Java tutorial
/* * Copyright Rgion Nord Pas de Calais-Picardie, 2016. * * This file is part of OPEN ENT NG. OPEN ENT NG is a versatile ENT Project based on the JVM and ENT Core Project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation (version 3 of the License). * * For the sake of explanation, any module that communicate over native * Web protocols, such as HTTP, with OPEN ENT NG is outside the scope of this * license and could be license under its own terms. This is merely considered * normal use of OPEN ENT NG, and does not fall under the heading of "covered work". * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ package; import static net.atos.entng.statistics.DateUtils.formatTimestamp; import static net.atos.entng.statistics.controllers.StatisticsController.*; import static net.atos.entng.statistics.aggregation.indicators.IndicatorConstants.STATS_FIELD_ACTIVATED_ACCOUNTS; import static net.atos.entng.statistics.aggregation.indicators.IndicatorConstants.STATS_FIELD_ACCOUNTS; import static org.entcore.common.aggregation.MongoConstants.TRACE_TYPE_SVC_ACCESS; import static org.entcore.common.aggregation.MongoConstants.TRACE_FIELD_MODULE; import static org.entcore.common.aggregation.MongoConstants.TRACE_FIELD_PROFILE; import static org.entcore.common.aggregation.MongoConstants.TRACE_FIELD_STRUCTURES; import static org.entcore.common.aggregation.MongoConstants.STATS_FIELD_DATE; import static org.entcore.common.aggregation.MongoConstants.STATS_FIELD_GROUPBY; import java.util.List; import org.entcore.common.mongodb.MongoDbResult; import org.entcore.common.service.impl.MongoDbCrudService; import; import; import; import; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.QueryBuilder; import fr.wseduc.mongodb.MongoDb; import fr.wseduc.mongodb.MongoQueryBuilder; import fr.wseduc.webutils.Either; public class StatisticsServiceMongoImpl extends MongoDbCrudService implements StatisticsService { private final String collection; private final MongoDb mongo; public static final String MODULE_ID = TRACE_FIELD_MODULE + "_id"; public static final String PROFILE_ID = TRACE_FIELD_PROFILE + "_id"; public static final String STRUCTURES_ID = TRACE_FIELD_STRUCTURES + "_id"; private static final JsonObject sortByDateProfile = new JsonObject().putNumber(STATS_FIELD_DATE, 1) .putNumber(PROFILE_ID, 1); private static final JsonObject sortByStructureDateProfile = new JsonObject().putNumber(STRUCTURES_ID, 1) .putNumber(STATS_FIELD_DATE, 1).putNumber(PROFILE_ID, 1); public StatisticsServiceMongoImpl(String collection) { super(collection); this.collection = collection; this.mongo = MongoDb.getInstance(); } @Override public void getStats(final List<String> schoolIds, final JsonObject params, final Handler<Either<String, JsonArray>> handler) { this.getStatistics(schoolIds, params, handler, false); } @Override public void getStatsForExport(final List<String> schoolIds, final JsonObject params, final Handler<Either<String, JsonArray>> handler) { this.getStatistics(schoolIds, params, handler, true); } private void getStatistics(final List<String> schoolIds, final JsonObject params, final Handler<Either<String, JsonArray>> handler, boolean isExport) { if (schoolIds == null || schoolIds.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("schoolIds is null or empty"); } String indicator = params.getString(PARAM_INDICATOR); Long start = (Long) params.getNumber(PARAM_START_DATE); Long end = (Long) params.getNumber(PARAM_END_DATE); boolean isActivatedAccountsIndicator = STATS_FIELD_ACTIVATED_ACCOUNTS.equals(indicator); boolean isAccessIndicator = TRACE_TYPE_SVC_ACCESS.equals(indicator); String groupedBy = isAccessIndicator ? "module/structures/profil" : "structures/profil"; final QueryBuilder criteriaQuery = QueryBuilder.start(STATS_FIELD_GROUPBY).is(groupedBy) .and(STATS_FIELD_DATE).greaterThanEquals(formatTimestamp(start)).lessThan(formatTimestamp(end)) .and(indicator).exists(true); String module = params.getString(PARAM_MODULE); boolean moduleIsEmpty = module == null || module.trim().isEmpty(); boolean isAccessAllModules = isAccessIndicator && moduleIsEmpty; if (isAccessIndicator && !moduleIsEmpty) { criteriaQuery.and(MODULE_ID).is(module); } if (schoolIds.size() > 1) { criteriaQuery.and(STRUCTURES_ID).in(schoolIds); } else { criteriaQuery.and(STRUCTURES_ID).is(schoolIds.get(0)); // When getting data for only one module, a "find" is enough (no need to aggregate data) if (!isExport && !isAccessAllModules) { JsonObject projection = new JsonObject(); projection.putNumber("_id", 0).putNumber(indicator, 1).putNumber(PROFILE_ID, 1) .putNumber(STATS_FIELD_DATE, 1); if (isActivatedAccountsIndicator) { projection.putNumber(STATS_FIELD_ACCOUNTS, 1); } mongo.find(collection,, sortByDateProfile, projection, MongoDbResult.validResultsHandler(handler)); return; } } // Aggregate data final JsonObject aggregation = new JsonObject(); JsonArray pipeline = new JsonArray(); aggregation.putString("aggregate", collection).putBoolean("allowDiskUse", true).putArray("pipeline", pipeline); pipeline.addObject(new JsonObject().putObject("$match",; JsonObject id = new JsonObject().putString(PROFILE_ID, "$" + PROFILE_ID); if (isAccessAllModules && !isExport) { // Case : get JSON data for indicator "access to all modules" id.putString(MODULE_ID, "$" + MODULE_ID); } else { id.putString(STATS_FIELD_DATE, "$" + STATS_FIELD_DATE); } JsonObject group = new JsonObject().putObject("_id", id).putObject(indicator, new JsonObject().putString("$sum", "$" + indicator)); if (isActivatedAccountsIndicator) { group.putObject(STATS_FIELD_ACCOUNTS, new JsonObject().putString("$sum", "$" + STATS_FIELD_ACCOUNTS)); } JsonObject groupBy = new JsonObject().putObject("$group", group); pipeline.addObject(groupBy); QueryBuilder projection = QueryBuilder.start("_id").is(0).and(PROFILE_ID).is("$_id." + PROFILE_ID); if (isActivatedAccountsIndicator) { projection.and(STATS_FIELD_ACCOUNTS).is(1); } if (!isExport) { projection.and(indicator).is(1); if (isAccessAllModules) { projection.and(MODULE_ID).is("$_id." + MODULE_ID); } else { projection.and(STATS_FIELD_DATE).is("$_id." + STATS_FIELD_DATE); } // Sum stats for all structure_ids pipeline.addObject(new JsonObject().putObject("$project",; } else { // Projection : keep 'yyyy-MM' from 'yyyy-MM-dd' DBObject dateSubstring = new BasicDBObject(); BasicDBList dbl = new BasicDBList(); dbl.add("$_id." + STATS_FIELD_DATE); dbl.add(0); dbl.add(7); dateSubstring.put("$substr", dbl); projection.and(STATS_FIELD_DATE).is(dateSubstring).and("indicatorValue").is("$" + indicator); // Replace indicatorName by label "indicatorValue", so that the mustache template can be generic JsonObject sort = sortByStructureDateProfile; // Export stats for each structure_id id.putString(STRUCTURES_ID, "$" + STRUCTURES_ID); projection.and(STRUCTURES_ID).is("$_id." + STRUCTURES_ID); if (isAccessIndicator) { if (isAccessAllModules) { sort = sort.copy().putNumber(MODULE_ID, 1); } // Export stats for each module_id id.putString(MODULE_ID, "$" + MODULE_ID); projection.and(MODULE_ID).is("$_id." + MODULE_ID); } pipeline.addObject(new JsonObject().putObject("$project",; pipeline.addObject(new JsonObject().putObject("$sort", sort)); } mongo.command(aggregation.toString(), new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) { if ("ok".equals(message.body().getString("status")) && message.body().getObject("result", new JsonObject()).getInteger("ok") == 1) { JsonArray result = message.body().getObject("result").getArray("result"); handler.handle(new Either.Right<String, JsonArray>(result)); } else { String error = message.body().toString(); handler.handle(new Either.Left<String, JsonArray>(error)); } } }); } }