Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2010 Martin Geisse
 * This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

package name.martingeisse.wicket.simpleform;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import org.apache.wicket.behavior.Behavior;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.ComponentTag;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.EmailTextField;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponent;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.LabeledWebMarkupContainer;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.PasswordTextField;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextArea;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Fragment;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.Model;
import name.martingeisse.wicket.bootstrap.BootstrapComponentFeedbackPanel;

 * <p>
 * The core builder class for form component decorators.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Many of the methods in this builder deal with a single form component at a time. Most of
 * them are labeled as "form component options apply". This means that any options set in this
 * builder that are useful for a single form component are applied to that component, such
 * as the data model, conversion type, requiredness and form component behaviors. It also means
 * that the form component is used as the label target and as the source for validation errors.
 * </p>
public class DecoratorBuilder {

    private final SimpleFormPanel<?> panel;
    private IModel<String> labelModel;
    private IModel<?> dataModel;
    private Class<?> dataConversionType;
    private Boolean requiredness;
    private IModel<String> helpTextModel;
    private List<Behavior> formComponentBehaviors;

     * Constructor.
     * @param panel the containing panel. Subclasses should just pass this to the super constructor.
    public DecoratorBuilder(SimpleFormPanel<?> panel) {
        this.panel = panel;

     * Stores the label text to use.
     * @param labelText the label text to store
     * @return this
    public final DecoratorBuilder withLabel(String labelText) {
        return withLabel(Model.of(labelText));

     * Stores the label model to use.
     * @param labelModel the label model to store
     * @return this
    public final DecoratorBuilder withLabel(IModel<String> labelModel) {
        this.labelModel = labelModel;
        return this;

     * Builds a model for a form component.
     * The default implementation uses the {@link ModelBuilder} from the form.
     * @param modelSpecification the model specification
     * @return the model
    protected <T> IModel<T> buildModel(String modelSpecification) {
        return panel.buildModel(modelSpecification);

     * Sets the data model to use, building a model from a specification.
     * @param modelSpecification the model specification
     * @return this
    public final DecoratorBuilder withModel(String modelSpecification) {
        return withModel(buildModel(modelSpecification));

     * Sets the data model to use.
     * @param dataModel the data model
     * @return this
    public final DecoratorBuilder withModel(IModel<?> dataModel) {
        this.dataModel = dataModel;
        return this;

     * Sets the data conversion type to use.
     * @param dataConversionType data conversion type
     * @return this
    public final DecoratorBuilder withType(Class<?> dataConversionType) {
        this.dataConversionType = dataConversionType;
        return this;

     * Sets the requiredness for user input.
     * @param requiredness whether user input is required, or null to leave the form
     * component default alone
     * @return this
    public final DecoratorBuilder withRequiredness(Boolean requiredness) {
        this.requiredness = requiredness;
        return this;

     * Stores the help text to use.
     * @param helpText the help text to store
     * @return this
    public final DecoratorBuilder withHelpText(String helpText) {
        return withHelpText(Model.of(helpText));

     * Stores the help text model to use.
     * @param helpTextModel the help text model to store
     * @return this
    public final DecoratorBuilder withHelpText(IModel<String> helpTextModel) {
        this.helpTextModel = helpTextModel;
        return this;

     * Adds a form component behavior.
     * @param formComponentBehavior the form component behavior to add
     * @return this
    public final DecoratorBuilder withBehavior(Behavior formComponentBehavior) {
        if (formComponentBehaviors == null) {
            formComponentBehaviors = new ArrayList<>();
        return this;

     * <p>
     * Adds a decorator by providing all the parts yourself.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Form component options <b>do not apply</b> here, as this method doesn't know about form
     * components at all. It handles the decorated body in a black-box way.
     * </p>
     * @param decoratedBody the decorated body to wrap
     * @param labelTarget the component to refer to in the "for" attribute of the label.
     * This parameter may be null; in this case, the "for" attribute will be omitted.
     * @param errorSource the source for error messages. This parameter may be null;
     * in this case, no error messages will be shown.
    public final void addDecorator(final Component decoratedBody, final LabeledWebMarkupContainer labelTarget,
            final Component errorSource) {
        final Fragment decoratorFragment = panel.createBuiltInFormBlockFragment("decoratorFragment");
        decoratorFragment.add(new BootstrapComponentFeedbackPanel("error", errorSource));
        decoratorFragment.add(new FormComponentLabel("label", labelTarget).add(new Label("text", labelModel)));
        decoratorFragment.add(new Label("helpText", helpTextModel));
        decoratorFragment.add(new Label("toolLinks").setVisible(false));

     * <p>
     * Adds a decorator for decorated body that contains a single form component. Form component options apply.
     * </p>
     * @param decoratedBody the decorated body to wrap
     * @param formComponent the raw form component
    public final void addDecoratorForSingleFormComponent(final Component decoratedBody,
            final FormComponent<?> formComponent) {
        if (dataModel != null) {
        if (dataConversionType != null) {
        if (requiredness != null) {
        if (formComponentBehaviors != null) {
            for (Behavior behavior : formComponentBehaviors) {
        addDecorator(decoratedBody, formComponent, formComponent);

     * Adds a decorator for one of the built-in form components. The form component first gets wrapped in
     * a fragment with the specified ID to provide its markup and turn it into a decorated body, then wrapped
     * in a decorator. Form component options apply.
    private final void addDecoratorForBuiltInFormComponent(final FormComponent<?> formComponent,
            String fragmentId) {
        Fragment decoratedBodyFragment = panel.createBuiltInDecoratedBodyFragment(fragmentId);
        addDecoratorForSingleFormComponent(decoratedBodyFragment, formComponent);

     * Adds a text field. Form component options apply.
    public final void addTextField() {
        addDecoratorForBuiltInFormComponent(new TextField<>("textField"), "textFieldFragment");

     * Adds an email text field. Form component options apply.
    public final void addEmailTextField() {
        addDecoratorForBuiltInFormComponent(new EmailTextField("textField"), "emailTextFieldFragment");

     * Adds a password field. Form component options apply.
    public final void addPasswordTextField() {
        addDecoratorForBuiltInFormComponent(new PasswordTextField("textField"), "passwordTextFieldFragment");

     * Adds a text area. Form component options apply.
     * @param rows number of visible rows
    public final void addTextArea(final int rows) {
        final TextArea<String> textArea = new TextArea<String>("textArea") {
            protected void onComponentTag(final ComponentTag tag) {
                tag.put("rows", rows);
        addDecoratorForBuiltInFormComponent(textArea, "textAreaFragment");
