercialLength")).intValue(); filterColors = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("filterColors")); filterMe = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("filterMe")); staticChannel = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("staticChannel")); clickToTweetFormat = (String) config.get("clickToTweetFormat"); enableWarnings = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("enableWarnings")); timeoutDuration = ((Long) config.get("timeoutDuration")).intValue(); prefix = (String) config.get("commandPrefix"); emoteSet = (String) config.get("emoteSet"); subscriberRegulars = Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) config.get("subscriberRegulars")); // timeAliveStart = (Long)config.get("timeAliveStart"); JSONArray jsonignoredUsers = (JSONArray) config.get("ignoredUsers"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonignoredUsers.size(); i++) { ignoredUsers.add((String) jsonignoredUsers.get(i)); } JSONArray quotesArray = (JSONArray) config.get("quotes"); for (int i = 0; i < quotesArray.size(); i++) { try { JSONObject quoteObj = (JSONObject) quotesArray.get(i); String quote = (String) quoteObj.get("quote"); if (!quote.equals("")) { quotes.add(quote); if (quoteObj.containsKey("editor") && quoteObj.get("editor") != null) { quoteAdders.put(quote, (String) quoteObj.get("editor")); } else quoteAdders.put(quote, null); if (quoteObj.containsKey("timestamp") && quoteObj.get("timestamp") != null) quoteTimestamps.put(quote, Long.valueOf((Long) quoteObj.get("timestamp"))); else quoteTimestamps.put(quote, null); } } catch (Exception e) { quotes.add((String) quotesArray.get(i)); } saveQuotes(false); } JSONArray raidWhitelistArray = (JSONArray) config.get("raidWhitelist"); for (int i = 0; i < raidWhitelistArray.size(); i++) { if (!raidWhitelistArray.get(i).equals("")) { raidWhitelist.add((String) raidWhitelistArray.get(i)); } } JSONArray commandsArray = (JSONArray) config.get("commands"); for (int i = 0; i < commandsArray.size(); i++) { JSONObject commandObject = (JSONObject) commandsArray.get(i); commands.put((String) commandObject.get("key"), (String) commandObject.get("value")); if (commandObject.containsKey("restriction")) { commandsRestrictions.put((String) commandObject.get("key"), ((Long) commandObject.get("restriction")).intValue()); } if (commandObject.containsKey("count") && commandObject.get("count") != null) { commandCounts.put((String) commandObject.get("key"), ((Long) commandObject.get("count")).intValue()); } else { commandCounts.put((String) commandObject.get("key"), 0); } if (commandObject.containsKey("editor") && commandObject.get("editor") != null) { commandAdders.put((String) commandObject.get("key"), (String) commandObject.get("editor")); } else { commandAdders.put((String) commandObject.get("key"), null); } } saveCommands(false); JSONArray repeatedCommandsArray = (JSONArray) config.get("repeatedCommands"); for (int i = 0; i < repeatedCommandsArray.size(); i++) { JSONObject repeatedCommandObj = (JSONObject) repeatedCommandsArray.get(i); RepeatCommand rc = new RepeatCommand(channel, ((String) repeatedCommandObj.get("name")).replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", ""), ((Long) repeatedCommandObj.get("delay")).intValue(), ((Long) repeatedCommandObj.get("messageDifference")).intValue(), Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) repeatedCommandObj.get("active"))); commandsRepeat.put(((String) repeatedCommandObj.get("name")).replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", ""), rc); } JSONArray scheduledCommandsArray = (JSONArray) config.get("scheduledCommands"); for (int i = 0; i < scheduledCommandsArray.size(); i++) { JSONObject scheduledCommandsObj = (JSONObject) scheduledCommandsArray.get(i); ScheduledCommand rc = new ScheduledCommand(channel, ((String) scheduledCommandsObj.get("name")).replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", ""), (String) scheduledCommandsObj.get("pattern"), ((Long) scheduledCommandsObj.get("messageDifference")).intValue(), Boolean.valueOf((Boolean) scheduledCommandsObj.get("active"))); commandsSchedule.put(((String) scheduledCommandsObj.get("name")).replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", ""), rc); } JSONArray autoReplyArray = (JSONArray) config.get("autoReplies"); for (int i = 0; i < autoReplyArray.size(); i++) { JSONObject autoReplyObj = (JSONObject) autoReplyArray.get(i); autoReplyTrigger.add(Pattern.compile((String) autoReplyObj.get("trigger"), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)); autoReplyResponse.add((String) autoReplyObj.get("response")); } JSONArray regularsJSONArray = (JSONArray) config.get("regulars"); synchronized (regulars) { for (int i = 0; i < regularsJSONArray.size(); i++) { String reg = ((String) regularsJSONArray.get(i)).toLowerCase(); if (reg != "" && reg != null) regulars.add(reg); } } JSONArray modsArray = (JSONArray) config.get("moderators"); synchronized (moderators) { for (int i = 0; i < modsArray.size(); i++) { moderators.add(((String) modsArray.get(i)).toLowerCase()); } } JSONArray ownersArray = (JSONArray) config.get("owners"); synchronized (owners) { for (int i = 0; i < ownersArray.size(); i++) { owners.add(((String) ownersArray.get(i)).toLowerCase()); } } JSONArray domainsArray = (JSONArray) config.get("permittedDomains"); synchronized (permittedDomains) { for (int i = 0; i < domainsArray.size(); i++) { permittedDomains.add(((String) domainsArray.get(i)).toLowerCase()); } } JSONArray offensiveArray = (JSONArray) config.get("offensiveWords"); synchronized (offensiveWords) { synchronized (offensiveWordsRegex) { for (int i = 0; i < offensiveArray.size(); i++) { String w = (String) offensiveArray.get(i); offensiveWords.add(w); if (w.startsWith("REGEX:")) { String line = w.substring(6); // System.out.println("Adding: " + line); Pattern tempP = Pattern.compile(line); offensiveWordsRegex.add(tempP); } else { String line = "(?i).*" + Pattern.quote(w) + ".*"; // System.out.println("Adding: " + line); Pattern tempP = Pattern.compile(line); offensiveWordsRegex.add(tempP); } } } } saveConfig(true); } public void setMode(int mode) { this.mode = mode; config.put("mode", this.mode); if (mode == -1) { this.setFiltersFeature(true); this.setFilterEmotes(false); this.setFilterEmotesMax(5); this.setFilterSymbols(true); this.setFilterCaps(false); this.setFilterLinks(false); this.setFilterOffensive(true); this.setSignKicks(false); this.setTopicFeature(false); this.setThrow(false); } saveConfig(true); } public int getMode() { return mode; } private long getTime() { return (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L); } public void cancelCommercial() { commercial.cancel(); } public void scheduleCommercial() { commercial = new java.util.Timer(); commercial.schedule(new java.util.TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { runCommercial(); } }, 45000); } public void scheduleCommercial(final int commercialTime) { commercial = new java.util.Timer(); commercial.schedule(new java.util.TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { runCommercial(commercialTime); } }, 45000); } public void snoozeCommercial() { if (commercial != null) { commercial.cancel(); commercial.schedule(new java.util.TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { scheduleCommercial(); } }, 300000); } } public void runCommercial() { if (JSONUtil.krakenIsLive(getChannel().substring(1))) { String dataIn = ""; dataIn = BotManager.postRemoteDataTwitch( "" + getChannel().substring(1) + "/commercial", "length=" + commercialLength, 3); System.out.println(dataIn); } else { System.out.println(getChannel().substring(1) + " is not live. Skipping commercial."); } } public void runCommercial(int commercialTime) { if (JSONUtil.krakenIsLive(getChannel().substring(1))) { String dataIn = ""; dataIn = BotManager.postRemoteDataTwitch( "" + getChannel().substring(1) + "/commercial", "length=" + commercialTime, 3); System.out.println(dataIn); } else { System.out.println(getChannel().substring(1) + " is not live. Skipping commercial."); } } public void setCooldown(int newCooldown) { cooldown = newCooldown; config.put("cooldown", newCooldown); saveConfig(true); } public long getCooldown() { return cooldown; } public static String getDurationBreakdown(long millis) { if (millis < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duration must be greater than zero!"); } long days = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(millis); millis -= TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(days); long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(millis); millis -= TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(hours); long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millis); millis -= TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(minutes); long seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millis); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64); if (days > 0) { sb.append(days); sb.append(" days, "); } if (hours < 10) sb.append(0); sb.append(hours); sb.append(" hours, "); if (minutes < 10) sb.append(0); sb.append(minutes); sb.append(" minutes, and "); if (seconds < 10) sb.append(0); sb.append(seconds); sb.append(" seconds."); return (sb.toString()); } public void saveConfig(Boolean shouldSendUpdate) { try { FileWriter file = new FileWriter(channel + ".json"); StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); JSONValue.writeJSONString(config, out); String jsonText = out.toString(); file.write(jsonText); // file.write(config.toJSONString()); file.flush(); file.close(); if (shouldSendUpdate) { BotManager.getInstance().postCoebotConfig(config.toJSONString(), twitchname); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setUrban(boolean enabled) { urbanEnabled = enabled; config.put("urbanEnabled", enabled); saveConfig(true); } public boolean getUrban() { return urbanEnabled; } public void setExtraLifeID(String string) { extraLifeID = Long.parseLong(string); config.put("extraLifeID", Long.parseLong(string)); saveConfig(true); } public Long getExtraLifeID() { return extraLifeID; } public ArrayList<String> getIgnoredUsers() { return ignoredUsers; } public boolean addIgnoredUser(String user) { if (ignoredUsers.contains(user)) { return false; } else { ignoredUsers.add(user); config.put("ignoredUsers", ignoredUsers); saveConfig(true); return true; } } public boolean removeIgnoredUser(String user) { if (ignoredUsers.contains(user)) { ignoredUsers.remove(user); config.put("ignoredUsers", ignoredUsers); saveConfig(true); return true; } else return false; } public void updateSite() { System.out.println(BotManager.getInstance().postCoebotConfig(config.toJSONString(), twitchname)); } public boolean getResubAlert() { return resubAlerts; } public String getResubMessage() { return resubMessage; } public void setResubAlert(boolean status) { resubAlerts = status; config.put("resubAlert", status); saveConfig(false); } public void setResubMessage(String newMessage) { resubMessage = newMessage; config.put("resubMessage", newMessage); saveConfig(false); } public Boolean getSubAlert() { return subscriberAlerts; } public String getSubMessage() { return subscriberMessage; } public void setSubAlert(boolean status) { config.put("subscriberAlert", status); saveConfig(false); } public void setSubMessage(String newMessage) { subscriberMessage = newMessage; config.put("subMessage", newMessage); saveConfig(false); } public boolean getSongRequest() { return songRequestStatus; } public void setSongRequest(boolean newValue) { songRequestStatus = newValue; config.put("songRequestStatus", newValue); saveConfig(true); } public void setRollTimeout(boolean enabled) { rollTimeout = enabled; config.put("rollTimeout", enabled); saveConfig(true); } public void setRollCooldown(int cooldown) { rollCooldown = cooldown; config.put("rollCooldown", cooldown); saveConfig(true); } public void setRollLevel(String level) { rollLevel = level; config.put("rollLevel", level); saveConfig(true); } public void setRollDefault(int newDefault) { rollDefault = newDefault; config.put("rollDefault", newDefault); saveConfig(true); } public String getRollLevel() { return rollLevel; } public int getRollCooldown() { return rollCooldown; } public int getRollDefault() { return rollDefault; } public boolean getRollTimeout() { return rollTimeout; } public void setParseYoutube(boolean shouldParse) { parseYoutube = shouldParse; config.put("parseYoutube", shouldParse); saveConfig(false); } public boolean shouldParseYoutube() { return parseYoutube; } public boolean getShouldModerate() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return shouldModerate; } public void setShouldModerate(boolean should) { shouldModerate = should; config.put("shouldModerate", should); saveConfig(true); } public boolean addList(String listName, int restriction) { if (lists.containsKey(listName)) { return false; } else { JSONObject newList = new JSONObject(); newList.put("items", new JSONArray()); newList.put("restriction", restriction); lists.put(listName, newList); config.put("lists", lists); saveConfig(true); return true; } } public boolean deleteList(String listName) { if (lists.containsKey(listName)) { lists.remove(listName); config.put("lists", lists); saveConfig(true); return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean restrictList(String listName, int restriction) { if (lists.containsKey(listName)) { JSONObject list1 = (JSONObject) lists.get(listName); list1.put("restriction", restriction); lists.put(listName, list1); config.put("lists", lists); saveConfig(true); return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean renameList(String listName, String newName) { if (lists.containsKey(listName)) { JSONObject list1 = (JSONObject) lists.get(listName); lists.remove(listName); lists.put(newName, list1); config.put("lists", lists); saveConfig(true); return true; } else { return false; } } public int checkListRestriction(String listName) { if (lists.containsKey(listName)) { JSONObject list1 = (JSONObject) lists.get(listName); long restrictions = (long) list1.get("restriction"); return (int) restrictions; } else { return -1; } } public boolean checkList(String listName) { return (lists.containsKey(listName)); } public boolean addToList(String listName, String newItem) { JSONObject list1 = (JSONObject) lists.get(listName); JSONArray list = (JSONArray) list1.get("items"); if (!list.contains(newItem)) { list.add(newItem); list1.put("items", list); lists.put(listName, list1); config.put("lists", lists); saveConfig(true); return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean removeFromList(String listName, int index) { JSONObject list1 = (JSONObject) lists.get(listName); JSONArray list = (JSONArray) list1.get("items"); if (list.size() > index) { list.remove(index); list1.put("items", list); lists.put(listName, list1); config.put("lists", lists); saveConfig(true); return true; } else { return false; } } public String getListItem(String listName, int index) { JSONObject list1 = (JSONObject) lists.get(listName); JSONArray list = (JSONArray) list1.get("items"); if (list.size() > index) { return (String) list.get(index); } else { return null; } } public int getListSize(String listName) { JSONObject list1 = (JSONObject) lists.get(listName); JSONArray list = (JSONArray) list1.get("items"); return list.size(); } public String getAuthor(String key) { if (commandAdders.containsKey(key)) { return commandAdders.get(key); } else { return "-1"; } } }