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/* Copyright (C) 2013-2019 TU Dortmund
 * This file is part of AutomataLib,
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package net.automatalib.automata.base.compact;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault;

import net.automatalib.words.Alphabet;

 * Abstract super class that refines {@link AbstractCompact} for transition-property-less automata. As a result,
 * transitions may be represented as integers (where a transition object effectively <i>is</i> the successor).
 * @param <I>
 *         input symbol type
 * @param <SP>
 *         state property type
 * @author frohme
 * @author Malte Isberner
public abstract class AbstractCompactSimpleNondet<I, SP> extends AbstractCompact<I, Integer, SP, Void> {

    //protected final TIntSet initial;
    protected final Set<Integer> initial; // TODO: replace by primitive specialization
    //protected TIntSet[] transitions;
    protected Set<Integer>[] transitions; // TODO: replace by primitive specialization

    public AbstractCompactSimpleNondet(Alphabet<I> alphabet, int stateCapacity, float resizeFactor) {
        super(alphabet, stateCapacity, resizeFactor);

        //this.transitions = new TIntSet[stateCapacity * alphabetSize];
        this.transitions = new Set[stateCapacity * numInputs()]; // TODO: replace by primitive specialization

        //this.initial = new TIntHashSet();
        this.initial = new HashSet<>(); // TODO: replace by primitive specialization

    protected AbstractCompactSimpleNondet(Alphabet<I> alphabet, AbstractCompactSimpleNondet<?, ?> other) {
        super(alphabet, other);
        this.transitions = other.transitions.clone();
        for (int i = 0; i < transitions.length; i++) {
            //TIntSet tgts = transitions[i];
            Set<Integer> tgts = transitions[i]; // TODO: replace by primitive specialization
            if (tgts != null) {
                //transitions[i] = new TIntHashSet(tgts);
                transitions[i] = new HashSet<>(tgts); // TODO: replace by primitive specialization

        //this.initial = new TIntHashSet(other.initial);
        this.initial = new HashSet<>(other.initial); // TODO: replace by primitive specialization

    protected void updateTransitionStorage(Payload payload) {
        this.transitions = (Set<Integer>[]) updateTransitionStorage(this.transitions, Set[]::new, null, payload);

    public Void getTransitionProperty(Integer transition) {
        return null;

    public void setInitial(Integer state, boolean initial) {
        setInitial(state.intValue(), initial);

    public void setInitial(int state, boolean initial) {
        if (initial) {
        } else {

    public void clear() {
        Arrays.fill(transitions, 0, size() * numInputs(), null);


    public void setTransitionProperty(Integer transition, Void property) {

    public void removeTransition(Integer state, I input, Integer transition) {
        removeTransition(state.intValue(), input, transition.intValue());

    public void removeTransition(int stateId, I input, int successorId) {
        removeTransition(stateId, getSymbolIndex(input), successorId);

    public void removeTransition(int stateId, int inputIdx, int successorId) {
        //TIntCollection successors = transitions[transIdx];
        Collection<Integer> successors = transitions[toMemoryIndex(stateId, inputIdx)]; // TODO: replace by primitive specialization
        if (successors != null) {

    public void removeAllTransitions(Integer state, I input) {
        removeAllTransitions(state.intValue(), input);

    public void removeAllTransitions(int stateId, I input) {
        removeAllTransitions(stateId, getSymbolIndex(input));

    public void removeAllTransitions(int stateId, int inputIdx) {
        transitions[toMemoryIndex(stateId, inputIdx)] = null;

    public void removeAllTransitions(Integer state) {

    public void removeAllTransitions(int state) {
        final int lower = state * numInputs();
        final int upper = lower + numInputs();

        Arrays.fill(transitions, lower, upper, null);

    public void addTransition(Integer state, I input, Integer transition) {
        addTransition(state.intValue(), input, transition.intValue());

    public void addTransition(int stateId, I input, int succId) {
        addTransition(stateId, getSymbolIndex(input), succId);

    public void addTransition(int stateId, int inputIdx, int succId) {
        int transIdx = toMemoryIndex(stateId, inputIdx);
        //TIntSet successors = transitions[transIdx];
        Set<Integer> successors = transitions[transIdx]; // TODO: replace by primitive specialization
        if (successors == null) {
            //successors = new TIntHashSet();
            successors = new HashSet<>(); // TODO: replace by primitive specialization
            transitions[transIdx] = successors;

    public Integer copyTransition(Integer trans, Integer succ) {
        return succ;

    public Integer createTransition(Integer successor, Void properties) {
        return successor;

    public void setTransitions(Integer state, I input, Collection<? extends Integer> transitions) {
        setTransitions(state.intValue(), input, transitions);

    //public void setTransitions(int state, I input, TIntCollection successors) {
    public void setTransitions(int state, I input, Collection<? extends Integer> successors) { // TODO: replace by primitive specialization
        setTransitions(state, getSymbolIndex(input), successors);

    //public void setTransitions(int state, int inputIdx, TIntCollection successors) {
    public void setTransitions(int state, int inputIdx, Collection<? extends Integer> successors) { // TODO: replace by primitive specialization
        int transIdx = toMemoryIndex(state, inputIdx);
        //TIntSet succs = transitions[transIdx];
        Set<Integer> succs = transitions[transIdx]; // TODO: replace by primitive specialization
        if (succs == null) {
            //succs = new TIntHashSet(successors);
            succs = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(successors.size()); // TODO: replace by primitive specialization
            transitions[transIdx] = succs;
        } else {

    public Integer getSuccessor(Integer transition) {
        return transition;

    public Collection<Integer> getTransitions(Integer state, I input) {
        //return new TIntSetDecorator(getTransitions(state.intValue(), input));
        return getTransitions(state.intValue(), input); // TODO: replace by primitive specialization

    //public TIntSet getTransitions(int state, I input) {
    public Set<Integer> getTransitions(int state, I input) { // TODO: replace by primitive specialization
        return getTransitions(state, getSymbolIndex(input));

    //public TIntSet getTransitions(int state, int inputIdx) {
    public Set<Integer> getTransitions(int state, int inputIdx) { // TODO: replace by primitive specialization
        Set<Integer> transition = transitions[toMemoryIndex(state, inputIdx)];

        return transition == null ? Collections.emptySet() : transition;

    public Set<Integer> getInitialStates() {
        //return new TIntSetDecorator(initial);
        return initial; // TODO: replace by primitive specialization