Source code

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Here is the source code for


 *    Copyright  2013, 2014 Konstantin "Stan" Livitski
 *    This file is part of proper2. Proper2 is
 *    licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.

import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * Provides access to {@link AbstractSetting configuration settings}
 * read from a {@link #getConfigFile() properties file} with optional
 * {@link #isCachingEnabled() caching} of the settings read.
 * @see #readSetting(Class)
public class Configuration {
     * Creates the settings container for a host class.
     * @param forClass the class of object that is configured using this
     * settings container
    public Configuration(Class<?> forClass) {
        this.forClass = forClass;
        this.log = LogFactory.getLog(forClass);

     * Creates the settings container for an object.
     * @param host the object that is configured using this
     * settings container
    public Configuration(Object host) {

     * Reads a specific setting from this container and converts it to
     * the appropriate data type. This method should not be called on
     * a {@link #isCachingEnabled() non-caching} settings container, since
     * it will read the entire properties file for each setting fetched.
     * When {@link #isCachingEnabled() caching is disabled}, use the
     * {@link #readSetting(Class, Properties) two-argument version} of this
     * method instead.
     * @param <T> the data type of the values contained in this setting  
     * @param <D> the class that defines the setting to be read
     * @param clazz the class that defines the setting to be read, as
     * a concrete {@link Class} object
     * @return the setting's value read
     * @throws ConfigurationException if there was an error reading the
     * settings or the setting read was invalid or, for a required setting,
     * missing
    public <T, D extends AbstractSetting<D, T>> T readSetting(Class<D> clazz) throws ConfigurationException {
        return readSetting(clazz, readConfiguration());

     * A version of {@link #readSetting(Class)} for use with
     * {@link #isCachingEnabled() non-caching} settings containers.
     * Call {@link #readConfiguration()} first, then use the return
     * value to read all the settings needed.
     * @param clazz the class that defines the setting to be read
     * @param config the object returned from {@link #readConfiguration()}
    public <T, D extends AbstractSetting<D, T>> T readSetting(Class<D> clazz, Properties config)
            throws ConfigurationException {
        D setting = findSetting(clazz, config);
        return setting.getValue();

     * Reads a specific setting from this container and uses a dynamic handler
     * to convert it to the appropriate data type. This method should not be called on
     * a {@link #isCachingEnabled() non-caching} settings container, since
     * it will read the entire properties file for each setting fetched.
     * When {@link #isCachingEnabled() caching is disabled}, use the
     * {@link #readSetting(Class, Properties) two-argument version} of this
     * method instead.
     * @param <T> the data type of the values contained in this setting  
     * @param <D> the class that defines the setting to be read
     * @param handler the dynamic handler object that will read and convert
     * the setting. The configuration will hold no references to the handler
     * after this method terminates. 
     * @return the setting's value read
     * @throws ConfigurationException if there was an error reading the
     * settings or the setting read was invalid or, for a required setting,
     * missing
    public <T, D extends AbstractSetting<D, T>> T readSetting(AbstractSetting<D, T> handler)
            throws ConfigurationException {
        return readSetting(handler, readConfiguration());

     * A version of {@link #readSetting(AbstractSetting)} for use with
     * {@link #isCachingEnabled() non-caching} settings containers.
     * Call {@link #readConfiguration()} first, then use the return
     * value to read all the settings needed.
     * @param handler the dynamic handler object that will read and convert
     * the setting. The configuration will hold no references to the handler
     * after this method terminates. 
     * @param config the object returned from {@link #readConfiguration()}
    public <T, D extends AbstractSetting<D, T>> T readSetting(AbstractSetting<D, T> handler, Properties config)
            throws ConfigurationException {
        return handler.getValue();

     * Returns a {@link AbstractSetting setting container} populated
     * with a value read from the configuration, or an
     * {@link AbstractSetting#isSet() empty container} if the setting
     * is not specified by the configuration. This method should not be
     * called on a {@link #isCachingEnabled() non-caching} settings
     * container, since it will read the entire properties file for
     * each setting fetched.
     * When {@link #isCachingEnabled() caching is disabled}, use the
     * {@link #findSetting(Class, Properties) two-argument version} of
     * this method instead.
     * @param <D> the class that defines the setting to be read
     * @param clazz the class that defines the setting to be read, as
     * a concrete {@link Class} object
     * @return the setting container of the requested class 
     * @throws ConfigurationException if there was an error reading the
     * settings or the setting read was invalid or, for a required setting,
     * missing
    public <D extends AbstractSetting<D, ?>> D findSetting(Class<D> clazz) throws ConfigurationException {
        return findSetting(clazz, readConfiguration());

     * A version of {@link #findSetting(Class)} for use with
     * {@link #isCachingEnabled() non-caching} settings containers.
     * Call {@link #readConfiguration()} first, then use the return
     * value to read all the settings needed.
     * @param clazz the class that defines the setting to be read
     * @param config the object returned from {@link #readConfiguration()}
    public <D extends AbstractSetting<D, ?>> D findSetting(Class<D> clazz, Properties config)
            throws ConfigurationException {
        D setting = (D) settings.get(clazz);
        if (null == setting) {
            try {
                setting = (D) clazz.newInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not create a setting handler for " + clazz, e);
            if (!setting.isTransient())
                settings.put(clazz, setting);
        return setting;

     * Reads this object's configuration settings and caches them for future use
     * if caching is enabled.
     * @return configuration settings map
     * @throws ConfigurationException if there was an error reading the
     * settings
     * @see #isCachingEnabled()
    public Properties readConfiguration() throws ConfigurationException {
        Properties config = null;
        if (cachingEnabled && null != configCache)
            config = configCache.get();
        if (null == config) {
            config = readConfigurationFromFile();
            if (cachingEnabled)
                configCache = new SoftReference<Properties>(config);
        return config;

     * Reads configuration settings from a properties file with optional
     * defaults.
     * @return configuration settings map
     * @throws ConfigurationException if there was an error reading the
     * settings
    protected Properties readConfigurationFromFile() throws ConfigurationException {
        Reader input = null;
        try {
            final Properties defaults = new Properties();
            InputStream res = null == defaultsResource ? null : forClass.getResourceAsStream(defaultsResource);
            if (null != res) {
                input = new InputStreamReader(res);
                try {
                    input = null;
                } catch (IOException ioerr) {
                    throw new ConfigurationException(
                            "Error reading configuration defaults from " + forClass.getResource(defaultsResource),
            Properties config = new Properties(defaults);
            if (null != configFile)
                try {
                    input = new FileReader(configFile);
                    input = null;
                } catch (IOException ioerr) {
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Error reading configuration file " + configFile, ioerr);
            return config;
        } finally {
            if (null != input)
                try {
                } catch (Exception fail) {
                    log.warn("Could not close a configuration file: " + fail.getMessage(), fail);

    public File getConfigFile() {
        return configFile;

     * This operation resets the config cache, if any.
     * @see #isCachingEnabled()
    public void setConfigFile(File configFile) {
        this.configCache = null;
        this.configFile = configFile;

     * Returns the resource location used to set defaults for this object's
     * configuration settings, if any. The location is resolved relatively
     * to the {@link #Configuration(Class) host class}. Returns
     * <code>null</code> if this object has no default settings.
     * Returns {@link #DEFAULT_DEFAULTS_RESOURCE} when uninitialized. 
    public String getDefaultsResource() {
        return defaultsResource;

    public static final String DEFAULT_DEFAULTS_RESOURCE = "config/";

     * Changes the resource location used to set defaults for this object's
     * configuration settings. The location is resolved relatively
     * to the {@link #Configuration(Class) host class}. Set to
     * <code>null</code> to clear any default settings.
     * This operation resets the configuration cache, if any.
     * @see #isCachingEnabled()
    public void setDefaultsResource(String defaultsResource) {
        this.configCache = null;
        this.defaultsResource = defaultsResource;

     * Tells whether this object caches properties that it reads.
     * The default is <code>true</code>.
    public boolean isCachingEnabled() {
        return cachingEnabled;

     * This operation resets the config cache, if any.
     * @see #isCachingEnabled()
    public void setCachingEnabled(boolean cachingEnabled) {
        this.configCache = null;
        this.cachingEnabled = cachingEnabled;

    private Reference<Properties> configCache;
    private File configFile;
    private Class<?> forClass;
    private String defaultsResource = DEFAULT_DEFAULTS_RESOURCE;
    private boolean cachingEnabled = true;
    private Log log;
    private Map<Class<? extends AbstractSetting>, AbstractSetting> settings = new HashMap<Class<? extends AbstractSetting>, AbstractSetting>();