Java tutorial
/* * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. * * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or * distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled * binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any * means. * * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors * of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the * software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and * successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of * relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this * software under copyright law. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * For more information, please refer to <> */ package net.adamcin.recap.impl; import net.adamcin.commons.jcr.batch.*; import net.adamcin.recap.api.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.jackrabbit.JcrConstants; import org.apache.jackrabbit.util.Text; import net.adamcin.recap.util.OrderableNodesList; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.jcr.*; import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType; import java.util.*; /** * Implementation of {@link RecapSession} using a * {@link net.adamcin.commons.jcr.batch.BatchSession} to manage auto-saves */ public final class RecapSessionImpl implements RecapSession { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RecapSessionImpl.class); private static final int DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 1024; private static final long DEFAULT_THROTTLE = 0L; private static final RecapFilter DEFAULT_FILTER = new RecapFilter() { public boolean includesPath(String path) { return true; } }; private final RecapSessionInterrupter interrupter; private final RecapAddress address; private final RecapOptions options; private final Session localSession; private final Session remoteSession; private RecapProgressListener progressListener; private final BatchSession targetSession; private String lastSuccessfulPath; private int totalSyncPaths = 0; private int totalNodes = 0; private long totalSize = 0L; private long currentSize = 0L; private long start = 0L; private long end = 0L; private Map<String, String> prefixMapping = new HashMap<String, String>(); private boolean allowLastModifiedProperty = false; private boolean interrupted = false; private boolean finished = false; public RecapSessionImpl(RecapSessionInterrupter interrupter, RecapAddress address, RecapOptions options, Session localSession, Session remoteSession) { if (interrupter == null) { throw new NullPointerException("interrupter"); } if (address == null) { throw new NullPointerException("address"); } if (options == null) { throw new NullPointerException("options"); } if (localSession == null) { throw new NullPointerException("localSession"); } if (remoteSession == null) { throw new NullPointerException("remoteSession"); } if (localSession.getRepository().equals(remoteSession.getRepository()) && localSession.getWorkspace().equals(remoteSession.getWorkspace())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "localSession and remoteSession must not be on the same repository and workspace"); } this.interrupter = interrupter; this.address = address; this.options = new OptionsShield(options); this.localSession = localSession; this.remoteSession = remoteSession; Session dstSession = getDestinationSession(); targetSession = new DefaultBatchSession(dstSession); targetSession.addListener(new SyncSaveListener()); allowLastModifiedProperty = isValidNameForSession(this.options.getLastModifiedProperty()); } private Session getSourceSession() { if (this.options.isReverse()) { return this.localSession; } else { return this.remoteSession; } } private Session getDestinationSession() { if (this.options.isReverse()) { return this.remoteSession; } else { return this.localSession; } } public BatchSession getTargetSession() { return targetSession; } private void start() { if (this.start == 0L) { this.start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } class SyncSaveListener extends DefaultBatchSessionListener { @Override public void onSave(BatchSaveInfo info) { super.onSave(info); long afterSave = System.currentTimeMillis(); trackMessage("Saved %d nodes (%d kB) in %d ms.", info.getCount(), currentSize / 1000L, info.getTime()); trackMessage("Total time: %d ms, total nodes %d, %d kB", afterSave - start, totalNodes, totalSize / 1024L); currentSize = 0L; if (options.getThrottle() > 0L && !interrupted && !finished) { trackMessage("Throttling enabled. Waiting %ds...", options.getThrottle()); try { Thread.sleep(options.getThrottle() * 1000L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.debug("[onSave] thread interrupted."); } } } @Override public void onRemove(BatchRemoveInfo info) { super.onRemove(info); totalNodes++; trackPath(RecapProgressListener.PathAction.DELETE, info.getPath()); } } public void checkPermissions(String path) throws RecapSessionException { String parentPath = Text.getRelativeParent(path, 1); try { getSourceSession().checkPermission(path, Session.ACTION_READ); } catch (RepositoryException e) { trackError(path, e); } try { getTargetSession().checkPermission(parentPath, Session.ACTION_READ); getTargetSession().checkPermission(parentPath, Session.ACTION_ADD_NODE); } catch (RepositoryException e) { trackError(parentPath, e); } try { getTargetSession().checkPermission(path, Session.ACTION_READ); getTargetSession().checkPermission(path, Session.ACTION_ADD_NODE); getTargetSession().checkPermission(path, Session.ACTION_SET_PROPERTY); if (!options.isNoDelete()) { getTargetSession().checkPermission(path, Session.ACTION_REMOVE); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { trackError(path, e); } } public Node getOrCreateTargetNode(Node sourceNode) throws RepositoryException { if (sourceNode.getDepth() == 0) { return getTargetSession().getRootNode(); } else if (getTargetSession().getRootNode().hasNode(sourceNode.getPath().substring(1))) { return getTargetSession().getRootNode().getNode(sourceNode.getPath().substring(1)); } else { Node sourceParent = sourceNode.getParent(); Node targetParent = getOrCreateTargetNode(sourceParent); Node targetNode; if (!targetParent.hasNode(sourceNode.getName())) { targetNode = targetParent.addNode(sourceNode.getName(), sourceNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName()); trackPath(RecapProgressListener.PathAction.ADD, targetNode.getPath()); } else { targetNode = targetParent.getNode(sourceNode.getName()); } return targetNode; } } public void sync(String path) throws RecapSessionException { if (this.finished) { throw new RecapSessionException("RecapSession already finished."); } trackMessage("Sync %s %s http://%s:%d/", path, this.options.isReverse() ? "to" : "from", this.address.getHostname(), this.address.getPort()); try { start(); Node srcNode = getSourceSession().getNode(path); Node srcParent = srcNode.getParent(); Node dstParent = getOrCreateTargetNode(srcParent); String dstName = srcNode.getName(); this.copy(srcNode, dstParent, dstName, !this.options.isNoRecurse()); this.lastSuccessfulPath = path; this.totalSyncPaths++; } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.debug("PathNotFoundException while preparing path: {}. Message: {}", path, e.getMessage()); trackError(path, e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.error("RepositoryException while copying path: {}. Message: {}", path, e.getMessage()); trackFailure(path, e); this.interrupted = true; this.finish(); throw new RecapSessionException("RepositoryException while preparing path: " + path, e); } } public RecapAddress getAddress() { return address; } public RecapOptions getOptions() { return options; } public boolean isFinished() { return finished; } public void logout() { if (this.remoteSession != null) { this.remoteSession.logout(); } } public RecapProgressListener getProgressListener() { return progressListener; } public void setProgressListener(RecapProgressListener progressListener) { this.progressListener = progressListener; } private void trackPath(RecapProgressListener.PathAction action, String path) { if (this.getProgressListener() != null) { this.getProgressListener().onPath(action, this.totalNodes, path); } } private void trackError(String path, Exception exception) { if (this.getProgressListener() != null) { this.getProgressListener().onError(path, exception); } } private void trackFailure(String path, Exception exception) { if (this.getProgressListener() != null) { this.getProgressListener().onFailure(path, exception); } } private void trackMessage(String fmt, Object... args) { if (this.getProgressListener() != null) { this.getProgressListener().onMessage(fmt, args); } } private void sanityCheck() throws RecapSessionException { if (this.finished) { throw new RecapSessionException("RecapSession already finished."); } } public void syncContent(String path) throws RecapSessionException { sanityCheck(); trackMessage("Sync %s %s http://%s:%d/", path, this.options.isReverse() ? "to" : "from", this.address.getHostname(), this.address.getPort()); try { if (this.start == 0L) { this.start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } Node srcNode = getSourceSession().getNode(path); Node srcParent = srcNode.getParent(); Node dstParent = getOrCreateTargetNode(srcParent); String dstName = srcNode.getName(); this.copy(srcNode, dstParent, dstName, false); if (srcNode.hasNode(JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT)) { Node srcContentNode = srcNode.getNode(JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT); this.copy(srcContentNode, dstParent.getNode(dstName), JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT, !this.options.isNoRecurse()); } this.lastSuccessfulPath = path; this.totalSyncPaths++; } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.debug("PathNotFoundException while preparing path: {}. Message: {}", path, e.getMessage()); trackError(path, e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.error("RepositoryException while copying path: {}. Message: {}", path, e.getMessage()); trackFailure(path, e); this.interrupted = true; this.finish(); throw new RecapSessionException("RepositoryException while preparing path: " + path, e); } } public void delete(String path) throws RecapSessionException { sanityCheck(); if (this.options.isReverse()) { trackMessage("Deleting %s from http://%s:%d/", path, this.address.getHostname(), this.address.getPort()); } else { trackMessage("Deleting %s from local repository", path); } try { getTargetSession().removeItem(path); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.debug("PathNotFoundException while removing path: {}. Message: {}", path, e.getMessage()); trackError(path, e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.error("RepositoryException while removing path: {}. Message: {}", path, e.getMessage()); trackFailure(path, e); this.interrupted = true; this.finish(); throw new RecapSessionException("RepositoryException while removing path: " + path, e); } } public void finish() throws RecapSessionException { if (!this.finished) { this.finished = true; RecapSessionException exception = null; if (!this.interrupted) { try { getTargetSession().commit(); trackMessage("Done."); } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.error("[finish] Failed to save remaining changes.", e); trackMessage("Failed to save remaining changes. %s", e.getMessage()); this.interrupted = true; exception = new RecapSessionException("Failed to save remaining changes.", e); } } this.end = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.logout(); if (this.getTotalNodes() > 0) { trackMessage("Copy %s. %d nodes in %dms. %d bytes", (this.interrupted ? "interrupted" : "completed"), this.getTotalNodes(), this.getTotalTimeMillis(), this.getTotalSize()); trackMessage("%d root paths added or updated successfully. Last successful path: %s", this.getTotalSyncPaths(), this.getLastSuccessfulSyncPath()); } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } } } /** * The recursive copy function * @param src existing source node * @param dstParent existing destination parent node * @param dstName name of destination node * @param recursive * @throws RecapSessionException * @throws RepositoryException */ private void copy(Node src, Node dstParent, String dstName, boolean recursive) throws RecapSessionException, RepositoryException { if (interrupter.isInterrupted()) { throw new RecapSessionException("RecapSession interrupted."); } String path = src.getPath(); String dstPath = dstParent.getPath() + "/" + dstName; boolean useSysView = src.getDefinition().isProtected(); boolean isNew = false; boolean overwrite = this.options.isUpdate(); boolean included = this.options.getFilter().includesPath(path); getTargetSession().disableAutoSave(); ++totalNodes; Node dst; if (dstParent.hasNode(dstName)) { dst = dstParent.getNode(dstName); if (!included) { trackPath(RecapProgressListener.PathAction.IGNORE, dstPath); } else if (overwrite) { if ((this.options.isOnlyNewer()) && (dstName.equals(JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT))) { if (isNewer(src, dst)) { trackPath(RecapProgressListener.PathAction.UPDATE, dstPath); } else { overwrite = false; recursive = false; trackPath(RecapProgressListener.PathAction.NO_ACTION, dstPath); } } else { trackPath(RecapProgressListener.PathAction.UPDATE, dstPath); } if (useSysView) { dst = sysCopy(src, dstParent, dstName); } } else { trackPath(RecapProgressListener.PathAction.NO_ACTION, dstPath); } } else { try { if (included && useSysView) { dst = sysCopy(src, dstParent, dstName); } else { dst = dstParent.addNode(dstName, src.getPrimaryNodeType().getName()); } trackPath(RecapProgressListener.PathAction.ADD, dstPath); isNew = true; } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.warn("Error while adding node {} (ignored): {}", dstPath, e.toString()); trackError(dstPath, e); return; } } if (included && useSysView) { trackTree(dst, isNew); } else { Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); if (included && ((overwrite) || (isNew))) { if (!isNew) { for (NodeType nt : dst.getMixinNodeTypes()) { names.add(nt.getName()); } for (NodeType nt : src.getMixinNodeTypes()) { String mixName = checkNameSpace(nt.getName()); if (!names.remove(mixName)) { dst.addMixin(nt.getName()); } } for (String mix : names) { dst.removeMixin(mix); } } else { for (NodeType nt : src.getMixinNodeTypes()) { dst.addMixin(checkNameSpace(nt.getName())); } } names.clear(); if (!isNew) { PropertyIterator iter = dst.getProperties(); while (iter.hasNext()) { names.add(checkNameSpace(iter.nextProperty().getName())); } } PropertyIterator iter = src.getProperties(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Property p = iter.nextProperty(); String pName = checkNameSpace(p.getName()); names.remove(pName); if (p.getDefinition().isProtected()) { continue; } if (dst.hasProperty(pName)) { dst.getProperty(pName).remove(); } if (p.getDefinition().isMultiple()) { Value[] vs = p.getValues(); dst.setProperty(pName, vs); for (long s : p.getLengths()) { this.totalSize += s; this.currentSize += s; } } else { Value v = p.getValue(); dst.setProperty(pName, v); long s = p.getLength(); this.totalSize += s; this.currentSize += s; } } for (String pName : names) { try { dst.getProperty(pName).remove(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.warn("[copy] failed to remove property {} from node {}", pName, path); } } } // re-enable auto-save before recursion getTargetSession().enableAutoSave(); if (recursive) { names.clear(); if ((overwrite) && (!isNew)) { NodeIterator niter = dst.getNodes(); while (niter.hasNext()) { names.add(checkNameSpace(niter.nextNode().getName())); } } NodeIterator niter = src.getNodes(); while (niter.hasNext()) { Node child = niter.nextNode(); String cName = checkNameSpace(child.getName()); names.remove(cName); copy(child, dst, cName, true); } if (!options.isNoDelete()) { for (String name : names) { try { Node cNode = dst.getNode(name); cNode.remove(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.warn("[copy] failed to delete existing node in dst that does not exist in src", e); } } } if (options.isKeepOrder() && !isNew && supportsOrdering(src) && supportsOrdering(dst)) { OrderableNodesList srcChildren = new OrderableNodesList(src); OrderableNodesList dstChildren = new OrderableNodesList(dst); while (!ensureOrder(srcChildren, dstChildren)) { //reorder children } } } } } private boolean supportsOrdering(Node node) throws RepositoryException { return node.getPrimaryNodeType().hasOrderableChildNodes(); } private boolean ensureOrder(OrderableNodesList srcChildren, OrderableNodesList dstChildren) throws RepositoryException { Iterator<String> srcIter = srcChildren.iterator(); Iterator<String> dstIter = dstChildren.iterator(); while (srcIter.hasNext() && dstIter.hasNext()) { String srcNodeName =; String dstNodeName =; if (!srcNodeName.equals(dstNodeName) && dstChildren.contains(srcNodeName)) { int dstNodePos = srcChildren.getPos(dstNodeName); dstChildren.moveExistingNode(dstNodeName, dstNodePos); trackPath(RecapProgressListener.PathAction.MOVE, dstChildren.getRepositoryPath(dstNodeName)); return false; } } return true; } private Node sysCopy(Node src, Node dstParent, String dstName) throws RepositoryException { try { ContentHandler handler = dstParent.getSession().getImportContentHandler(dstParent.getPath(), 0); src.getSession().exportSystemView(src.getPath(), handler, true, false); return dstParent.getNode(dstName); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new RepositoryException("Unable to perform sysview copy", e); } } private void trackTree(Node node, boolean isNew) throws RepositoryException { NodeIterator iter = node.getNodes(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Node child = iter.nextNode(); if (isNew) { trackPath(RecapProgressListener.PathAction.ADD, child.getPath()); } else { trackPath(RecapProgressListener.PathAction.UPDATE, child.getPath()); } trackTree(child, isNew); } } private boolean isNewer(Node src, Node dst) { try { Calendar srcDate = null; Calendar dstDate = null; if ((this.allowLastModifiedProperty) && (src.hasProperty(this.options.getLastModifiedProperty())) && (dst.hasProperty(this.options.getLastModifiedProperty()))) { srcDate = src.getProperty(this.options.getLastModifiedProperty()).getDate(); dstDate = dst.getProperty(this.options.getLastModifiedProperty()).getDate(); } else if ((src.hasProperty(JcrConstants.JCR_LASTMODIFIED)) && (dst.hasProperty(JcrConstants.JCR_LASTMODIFIED))) { srcDate = src.getProperty(JcrConstants.JCR_LASTMODIFIED).getDate(); dstDate = dst.getProperty(JcrConstants.JCR_LASTMODIFIED).getDate(); } return (srcDate == null) || (dstDate == null) || (srcDate.after(dstDate)); } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to compare dates: {}", e.toString()); } return true; } private boolean isValidNameForSession(String name) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { return false; } try { mapPrefixedName(name); return true; } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.error("Error processing namespace for {}: {}", name, e.toString()); return false; } } private String mapPrefixedName(String name) throws RepositoryException { int idx = name.indexOf(':'); if (idx > 0) { String prefix = name.substring(0, idx); String mapped = this.prefixMapping.get(prefix); if (mapped == null) { String uri = getSourceSession().getNamespaceURI(prefix); int i = -1; try { mapped = getTargetSession().getNamespacePrefix(uri); } catch (NamespaceException e) { mapped = prefix; i = 0; } while (i >= 0) { try { getTargetSession().getWorkspace().getNamespaceRegistry().registerNamespace(mapped, uri); i = -1; } catch (NamespaceException e1) { mapped = prefix + i++; } } this.prefixMapping.put(prefix, mapped); } if (mapped.equals(prefix)) { return name; } return mapped + prefix.substring(idx); } return name; } private String checkNameSpace(String name) { try { name = mapPrefixedName(name); } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.error("Error processing namespace for {}: {}", name, e.toString()); } return name; } public Session getRemoteSession() { return this.remoteSession; } public Session getLocalSession() { return this.localSession; } public int getTotalSyncPaths() { return this.totalSyncPaths; } public String getLastSuccessfulSyncPath() { return this.lastSuccessfulPath; } public int getTotalNodes() { return this.totalNodes; } public long getTotalSize() { return this.totalSize; } public long getTotalTimeMillis() { return this.end - this.start; } static class OptionsShield implements RecapOptions { final RecapOptions unsafe; OptionsShield(RecapOptions unsafe) { if (unsafe == null) { throw new NullPointerException("unsafe"); } this.unsafe = unsafe; } public Integer getBatchSize() { Integer unsafeBatchSize = unsafe.getBatchSize(); if (unsafeBatchSize == null) { LOGGER.debug( "[OptionsShield#getBatchSize] null value for batchSize; using hard coded default of {}", DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE); return DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE; } else { return unsafeBatchSize; } } public Long getThrottle() { Long unsafeThrottle = unsafe.getThrottle(); if (unsafeThrottle == null) { LOGGER.debug("[OptionsShield#getBatchSize] null value for throttle; using hard coded default of {}", DEFAULT_THROTTLE); return DEFAULT_THROTTLE; } else { return unsafeThrottle; } } public RecapFilter getFilter() { RecapFilter unsafeFilter = unsafe.getFilter(); if (unsafeFilter == null) { LOGGER.debug("[OptionsShield#getFilter] null value for filter; using hard coded default filter"); return DEFAULT_FILTER; } else { return unsafeFilter; } } public String getLastModifiedProperty() { return unsafe.getLastModifiedProperty(); } public RequestDepthConfig getRequestDepthConfig() { return unsafe.getRequestDepthConfig(); } public boolean isOnlyNewer() { return unsafe.isOnlyNewer(); } public boolean isUpdate() { return unsafe.isUpdate(); } public boolean isReverse() { return unsafe.isReverse(); } public boolean isNoRecurse() { return unsafe.isNoRecurse(); } public boolean isNoDelete() { return unsafe.isNoDelete(); } public boolean isKeepOrder() { return unsafe.isKeepOrder(); } @Override public String toString() { return unsafe.toString(); } } }