Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2014 Shun ITO <> This file is part of Green Feed Reader. Green Feed Reader is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Green Feed Reader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Green Feed Reader. If not, see <>. */ package mypackage; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import; import; import; import net.rim.device.api.system.CodeModuleManager; import net.rim.device.api.system.CodeSigningKey; import net.rim.device.api.system.ControlledAccess; import net.rim.device.api.system.PersistentObject; import net.rim.device.api.system.PersistentStore; import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen; public class FeedlyClient { //-- ?lJ -------------------------------------------// private final static long PERSISTENT_OBJECT_KEY = ; private final static String client_id = ""; private final static String client_secret = ""; private final static boolean sandbox = false; private final static String network_secret = ""; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// private MyApp _app = null; private FeedlyAPI _feedlyapi = null; private Network _network = null; private State_Base _currentState = null; private State_Home _homeState = null; private PersistentObject _persist; private CodeSigningKey codeSigningKey = null; private ConnectionFactory _connectionFactory = null; private final static String FEEDLY_REDIRECT_URI = "https://localhost"; // The new sandbox client id and client secret are posted once a month on the //!forum/feedly-cloud //private final static String client_id = "xxx"; //private final static String client_secret = "xxx"; //private final static boolean sandbox = true; private String id = ""; private String access_token = ""; private String refresh_token = ""; private int expires_in = 0; //sec private long update = 0; //sec public FeedlyClient() { _app = (MyApp) UiApplication.getUiApplication(); _feedlyapi = new FeedlyAPI(this, client_id, client_secret, sandbox); _network = new Network(this); _connectionFactory = _network.selectTransport(); // //?@foCX?? // // Get the code signing key associated with "ACME" codeSigningKey = CodeSigningKey.get(CodeModuleManager.getModuleHandle("GreenFeedReader"), "ACME"); //PersistentStore.destroyPersistentObject(PERSISTENT_OBJECT_KEY); //return; _persist = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(PERSISTENT_OBJECT_KEY); // ?NnbVe?[u`?????B synchronized (_persist) { if (_persist.getContents(codeSigningKey) == null) { Hashtable _tmp_ht = new Hashtable(); _tmp_ht.put("id", ""); _tmp_ht.put("access_token", ""); _tmp_ht.put("refresh_token", ""); _tmp_ht.put("expires_in", new Integer(0)); _tmp_ht.put("update", new Long(0)); _persist.setContents(new ControlledAccess(_tmp_ht, codeSigningKey)); PersistentObject.commit(_persist); } } // WJ Hashtable _tmp_ht = (Hashtable) _persist.getContents(codeSigningKey); = (String) _tmp_ht.get("id"); this.access_token = (String) _tmp_ht.get("access_token"); this.refresh_token = (String) _tmp_ht.get("refresh_token"); this.expires_in = ((Integer) _tmp_ht.get("expires_in")).intValue(); this.update = ((Long) _tmp_ht.get("update")).longValue(); // // ?XeCg? // // HomeXeCg??B _homeState = new State_Home(this); _currentState = _homeState; } public void addIntegerToPersistentDB(String key, int value) { synchronized (_persist) { Hashtable _tmp_ht = (Hashtable) _persist.getContents(codeSigningKey); _tmp_ht.put(key, new Integer(value)); _persist.setContents(new ControlledAccess(_tmp_ht, codeSigningKey)); PersistentObject.commit(_persist); } } public void addLongToPersistentDB(String key, long value) { synchronized (_persist) { Hashtable _tmp_ht = (Hashtable) _persist.getContents(codeSigningKey); _tmp_ht.put(key, new Long(value)); _persist.setContents(new ControlledAccess(_tmp_ht, codeSigningKey)); PersistentObject.commit(_persist); } } public void addStringToPersistentDB(String key, String value) { synchronized (_persist) { Hashtable _tmp_ht = (Hashtable) _persist.getContents(codeSigningKey); _tmp_ht.put(key, value); _persist.setContents(new ControlledAccess(_tmp_ht, codeSigningKey)); PersistentObject.commit(_persist); } } public void changeState(State_Base state) { // ?Xe?[gNXexit()?s _currentState.exit(); // ?VXe?[gNX?A?Xe?[gNX? _currentState = state; // ?Xe?[gNX?i?VXe?[gNX?jenter()?s _currentState.enter(); } public void changeStateToHomeState() { changeState(_homeState); } public void forceLogoutFeedly() { // AccessToken this.access_token = ""; addStringToPersistentDB("access_token", this.access_token); // RefreshToken?B this.refresh_token = ""; addStringToPersistentDB("refresh_token", this.refresh_token); // ExpiresInl this.expires_in = -1; addIntegerToPersistentDB("expires_in", this.expires_in); // Update this.update = System.currentTimeMillis(); addLongToPersistentDB("update", this.update); // HomeXeCg //changeState(new State_Home(this)); // ?XeCg?I?AAvX^?[g _currentState.exit(); _app.reStartApp(); } public String getAccessToken() { return this.access_token; } public ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory() { return _connectionFactory; } public int getExpiresIn() { return this.expires_in; } public String getID() { return; } public String getRefreshToken() { return this.refresh_token; } public FeedlyAPI getFeedlyAPI() { return this._feedlyapi; } public State_Base getCurrentState() { return _currentState; } public String getNetworkSecret() { return network_secret; } public String getRedirectURI() { return FEEDLY_REDIRECT_URI; } public long getUpdate() { return this.update; } public boolean isLogin() { // tbVg?[N????OC?B if (refresh_token.equals("")) { return false; } else { return true; } } public void logoutFeedly() throws Exception { // API JSONObject retval = _feedlyapi.revokeRefreshToken(); // AccessToken access_token = ""; addStringToPersistentDB("access_token", access_token); // RefreshToken?B refresh_token = ""; addStringToPersistentDB("refresh_token", refresh_token); // ExpiresInl try { expires_in = retval.getInt("expires_in"); } catch (JSONException e) { expires_in = -1; } addIntegerToPersistentDB("expires_in", expires_in); // Update update = System.currentTimeMillis(); addLongToPersistentDB("update", update); // ?XeCg?I?AAvX^?[g _currentState.exit(); _app.reStartApp(); } //logoutFeedly() public void setAccessToken(String accesstoken) { this.access_token = accesstoken; } public void setExpiresIn(int expires_in) { this.expires_in = expires_in; } public void setID(String id) { = id; } public void setRefreshToken(String refresh_token) { this.refresh_token = refresh_token; } public void setUpdate(long update) { this.update = update; } public void quitApp() { _currentState.exit(); _app.quitApp(); } public void reStartApp() { _currentState.exit(); _app.reStartApp(); } private boolean isAccessTokenExpired() { long passed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.update) / 1000; //int remain = this.expires_in - (int) passed; //updateStatus("ExpiersIn:" + this.expires_in + " PASSED:" + passed + " Remain:" + remain); if (this.expires_in < (int) passed) { return true; } else { return false; } } private void refreshAccessToken() throws IOException, Exception { JSONObject retval = _feedlyapi.refreshAccessToken(); // example // "id": "c805fcbf-3acf-4302-a97e-d82f9d7c897f", // "plan": "standard", // "access_token": "AQAAEg_icFaeyekDi7gKtCL9O1jh...", // "expires_in": 3920, // "token_type": "Bearer" // ID?v????OAEg if (!"id"))) { forceLogoutFeedly(); throw new Exception("IDv"); } // AccessToken this.access_token = retval.getString("access_token"); addStringToPersistentDB("access_token", this.access_token); // ExpiresIn this.expires_in = retval.getInt("expires_in"); addIntegerToPersistentDB("expires_in", this.expires_in); // Update this.update = System.currentTimeMillis(); addLongToPersistentDB("update", this.update); /*UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { Dialog.alert("AccessToken?X?V?B"); } });*/ } // //-- NetWork --------------------------------------------------------------// // public String doDelete(String url) throws IOException, Exception { synchronized (_network) { // AccessTokenL????X?V if (isAccessTokenExpired()) { // AccessToken?X?V refreshAccessToken(); } return _network.delete(_connectionFactory, url, access_token); } } public String doGet(String url) throws IOException, Exception { synchronized (_network) { // AccessTokenL????X?V if (isAccessTokenExpired()) { // AccessToken?X?V refreshAccessToken(); } return _network.get(_connectionFactory, url, access_token); } } /*public Bitmap doGetWebBitmap(String url) throws IOException, Exception { synchronized(_network) { return _network.getWebBitmap(_connectionFactory, url); } }*/ public String doPost(String url, JSONObject body, boolean check) throws IOException, Exception { synchronized (_network) { // AccessTokenL`FbNL?A????X?V if (check && isAccessTokenExpired()) { // AccessToken?X?V refreshAccessToken(); } //return, body, access_token); return, url, body.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"), access_token); } } /*public String doPostJSONArray(String url, JSONArray body, boolean check) throws IOException, Exception { synchronized(_network) { // AccessTokenL`FbNL?A????X?V if(check && isAccessTokenExpired()) { // AccessToken?X?V refreshAccessToken(); } //return, body, access_token); return, url, body.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"), access_token); } }*/ public String doPut(String url, JSONObject body, boolean check) throws IOException, Exception { synchronized (_network) { // AccessTokenL`FbNL?A????X?V if (check && isAccessTokenExpired()) { // AccessToken?X?V refreshAccessToken(); } //return, body, access_token); return _network.put(_connectionFactory, url, body.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"), access_token); } } public void popScreen(MainScreen screen) { synchronized (UiApplication.getEventLock()) { _app.popScreen(screen); } } public void pushScreen(MainScreen screen) { synchronized (UiApplication.getEventLock()) { _app.pushScreen(screen); } } public void showHomeScreen() { _homeState.pushHomeScreen(); } public void showLogField() { _app.showLogField(); } public void updateStatus(final String message) { _app.updateStatus(message); } //updateStatus() }