Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2018 Erik Wramner. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package name.wramner.jmstools.analyzer; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.primitive.MutableIntList; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.primitive.IntLists; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import; import; import; import; /** * This class provides data for the Thymeleaf reports. The public methods here can be called from the reports. */ public class DataProvider { private final Connection _conn; private List<FlightTimeMetrics> _flightTimeMetrics; private final Map<String, Object> _cache = new HashMap<>(); /** * Constructor. * * @param conn The database connection. */ public DataProvider(Connection conn) { _conn = conn; } /** * Get the number of alien messages, meaning messages without the id property set by the JmsTools producer for * correctness tests. * * @return total alien message count. */ public int getAlienMessageCount() { return findSimpleCount("alien_messages"); } /** * Get a list of alien messages, meaning messages without the id property set by the JmsTools producer for * correctness tests. * * @return list with alien messages. */ public List<ConsumedMessage> getAlienMessages() { return findConsumedMessages("select jms_id, application_id, payload_size, consumed_time" + " from alien_messages order by jms_id"); } /** * Get the average size of the consumed messages in bytes. * * @return size. */ public long getAverageConsumedMessageSize() { return findWithLongResult("select avg(payload_size) from consumed_messages"); } /** * Get the average size of the produced messages in bytes. * * @return size. */ public long getAverageProducedMessageSize() { return findWithLongResult("select avg(payload_size) from produced_messages"); } /** * Get a base64-encoded image for inclusion in an img tag with a chart with kilobytes per minute produced and * consumed. * * @return chart as base64 string. */ public String getBase64BytesPerMinuteImage() { TimeSeries timeSeriesConsumed = new TimeSeries("Consumed"); TimeSeries timeSeriesProduced = new TimeSeries("Produced"); TimeSeries timeSeriesTotal = new TimeSeries("Total"); for (PeriodMetrics m : getMessagesPerMinute()) { Minute minute = new Minute(m.getPeriodStart()); timeSeriesConsumed.add(minute, m.getConsumedBytes() / 1024); timeSeriesProduced.add(minute, m.getProducedBytes() / 1024); timeSeriesTotal.add(minute, m.getTotalBytes() / 1024); } TimeSeriesCollection timeSeriesCollection = new TimeSeriesCollection(timeSeriesConsumed); timeSeriesCollection.addSeries(timeSeriesProduced); timeSeriesCollection.addSeries(timeSeriesTotal); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("Kilobytes per minute", "Time", "Bytes (k)", timeSeriesCollection); chart.getPlot().setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(bos, chart, 1024, 500); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } return "data:image/png;base64," + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bos.toByteArray()); } /** * Get a base64-encoded image for inclusion in an img tag with a chart with message flight times. * * @return chart as base64 string. */ public String getBase64EncodedFlightTimeMetricsImage() { TimeSeries timeSeries50p = new TimeSeries("Median"); TimeSeries timeSeries95p = new TimeSeries("95 percentile"); TimeSeries timeSeriesMax = new TimeSeries("Max"); for (FlightTimeMetrics m : getFlightTimeMetrics()) { Minute minute = new Minute(m.getPeriod()); timeSeries50p.add(minute, m.getMedian()); timeSeries95p.add(minute, m.getPercentile95()); timeSeriesMax.add(minute, m.getMax()); } TimeSeriesCollection timeSeriesCollection = new TimeSeriesCollection(timeSeries50p); timeSeriesCollection.addSeries(timeSeries95p); timeSeriesCollection.addSeries(timeSeriesMax); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("Flight time", "Time", "ms", timeSeriesCollection); chart.getPlot().setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(bos, chart, 1024, 500); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } return "data:image/png;base64," + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bos.toByteArray()); } /** * Get a base64-encoded image for inclusion in an img tag with a chart with number of produced and consumed messages * per minute. * * @return chart as base64 string. */ public String getBase64MessagesPerMinuteImage() { TimeSeries timeSeriesConsumed = new TimeSeries("Consumed"); TimeSeries timeSeriesProduced = new TimeSeries("Produced"); TimeSeries timeSeriesTotal = new TimeSeries("Total"); for (PeriodMetrics m : getMessagesPerMinute()) { Minute minute = new Minute(m.getPeriodStart()); timeSeriesConsumed.add(minute, m.getConsumed()); timeSeriesProduced.add(minute, m.getProduced()); timeSeriesTotal.add(minute, m.getConsumed() + m.getProduced()); } TimeSeriesCollection timeSeriesCollection = new TimeSeriesCollection(timeSeriesConsumed); timeSeriesCollection.addSeries(timeSeriesProduced); timeSeriesCollection.addSeries(timeSeriesTotal); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("Messages per minute", "Time", "Messages", timeSeriesCollection); chart.getPlot().setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(bos, chart, 1024, 500); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } return "data:image/png;base64," + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bos.toByteArray()); } /** * Get a base64-encoded image for inclusion in an img tag with a chart with number of produced and consumed messages * per second. * * @return chart as base64 string. */ public String getBase64MessagesPerSecondImage() { TimeSeries timeSeriesConsumed = new TimeSeries("Consumed"); TimeSeries timeSeriesProduced = new TimeSeries("Produced"); TimeSeries timeSeriesTotal = new TimeSeries("Total"); for (PeriodMetrics m : getMessagesPerSecond()) { Second second = new Second(m.getPeriodStart()); timeSeriesConsumed.add(second, m.getConsumed()); timeSeriesProduced.add(second, m.getProduced()); timeSeriesTotal.add(second, m.getConsumed() + m.getProduced()); } TimeSeriesCollection timeSeriesCollection = new TimeSeriesCollection(timeSeriesConsumed); timeSeriesCollection.addSeries(timeSeriesProduced); timeSeriesCollection.addSeries(timeSeriesTotal); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("Messages per second (TPS)", "Time", "Messages", timeSeriesCollection); chart.getPlot().setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(bos, chart, 1024, 500); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } return "data:image/png;base64," + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bos.toByteArray()); } /** * Get the sum of the size in bytes of all committed consumed messages. * * @return sum of consumed message sizes. */ public long getCommittedConsumedBytes() { return findWithLongResult("select sum(payload_size) from consumed_messages where outcome = 'C'"); } /** * Get the total number of committed consumed messages. * * @return count. */ public int getCommittedConsumedCount() { return getConsumedMessageCount() - getRolledBackConsumedCount() - getInDoubtConsumedCount(); } /** * Get the sum of the size in bytes of all committed produced messages. * * @return sum of produced message sizes. */ public long getCommittedProducedBytes() { return findWithLongResult("select sum(payload_size) from produced_messages where outcome = 'C'"); } /** * Get the total number of committed produced messages. * * @return count. */ public int getCommittedProducedCount() { return getProducedMessageCount() - getRolledBackProducedCount() - getInDoubtProducedCount(); } /** * Get consuming test duration in seconds for rounded up to the closest second like ceil. * * @return duration in seconds. */ public int getConsumedDurationSeconds() { return getFirstConsumedTime() != null && getLastConsumedTime() != null ? (int) ((getLastConsumedTime().getTime() - getFirstConsumedTime().getTime() + 999L) / 1000L) : 0; } /** * Get the total number of consumed messages including rolled back and in-doubt messages. * * @return count. */ public int getConsumedMessageCount() { return findSimpleCount("consumed_messages"); } /** * Get the total number of delayed messages, i.e. messages that should not be delivered immediately but later. * * @return count. */ public int getDelayedMessageCount() { return findWithIntResult("select count(*) from produced_messages where delay_seconds > 0"); } /** * Get the percentage of delayed messages, i.e. messages that were sent with delayed delivery. * * @return percentage. */ public double getDelayedMessagePercentage() { return getProducedMessageCount() > 0 ? (100.0 * getDelayedMessageCount()) / getProducedMessageCount() : 0; } /** * Get the total number of duplicate messages identified. * * @return count. */ public int getDuplicateMessageCount() { return findSimpleCount("duplicate_messages"); } /** * Get list with all duplicate messages. * * @return duplicate messages. */ public List<ConsumedMessage> getDuplicateMessages() { return findConsumedMessages("select jms_id, application_id, payload_size, consumed_time" + " from consumed_messages c" + " where exists (select * from duplicate_messages d where d.application_id = c.application_id)" + " order by application_id, jms_id"); } /** * Get time for last produced or consumed message. * * @return end time. */ public Timestamp getEndTime() { return findWithTimestampResult("select max(ts) from (" // + "select max(produced_time) ts from produced_messages" // + " union all " // + "select max(consumed_time) ts from consumed_messages)"); } /** * Get the time for the first consumed message. * * @return time. */ public Timestamp getFirstConsumedTime() { return findWithTimestampResult("select min(consumed_time) ts from consumed_messages"); } /** * Get the time for the first produced message. * * @return time. */ public Timestamp getFirstProducedTime() { return findWithTimestampResult("select min(produced_time) ts from produced_messages"); } /** * Get list with flight time metrics per minute. * * @return list with flight time metrics. */ public List<FlightTimeMetrics> getFlightTimeMetrics() { if (_flightTimeMetrics != null) { return _flightTimeMetrics; } List<FlightTimeMetrics> list = new ArrayList<>(); try (Statement stat = _conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select trunc(produced_time, 'mi'), flight_time_millis" + " from message_flight_time order by 1")) { if ( { Timestamp lastTime = rs.getTimestamp(1); MutableIntList flightTimes = IntLists.mutable.empty(); do { Timestamp time = rs.getTimestamp(1); int flightTimeMillis = rs.getInt(2); if (!time.equals(lastTime)) { list.add(computeFlightTimeMetrics(lastTime, flightTimes)); flightTimes.clear(); lastTime = time; } flightTimes.add(flightTimeMillis); } while (; if (!flightTimes.isEmpty()) { list.add(computeFlightTimeMetrics(lastTime, flightTimes)); } } return (_flightTimeMetrics = list); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UncheckedSqlException(e); } } /** * Get the number of ghost messages, i.e. the number of messages that were delivered even though the sender rolled * them back. * * @return count. */ public int getGhostMessageCount() { return findSimpleCount("ghost_messages"); } /** * Get list with all ghost messages, i.e. the ones that were delivered even though the sender rolled them back. * * @return list with messages. */ public List<ConsumedMessage> getGhostMessages() { return findConsumedMessages("select jms_id, application_id, payload_size, consumed_time" + " from ghost_messages order by jms_id"); } /** * Get the total number of consumed messages that are in doubt, meaning that they may have been committed or rolled * back or possibly stuck in pending state for a two phase commit (not known). * * @return consumed messages in doubt. */ public int getInDoubtConsumedCount() { return findWithIntResult("select count(*) from consumed_messages where outcome = '?'"); } /** * Get list with all in doubt consumed messages. * * @return messages. */ public List<ConsumedMessage> getInDoubtConsumedMessages() { return findConsumedMessages("select jms_id, application_id, payload_size, consumed_time" + " from consumed_messages c where outcome = '?' order by consumed_time, jms_id"); } /** * Get the total number of produced messages that are in doubt, meaning that they may have been committed or rolled * back or possibly stuck in pending state for a two phase commit (not known). * * @return produced messages in doubt. */ public int getInDoubtProducedCount() { return findWithIntResult("select count(*) from produced_messages where outcome = '?'"); } /** * Get a list with all in doubt produced messages. * * @return list with messages. */ public List<ProducedMessage> getInDoubtProducedMessages() { return findProducedMessages("select jms_id, application_id, payload_size, produced_time, delay_seconds" + " from produced_messages where outcome = '?' order by produced_time, jms_id"); } /** * Get the time for the last consumed message. * * @return time. */ public Timestamp getLastConsumedTime() { return findWithTimestampResult("select max(consumed_time) ts from consumed_messages"); } /** * Get the time for the last produced message. * * @return time. */ public Timestamp getLastProducedTime() { return findWithTimestampResult("select max(produced_time) ts from produced_messages"); } /** * Get the total number of lost messages. * * @return count. */ public int getLostMessageCount() { return findSimpleCount("lost_messages"); } /** * Get a list with all lost messages. * * @return list with messages. */ public List<ProducedMessage> getLostMessages() { return findProducedMessages("select jms_id, application_id, payload_size, produced_time, delay_seconds" + " from lost_messages order by jms_id"); } /** * Get the size of the largest consumed message in bytes. * * @return size. */ public long getMaxConsumedMessageSize() { return findWithLongResult("select max(payload_size) from consumed_messages"); } /** * Get the size of the largest produced message in bytes. * * @return size. */ public long getMaxProducedMessageSize() { return findWithLongResult("select max(payload_size) from produced_messages"); } /** * Get a list with period metrics per minute. * * @return list with metrics with minute resolution. */ public List<PeriodMetrics> getMessagesPerMinute() { // This may be called multiple times but intentionally NOT cached as it takes too much memory return getMessagesPerInterval(TimeUnit.MINUTES); } /** * Get a list with period metrics per second. * * @return list with metrics with second resolution. */ public List<PeriodMetrics> getMessagesPerSecond() { // This may be called multiple times but intentionally NOT cached as it takes too much memory return getMessagesPerInterval(TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * Get the size of the smallest consumed message in bytes. * * @return size. */ public long getMinConsumedMessageSize() { return findWithLongResult("select min(payload_size) from consumed_messages"); } /** * Get the size of the smallest produced message in bytes. * * @return size. */ public long getMinProducedMessageSize() { return findWithLongResult("select min(payload_size) from produced_messages"); } /** * Get producing test duration in seconds for rounded up to the closest second like ceil. * * @return duration in seconds. */ public int getProducedDurationSeconds() { return getFirstProducedTime() != null && getLastProducedTime() != null ? (int) ((getLastProducedTime().getTime() - getFirstProducedTime().getTime() + 999L) / 1000L) : 0; } /** * Get the total number of produced messages including rolled back and in-doubt messages. * * @return count. */ public int getProducedMessageCount() { return findSimpleCount("produced_messages"); } /** * Get the number of consumed messages that were rolled back intentionally or due to errors. * * @return count. */ public int getRolledBackConsumedCount() { return findWithIntResult("select count(*) from consumed_messages where outcome = 'R'"); } /** * Get the number of produced messages that were rolled back intentionally or due to errors. * * @return count. */ public int getRolledBackProducedCount() { return findWithIntResult("select count(*) from produced_messages where outcome = 'R'"); } /** * Get time for first produced or consumed message. * * @return start time. */ public Timestamp getStartTime() { return findWithTimestampResult("select min(ts) from (" // + "select min(produced_time) ts from produced_messages" // + " union all " // + "select min(consumed_time) ts from consumed_messages)"); } /** * Get test duration in minutes rounding up. A test that has been running for 1 minute an 59 seconds will be * reported as 2 minutes. * * @return duration in minutes. */ public int getTestDurationMinutes() { return (getTestDurationSeconds() + 59) / 60; } /** * Get test duration in seconds rounded up to the closest second like ceil. * * @return duration in seconds. */ public int getTestDurationSeconds() { return (int) ((getEndTime().getTime() - getStartTime().getTime() + 999L) / 1000L); } /** * Get the total number of consumed and produced messages. * * @return count. */ public int getTotalMessageCount() { return getConsumedMessageCount() + getProducedMessageCount(); } /** * Get the number of undead messages. An undead message is one that has the identifying headers used by JmsTools, * but that has not been recorded as sent. The most likely explanation is that a message from an other test was * received or that only consumer logs were imported. Another possibility is that a producer was killed before * managing to record the sent message. * * @return count. */ public int getUndeadMessageCount() { return findSimpleCount("undead_messages"); } /** * Get a list with all undead messages. An undead message is one that has the identifying headers used by JmsTools, * but that has not been recorded as sent. The most likely explanation is that a message from an other test was * received or that only consumer logs were imported. Another possibility is that a producer was killed before * managing to record the sent message. * * @return list with messages. */ public List<ConsumedMessage> getUndeadMessages() { return findConsumedMessages("select jms_id, application_id, payload_size, consumed_time" + " from undead_messages order by jms_id"); } /** * Check if this is (or may be) a correctness test where the id header is present. Without the id header it is * impossible to connect produced and consumed messages. * * @return true if id is present in database, false otherwise. */ public boolean isCorrectnessTest() { return getProducedMessageCount() > 0 && getConsumedMessageCount() > 0 && findExistsWithCache( "select application_id from produced_messages where application_id is not null"); } /** * Check if it makes sense to show flight times. Produced and consumed messages with the unique id header must be * present for that. * * @return true if flight times are available. */ public boolean isFlightTimeDataAvailable() { return getProducedMessageCount() > 0 && getConsumedMessageCount() > 0 && isCorrectnessTest(); } private FlightTimeMetrics computeFlightTimeMetrics(Timestamp time, MutableIntList flightTimes) { flightTimes.sortThis(); int numberOfMeasurements = flightTimes.size(); int medianIndex = (numberOfMeasurements * 50 / 100); int percentile95Index = (numberOfMeasurements * 95 / 100); return new FlightTimeMetrics(time, flightTimes.size(), flightTimes.get(0), flightTimes.get(flightTimes.size() - 1), flightTimes.get(medianIndex), flightTimes.get(percentile95Index)); } private List<ConsumedMessage> findConsumedMessages(String sql) { try (Statement stat = _conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery(sql)) { List<ConsumedMessage> list = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { list.add(new ConsumedMessage(rs.getString("jms_id"), rs.getString("application_id"), rs.getInt("payload_size"), rs.getTimestamp("consumed_time"))); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UncheckedSqlException(e); } } private boolean findExistsWithCache(String sql) { Boolean b = (Boolean) _cache.get(sql); if (b == null) { try (Statement stat = _conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery(sql)) { b = Boolean.valueOf(; _cache.put(sql, b); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UncheckedSqlException(e); } } return b.booleanValue(); } private List<ProducedMessage> findProducedMessages(String sql) { try (Statement stat = _conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery(sql)) { List<ProducedMessage> list = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { list.add(new ProducedMessage(rs.getString("jms_id"), rs.getString("application_id"), (Integer) rs.getObject("payload_size"), rs.getTimestamp("produced_time"), rs.getInt("delay_seconds"))); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UncheckedSqlException(e); } } private int findSimpleCount(String table) { return findWithIntResult("select count(*) from " + table); } private <T> T findWithCachedScalarResult(String sql, Class<T> cls) { Object cachedValue = _cache.get(sql); if (cachedValue == null) { try (Statement stat = _conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery(sql)) { if ( { cachedValue = rs.getObject(1); } _cache.put(sql, cachedValue); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UncheckedSqlException(e); } } return cachedValue != null ? cls.cast(cachedValue) : null; } private int findWithIntResult(String sql) { Number n = findWithCachedScalarResult(sql, Number.class); return n != null ? n.intValue() : 0; } private long findWithLongResult(String sql) { Number n = findWithCachedScalarResult(sql, Number.class); return n != null ? n.longValue() : 0L; } private Timestamp findWithTimestampResult(String sql) { return findWithCachedScalarResult(sql, Timestamp.class); } private List<PeriodMetrics> getMessagesPerInterval(TimeUnit timeUnit) { String view = translateTimeUnitToMessagesPerIntervalViewName(timeUnit); try (Statement stat = _conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select time_period, produced_count, consumed_count," + " produced_bytes, consumed_bytes, produced_max_size, consumed_max_size," + " produced_median_size, consumed_median_size from " + view + " order by time_period")) { List<PeriodMetrics> list = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { list.add(new PeriodMetrics(rs.getTimestamp("time_period"), rs.getInt("produced_count"), rs.getInt("consumed_count"), rs.getLong("produced_bytes"), rs.getLong("consumed_bytes"), rs.getInt("produced_max_size"), rs.getInt("consumed_max_size"), rs.getInt("produced_median_size"), rs.getInt("consumed_median_size"))); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UncheckedSqlException(e); } } private String translateTimeUnitToMessagesPerIntervalViewName(TimeUnit timeUnit) { switch (timeUnit) { case MINUTES: return "messages_per_minute"; case SECONDS: return "messages_per_second"; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time unit " + + " not supported"); } } }