Java tutorial
/** * @author Nigel Cook * * (C) Copyright 2010-2012. Nigel Cook. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Licensed under the terms described in LICENSE file that accompanied this code, (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemIterator; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemStream; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload; import; import; import com.googlecode.objectify.Key; import com.sun.jersey.api.json.JSONJAXBContext; import com.sun.jersey.api.json.JSONUnmarshaller; import com.sun.jersey.core.util.Base64; import n3phele.service.actions.tasks.ActionURI; import n3phele.service.core.NotFoundException; import n3phele.service.core.Resource; import n3phele.service.model.Account; import n3phele.service.model.ActionSpecification; import n3phele.service.model.CachingAbstractManager; import n3phele.service.model.ChangeManager; import n3phele.service.model.CloudProfile; import n3phele.service.model.Command; import n3phele.service.model.AddCommandRequest; import n3phele.service.model.CommandCollection; import n3phele.service.model.CommandDefinition; import n3phele.service.model.CommandDefinitions; import n3phele.service.model.FileSpecification; import n3phele.service.model.ServiceModelDao; import n3phele.service.model.core.Collection; import n3phele.service.model.core.GenericModelDao; import n3phele.service.model.core.TypedParameter; import n3phele.service.model.core.User; @Path("/command") public class CommandResource { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CommandResource.class.getName()); @Context UriInfo uriInfo; @Context SecurityContext securityContext; private final Dao dao; public CommandResource() { dao = new Dao(); } @GET @Produces("application/json") @RolesAllowed("authenticated") public CommandCollection list(@DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("summary") Boolean summary, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("preferred") boolean preferred, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("start") int start, @DefaultValue("-1") @QueryParam("end") int end, @QueryParam("search") String search) { log.warning("list entered with summary " + summary + " start " + start + " end " + end + " preferred " + preferred); int n = 0; if (start < 0) start = 0; if (end >= 0) { n = end - start + 1; if (n <= 0) n = 1; } if (search != null) { search = search.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (search.length() == 0) search = null; } Collection<Command> result = null; if (search != null || preferred == false) { result = dao.command().getCollection(UserResource.toUser(securityContext), preferred); List<Command> filtered; if (search != null) { filtered = new ArrayList<Command>(result.getElements().size()); for (Command item : result.getElements()) { Boolean nameMatch = null; Boolean descriptionMatch = null; if ((nameMatch = item.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains(search)) || (item.getDescription() != null && (descriptionMatch = item.getDescription() .toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains(search)))) {"Adding " + item.getName() + " under " + search + " nameMatch " + nameMatch + " descriptionMatch " + descriptionMatch); filtered.add(item); } } result.setElements(filtered); } result = fixOwnerNameInCollection(result, summary); return new CommandCollection(result, start, end); } else { result = getPreferredCommandFromCache(UserResource.toUser(securityContext), start, n); CommandCollection reply = new CommandCollection(result); return reply; } } private Collection<Command> fixOwnerNameInCollection(Collection<Command> result, boolean summary) { if (result != null) { for (int i = 0; i < result.getElements().size(); i++) { Command item = result.getElements().get(i); if (summary) { Command summarized = Command.summary(item); try { summarized.setOwnerName(getOwnerName(summarized.getOwner())); } catch (NotFoundException exception) { summarized.setOwnerName(summarized.getOwner().toString()); } result.getElements().set(i, summarized); } else { try { item.setOwnerName(getOwnerName(item.getOwner())); } catch (NotFoundException exception) { item.setOwnerName(item.getOwner().toString()); } } } } return result; } private Map<URI, String> cache = null; private String getOwnerName(URI owner) throws NotFoundException { String result = null; if (cache == null) cache = new HashMap<URI, String>(); if (cache.containsKey(owner)) result = cache.get(owner); else { User user = dao.user().get(owner); result = user.toString(); cache.put(owner, result); } return result; } @GET @Produces("application/json") @RolesAllowed("authenticated") @Path("export") public CommandDefinitions export(@DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("preferred") boolean preferred, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("start") int start, @DefaultValue("-1") @QueryParam("end") int end, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("clone") int clone, @QueryParam("search") String search) { log.warning("list entered with start " + start + " end " + end + " preferred " + preferred); List<CommandDefinition> result = new ArrayList<CommandDefinition>(); Collection<Command> cmds = dao.command().getCollection(UserResource.toUser(securityContext), preferred); if (cmds.getElements() != null) { if (search != null) { search = search.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (search.length() == 0) search = null; } if (search != null) { List<Command> filtered = new ArrayList<Command>(cmds.getElements().size()); for (Command item : cmds.getElements()) { Boolean nameMatch = null; Boolean descriptionMatch = null; Boolean ownerMatch = null; Boolean versionMatch = null; if ((nameMatch = item.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains(search)) || (item.getDescription() != null && (descriptionMatch = item.getDescription() .toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains(search))) || (item.getOwner() != null && (ownerMatch = item.getOwner().toString() .toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains(search))) || (item.getVersion() != null && (versionMatch = item.getVersion() .toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains(search)))) {"Adding " + item.getName() + " under " + search + " nameMatch " + nameMatch + " descriptionMatch " + descriptionMatch + " ownerMatch " + ownerMatch + " versionMatch " + versionMatch); filtered.add(item); } } cmds.setElements(filtered); } for (int i = 0; i < cmds.getElements().size(); i++) { Command item = cmds.getElements().get(i); if (clone == 1) { ArrayList<CloudProfile> profiles = item.getCloudProfiles(); CloudProfile profile = new CloudProfile(profiles.get(0)); profile.setId(profiles.size() + 1L); profile.setDescription("HP Cloud"); profile.setCloud(URI.create("")); profile.setActions(new ArrayList<ActionSpecification>()); for (ActionSpecification a : profiles.get(0).getActions()) { if (a.getAction().equals(URI.create(""))) { a = new ActionSpecification(a); for (TypedParameter x : a.getInputParameters()) { if (x.getName().equals("imageId")) { x.setValue("ami-000000e5"); } else if (x.getName().equals("instanceType")) { x.setValue("standard.xsmall"); } if (x.getName().equals("userData")) { x.setValue(new String(Base64.encode( "#!/bin/bash\nchmod a+rwx /mnt\napt-get -y update; apt-get -y install openjdk-6-jre-headless\nset -x\nwget -q -O - | su - -c '/bin/bash -s ubuntu ~/agent /mnt/sandbox' ubuntu\n"))); } } } profile.getActions().add(a); } profiles.add(profile); item.setCloudProfiles(profiles); } else if (clone == 2) { ArrayList<CloudProfile> profiles = item.getCloudProfiles(); CloudProfile profile = new CloudProfile(profiles.get(0)); profile.setId(profiles.size() + 1L); profile.setDescription("HP Cloud"); profile.setCloud(URI.create("")); profile.setActions(new ArrayList<ActionSpecification>()); for (ActionSpecification a : profiles.get(0).getActions()) { if (a.getAction().equals(URI.create(""))) { a = new ActionSpecification(a); for (TypedParameter x : a.getInputParameters()) { if (x.getName().equals("imageId")) { x.setValue("ami-0000379f"); } else if (x.getName().equals("instanceType")) { x.setValue("standard.xlarge"); } if (x.getName().equals("userData")) { x.setValue(new String(Base64.encode( "#!/bin/bash\nchmod a+rwx /mnt\nset -x\nwget -q -O - | su - -c '/bin/bash -s ubuntu ~/agent /mnt/sandbox' ubuntu\n"))); } } } profile.getActions().add(a); } profiles.add(profile); item.setCloudProfiles(profiles); } result.add(new CommandDefinition(item)); } } return new CommandDefinitions(result); } @Consumes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA) @POST @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @Path("import") @RolesAllowed("authenticated") public Response importer(@Context HttpServletRequest request) { try { ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(); FileItemIterator iterator = upload.getItemIterator(request); while (iterator.hasNext()) { FileItemStream item =; InputStream stream = item.openStream(); if (item.isFormField()) { log.warning("Got a form field: " + item.getFieldName()); } else { log.warning("Got an uploaded file: " + item.getFieldName() + ", name = " + item.getName()); // JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(CommandDefinitions.class); // Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); // CommandDefinitions a = (CommandDefinitions) u.unmarshal(stream); JSONJAXBContext jc = new JSONJAXBContext(CommandDefinitions.class); JSONUnmarshaller u = jc.createJSONUnmarshaller(); CommandDefinitions a = u.unmarshalFromJSON(stream, CommandDefinitions.class); StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder( "Processing " + a.getCommand().size() + " commands\n"); URI requestor = UserResource.toUser(securityContext).getUri(); for (CommandDefinition cd : a.getCommand()) { response.append(cd.getName()); response.append("....."); Command existing = null; try { if (cd.getUri() != null && cd.getUri().toString().length() != 0) { try { existing = dao.command().get(cd.getUri()); } catch (NotFoundException e1) { List<Command> others = null; try { others = dao.command().getList(cd.getName()); for (Command c : others) { if (c.getVersion().equals(cd.getVersion()) || !requestor.equals(c.getOwner())) { existing = c; } else { if (c.isPreferred() && cd.isPreferred()) { c.setPreferred(false); dao.command().update(c); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // not found } } } else { List<Command> others = null; try { others = dao.command().getList(cd.getName()); for (Command c : others) { if (c.getVersion().equals(cd.getVersion()) || !requestor.equals(c.getOwner())) { existing = c; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { // not found } } } catch (NotFoundException e) { } if (existing == null) { response.append(addCommand(cd)); } else { // update or illegal operation boolean isOwner = requestor.equals(existing.getOwner()); boolean mismatchedUri = (cd.getUri() != null && cd.getUri().toString().length() != 0) && !cd.getUri().equals(existing.getUri());"requestor is " + requestor + " owner is " + existing.getOwner() + " isOwner " + isOwner);"URI in definition is " + cd.getUri() + " existing is " + existing.getUri() + " mismatchedUri " + mismatchedUri); if (!isOwner || mismatchedUri) { response.append("ignored: already exists"); } else { response.append(updateCommand(cd, existing)); response.append("\nupdated uri " + existing.getUri()); } } response.append("\n"); //response.append("</li>"); } //response.append("</ol>"); return Response.ok(response.toString()).build(); } } } catch (JAXBException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "JAXBException", e); } catch (FileUploadException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "FileUploadException", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "IOException", e); } return Response.notModified().build(); } @POST @Produces("text/plain") @RolesAllowed("authenticated") public Response add(AddCommandRequest request) { ArrayList<FileSpecification> inputs = new ArrayList<FileSpecification>(); if (request.getInputFiles() != null) inputs.addAll(request.getInputFiles()); ArrayList<FileSpecification> outputs = new ArrayList<FileSpecification>(); if (request.getOutputFiles() != null) outputs.addAll(request.getOutputFiles()); ArrayList<TypedParameter> executionParameters = new ArrayList<TypedParameter>(); if (request.getExecutionParameters() != null) executionParameters.addAll(request.getExecutionParameters()); ArrayList<TypedParameter> outputParameters = new ArrayList<TypedParameter>(); if (request.getOutputParameters() != null) outputParameters.addAll(request.getOutputParameters()); Command result = new Command(request.getName(), request.getDescription(), UserResource.toUser(securityContext).getUri(), request.isPublic(), request.isPreferred(), request.getVersion(), request.getApplication(), inputs, executionParameters, outputs, outputParameters, null); dao.command().add(result); log.warning("Created " + result); if (request.isPreferred()) { Collection<Command> list = dao.command().getCollection(UserResource.toUser(securityContext), true); if (list != null && list.getTotal() > 1) { for (Command x : list.getElements()) { if (!x.getId().equals(result.getId())) { if (x.getName().equals(result.getName())) { x.setPreferred(false); dao.command().update(x); } } } } } return Response.created(result.getUri()).build(); } @POST @Produces("text/plain") @RolesAllowed("authenticated") @Path("{Id}/cloudProfiles") public Response addCloudProfile(@PathParam("Id") Long id, CloudProfile profile) throws Exception { User owner = dao.user().load(profile.getOwner(), UserResource.toUser(securityContext)); // validate owner exists"adding profile for" + owner.getName()); Command item = dao.command().load(id, UserResource.toUser(securityContext)); item = addProfile(id, profile); log.warning("Added " + profile.getId()); return Response.created(uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().uri(item.getUri()).path("cloudProfiles") .path(Long.toString(profile.getId())).build()).build(); } @GET @Produces("application/json") @RolesAllowed("authenticated") @Path("{Id}/cloudProfiles/{Pid}") public CloudProfile getCloudProfile(@PathParam("Id") Long id, @PathParam("Pid") long pid) { Command command = dao.command().load(id, UserResource.toUser(securityContext)); List<CloudProfile> profiles = command.getCloudProfiles(); for (CloudProfile c : profiles) { if (c.getId() == pid) { return c; } } throw new NotFoundException(); } @GET @RolesAllowed("authenticated") // @Produces("application/") @Produces("application/json") @Path("{Id}") public Command get(@PathParam("Id") Long id) throws NotFoundException { Command item = dao.command().load(id, UserResource.toUser(securityContext)); User owner = dao.user().get(item.getOwner()); item.setOwnerName(owner.toString()); URI userUri = UserResource.toUser(securityContext).getUri(); boolean isAdmin = UserResource.toUser(securityContext).isAdmin(); Map<URI, List<Account>> accountMap = new HashMap<URI, List<Account>>(); if (item.getCloudProfiles() != null) { Collection<Account> accounts = new AccountResource(dao) .getAccountList(UserResource.toUser(securityContext), false); if (accounts != null && accounts.getElements() != null) { for (Account account : accounts.getElements()) { if (accountMap.containsKey(account.getCloud())) { List<Account> list = accountMap.get(account.getCloud()); list.add(account); } else { List<Account> list = new ArrayList<Account>(); list.add(account); accountMap.put(account.getCloud(), list); } } } List<CloudProfile> profiles = item.getCloudProfiles(); ArrayList<CloudProfile> decoratedProfiles = new ArrayList<CloudProfile>(); for (CloudProfile profile : profiles) { if (isAdmin || profile.isPublic() || profile.getOwner().equals(userUri)) { if (accountMap.containsKey(profile.getCloud())) { for (Account account : accountMap.get(profile.getCloud())) { CloudProfile decorated = new CloudProfile(profile); decorated.setAccountName(account.getName()); decorated.setCloudName(account.getCloudName()); decorated.setAccountUri(account.getUri()); decoratedProfiles.add(decorated); } } } } item.setCloudProfiles(decoratedProfiles); } return item; } @DELETE @RolesAllowed("authenticated") @Path("{id}") public void delete(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws NotFoundException { Command item = dao.command().load(id, UserResource.toUser(securityContext)); dao.command().delete(item); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * == Private & Internal support functions == * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * */ private final static String commandCacheKey = "n3phele-command-cache"; private Collection<Command> getPreferredCommandFromCache(User user, int start, int n) { MemcacheService memcache = MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService(); CmdLet[] cachedCommands = (CmdLet[]) memcache.get(commandCacheKey); if (cachedCommands == null) {"Command cache miss"); cachedCommands = loadCommandCache(); } List<Command> commands = new ArrayList<Command>(); for (CmdLet cl : cachedCommands) { if (cl.isPublic || user.isAdmin() || user.getUri().toString().equals(cl.owner)) { Command c = new Command(); c.setUri(URI.create(cl.URI)); c.setName(; c.setDescription(cl.description); c.setOwnerName(cl.ownerName); c.setVersion(cl.version); c.setApplication(URI.create(cl.application)); c.setOwner(URI.create(cl.owner)); c.setPublic(cl.isPublic); c.setPreferred(true); commands.add(c); } } int end = start + n; if (end > commands.size()) end = commands.size(); Collection<Command> collection = dao.command().collectionFactory(commands.subList(start, end)); collection.setTotal(commands.size()); return collection; } private CmdLet[] loadCommandCache() {"Init command cache"); MemcacheService memcache = MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService(); Collection<Command> preferredCommands = dao.command().getPreferredCollection(); CmdLet[] cachedCommands = new CmdLet[preferredCommands.getElements().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < preferredCommands.getElements().size(); i++) { Command c = preferredCommands.getElements().get(i); CmdLet cl = new CmdLet(); cl.URI = safeURIString(c.getUri()); = c.getName(); cl.description = c.getDescription(); cl.ownerName = getOwnerName(c.getOwner()); cl.version = c.getVersion(); cl.application = safeURIString(c.getApplication()); cl.owner = safeURIString(c.getOwner()); cl.isPublic = c.isPublic(); cachedCommands[i] = cl; } memcache.put(commandCacheKey, cachedCommands); return cachedCommands; } private String safeURIString(URI u) { if (u == null) return null; return u.toString(); } private static class CmdLet implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; String URI; String name; String description; String ownerName; String version; String application; String owner; boolean isPublic; } private Command addProfile(long id, CloudProfile profile) throws Exception { GenericModelDao<Command> itemDaoTxn = dao.command().itemDaoFactory(true); try { Command command = itemDaoTxn.get(id); if (command.getCloudProfiles() == null) command.setCloudProfiles(new ArrayList<CloudProfile>()); Long maxProfile = 0L; for (CloudProfile p : command.getCloudProfiles()) { if (p.getId() != null && p.getId() > maxProfile) maxProfile = p.getId(); } profile.setId(maxProfile + 1); command.getCloudProfiles().add(profile); itemDaoTxn.put(command); itemDaoTxn.ofy().getTxn().commit(); ChangeManager.factory().addChange(command); return command; } catch (Exception e) { try { itemDaoTxn.ofy().getTxn().rollback(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } throw e; } } private String addCommand(CommandDefinition cd) { StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer(); ArrayList<FileSpecification> inputs = new ArrayList<FileSpecification>(); if (cd.getInputFiles() != null) inputs.addAll(cd.getInputFiles()); ArrayList<FileSpecification> outputs = new ArrayList<FileSpecification>(); if (cd.getOutputFiles() != null) outputs.addAll(cd.getOutputFiles()); ArrayList<TypedParameter> executionParameters = new ArrayList<TypedParameter>(); if (cd.getExecutionParameters() != null) executionParameters.addAll(cd.getExecutionParameters()); ArrayList<TypedParameter> outputParameters = new ArrayList<TypedParameter>(); if (cd.getOutputParameters() != null) outputParameters.addAll(cd.getOutputParameters()); Command result = new Command(cd.getName(), cd.getDescription(), UserResource.toUser(securityContext).getUri(), cd.isPublic(), cd.isPreferred(), cd.getVersion(), cd.getIcon(), inputs, executionParameters, outputs, outputParameters, null); dao.command().add(result); log.warning("Created " + result); response.append("created " + result.getUri()); for (CloudProfile profile : cd.getExecutionProfiles()) { profile.setOwner(UserResource.toUser(securityContext).toString()); try { fixUserdata(profile); result = addProfile(result.getId(), profile); } catch (Exception e) { response.append(" ignored profile"); } log.warning("Added " + profile.getId()); response.append(" with profile " + profile.getId()); } if (result.isPreferred()) { List<Command> list = dao.command().getList(result.getName()); if (list != null && list.size() > 1) { for (Command x : list) { if (!x.getId().equals(result.getId())) { if (x.isPreferred()) { x.setPreferred(false); dao.command().update(x); } } } } } return response.toString(); } private String updateCommand(CommandDefinition cd, Command existing) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("updated"); try { existing.setName(cd.getName()); existing.setDescription(cd.getDescription()); existing.setVersion(cd.getVersion()); existing.setPublic(cd.isPublic()); if (existing.isPreferred() != cd.isPreferred()) { if (cd.isPreferred()) { List<Command> list = dao.command().getList(existing.getName()); if (list != null && list.size() > 1) { for (Command x : list) { if (!x.getId().equals(existing.getId())) { if (x.isPreferred()) { x.setPreferred(false); dao.command().update(x); } } } } } } existing.setPreferred(cd.isPreferred()); existing.setApplication(cd.getIcon()); ArrayList<FileSpecification> copy = new ArrayList<FileSpecification>(); if (cd.getInputFiles() != null) copy.addAll(cd.getInputFiles()); existing.setInputFiles(copy); copy = new ArrayList<FileSpecification>(); if (cd.getOutputFiles() != null) copy.addAll(cd.getOutputFiles()); existing.setOutputFiles(copy); ArrayList<TypedParameter> copy2 = new ArrayList<TypedParameter>(); if (cd.getExecutionParameters() != null) copy2.addAll(cd.getExecutionParameters()); existing.setExecutionParameters(copy2); copy2 = new ArrayList<TypedParameter>(); if (cd.getOutputParameters() != null) copy2.addAll(cd.getOutputParameters()); existing.setOutputParameters(copy2); if (existing.getCloudProfiles() != null) existing.getCloudProfiles().clear(); dao.command().update(existing); ChangeManager.factory().addChange(dao.command().myPath()); if (cd.getExecutionProfiles() != null) { for (CloudProfile profile : cd.getExecutionProfiles()) { profile.setOwner(UserResource.toUser(securityContext).toString()); try { fixUserdata(profile); addProfile(existing.getId(), profile); } catch (Exception e) { result.append(" ignored profile"); } log.warning("Added " + profile.getId()); result.append(" with profile " + profile.getId()); } } } catch (NotFoundException nf) { return "ignored"; } return result.toString(); } private void fixUserdata(CloudProfile cp) { if (cp != null) { if (cp.getActions() != null) { for (ActionSpecification action : cp.getActions()) { if (ActionURI.createvm.equals(action.getAction()) || ActionURI.createVM.equals(action.getAction())) { if (action.getInputParameters() != null) { for (TypedParameter p : action.getInputParameters()) { if ("userData".equals(p.getName())) { try { if (!isNullOrBlank(p.getValue())) { String encoded = new String(Base64.encode(p.getValue())); p.setValue(encoded); } } catch (Exception e) { } try { if (!isNullOrBlank(p.getDefaultValue())) { String encoded = new String(Base64.encode(p.getDefaultValue())); p.setDefaultValue(encoded); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } } } } } } } private boolean isNullOrBlank(String s) { return s == null || s.length() == 0; } public static class CommandManager extends CachingAbstractManager<Command> { public CommandManager() { } public Collection<Command> collectionFactory(List<Command> list) { return new Collection<Command>(itemDao.clazz.getSimpleName(), URI.create(myPath().toString()), list); } @Override protected URI myPath() { return UriBuilder.fromUri(Resource.get("baseURI", "http://localhost:8888/resources")) .path(CommandResource.class).build(); } @Override protected GenericModelDao<Command> itemDaoFactory(boolean transactional) { return new ServiceModelDao<Command>(Command.class, transactional); } public Command load(Long id, User requestor) throws NotFoundException { return super.get(id, requestor); } /** * Locate a item from the persistent store based on the item name. * @param name * @param requestor requesting user * @return the item * @throws NotFoundException is the object does not exist */ public Command load(String name, User requestor) throws NotFoundException { return super.get(name, requestor); } /** * Locate a item from the persistent store based on the item URI. * @param uri * @param requestor requesting user * @return the item * @throws NotFoundException is the object does not exist */ public Command load(URI uri, User requestor) throws NotFoundException { return super.get(uri, requestor); } /** * Locate a item from the persistent store based on the item URI. * @param uri * @return the item * @throws NotFoundException is the object does not exist */ public Command load(URI uri) throws NotFoundException { return super.get(uri); } /** Update existing Command * @param item * @throws NotFoundException */ public void update(Command item) throws NotFoundException { MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService().delete(commandCacheKey); super.update(item); MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService().delete(commandCacheKey); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see n3phele.service.model.CachingAbstractManager#add(n3phele.service.model.core.Entity) */ public void add(Command item) throws IllegalArgumentException { MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService().delete(commandCacheKey); super.add(item); MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService().delete(commandCacheKey); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see n3phele.service.model.CachingAbstractManager#delete(n3phele.service.model.core.Entity) */ public void delete(Command item) { MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService().delete(commandCacheKey); super.add(item); MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService().delete(commandCacheKey); } /** * Collection of all preferred resources of a particular class in the persistent store. * @return the collection */ public Collection<Command> getPreferredCollection() { Collection<Command> result = null; try { List<Command> children = itemDao.ofy().query(itemDao.clazz).filter("preferred", true).order("name") .list(); result = new Collection<Command>(itemDao.clazz.getSimpleName(), URI.create(myPath().toString()), children); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } result.setTotal(result.getElements().size()); return result; } /** * Collection of all preferred resources of a particular class in the persistent store. * @return the collection */ public List<Command> getAllPreferredPublic() { List<Command> result = null; try { result = itemDao.ofy().query(itemDao.clazz).filter("preferred", true).filter("isPublic", true) .order("name").list(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } return result; } /** * Subset of a collection of all preferred resources of a particular class in the persistent store. * @param start offset for retrieval * @param n maximum number of elements to retrieve * @return the collection */ public Collection<Command> getPreferredCollection(int start, int n) { Collection<Command> result = null; try {"Admin fetch preferred collection start=" + start + " n = " + n); List<Key<Command>> keys = itemDao.ofy().query(itemDao.clazz).order("name").filter("preferred", true) .offset(start).limit(n).listKeys(); Map<Key<Command>, Command> childrenMap = itemDao.ofy().get(keys); List<Command> children = new ArrayList<Command>(keys.size()); for (Key<Command> k : keys) { children.add(childrenMap.get(k)); } result = new Collection<Command>(itemDao.clazz.getSimpleName(), URI.create(myPath().toString()), children); } catch (NotFoundException e) { }"Admin fetch preferred collection size"); result.setTotal(itemDao.ofy().query(itemDao.clazz).filter("preferred", true).count());"Admin fetch preferred collection size=" + result.getTotal()); return result; } /** Collection of preferred resources of a particular class accessible by an owner in the persistent store. * @param owner * @return the collection */ public Collection<Command> getPreferredCollection(URI owner) { Collection<Command> result = null; try { List<Command> owned = itemDao.ofy().query(itemDao.clazz).filter("owner", owner.toString()) .filter("preferred", true).list(); List<Command> shared = itemDao.ofy().query(itemDao.clazz).filter("preferred", true) .filter("isPublic", true).list(); List<Command> items = mergeResults(owned, shared, owner); result = new Collection<Command>(itemDao.clazz.getSimpleName(), URI.create(myPath().toString()), items); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } result.setTotal(result.getElements().size()); return result; } /** * Subset of a collection of all preferred resources of accessible by an owner in the persistent store. * @param owner * @param start offset for retrieval * @param n maximum number of elements to retrieve * @return the collection */ public Collection<Command> getPreferredCollection(URI owner, int start, int n) { Collection<Command> result = null; List<Command> list = null; int owned = 0; try { owned = itemDao.ofy().query(itemDao.clazz).filter("owner", owner.toString()) .filter("preferred", true).filter("isPublic", false).count();"Owned is " + owned); if (owned > start) { list = itemDao.ofy().query(itemDao.clazz).order("name").filter("owner", owner.toString()) .filter("preferred", true).filter("isPublic", false).offset(start).limit(n).list();"Fetched owned " + (list != null ? list.size() : 0)); } if (list == null || list.size() < n) { if (list != null) { start = 0; n = n - list.size(); }"Fetching shared start=" + start + " n=" + n); List<Command> shared = itemDao.ofy().query(itemDao.clazz).order("name") .filter("preferred", true).filter("isPublic", true).offset(start).limit(n).list(); if (list == null) { list = shared; } else { list.addAll(shared); } } result = new Collection<Command>(itemDao.clazz.getSimpleName(), URI.create(myPath().toString()), list); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } int publicCommands = itemDao.ofy().query(itemDao.clazz).filter("preferred", true) .filter("isPublic", true).count();"Size is owned " + owned + " with " + publicCommands + " public commands"); result.setTotal(owned + publicCommands); return result; } /** * Collection of resources of a particular class in the persistent store. * @return the collection */ public Collection<Command> getCollection(User owner, boolean preferred) { if (preferred) { return owner.isAdmin() ? getPreferredCollection() : getPreferredCollection(owner.getUri()); } else { return owner.isAdmin() ? getCollection() : getCollection(owner.getUri()); } } /** * Collection of resources of a particular class in the persistent store. * @return the collection */ public Collection<Command> getPreferredCollection(User owner, int start, int n) { return owner.isAdmin() ? getPreferredCollection(start, n) : getPreferredCollection(owner.getUri(), start, n); } } }