Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010 ECOSUR, Andrew Waterman and Max Pimm * * Licensed under the Academic Free License v. 3.0. * */ /** * @author */ package mx.ecosur.multigame.gente.event; import mx.ecosur.multigame.grid.comparator.CellComparator; import mx.ecosur.multigame.grid.enums.Direction; import mx.ecosur.multigame.grid.util.BeadString; import mx.ecosur.multigame.grid.entity.GridCell; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; public class MoveEvent { public GridCell origin; public SortedSet<GridCell> adjacentCells; public Direction direction; public MoveEvent() { origin = null; adjacentCells = new TreeSet<GridCell>(new CellComparator()); direction = Direction.UNKNOWN; } public MoveEvent(GridCell origin, SortedSet<GridCell> adjacentCells) { this.origin = origin; this.adjacentCells = adjacentCells; this.direction = Direction.UNKNOWN; } public MoveEvent(Direction direction, GridCell origin, SortedSet<GridCell> adjacentCells) { this.direction = direction; this.origin = origin; this.adjacentCells = adjacentCells; } public GridCell getOrigin() { return origin; } public void setOrigin(GridCell origin) { this.origin = origin; } public SortedSet<GridCell> getAdjacentCells() { return adjacentCells; } public void setAdjacentCells(SortedSet<GridCell> adjacentCells) { this.adjacentCells = adjacentCells; } public Direction getDirection() { if (direction == Direction.UNKNOWN) direction = determineDirection(); return direction; } public void setDirection(Direction direction) { this.direction = direction; } public int getSize() { int size = 0; if (origin != null) size++; if (adjacentCells != null) size += adjacentCells.size(); return size; } public BeadString toBeadString() { BeadString ret = new BeadString(); ret.add(origin); if (adjacentCells != null) { for (GridCell cell : adjacentCells) { ret.add(cell); } } return ret; } private Direction determineDirection() { Direction ret = Direction.UNKNOWN; if (origin == null || adjacentCells == null) return Direction.UNKNOWN; if (adjacentCells != null) { GridCell first = adjacentCells.first(); if (first.getRow() == origin.getRow()) { if (first.getColumn() == origin.getColumn() - 1) ret = Direction.NORTH; else if (first.getColumn() == origin.getColumn() + 1) ret = Direction.SOUTH; } else if (first.getColumn() == origin.getColumn()) { if (first.getRow() == origin.getRow() - 1) ret = Direction.WEST; else if (first.getRow() == origin.getRow() + 1) ret = Direction.EAST; } else { if (first.getRow() == origin.getRow() + 1 && first.getColumn() == origin.getColumn() + 1) ret = Direction.NORTHEAST; else if (first.getRow() == origin.getRow() + 1 && first.getColumn() == origin.getColumn() - 1) ret = Direction.SOUTHEAST; else if (first.getRow() == origin.getRow() - 1 && first.getColumn() == origin.getColumn() - 1) ret = Direction.NORTHWEST; else if (first.getRow() == origin.getRow() - 1 && first.getColumn() == origin.getColumn() + 1) ret = Direction.SOUTHWEST; } } return ret; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean ret = false; if (obj instanceof MoveEvent) { MoveEvent comparison = (MoveEvent) obj; if (comparison.getSize() == this.getSize()) { ret = comparison.getOrigin().equals(this.origin) && comparison.getAdjacentCells().equals(this.getAdjacentCells()); } } return ret; } @Override public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder().append(origin).append(adjacentCells).toHashCode(); } }