Java tutorial
/* * $Id$ * * This file is part of the MoSKito software project * that is hosted at * * All MoSKito files are distributed under MIT License: * * Copyright (c) 2006 The MoSKito Project Team. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, * to any person obtaining a copy of this software and * associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice * shall be included in all copies * or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY * OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT * LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR * THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package net.anotheria.moskito.webui.producers.action; import net.anotheria.maf.action.ActionCommand; import net.anotheria.maf.action.ActionMapping; import net.anotheria.maf.bean.FormBean; import net.anotheria.moskito.core.decorators.IDecorator; import net.anotheria.moskito.core.decorators.value.StatValueAO; import net.anotheria.moskito.core.inspection.CreationInfo; import net.anotheria.moskito.webui.accumulators.api.AccumulatedSingleGraphAO; import net.anotheria.moskito.webui.producers.api.ProducerAO; import net.anotheria.moskito.webui.producers.api.StatLineAO; import net.anotheria.moskito.webui.shared.action.BaseMoskitoUIAction; import net.anotheria.moskito.webui.shared.bean.GraphDataBean; import net.anotheria.moskito.webui.shared.bean.GraphDataValueBean; import net.anotheria.moskito.webui.shared.bean.NaviItem; import net.anotheria.moskito.webui.shared.bean.StatBean; import net.anotheria.moskito.webui.shared.bean.StatBeanSortType; import net.anotheria.moskito.webui.shared.bean.StatDecoratorBean; import net.anotheria.moskito.webui.shared.bean.UnitBean; import net.anotheria.moskito.webui.threshold.bean.ThresholdStatusBean; import net.anotheria.util.NumberUtils; import net.anotheria.util.sorter.StaticQuickSorter; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static net.anotheria.moskito.webui.threshold.util.ThresholdStatusBeanUtility.getThresholdBeans; /** * Presents a single, previously selected producer. * @author another * */ public class ShowProducerAction extends BaseMoskitoUIAction { /** * Cumulated caption value. */ private static final String CUMULATED_STAT_NAME_VALUE = "cumulated"; /** * {@link Logger} instance. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShowProducerAction.class); @Override public ActionCommand execute(ActionMapping mapping, FormBean bean, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception { String intervalName = getCurrentInterval(req); UnitBean currentUnit = getCurrentUnit(req); ProducerAO producer = getProducerAPI().getProducer(req.getParameter(PARAM_PRODUCER_ID), intervalName, currentUnit.getUnit()); req.setAttribute("producer", producer); //copies parameter for producer selection page. String target = req.getParameter("target"); req.setAttribute("target", target); //String pFilterZero = req.getParameter(PARAM_FILTER_ZERO); //boolean filterZero = pFilterZero != null && pFilterZero.equalsIgnoreCase("true"); IDecorator decorator = getDecoratorRegistry().getDecorator(producer.getStatsClazzName()); Map<String, GraphDataBean> graphData = new HashMap<>(); List<StatLineAO> allLines = producer.getLines(); for (StatLineAO statLine : allLines) { try { for (StatValueAO statBean : statLine.getValues()) { String graphKey = decorator.getName() + '_' + statBean.getName(); GraphDataBean graphDataBean = new GraphDataBean( decorator.getName() + '_' + statBean.getJsVariableName(), statBean.getName()); graphData.put(graphKey, graphDataBean); } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { //producer has no stats at all, ignoring } } List<StatDecoratorBean> beans = new ArrayList<>(1); //sort final StatDecoratorBean decoratorBean = new StatDecoratorBean(); decoratorBean.setName(decorator.getName()); decoratorBean.setCaptions(decorator.getCaptions()); final StatBeanSortType sortType = getStatBeanSortType(decoratorBean, req); // populate stats populateStats(decoratorBean, allLines, sortType); // populate cumulated stat populateCumulatedStats(decoratorBean, allLines); beans.add(decoratorBean); // populate graph data populateGraphData(decorator, graphData, allLines); req.setAttribute("decorators", beans); req.setAttribute("graphDatas", graphData.values()); inspectProducer(req, producer); //check if there are accumulators or thresholds associated with this producer. List<String> accumulatorIdsTiedToThisProducer = getAccumulatorAPI() .getAccumulatorIdsTiedToASpecificProducer(producer.getProducerId()); if (accumulatorIdsTiedToThisProducer.size() > 0) { req.setAttribute("accumulatorsPresent", Boolean.TRUE); //create multiple graphs with one line each. List<AccumulatedSingleGraphAO> singleGraphDataBeans = getAccumulatorAPI() .getChartsForMultipleAccumulators(accumulatorIdsTiedToThisProducer); req.setAttribute("singleGraphData", singleGraphDataBeans); req.setAttribute("accumulatorsColors", accumulatorsColorsToJSON(singleGraphDataBeans)); List<String> accumulatorsNames = new LinkedList<>(); for (AccumulatedSingleGraphAO ao : singleGraphDataBeans) { accumulatorsNames.add(ao.getName()); } req.setAttribute("accNames", accumulatorsNames); req.setAttribute("accNamesConcat", net.anotheria.util.StringUtils.concatenateTokens(accumulatorsNames, ",")); } List<String> thresholdIdsTiedToThisProducers = getThresholdAPI() .getThresholdIdsTiedToASpecificProducer(producer.getProducerId()); if (thresholdIdsTiedToThisProducers.size() > 0) { req.setAttribute("thresholdsPresent", Boolean.TRUE); List<ThresholdStatusBean> thresholdStatusBeans = getThresholdBeans( getThresholdAPI().getThresholdStatuses(thresholdIdsTiedToThisProducers.toArray(new String[0]))); req.setAttribute("thresholds", thresholdStatusBeans); } return mapping.findCommand(getForward(req)); } //TODO copied from show accumulators, should be moved to utility. private JSONArray accumulatorsColorsToJSON(final List<AccumulatedSingleGraphAO> graphAOs) { final JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); for (AccumulatedSingleGraphAO graphAO : graphAOs) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(graphAO.getName()) || StringUtils.isEmpty(graphAO.getColor())) continue; final JSONObject jsonObject = graphAO.mapColorDataToJSON(); jsonArray.put(jsonObject); } return jsonArray; } /** * Allows to set all stats to decorator except cumulated stat. * Stats will be sorted using given sort type. * * @param statDecoratorBean {@link StatDecoratorBean} * @param allStatLines list of {@link StatLineAO}, all stats present in producer * @param sortType {@link StatBeanSortType} */ private void populateStats(final StatDecoratorBean statDecoratorBean, final List<StatLineAO> allStatLines, final StatBeanSortType sortType) { if (allStatLines == null || allStatLines.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.warn("Producer's stats are empty"); return; } final int cumulatedIndex = getCumulatedIndex(allStatLines); // stats int allStatLinesSize = allStatLines.size(); final List<StatBean> statBeans = new ArrayList<>(allStatLinesSize); for (int i = 0; i < allStatLinesSize; i++) { if (i == cumulatedIndex) continue; final StatLineAO line = allStatLines.get(i); final List<StatValueAO> statValues = line.getValues(); final StatBean statBean = new StatBean(); statBean.setName(line.getStatName()); statBean.setValues(statValues); statBeans.add(statBean); } // sort stat beans StaticQuickSorter.sort(statBeans, sortType); // set stats statDecoratorBean.setStats(statBeans); } /** * Allows to set cumulated stat to decorator bean. * * @param decoratorBean {@link StatDecoratorBean} * @param allStatLines list of {@link StatLineAO}, all stats present in producer */ private void populateCumulatedStats(final StatDecoratorBean decoratorBean, final List<StatLineAO> allStatLines) { if (allStatLines == null || allStatLines.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.warn("Producer's stats are empty"); return; } final int cumulatedIndex = getCumulatedIndex(allStatLines); if (cumulatedIndex == -1) return; final StatLineAO cumulatedStatLineAO = allStatLines.get(cumulatedIndex); final StatBean cumulatedStat = new StatBean(); cumulatedStat.setName(cumulatedStatLineAO.getStatName()); cumulatedStat.setValues(cumulatedStatLineAO.getValues()); decoratorBean.setCumulatedStat(cumulatedStat); } /** * Allows to populate graph data. * * @param decorator {@link IDecorator} * @param graphData map with graph data * @param allStatLines list of {@link StatLineAO}, all stats present in producer */ private void populateGraphData(final IDecorator decorator, final Map<String, GraphDataBean> graphData, final List<StatLineAO> allStatLines) { final int cumulatedIndex = getCumulatedIndex(allStatLines); for (int i = 0; i < allStatLines.size(); i++) { if (i == cumulatedIndex) continue; //TODO fix filterzero. // if (!filterZero || !s.isEmpty(intervalName)){ final StatLineAO line = allStatLines.get(i); final List<StatValueAO> statValues = line.getValues(); for (StatValueAO statValue : statValues) { final String graphKey = decorator.getName() + '_' + statValue.getName(); final GraphDataValueBean value = new GraphDataValueBean(line.getStatName(), statValue.getRawValue()); final GraphDataBean graphDataBean = graphData.get(graphKey); if (graphDataBean != null) graphDataBean.addValue(value); } } } /** * Returns index of cumulated stat in producer's stats. * * @param allStatLines list of {@link StatLineAO} * @return index of cumulated stat or {@value -1} if was not found */ private int getCumulatedIndex(final List<StatLineAO> allStatLines) { if (allStatLines == null || allStatLines.isEmpty()) { return -1; } int cumulatedIndex = -1; for (int i = 0, allStatLinesSize = allStatLines.size(); i < allStatLinesSize; i++) { final StatLineAO statLine = allStatLines.get(i); if (CUMULATED_STAT_NAME_VALUE.equals(statLine.getStatName())) { cumulatedIndex = i; break; } } return cumulatedIndex; } private void inspectProducer(HttpServletRequest req, ProducerAO producer) { if (!(producer.isInspectable())) return; CreationInfo cInfo = producer.getCreationInfo(); req.setAttribute("creationTimestamp", cInfo.getTimestamp()); req.setAttribute("creationTime", NumberUtils.makeISO8601TimestampString(cInfo.getTimestamp())); List<String> stackTraceList = new ArrayList<String>(cInfo.getStackTrace().length); for (StackTraceElement elem : cInfo.getStackTrace()) stackTraceList.add(elem.toString()); req.setAttribute("creationTrace", stackTraceList); } @Override protected String getLinkToCurrentPage(HttpServletRequest req) { return "mskShowProducer" + '?' + PARAM_PRODUCER_ID + '=' + req.getParameter(PARAM_PRODUCER_ID); } private StatBeanSortType getStatBeanSortType(StatDecoratorBean decoratorBean, HttpServletRequest req) { StatBeanSortType sortType; String paramSortBy = req.getParameter(decoratorBean.getSortByParameterName()); if (paramSortBy != null && paramSortBy.length() > 0) { try { int sortBy = Integer.parseInt(paramSortBy); String paramSortOrder = req.getParameter(decoratorBean.getSortOrderParameterName()); boolean sortOrder = paramSortOrder != null && paramSortOrder.equals("ASC") ? StatBeanSortType.ASC : StatBeanSortType.DESC; sortType = new StatBeanSortType(sortBy, sortOrder); req.getSession().setAttribute(decoratorBean.getSortTypeName(), sortType); return sortType; } catch (NumberFormatException skip) { } } sortType = (StatBeanSortType) req.getSession().getAttribute(decoratorBean.getSortTypeName()); if (sortType == null) { sortType = new StatBeanSortType(); req.getSession().setAttribute(decoratorBean.getSortTypeName(), sortType); } return sortType; } @Override protected NaviItem getCurrentNaviItem() { return NaviItem.PRODUCERS; } @Override protected String getPageName() { return "producer"; } @Override protected boolean exportSupported() { return true; } }