Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2011 AGETO and others. * All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * <enter-developer-name-here> - initial API and implementation */ package net.ageto.gyrex.persistence.jdbc.pool.internal.commands; import org.eclipse.gyrex.common.console.Command; import org.eclipse.gyrex.common.identifiers.IdHelper; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; import net.ageto.gyrex.persistence.jdbc.pool.internal.PoolActivator; import net.ageto.gyrex.persistence.jdbc.pool.internal.PoolDefinition; /** * Flushes a connection pool. */ public class FlushPool extends Command { @Argument(index = 0, usage = "an optional pool id filter string") String poolIdFilter; @Option(name = "-global", usage = "signals global flush to all pools on all nodes in the cluster") boolean signalGlobal; /** * Creates a new instance. */ public FlushPool() { super("flushes connection pools (i.e. closes all connections)"); } @Override protected void doExecute() throws Exception { // signal global if (signalGlobal) { printf("Sending global flush event..."); PoolActivator.getInstance().getRegistry().flushGlobal(); printf("Global flush event sent successfully."); return; } // check for exact filter match if ((null != poolIdFilter) && IdHelper.isValidId(poolIdFilter)) { final PoolDefinition pool = new PoolDefinition(poolIdFilter); if (pool.exists()) { flush(pool.getPoolId()); return; } } // flush all known pools final String[] knownPoolIds = PoolDefinition.getKnownPoolIds(); for (final String poolId : knownPoolIds) { if ((null == poolIdFilter) || StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(poolId, poolIdFilter)) { flush(poolId); } } } private void flush(final String poolId) { printf("Flushing pool %s...", poolId); PoolActivator.getInstance().getRegistry().flushDataSource(poolId); } }