Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package mvc; import datastructure.AuthorMessageData; import datastructure.OrderListData; import datastructure.OrderSearchData; import entity.Admin; import entity.AdminMessage; import entity.Author; import entity.AuthorMessage; import entity.Branch; import entity.DelegateMessage; import entity.Direction; import entity.EmailNotice; import entity.Order; import entity.OrderFile; import entity.OrderLog; import entity.OrderType; import entity.Payment; import entity.PaymentType; import entity.ReadyOrderFile; import entity.SmsNotice; import entity.User; import entity.orderStatus.OrderStatus; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import mvc.parent.WebController; import mvc.result.AjaxResult; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import rights.NotRightException; import service.AuthorService; import service.BranchService; import service.DirectionService; import service.OrderTypeService; import service.PaymentService; import service.PaymentTypeService; import support.Converter; import support.ServiceResult; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import mvc.formObjects.ReportFormData; import; import mvc.view.OrderCssManager; import mvc.view.ViewResolver; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException; import; import rights.BranchRights; import rights.Rights; import rights.UserRightsUtil; import service.AuthorSalaryService; import service.DelegateMessageService; import service.MessageService; import service.NoticeService; import service.OrderLogService; import service.OrderViewService; import support.DateFormatter; import support.ErrorMess; import support.FormatDate; import support.StringAdapter; /** * * @author Rice Pavel */ @Controller @RequestMapping("Order") public class OrderController extends WebController { @Autowired private NoticeService noticeService; @Autowired private OrderTypeService orderTypeService; @Autowired private BranchService branchService; @Autowired private DirectionService directionService; @Autowired private PaymentService paymentService; @Autowired private PaymentTypeService paymentTypeService; @Autowired private AuthorService authorService; @Autowired private MessageService messageService; @Autowired private DelegateMessageService delegateMessageService; @Autowired private OrderLogService orderLogService; @Autowired private OrderViewService orderViewService; @Autowired private AuthorSalaryService authorSalaryService; private final static String TYPE_EMAIL = "email"; private final static String TYPE_PHONE = "phone"; public static String getUrlForOrderSearch() { return "/Order/search"; } @RequestMapping("/getMenu") public String getMenu(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "authorId", required = false) Long authorId) { setOrderInfoForMenu(model, authorId); return "orderMenu"; } @RequestMapping("/getDataForMenu") @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> getDataForMenu(@RequestParam(value = "authorId", required = false) Long authorId, @RequestParam(value = "branchId", required = false) Long branchId) { List<OrderStatus> rightStatusList = getRightsStatusList(); datastructure.CountOrders countOrders = orderService.getCountOrders(authorId, branchId, rightStatusList); Map<String, Object> resultMap = new LinkedHashMap(); resultMap.put("ALL", countOrders.getCountAll()); for (OrderStatus status : countOrders.counts.keySet()) { resultMap.put(status.toString(), countOrders.counts.get(status)); } resultMap.put("haveCost", countOrders.countHaveCost); return resultMap; } @RequestMapping(value = "/add", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String add(Map<String, Object> model, String submit, @ModelAttribute("order") Order order, BindingResult result, RedirectAttributes ra) throws IOException { setInfoForCommonPage(model); return _add(model, submit, order, result, null, ra); } @RequestMapping(value = "/add", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String add(Map<String, Object> model, String submit, @ModelAttribute("order") Order order, BindingResult result, @RequestParam(value = "file", required = false) MultipartFile[] files, RedirectAttributes ra) throws IOException, NotRightException { setInfoForCommonPage(model); checkBranchRight(order, "/Order/add"); return _add(model, submit, order, result, files, ra); } @RequestMapping("addByajax") public String add(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "orderTypeId", required = false) Long orderTypeId, @RequestParam(value = "subject", required = false) String subject, @RequestParam(value = "deadlineDate", required = false) Date realDate, @RequestParam(value = "directions", required = false) List<Long> directionIds, @RequestParam(value = "clientFio", required = false) String clientFio, @RequestParam(value = "clientPhone", required = false) String clientPhone, @RequestParam(value = "clientEmail", required = false) String clientEmail, @RequestParam(value = "city", required = false) String city, @RequestParam(value = "comment", required = false) String comment, @RequestParam(value = "siteName", required = false) String siteName, HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam(value = "callback", required = false) String callback, @RequestParam(value = "files", required = false) MultipartFile[] files) throws IOException { try { ServiceResult result = new ServiceResult(); Long id = orderService.addOrder(orderTypeId, subject, realDate, directionIds, clientFio, clientPhone, clientEmail, city, comment, siteName, files, result); String error = ""; if (result.hasErrors()) { error += result.getErrors().toString(); } setModelParameter(model, "error", error); model.put("orderId", id); } catch (Exception e) { setModelParameter(model, "error", e.getMessage()); } return "Order_addToIframe"; } @RequestMapping(value = "addFile", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String addFile(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam(value = "file", required = false) MultipartFile[] files) throws IOException, NotRightException { _addFiles(model, orderId, files); return "redirect:/Order/get?orderId=" + orderId; } @RequestMapping(value = "addReadyFile", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String addReadyFile(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam(value = "file", required = false) MultipartFile[] files) throws Exception { Order obj = orderService.find(orderId); checkBranchRight(obj, "/Order/addReadyFile"); for (MultipartFile file : files) { orderService.addReadyFile(obj, file); } return "redirect:/Order/get?orderId=" + orderId; } @RequestMapping("/change") public String change(Map<String, Object> model, String submit, @ModelAttribute("order") Order order, BindingResult bindRes, @RequestParam("orderId") Long id) throws NotRightException { setInfoForCommonPage(model); checkBranchRight(id, "/Order/change"); // ? ? setComboLists(model); if (submit != null && !submit.isEmpty()) { if (!bindRes.hasErrors()) { ServiceResult res = orderService.update(order); addErrorsToModel(model, res); if (!res.hasErrors()) { return "redirect:/Order/search"; } } } else { order = orderService.find(id); } model.put("order", order); return "Order_change"; } /** * * * @param orderId * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/change", params = { "changeFirstFlag" }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> changeFirstFlag(@RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId) { orderService.changeFirstFlag(orderId); return new HashMap<String, Object>(); } /** * * * @param orderId * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/change", params = { "changeSecondFlag" }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> changeSecondFlag(@RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId) { orderService.changeSecondFlag(orderId); return new HashMap<String, Object>(); } /** * ajax * * @param value - , * @param parameterName - * @param orderId - * @param fromTable - * @return map, ? ? newName ( , * ), newValue ( , * ? ), error - , ? ?. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/change", params = { "ajax" }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> changeByAjax(@RequestParam(value = "value", required = false) String value, @RequestParam("parameterName") String parameterName, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam(value = "fromTable", required = false) String fromTable) { try { ServiceResult serviceRes = new ServiceResult(); String newValue = ""; String newName = ""; // // ? ? // ? ? id Order order = orderService.find(orderId); // ? if (parameterName.equals("subject")) { order.setSubject(value); } else if (parameterName.equals("deadlineDate")) { Date date = Converter.getDate(value); order.setDeadlineDate(date); } else if (parameterName.equals("realDate")) { Date date = Converter.getDate(value); order.setRealDate(date); } else if (parameterName.equals("orderType")) { OrderType type = orderTypeService.getOne(value); order.setOrderType(type); } else if (parameterName.equals("clientFio")) { order.setClientFio(value); } else if (parameterName.equals("clientPhone")) { order.setClientPhone(value); } else if (parameterName.equals("clientEmail")) { order.setClientEmail(value); } else if (parameterName.equals("city")) { order.setCity(value); } else if (parameterName.equals("comment")) { order.setComment(value); } else if (parameterName.equals("authorComment")) { order.setAuthorComment(value); } else if (parameterName.equals("firstFlag")) { Boolean flag = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); order.setFirstFlag(flag); } else if (parameterName.equals("secondFlag")) { Boolean flag = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); order.setSecondFlag(flag); } else if (parameterName.equals("numberOfPages")) { order.setNumberOfPages(value); } else if (parameterName.equals("authorSubject")) { order.setAuthorSubject(value); } else { serviceRes.addError(" ??"); } if (!serviceRes.hasErrors()) { serviceRes = orderService.update(order); orderService.refresh(order); // ? if (!serviceRes.hasErrors()) { if (parameterName.equals("subject")) { newValue = order.getSubject(); newName = newValue; } else if (parameterName.equals("deadlineDate")) { DateFormatter formatter = new DateFormatter(); newValue =; if (fromTable != null && fromTable.equals("true")) { newName = formatter.format(order.getDeadlineDate(), "dd/MM"); } else { newName = newValue; } } else if (parameterName.equals("realDate")) { DateFormatter formatter = new DateFormatter(); newValue =; if (fromTable != null && fromTable.equals("true")) { newName = formatter.format(order.getRealDate(), "dd/MM"); } else { newName = newValue; } } else if (parameterName.equals("orderType")) { OrderType type = order.getOrderType(); if (type != null) { newValue = type.getOrderTypeId().toString(); newName = type.getName(); } } else if (parameterName.equals("clientFio")) { newValue = order.getClientFio(); newName = newValue; } else if (parameterName.equals("clientPhone")) { newValue = order.getClientPhone(); newName = newValue; } else if (parameterName.equals("clientEmail")) { newValue = order.getClientEmail(); newName = newValue; } else if (parameterName.equals("city")) { newValue = order.getCity(); newName = newValue; } else if (parameterName.equals("comment")) { newValue = order.getComment(); newName = newValue; } else if (parameterName.equals("authorComment")) { newValue = order.getAuthorComment(); newName = newValue; } else if (parameterName.equals("firstFlag")) { newValue = order.getFirstFlag().toString(); newName = newValue; } else if (parameterName.equals("secondFlag")) { newValue = order.getSecondFlag().toString(); newName = newValue; } else if (parameterName.equals("numberOfPages")) { newValue = order.getNumberOfPages(); newName = newValue; } else if (parameterName.equals("authorSubject")) { newValue = order.getAuthorSubject(); newName = newValue; } else { serviceRes.addError( " ??"); } } } Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap(); String error = ""; if (serviceRes.hasErrors()) { error += serviceRes.getErrors().toString(); } resultMap.put("error", error); resultMap.put("newValue", newValue); resultMap.put("newName", newName); return resultMap; } catch (Throwable exc) { Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap(); resultMap.put("error", StringAdapter.getStackExeption(exc)); return resultMap; } } /** * * * @param model * @param orderId * @param salaryStr * @param commentToAuthorSalary * @return */ @RequestMapping("/changeAuthorSalary") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult changeSalary(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam("salary") String salaryStr, @RequestParam(value = "commentToAuthorsalary", required = false) String commentToAuthorSalary) { try { checkBranchRight(orderId, "/Order/changeAuthorSalary"); } catch (NotRightException e) { return new AjaxResult("? "); } Double salary = null; try { salary = Double.valueOf(salaryStr); } catch (Exception e) { } ServiceResult res = orderService.changeSalary(orderId, salary, commentToAuthorSalary); AjaxResult ajaxRes = getAjaxResult(res); Order order = orderService.find(orderId); //ajaxRes.setValue(order.getAuthor_salary()); Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap(); resultMap.put("authorSalary", order.getAuthor_salary()); resultMap.put("commentToAuthorSalary", order.getCommentToAuthorSalary()); ajaxRes.setValue(resultMap); return ajaxRes; } /** * ?? * * @param model * @param orderId * @param costStr * @return */ @RequestMapping("/changeCost") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult changeCost(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam("cost") String costStr) { try { checkBranchRight(orderId, "/Order/changeCost"); } catch (NotRightException e) { return new AjaxResult("? "); } Double cost = null; try { cost = Double.valueOf(costStr); } catch (Exception e) { } if (cost != null) { ServiceResult res = orderService.changeCost(orderId, cost); AjaxResult ajaxRes = getAjaxResult(res); Order order = orderService.find(orderId); ajaxRes.setValue(order.getCost()); return ajaxRes; } else { return new AjaxResult(" ?!"); } } @RequestMapping("/changeBranch") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult changeBranch(Map<String, Object> map, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam(value = "branchId", required = false) Long branchId) { orderService.changeBranch(orderId, branchId); return new AjaxResult(); } /** * * * @param model * @param orderId * @param branchId * @return * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping("/delegate") @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> delegate(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam("branchId") Long branchId) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> resultMap = new LinkedHashMap(); orderService.delegate(orderId, branchId); resultMap.put("branchId", branchId); return resultMap; } @RequestMapping("/statistics") public String getStatistics(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "dateFrom", required = false) Date dateFrom, @RequestParam(value = "dateTo", required = false) Date dateTo, @RequestParam(value = "branchId", required = false) Long branchId) { if (dateFrom == null) { dateFrom = new Date(); } if (dateTo == null) { dateTo = new Date(); } dateFrom = support.DateUtils.startOfDay(dateFrom); dateTo = support.DateUtils.startOfDay(dateTo); setInfoForCommonPage(model); setComboInfoForStatistics(model); // ?? dateFrom = getStatisticsStartDate(dateFrom); dateTo = getStatisticsEndDate(dateTo); model.put("dateFrom", dateFrom); model.put("dateTo", dateTo); // ? Set<Long> branchIds = branchRightsHolder.getBranchIds(BranchRights.SEARCH_ORDER); List<Map> orderList = orderService.getStatistics(dateFrom, dateTo, branchId, branchIds); List<Map> listByMonth = orderService.getStatisticsByDates(dateFrom, dateTo, branchId, branchIds); setModelParameter(model, "orderList", orderList); model.put("count", orderList.size()); model.put("totalAmount", getTotalAmount(orderList)); model.put("totalAuthorSalary", getTotalAuthorSalary(orderList)); model.put("totalProfit", getTotalProfit(orderList)); setModelParameter(model, "json", getJsonStringByDateList(dateFrom, dateTo, listByMonth)); // ? json return "Order_statistics"; } private void setComboInfoForStatistics(Map<String, Object> model) { List<Branch> branchList = branchService.getAll(); setModelParameter(model, "branchList", branchList); } private Date getStatisticsStartDate(Date dateFrom) { if (dateFrom != null) { return dateFrom; } else { Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance(); cl.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); cl.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cl.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); return cl.getTime(); } } private double getTotalAmount(List<Map> orderList) { double amount = 0; for (Map map : orderList) { if (map.get("amount_sum") != null) { amount += (double) map.get("amount_sum"); } } return amount; } private double getTotalAuthorSalary(List<Map> orderList) { double salary = 0; for (Map map : orderList) { if (map.get("author_salary") != null) { salary += (double) map.get("author_salary"); } } return salary; } private double getTotalProfit(List<Map> orderList) { double profit = 0; for (Map map : orderList) { if (map.get("profit") != null) { profit += (double) map.get("profit"); } } return profit; } private String getJsonStringByDateList(Date dateFrom, Date dateTo, List<Map> listByDates) { String json = ""; Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance(); cl.setTime(dateFrom); setStartOfDay(cl); Calendar end = Calendar.getInstance(); end.setTime(dateTo); setStartOfDay(end); // ? ? for (; cl.before(end) || cl.equals(end); cl.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1)) { int year = cl.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = cl.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int day = cl.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); json += getJsonByDate(listByDates, day, month, year); } return json; } private String getJsonByDate(List<Map> listByDates, int day, int month, int year) { // ? // ? ? ? // // ? // int javascriptMonth = month - 1; Double[] arr = getParamsByDate(listByDates, day, month, year); if (arr != null) { Double amountSum = arr[0]; Double authorSalary = arr[1]; Double profit = arr[2]; return "[new Date(" + year + ", " + javascriptMonth + ", " + day + "), " + amountSum + ", " + authorSalary + ", " + profit + "],"; } return "[new Date(" + year + ", " + javascriptMonth + ", " + day + "), 0, 0, 0],"; } private Double[] getParamsByDate(List<Map> listByDates, int day, int month, int year) { for (Map map : listByDates) { int monthFromMap; try { monthFromMap = (int) map.get("month"); } catch (Exception e) { monthFromMap = ((BigInteger) map.get("month")).intValue(); } int dayFromMap; try { dayFromMap = (int) map.get("day"); } catch (Exception e) { dayFromMap = ((BigInteger) map.get("day")).intValue(); } int yearFromMap; try { yearFromMap = (int) map.get("year"); } catch (Exception e) { yearFromMap = ((BigInteger) map.get("year")).intValue(); } Double amountSum = (map.get("amount_sum") != null ? (Double) map.get("amount_sum") : 0); Double authorSalary = (map.get("author_salary") != null ? (Double) map.get("author_salary") : 0); Double profit = (map.get("profit") != null ? (Double) map.get("profit") : 0); if (month == monthFromMap && day == dayFromMap && year == yearFromMap) { return new Double[] { amountSum, authorSalary, profit }; } } return null; } /* private String getByDate(Calendar cl, List<Map> listByDates) { // ? // ? ? ? // // ? // Double[] arr = getParamsByDate(cl, listByDates); int year = cl.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = cl.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int day = cl.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); if (arr != null) { Double amountSum = arr[0]; Double authorSalary = arr[1]; Double profit = arr[2]; return "[new Date(" + year + ", " + month + ", " + day + "), " + amountSum + ", " + authorSalary + ", " + profit + "],"; } return "[new Date(" + year + ", " + month + ", " + day + "), 0, 0, 0],"; } private Double[] getParamsByDate(Calendar cl, List<Map> listByDates) { for (Map map : listByDates) { int month = (int) map.get("month"); int day = (int) map.get("day"); int year = (int) map.get("year"); Double amountSum = (map.get("amount_sum") != null ? (Double) map.get("amount_sum") : 0); Double authorSalary = (map.get("author_salary") != null ? (Double) map.get("author_salary") : 0); Double profit = (map.get("profit") != null ? (Double) map.get("profit") : 0); int clMonth = (cl.get(Calendar.MONTH)); int clDay = cl.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int clYear = cl.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (month == clMonth && day == clDay && year == clYear) { return new Double[]{amountSum, authorSalary, profit}; } } return null; } */ private void setStartOfDay(Calendar cl) { cl.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cl.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cl.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cl.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); } private Date getStatisticsEndDate(Date dateTo) { if (dateTo != null) { return dateTo; } else { Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance(); cl.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, cl.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); cl.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23); cl.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); return cl.getTime(); } } @RequestMapping("/changeDirections") @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> replaceDirections(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam(value = "oldDirectionId", required = false) Long oldDirectionId, @RequestParam(value = "newDirectionId", required = false) Long newDirectionId) { final String addedStatus = "added"; final String deletedStatus = "deleted"; final String notChangedStatus = "notChanged"; String status = ""; try { Order order = orderService.find(orderId); Long branchId = (order != null && order.getBranch() != null ? order.getBranch().getBranchId() : null); if (branchRightsHolder.isRight(BranchRights.ORDER_CHANGE_STATUS, branchId)) { boolean deleted = false; boolean added = false; // ? ? if (oldDirectionId != null) { // ? orderService.deleteDirection(orderId, oldDirectionId); deleted = true; } // ? if (newDirectionId != null) { // orderService.addDirection(orderId, newDirectionId); added = true; } if (added) { status = addedStatus; } else if (deleted) { status = deletedStatus; } else { status = notChangedStatus; } } else { status = notChangedStatus; } } catch (Exception e) { status = notChangedStatus; } Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap(); map.put("status", status); return map; } /* @RequestMapping("/changeStatus") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult changeStatus(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam("status") String status) throws NotRightException { checkBranchRight(orderId, "/Order/changeStatus"); ServiceResult res = orderService.changeStatus(orderId, status); AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult(); if (res.hasErrors()) { ar.setError(res.getErrors().toString()); } else { try { OrderStatus st = OrderStatus.valueOf(status); ar.setValue(st.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { } } return ar; } */ @RequestMapping("/changeStatus") @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> changeStatus(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam("status") String status) throws NotRightException { checkBranchRight(orderId, "/Order/changeStatus"); String error = ""; if (authManager.getCurrentUser() instanceof Admin) { ServiceResult res = orderService.changeStatus(orderId, status); if (res.hasErrors()) { error = res.getErrors().toString(); } } Order order = orderService.find(orderId); Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap(); String cssClass = "none"; String statusName = getStatusName(order); try { OrderStatus st = OrderStatus.valueOf(status); cssClass = new OrderCssManager(authManager.getCurrentUser()).getStatusClass(order, order.getPaymentSum()); } catch (Exception e) { } resultMap.put("error", error); resultMap.put("value", statusName); resultMap.put("cssClass", cssClass); return resultMap; } private String getStatusName(Order order) { boolean existReject = orderService.existRejectForAuthUser(order); return new ViewResolver(authManager.getCurrentUser(), branchRightsHolder).getStatusName(order.getStatus(), existReject, order.getCost(), order.getStatusOfUser()); } @RequestMapping("contacts") public String contacts(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "branchId", required = false) Set<Long> brancheIds, @RequestParam(value = "orderTypeId", required = false) Set<Long> orderTypeIds, @RequestParam(value = "directionId", required = false) Set<Long> directionIds, @RequestParam(value = "from", required = false) Date from, @RequestParam(value = "to", required = false) Date to, @RequestParam(value = "type", required = false) String type) { setInfoForCommonPage(model); setInfoForSearch(model); Set<Long> rightBranchIds = getBranchIdsForContacts(); if (from == null) { from = getStartMonth(); } if (to == null) { to = getEndMonth(); } if (type == null) { type = TYPE_EMAIL; } setModelParameter(model, "from", standartFormatDate(from)); setModelParameter(model, "to", standartFormatDate(to)); setModelParameter(model, "type", type); ReportFormData data = new ReportFormData(); data.brancheIds = brancheIds; data.directionIds = directionIds; data.orderTypeIds = orderTypeIds; data.from = from; = to; Set<String> set = getPhonesOrEmails(rightBranchIds, data, type); String str = ""; for (String value : set) { str += value + ", "; } setModelParameter(model, "str", str); return "Order_contacts"; } @RequestMapping("contactsExcel") public void contactsExcel(HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam(value = "branchId", required = false) Set<Long> brancheIds, @RequestParam(value = "orderTypeId", required = false) Set<Long> orderTypeIds, @RequestParam(value = "directionId", required = false) Set<Long> directionIds, @RequestParam(value = "from", required = false) Date from, @RequestParam(value = "to", required = false) Date to, @RequestParam(value = "type", required = false) String type) throws IOException { Set<Long> rightBranchIds = getBranchIdsForContacts(); ReportFormData data = new ReportFormData(); data.brancheIds = brancheIds; data.orderTypeIds = orderTypeIds; data.directionIds = directionIds; data.from = from; = to; getXls(response, rightBranchIds, data, type); } @RequestMapping("contactsTxt") public void contactsTxt(HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam(value = "branchId", required = false) Set<Long> brancheIds, @RequestParam(value = "orderTypeId", required = false) Set<Long> orderTypeIds, @RequestParam(value = "directionId", required = false) Set<Long> directionIds, @RequestParam(value = "from", required = false) Date from, @RequestParam(value = "to", required = false) Date to, @RequestParam(value = "type", required = false) String type) throws IOException { Set<Long> rightBranchIds = getBranchIdsForContacts(); ReportFormData data = new ReportFormData(); data.brancheIds = brancheIds; data.orderTypeIds = orderTypeIds; data.directionIds = directionIds; data.from = from; = to; Set<String> set = getPhonesOrEmails(rightBranchIds, data, type); String str = ""; for (String value : set) { str += value + "\r\n"; } String fileName = "contacts.txt"; if (type.equals(TYPE_PHONE)) { fileName = "phones.txt"; } else if (type.equals(TYPE_EMAIL)) { fileName = "emails.txt"; } byte[] bytes = str.getBytes("UTF-8"); _getFile(response, fileName, bytes); } @RequestMapping("/delete") public String delete(Map<String, Object> model, String submit, @RequestParam("orderId") Long id, RedirectAttributes ra) throws NotRightException { // ? ? try { Order obj = orderService.find(id); checkBranchRight(obj, "/Order/delete"); orderService.delete(obj); } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) { addErrorToRedirecrt(ra, ErrorMess.EXIST_RELATED_ENTITY); } return "redirect:/Order/search"; } @RequestMapping("delFile") public String delFile(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("fileId") Long fileId, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId) throws NotRightException { setInfoForCommonPage(model); checkRightsByOrderFileId(fileId, "/Order/delFile"); _deleteFile(fileId); return "redirect:/Order/get?orderId=" + orderId; } @RequestMapping("delReadyFile") public String delReadyFile(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("fileId") Long readyFileId, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId) throws NotRightException { setInfoForCommonPage(model); checkRightsByReadyFileId(readyFileId, "/Order/delReadyFile"); _deleteFile(readyFileId); return "redirect:/Order/get?orderId=" + orderId; } @RequestMapping("/detailReport") public String getDetailReport(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "from", required = false) String from, @RequestParam(value = "to", required = false) String to, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId) { setInfoForCommonPage(model); Date dateFrom = null; Date dateTo = null; if (from != null && to != null) { dateFrom = Converter.getDate(from); dateTo = Converter.getDate(to); } if (to != null && from != null) { setModelParameter(model, "list", orderService.getDetailReport(dateFrom, dateTo, orderId)); } else { setModelParameter(model, "error", " "); } return "Order_detail_report"; } /** * ? * * @param model * @param orderId * @param ajax * @param request * @return * @throws NotRightException */ @RequestMapping("/get") public String showOne(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam(value = "ajax", required = false) String ajax, HttpServletRequest request) throws NotRightException { long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //log.warn("OrderLog "); Order order = orderService.find(orderId); //log.warn("1 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); List<Long> toWork = branchRightsHolder.getBranches(BranchRights.ORDER_NEW_TO_WORK); List<Long> toReject = branchRightsHolder.getBranches(BranchRights.ORDER_NEW_TO_REJECT); setModelParameter(model, "possibleStatusList", getPossibleStatuses(order, getRightOrderStatus(), toWork, toReject)); checkBranchRight(order, "/Order/get"); readyMessages(order, request); saveOrderView(order); //log.warn("2 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); model.put("order", order); setInfoForOrder(model, orderId, order); setAuthorMessages(model, order); //log.warn("3 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); setInfoForPayment(model, orderId); setInfoForMessage(model); setLogInfo(model, order); //log.warn("4 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); setBranchesForDelegate(model, order); setDelegateMessages(model, order); setChildMessages(model, order); //log.warn("5 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); if (ajax != null && !ajax.isEmpty()) { return "Order_get_one"; } else { return "Order_get"; } } private void setDelegateMessages(Map<String, Object> model, Order order) { model.put("delegateMessage", new DelegateMessage()); List<DelegateMessage> delegateMessageList = delegateMessageService.getByOrder(order); setModelParameter(model, "delegateMessageList", delegateMessageList); } private void setChildMessages(Map<String, Object> model, Order order) { Map<Order, List<DelegateMessage>> childMessageMap = new HashMap(); List<Order> childOrders = order.getChildOrders(); for (Order childOrder : childOrders) { childMessageMap.put(childOrder, delegateMessageService.getByOrder(childOrder)); } setModelParameter(model, "childMessageMap", childMessageMap); } private void setModelParameter(Map<String, Object> model, String parameterName, Map parameter) { model.put(parameterName, (parameter != null ? parameter : new HashMap())); } private void setBranchesForDelegate(Map<String, Object> model, Order order) { List<Branch> branchList = getAllBranches(); branchList.remove(order.getBranch()); List<Order> childOrders = order.getChildOrders(); List<Long> delegatedBranchList = new ArrayList(); for (Order childOrd : childOrders) { if (childOrd.getBranch() != null) { delegatedBranchList.add(childOrd.getBranch().getBranchId()); } } setModelParameter(model, "branchList", branchList); setModelParameter(model, "delegatedBranchList", delegatedBranchList); } /* private void setBranchesForDelegate(Map<String, Object> model, Long orderId) { List<Branch> branchList = getAllBranches(); Set<Long> delegatedBranchList = getDelegatedBranchList(orderId); model.put("branchList", branchList); model.put("delegatedBranchList", delegatedBranchList); } */ private List<Branch> getAllBranches() { return branchService.getAll(); } private Set<Long> getDelegatedBranchList(Long orderId) { return orderService.getDelegatedBranchList(orderId); } private void saveOrderView(Order order) { orderViewService.saveOrderView(order); } /* @RequestMapping("getFileForClient") public void getFileForClient(@RequestParam("fileId") Long fileId, HttpServletResponse response) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, NotRightException { _getFile(response, fileId); } @RequestMapping("getReadyFileForClient") public void getReadyFileForClient(@RequestParam("fileId") Long readyFileId, HttpServletResponse response) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, NotRightException { _getFile(response, readyFileId); } */ @RequestMapping("getFile") public void getFile(@RequestParam("fileId") Long fileId, HttpServletResponse response) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, NotRightException { _getFile(response, fileId); } @RequestMapping("getReadyFile") public void getReadyFile(@RequestParam("fileId") Long readyFileId, HttpServletResponse response) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, NotRightException { _getFile(response, readyFileId); } @RequestMapping("/getZipFile") public void getZipFile(@RequestParam(value = "files", required = false) Long[] fileIds, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String fileName = "order" + orderId + ".zip"; byte[] bytes = fileService.getZipFile(fileIds); _getFile(response, fileName, bytes); } @RequestMapping(value = "/getZipFile", params = { "getAllOrderFiles" }) public void getOrderFilesToZip(@RequestParam(value = "orderId", required = false) Long orderId, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { List<OrderFile> files = fileService.getFilesByOrder(orderId); List<Long> fileIds = new ArrayList(); for (OrderFile file : files) { fileIds.add(file.getFileId()); } Long[] fileIdsArr = fileIds.toArray(new Long[0]); byte[] bytes = fileService.getZipFile(fileIdsArr); String fileName = "order" + orderId + ".zip"; _getFile(response, fileName, bytes); } @RequestMapping("/unloading") public String unloadingShow(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "dateFrom", required = false) Date dateFrom, @RequestParam(value = "dateTo", required = false) Date dateTo, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { setInfoForCommonPage(model); return "unloading"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/unloading", params = { "submit" }) public void unloading(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "dateFrom", required = false) Date dateFrom, @RequestParam(value = "dateTo", required = false) Date dateTo, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String fileName = ""; if (dateFrom != null && dateTo != null) { byte[] bytes = orderService.getOrderFileArchive(dateFrom, dateTo); _getFile(response, fileName, bytes); } else { byte[] bytes = new byte[0]; _getFile(response, fileName, bytes); } } @RequestMapping("/rate") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult rate(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam("rate") Integer rate) throws NotRightException { checkBranchRight(orderId, "/Order/rate"); ServiceResult res = orderService.rate(orderId, rate); return getAjaxResult(res); } /** * - ? * * @param model * @param orderId * @return */ @RequestMapping("/confirm") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult confirm(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId) { try { ServiceResult res = orderService.confirm(orderId); return getAjaxResult(res); } catch (Exception e) { return new AjaxResult(e.getMessage()); } } @RequestMapping("/reject") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult reject(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId) { try { ServiceResult res = orderService.reject(orderId); return getAjaxResult(res); } catch (Exception e) { return new AjaxResult(e.getMessage()); } } @RequestMapping("/rejectOrConfirm") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult rejectOrConfirm(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam(value = "confirm", required = false) String confirm) throws NotRightException, IOException { checkBranchRight(orderId, "/Order/rejectOrConfirm"); ServiceResult res; if (confirm != null && !confirm.isEmpty()) { res = orderService.confirm(orderId); } else { res = orderService.reject(orderId); } return getAjaxResult(res); } @RequestMapping("/report") public String getReport(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "branchId", required = false) Set<Long> brancheIds, @RequestParam(value = "orderTypeId", required = false) Set<Long> orderTypeIds, @RequestParam(value = "directionId", required = false) Set<Long> directionIds, @RequestParam(value = "from", required = false) String from, @RequestParam(value = "to", required = false) String to) { setInfoForCommonPage(model); setInfoForSearch(model); Date dateFrom = Converter.getDate(from); Date dateTo = Converter.getDate(to); ; if (dateFrom == null) { dateFrom = getStartMonth(); } if (dateTo == null) { dateTo = getEndMonth(); } setModelParameter(model, "from", standartFormatDate(dateFrom)); setModelParameter(model, "to", standartFormatDate(dateTo)); Set<Long> branchIds = branchRightsHolder.getBranchIds(BranchRights.SEARCH_ORDER); List<Payment> paymentList = orderService.getReportAsPaymentList(orderTypeIds, directionIds, brancheIds, dateFrom, dateTo, branchIds); setModelParameter(model, "paymentList", paymentList); setModelParameter(model, "paymentTypeList", paymentTypeService.getActive()); return "Order_report_asPaymentList"; } @RequestMapping("/readyOrRework") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult readyOrRework(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam(value = "ready", required = false) String ready) throws NotRightException, IOException { checkBranchRight(orderId, "/Order/readyOrRework"); ServiceResult res; if (ready != null && !ready.isEmpty()) { res = orderService.ready(orderId); } else { res = orderService.rework(orderId); } return getAjaxResult(res); } /** * ? ? * * @param model * @param orderId * @return */ @RequestMapping("/selectChildToPerform") @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> selectChildOrderToPerform(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "orderId", required = false) Long orderId) { Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap(); try { orderService.selectChildOrderToPerform(orderId); } catch (Throwable e) { resultMap.put("error", StringAdapter.getStackExeption(e)); } return resultMap; } /** * * * @param model * @param orderId * @return */ @RequestMapping("/unloadInShop") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult unloadInShop(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId) { try { ServiceResult result = new ServiceResult(); orderService.unloadInShop(orderId, result); return getAjaxResult(result); } catch (Exception e) { return new AjaxResult(e.getMessage()); } } @RequestMapping("/testsearch") public String showAll(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "branchId", required = false) Long searchBranchId, @RequestParam(value = "orderTypeId", required = false) Set<Long> orderTypeIds, @RequestParam(value = "directionId", required = false) Set<Long> directionIds, @RequestParam(value = "status", required = false) String statusStr, @RequestParam(value = "onlyTable", required = false) String onlyTableStr, @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, @RequestParam(value = "authorId", required = false) Long authorId, @RequestParam(value = "overdue", required = false) String overdue, @RequestParam(value = "onlyTableRows", required = false) String onlyTableRowsStr, @RequestParam(value = "pageNumber", required = false) Integer pageNumber, @RequestParam(value = "haveCost", required = false) String haveCostString, @RequestParam(value = "test", required = false) String testString) { boolean onlyTable = (onlyTableStr != null && !onlyTableStr.isEmpty()); boolean onlyTableRows = (onlyTableRowsStr != null && !onlyTableRowsStr.isEmpty()); boolean haveCost = false; if (haveCostString != null && !haveCostString.isEmpty()) { haveCost = true; } if (!onlyTable) { setInfoForCommonPage(model, authorId); } OrderStatus status = null; try { status = OrderStatus.valueOf(statusStr); } catch (Exception e) { } //long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean test = (testString != null && !testString.isEmpty()); setInfoForSearch(model); Set<Long> rightBrancheIds = branchRightsHolder.getBranchIds(getUrlForOrderSearch()); removeNull(directionIds); removeNull(orderTypeIds); OrderSearchData searchData = new OrderSearchData(); searchData.authorId = authorId; searchData.branchIds = getBranchIds(searchBranchId); searchData.directionIds = directionIds; searchData.orderTypeIds = orderTypeIds; searchData.searchString = searchString; List<OrderStatus> rightStatusList = getRightsStatusList(); int numberOfRecords = 100; int start = 0; if (onlyTableRows) { numberOfRecords = 30; start = 70; } if (pageNumber == null) { pageNumber = 1; } start = start + (pageNumber - 1) * numberOfRecords; //log.warn("1 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); List<OrderListData> list; if (!test) { if (overdue == null || overdue.isEmpty()) { list = orderService.getOrdersAsDataList(rightBrancheIds, status, searchData, start, numberOfRecords, haveCost, rightStatusList); } else { list = orderService.getOrdersAsOverdueDataList(rightBrancheIds, status, searchData, start, numberOfRecords, haveCost, rightStatusList); } setPossibleStatuses(list, getRightOrderStatus()); model.put("orderList", (list != null ? list : new ArrayList())); } //log.warn("2 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); // ? ? ?, ? setModelParameter(model, "overdue", overdue); model.put("authorId", authorId); model.put("status", status); model.put("branchId", searchBranchId); List<String> directionNames = getDirectionNames(directionIds); setModelParameter(model, "directionNames", (directionNames != null ? directionNames : new ArrayList())); List<String> orderTypeNames = getOrderTypesNames(orderTypeIds); setModelParameter(model, "orderTypeNames", (orderTypeNames != null ? orderTypeNames : new ArrayList())); setModelParameter(model, "haveCost", (haveCostString != null ? haveCostString : "")); model.put("orderColorManager", new OrderCssManager(authManager.getCurrentUser())); ViewResolver viewResolver = new ViewResolver(authManager.getCurrentUser(), branchRightsHolder); model.put("viewResolver", viewResolver); model.put("branchRightsHolder", branchRightsHolder); setPaymentInfoForSearch(model); String userToString = getUserToString(); setModelParameter(model, "currentUserToString", (userToString != null ? userToString : "")); String currentDateToString = getCurrentDateToString(); setModelParameter(model, "currentDateToString", (currentDateToString != null ? currentDateToString : "")); //log.warn("3 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); HashMap<String, Boolean> commonRights = new HashMap(); for (Rights r : Rights.values()) { commonRights.put(, UserRightsUtil.isRight(r)); } model.put("cr", commonRights); model.put("br", branchRightsHolder.getBranchRights()); //log.warn("4 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); if (onlyTable) { return "Order_table"; } else if (onlyTableRows) { return "Order_table_rows"; } else { return "Order_search"; } } @RequestMapping("/getTableData") @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> getTableData(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "branchId", required = false) Long searchBranchId, @RequestParam(value = "orderTypeId", required = false) Set<Long> orderTypeIds, @RequestParam(value = "directionId", required = false) Set<Long> directionIds, @RequestParam(value = "status", required = false) String statusStr, @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, @RequestParam(value = "authorId", required = false) Long authorId, @RequestParam(value = "overdue", required = false) String overdue, @RequestParam(value = "pageNumber", required = false) Integer pageNumber, @RequestParam(value = "haveCost", required = false) String haveCostString, @RequestParam(value = "onlyTableRows", required = false) String onlyTableRowsStr) { Long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ; User currentUser = authManager.getCurrentUser(); Set<Long> rightBrancheIds = branchRightsHolder.getBranchIds(getUrlForOrderSearch()); OrderStatus status = null; boolean haveCost = (haveCostString != null && !haveCostString.isEmpty()); boolean overdued = (overdue != null && !overdue.isEmpty()); boolean onlyTableRows = (onlyTableRowsStr != null && !onlyTableRowsStr.isEmpty()); try { status = OrderStatus.valueOf(statusStr); } catch (Exception e) { } removeNull(directionIds); List<String> directionNames = getDirectionNames(directionIds); removeNull(orderTypeIds); List<String> orderTypeNames = getOrderTypesNames(orderTypeIds); OrderSearchData searchData = new OrderSearchData(); searchData.authorId = authorId; searchData.branchIds = getBranchIds(searchBranchId); searchData.directionIds = directionIds; searchData.orderTypeIds = orderTypeIds; searchData.searchString = searchString; HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap(); params.put("branchId", searchBranchId); params.put("authorId", authorId); params.put("status", statusStr); params.put("overdue", overdue); params.put("haveCost", haveCostString); List<OrderStatus> rightStatusList = getRightsStatusList(); int numberOfRecords = 40; int start = 0; if (onlyTableRows) { numberOfRecords = 40; //start = 40; } if (pageNumber == null) { pageNumber = 1; } start = start + (pageNumber - 1) * numberOfRecords; ViewResolver vr = new ViewResolver(currentUser, branchRightsHolder); HashMap<String, Object> res = new HashMap(); res.put("params", params); if (!onlyTableRows) { res.put("headers", orderService.getOrderListHeaders(directionNames, directionService.getAll(), orderTypeNames, orderTypeService.getAll())); } res.put("orders", orderService.getOrdersAsTestDataList(rightBrancheIds, status, getRightOrderStatus(), searchData, start, numberOfRecords, haveCost, rightStatusList, overdued)); //log.warn("logicTime: " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return res; } /*@RequestMapping("/getTestTableData") @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> getTestTableData(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "branchId", required = false) Long searchBranchId, @RequestParam(value = "orderTypeId", required = false) Set<Long> orderTypeIds, @RequestParam(value = "directionId", required = false) Set<Long> directionIds, @RequestParam(value = "status", required = false) String statusStr, @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, @RequestParam(value = "authorId", required = false) Long authorId, @RequestParam(value = "overdue", required = false) String overdue, @RequestParam(value = "pageNumber", required = false) Integer pageNumber, @RequestParam(value = "haveCost", required = false) String haveCostString, @RequestParam(value = "onlyTableRows", required = false) String onlyTableRowsStr) { Long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();; User currentUser = authManager.getCurrentUser(); Set<Long> rightBrancheIds = branchRightsHolder.getBranchIds(getUrlForOrderSearch()); OrderStatus status = null; boolean haveCost = (haveCostString != null && !haveCostString.isEmpty()); boolean overdued = (overdue != null && !overdue.isEmpty()); boolean onlyTableRows = (onlyTableRowsStr != null && !onlyTableRowsStr.isEmpty()); try { status = OrderStatus.valueOf(statusStr); } catch (Exception e) { } removeNull(directionIds); List<String> directionNames = getDirectionNames(directionIds); removeNull(orderTypeIds); List<String> orderTypeNames = getOrderTypesNames(orderTypeIds); OrderSearchData searchData = new OrderSearchData(); searchData.authorId = authorId; searchData.branchIds = getBranchIds(searchBranchId); searchData.directionIds = directionIds; searchData.orderTypeIds = orderTypeIds; searchData.searchString = searchString; HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap(); params.put("branchId", searchBranchId); params.put("authorId", authorId); params.put("status", statusStr); params.put("overdue", overdue); params.put("haveCost", haveCostString); List<OrderStatus> rightStatusList = getRightsStatusList(); int numberOfRecords = 100; int start = 0; if (onlyTableRows) { numberOfRecords = 30; start = 70; } if (pageNumber == null) { pageNumber = 1; } start = start + (pageNumber - 1) * numberOfRecords; ViewResolver vr = new ViewResolver(currentUser, branchRightsHolder); HashMap<String, Object> res = new HashMap(); res.put("params", params); if (!onlyTableRows) { res.put("headers", orderService.getOrderListHeaders(directionNames, directionService.getAll(), orderTypeNames, orderTypeService.getAll())); } res.put("orders", orderService.getOrdersAsOrderedDataList(rightBrancheIds, status, getRightOrderStatus(), searchData, start, numberOfRecords, haveCost, rightStatusList, overdued)); //log.warn("logicTime: " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return res; }*/ @RequestMapping("/search") public String showTestAll(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "branchId", required = false) Long searchBranchId, @RequestParam(value = "orderTypeId", required = false) Set<Long> orderTypeIds, @RequestParam(value = "directionId", required = false) Set<Long> directionIds, @RequestParam(value = "status", required = false) String statusStr, @RequestParam(value = "onlyTable", required = false) String onlyTableStr, @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, @RequestParam(value = "authorId", required = false) Long authorId, @RequestParam(value = "overdue", required = false) String overdue, @RequestParam(value = "onlyTableRows", required = false) String onlyTableRowsStr, @RequestParam(value = "pageNumber", required = false) Integer pageNumber, @RequestParam(value = "haveCost", required = false) String haveCostString) { boolean onlyTable = (onlyTableStr != null && !onlyTableStr.isEmpty()); boolean onlyTableRows = (onlyTableRowsStr != null && !onlyTableRowsStr.isEmpty()); boolean haveCost = false; if (haveCostString != null && !haveCostString.isEmpty()) { haveCost = true; } if (!onlyTable) { setInfoForCommonPage(model, authorId); } OrderStatus status = null; try { status = OrderStatus.valueOf(statusStr); } catch (Exception e) { } //long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); setInfoForSearch(model); Set<Long> rightBrancheIds = branchRightsHolder.getBranchIds(getUrlForOrderSearch()); removeNull(directionIds); removeNull(orderTypeIds); OrderSearchData searchData = new OrderSearchData(); searchData.authorId = authorId; searchData.branchIds = getBranchIds(searchBranchId); searchData.directionIds = directionIds; searchData.orderTypeIds = orderTypeIds; searchData.searchString = searchString; List<OrderStatus> rightStatusList = getRightsStatusList(); int numberOfRecords = 100; int start = 0; if (onlyTableRows) { numberOfRecords = 30; start = 70; } if (pageNumber == null) { pageNumber = 1; } start = start + (pageNumber - 1) * numberOfRecords; //log.warn("1 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); List<HashMap> list = new ArrayList(); /*log.warn("2 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); log.warn("3 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime));*/ // ? ? ?, ? setModelParameter(model, "overdue", overdue); model.put("authorId", authorId); model.put("status", status); model.put("branchId", searchBranchId); model.put("orderList", list); List<String> directionNames = getDirectionNames(directionIds); setModelParameter(model, "directionNames", (directionNames != null ? directionNames : new ArrayList())); List<String> orderTypeNames = getOrderTypesNames(orderTypeIds); setModelParameter(model, "orderTypeNames", (orderTypeNames != null ? orderTypeNames : new ArrayList())); setModelParameter(model, "haveCost", (haveCostString != null ? haveCostString : "")); model.put("orderColorManager", new OrderCssManager(authManager.getCurrentUser())); ViewResolver viewResolver = new ViewResolver(authManager.getCurrentUser(), branchRightsHolder); model.put("viewResolver", viewResolver); model.put("branchRightsHolder", branchRightsHolder); setPaymentInfoForSearch(model); String userToString = getUserToString(); setModelParameter(model, "currentUserToString", (userToString != null ? userToString : "")); String currentDateToString = getCurrentDateToString(); setModelParameter(model, "currentDateToString", (currentDateToString != null ? currentDateToString : "")); //log.warn("4 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); HashMap<String, Boolean> commonRights = new HashMap(); for (Rights r : Rights.values()) { commonRights.put(, UserRightsUtil.isRight(r)); } model.put("cr", commonRights); model.put("br", branchRightsHolder.getBranchRights()); //log.warn("5 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); return "Order_search_test"; } /*@RequestMapping("/searchtest") public String showTetestAll( Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "branchId", required = false) Long searchBranchId, @RequestParam(value = "orderTypeId", required = false) Set<Long> orderTypeIds, @RequestParam(value = "directionId", required = false) Set<Long> directionIds, @RequestParam(value = "status", required = false) String statusStr, @RequestParam(value = "onlyTable", required = false) String onlyTableStr, @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, @RequestParam(value = "authorId", required = false) Long authorId, @RequestParam(value = "overdue", required = false) String overdue, @RequestParam(value = "onlyTableRows", required = false) String onlyTableRowsStr, @RequestParam(value = "pageNumber", required = false) Integer pageNumber, @RequestParam(value = "haveCost", required = false) String haveCostString ) { boolean onlyTable = (onlyTableStr != null && !onlyTableStr.isEmpty()); boolean onlyTableRows = (onlyTableRowsStr != null && !onlyTableRowsStr.isEmpty()); boolean haveCost = false; if (haveCostString != null && !haveCostString.isEmpty()) { haveCost = true; } if (!onlyTable) { setInfoForCommonPage(model, authorId); } OrderStatus status = null; try { status = OrderStatus.valueOf(statusStr); } catch (Exception e) { } //long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); setInfoForSearch(model); Set<Long> rightBrancheIds = branchRightsHolder.getBranchIds(getUrlForOrderSearch()); removeNull(directionIds); removeNull(orderTypeIds); OrderSearchData searchData = new OrderSearchData(); searchData.authorId = authorId; searchData.branchIds = getBranchIds(searchBranchId); searchData.directionIds = directionIds; searchData.orderTypeIds = orderTypeIds; searchData.searchString = searchString; List<OrderStatus> rightStatusList = getRightsStatusList(); int numberOfRecords = 100; int start = 0; if (onlyTableRows) { numberOfRecords = 30; start = 70; } if (pageNumber == null) { pageNumber = 1; } start = start + (pageNumber - 1) * numberOfRecords; List<HashMap> list = new ArrayList(); // ? ? ?, ? setModelParameter(model, "overdue", overdue); model.put("authorId", authorId); model.put("status", status); model.put("branchId", searchBranchId); model.put("orderList", list); List<String> directionNames = getDirectionNames(directionIds); setModelParameter(model, "directionNames", (directionNames != null ? directionNames : new ArrayList())); List<String> orderTypeNames = getOrderTypesNames(orderTypeIds); setModelParameter(model, "orderTypeNames", (orderTypeNames != null ? orderTypeNames : new ArrayList())); setModelParameter(model, "haveCost", (haveCostString != null ? haveCostString : "")); model.put("orderColorManager", new OrderCssManager(authManager.getCurrentUser())); ViewResolver viewResolver = new ViewResolver(authManager.getCurrentUser(), branchRightsHolder); model.put("viewResolver", viewResolver); model.put("branchRightsHolder", branchRightsHolder); setPaymentInfoForSearch(model); String userToString = getUserToString(); setModelParameter(model, "currentUserToString", (userToString != null ? userToString : "")); String currentDateToString = getCurrentDateToString(); setModelParameter(model, "currentDateToString", (currentDateToString != null ? currentDateToString : "")); //log.warn("4 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); HashMap<String, Boolean> commonRights = new HashMap(); for (Rights r : Rights.values()) { commonRights.put(, UserRightsUtil.isRight(r)); } model.put("cr", commonRights); model.put("br", branchRightsHolder.getBranchRights()); //log.warn("5 " + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); return "Order_search_test_1"; }*/ private void setModelParameter(Map<String, Object> model, String name, String parameter) { model.put(name, (parameter != null ? parameter : "")); } private void setModelParameter(Map<String, Object> model, String name, List parameter) { model.put(name, (parameter != null ? parameter : new ArrayList())); } private void setModelParameter(Map<String, Object> model, String name, Boolean parameter) { model.put(name, (parameter != null ? parameter : false)); } /** * ??, ? * ?? ? ?? * WORKING REJECTION ? * * @param dataList * @param statusList */ private void setPossibleStatuses(List<OrderListData> dataList, List<OrderStatus> statusList) { List<Long> toWork = branchRightsHolder.getBranches(BranchRights.ORDER_NEW_TO_WORK); List<Long> toReject = branchRightsHolder.getBranches(BranchRights.ORDER_NEW_TO_REJECT); for (OrderListData data : dataList) { data.possibleStatusList = getPossibleStatuses(data.order, statusList, toWork, toReject); } } private List<OrderStatus> getPossibleStatuses(Order order, List<OrderStatus> statusList, List<Long> toWork, List<Long> toReject) { Long branchId = (order.getBranch() != null ? order.getBranch().getBranchId() : 0); List<OrderStatus> statusListe = new ArrayList(); statusListe.addAll(statusList); if (order.getStatus().equals(OrderStatus.NEW)) { if (!toWork.contains(branchId)) { statusListe.remove(OrderStatus.WORKING); } if (!toReject.contains(branchId)) { statusListe.remove(OrderStatus.REJECTION); } } return statusListe; } /** * ? ?? , ? ??? * * @return */ private List<OrderStatus> getRightOrderStatus() { List<OrderStatus> statusList = new ArrayList(); statusList.addAll(Arrays.asList(OrderStatus.values())); if (!UserRightsUtil.isRight(Rights.STATUS_NEW)) { statusList.remove(OrderStatus.NEW); } if (!UserRightsUtil.isRight(Rights.STATUS_ARCHIVE)) { statusList.remove(OrderStatus.ARCHIVE); } if (!UserRightsUtil.isRight(Rights.STATUS_CHECK)) { statusList.remove(OrderStatus.CHECK); } if (!UserRightsUtil.isRight(Rights.STATUS_CONFIRMATION)) { statusList.remove(OrderStatus.CONFIRMATION); } if (!UserRightsUtil.isRight(Rights.STATUS_OTHER)) { statusList.remove(OrderStatus.OTHER); } if (!UserRightsUtil.isRight(Rights.STATUS_PRICED)) { statusList.remove(OrderStatus.PRICED); } if (!UserRightsUtil.isRight(Rights.STATUS_READY)) { statusList.remove(OrderStatus.READY); } if (!UserRightsUtil.isRight(Rights.STATUS_REJECTION)) { statusList.remove(OrderStatus.REJECTION); } if (!UserRightsUtil.isRight(Rights.STATUS_REWORK)) { statusList.remove(OrderStatus.REWORK); } if (!UserRightsUtil.isRight(Rights.STATUS_WORKING)) { statusList.remove(OrderStatus.WORKING); } return statusList; } private void removeNull(Set<Long> set) { if (set != null) { Iterator iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Long l = (Long); if (l == 0) { iter.remove(); } } } } private String getUserToString() { User authUser = authManager.getCurrentUser(); String userString = ""; if (authUser != null) { userString += authUser.getSurname() + " " + authUser.getName(); } return userString; } private String getCurrentDateToString() { return (new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy").format(new Date())); } private void setPaymentInfoForSearch(Map<String, Object> model) { model.put("paymentObj", new Payment()); List<PaymentType> list = paymentTypeService.getActive(); model.put("paymentTypeList", (list != null ? list : new ArrayList())); } private Set<Long> getBranchIds(Long branchId) { Set<Long> branchIds = new HashSet(); if (branchId != null) { branchIds.add(branchId); } return branchIds; } /** * ?? * * @param model * @return */ @RequestMapping("/deleteRejectionFiles") public String deleteRejectionFiles(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "submit", required = false) String submit) { if (submit != null) { orderService.deleteRejectionFiles(); model.put("message", " ?? ? "); } int count = orderService.countRejectionOrdersWithFiles(); model.put("count", count); setInfoForCommonPage(model); return "Order_deleteRejectionFiles"; } /** * ? * * @param model * @param date * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/search", params = { "fromCalendar" }) public String searchFromCalendar(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("date") Date date) { setInfoForCommonPage(model); List<OrderStatus> rightStatusList = getRightsStatusList(); List<OrderListData> orderDataList = orderService.searchFromCalendar(date, rightStatusList); model.put("orderDataList", (orderDataList != null ? orderDataList : new ArrayList())); model.put("orderCssManager", new OrderCssManager(authManager.getCurrentUser())); return "Order_searchFromCalendar"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/getDeadlineDatesForCalendar") @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> getDealineDatesForCalendar() { List<OrderStatus> rightStatusList = getRightsStatusList(); List<Date> dateList = orderService.getDeadlineDatesForAuthor(rightStatusList); List<String> stringList = new ArrayList(); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy"); for (Date date : dateList) { if (date != null) { String str = formatter.format(date); stringList.add(str); } } Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap(); resultMap.put("list", stringList); return resultMap; } /** * ? . * * @param model * @param branchId * @return */ /* @RequestMapping(value = "/search", params = {"byBranch"}) public String searchByBranch( Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("branchId") Long branchId ) { setInfoForCommonPage(model); setInfoForSearch(model); //List<Order> list = new ArrayList(); List<OrderListData> list = new ArrayList(); if (branchRightsHolder.isRight(getUrlForOrderSearch(), branchId)) { Set<Long> branchIds = new HashSet(); branchIds.add(branchId); //list = orderService.getOrders(branchIds); list = orderService.getOrdersAsDataList(branchIds); } model.put("orderList", list); return "Order_table"; } */ private List<String> getDirectionNames(Set<Long> directionIds) { List<String> list = new ArrayList(); if (directionIds != null) { for (Long directionId : directionIds) { if (directionId != null && directionId != 0) { Direction dir = directionService.getOne(directionId.toString()); if (dir != null) { list.add(dir.getName()); } } } } return list; } private List<String> getOrderTypesNames(Set<Long> orderTypeIds) { List<String> list = new ArrayList(); if (orderTypeIds != null) { for (Long orderTypeId : orderTypeIds) { if (orderTypeId != null && orderTypeId != 0) { OrderType type = orderTypeService.getOne(orderTypeId.toString()); if (type != null) { list.add(type.getName()); } } } } return list; } @RequestMapping("/toArchive") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult toArchive(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId) throws NotRightException { checkBranchRight(orderId, "/Order/toArchive"); ServiceResult res = orderService.toArchive(orderId); return getAjaxResult(res); } @RequestMapping("/toCheck") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult toCheck(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId) throws NotRightException { checkBranchRight(orderId, "/Order/toCheck"); ServiceResult res = orderService.toCheck(orderId); return getAjaxResult(res); } @RequestMapping("/changeAuthor") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult changeAuthor(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam("authorId") Long authorId) { try { checkBranchRight(orderId, "/Order/changeAuthor"); orderService.changeAuthor(orderId, authorId); return new AjaxResult(); } catch (Exception e) { return new AjaxResult(StringAdapter.getStackExeption(e)); } } /** * * * @param model * @param orderId * @return * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping("/sendToClient") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult sendToClient(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam("file_id") Long[] readyFilesIds) throws IOException { try { checkBranchRight(orderId, "/Order/sendToClient"); } catch (NotRightException exp) { return new AjaxResult("?? "); } Set<Long> set = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(readyFilesIds)); orderService.sendToClient(orderId, set); return new AjaxResult(); } /** * ? */ @RequestMapping("/reportForUnloadInShop") public String reportForUnloadInShop(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam(value = "dateFrom", required = false) Date dateFrom, @RequestParam(value = "dateTo", required = false) Date dateTo) { setInfoForCommonPage(model); dateFrom = getDateFrom(dateFrom); dateTo = getDateTo(dateTo); List<Order> orderList = orderService.reportForUnloadInShop(dateFrom, dateTo); setModelParameter(model, "orderList", orderList); DateFormatter formatter = new DateFormatter(); setModelParameter(model, "dateFrom",; setModelParameter(model, "dateTo",; return "Order_reportForUnload"; } private Date getDateFrom(Date dateFrom) { if (dateFrom == null) { Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance(); cl.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); dateFrom = cl.getTime(); } return FormatDate.getStartOfDate(dateFrom); } private Date getDateTo(Date dateTo) { if (dateTo == null) { dateTo = new Date(); } return FormatDate.getEndOfDate(dateTo); } /** * ? ? * * @param model * @param dateFrom * @param dateTo * @param ra * @return */ @RequestMapping("/unloadMultipleInShop") public String unloadMultipleInShop(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("dateFrom") Date dateFrom, @RequestParam("dateTo") Date dateTo, RedirectAttributes ra) { orderService.unloadMultipleInShop(dateFrom, dateTo); DateFormatter formatter = new DateFormatter(); ra.addAttribute("dateFrom",; ra.addAttribute("dateTo",; return "redirect:/Order/reportForUnloadInShop"; } @RequestMapping("/testUnloadInShop") public String testUnloadInShop() { orderService.unloadInShopInCron(); return "redirect:/Order/reportForUnloadInShop"; } @RequestMapping("/toConfirmation") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult toConfirmation(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId, @RequestParam("authorId") Long authorId) throws NotRightException { checkBranchRight(orderId, "/Order/toConfirmation"); ServiceResult res = orderService.toConfirmation(orderId, authorId); return getAjaxResult(res); } @RequestMapping("/recoverFromReject") @ResponseBody public AjaxResult recoverFromReject(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId) { try { orderService.recoverFromReject(orderId); return new AjaxResult(); } catch (Exception e) { return new AjaxResult(e.getMessage()); } } @RequestMapping("/getOrderLog") public String getOrderLog(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam("orderId") Long orderId) { Order order = orderService.find(orderId); setLogInfo(model, order); model.put("order", order); return "OrderLog_search"; } @RequestMapping("/addNoticesOfPrepayment") public String addNoticesOfPrepayment() throws IOException { orderService.addNoticesOfPrepayment(); return "info"; } private String _add(Map<String, Object> model, String submit, Order order, BindingResult result, MultipartFile[] files, RedirectAttributes ra) throws IOException { // ? ? setComboListsForAddForm(model); if (submit != null && !submit.isEmpty()) { if (!result.hasErrors()) { ServiceResult res = new ServiceResult(); Long orderId = orderService.addOrder(order, files, res); addErrorsToModel(model, res); if (!res.hasErrors()) { ra.addFlashAttribute("message", "? " + orderId); return "redirect:/Order/add"; } } } model.put("order", order); return "Order_add"; } /** * ? * * @param model * @param order */ private void setLogInfo(Map<String, Object> model, Order order) { // ? List<Payment> payments = paymentService.getByOrderId(order.getOrderId()); // ? ?? List<SmsNotice> smsNotices = noticeService.getNotSystemSmsByOrder(order); List<EmailNotice> emailNotices = noticeService.getNotSystemEmailByOrder(order); List<OrderLog> logs = orderLogService.getLogsByOrder(order); List<LogObject> list = getLogObjetcList(payments, smsNotices, emailNotices, logs); setModelParameter(model, "logList", list); } private List<LogObject> getLogObjetcList(List<Payment> payments, List<SmsNotice> smsNotices, List<EmailNotice> emailNotices, List<OrderLog> logs) { List<LogObject> list = new ArrayList(); for (Payment p : payments) { LogObject obj = new LogObject(LogObject.Type.PAYMENT, p.getUser(), p.getAmount(), p.getPaymentDate()); list.add(obj); } for (SmsNotice not : smsNotices) { LogObject obj = new LogObject(LogObject.Type.SMS, not.getUser(), null, not.getNoticeDate()); list.add(obj); } for (EmailNotice not : emailNotices) { LogObject obj = new LogObject(LogObject.Type.EMAIL, not.getUser(), null, not.getNoticeDate()); list.add(obj); } for (OrderLog log : logs) { LogObject obj = new LogObject(LogObject.Type.CHANGE_STATUS, null, null, log.getCreateDate()); obj.firstStatus = log.getFirstStatus(); obj.secondStatus = log.getSecondStatus(); obj.insertUser = log.getInsertUser(); obj.createDate = log.getCreateDate(); list.add(obj); } Collections.sort(list); return list; } /** * ?? , ? * * @param order * @param request */ private void readyMessages(Order order, HttpServletRequest request) { User authUser = authManager.getCurrentUser(); if (authUser instanceof Author) { messageService.readyAuthorMessages(order.getOrderId()); } else if (hasBranchRight(order.getId(), MessageController.SEARCH_AUTHOR_MESSAGE_URL)) { messageService.readyAuthorMessages(order.getOrderId()); messageService.readyAdminMessages(order.getOrderId()); } delegateMessageService.readyMessages(order.getOrderId()); } private void setInfoForSearch(Map<String, Object> model) { setModelParameter(model, "branchList", branchService.getAll()); setModelParameter(model, "typeList", orderTypeService.getAll()); setModelParameter(model, "directionList", directionService.getAll()); model.put("statusArray", OrderStatus.values()); } /** * ? , ? ?? ? ? * * @param model * @param orderId * @param order */ private void setInfoForOrder(Map<String, Object> model, Long orderId, Order order) { setModelParameter(model, "authors", authorService.getAll()); setModelParameter(model, "allowToConfirmation", orderService.allowToConfirmation(order)); setModelParameter(model, "allowConfirm", orderService.allowConfirm(order)); setModelParameter(model, "allowReject", orderService.allowReject(order)); setModelParameter(model, "allowRecoverFromReject", orderService.allowRecoverFromReject(order)); setModelParameter(model, "allowReadyOrRework", orderService.allowReadyOrRework(order)); setModelParameter(model, "allowToArchive", orderService.allowToArchive(order)); boolean allowToCheck = orderService.allowToCheck(order); setModelParameter(model, "allowToCheck", allowToCheck); setModelParameter(model, "allowRate", orderService.allowRate(order)); setModelParameter(model, "directionList", directionService.getAll()); setModelParameter(model, "allowAuthorComment", allowAuthorComment(order)); setModelParameter(model, "existReject", orderService.existRejectForAuthUser(order)); setModelParameter(model, "allowUnloadedInShop", orderService.allowUnloadedInShop(order)); setReadyFiles(order, model); model.put("statusArray", OrderStatus.values()); setModelParameter(model, "allowAuthorBlock", allowAuthorBlock(order)); setModelParameter(model, "adminMessages", messageService.getAdminsByOrder(order)); setModelParameter(model, "branchList", branchService.getAll()); setModelParameter(model, "typeList", orderTypeService.getAll()); setModelParameter(model, "otherOrders", orderService.otherOrdersByClient(order)); if (order.getStatus().equals(OrderStatus.READY)) { setModelParameter(model, "showComment", true); } if (order.getStatus().equals(OrderStatus.READY) && !order.getReadyFiles().isEmpty()) { setModelParameter(model, "showSendClient", true); } setModelParameter(model, "allowReadyFiles", orderService.allowsReadyFiles(order)); ViewResolver viewResolver = new ViewResolver(authManager.getCurrentUser(), branchRightsHolder); model.put("viewResolver", viewResolver); model.put("branchRightsHolder", branchRightsHolder); } private boolean allowAuthorBlock(Order order) { OrderStatus[] statusArray = { OrderStatus.REWORK, OrderStatus.CHECK, OrderStatus.READY, OrderStatus.ARCHIVE, OrderStatus.OTHER, OrderStatus.REJECTION }; List<OrderStatus> statusList = Arrays.asList(statusArray); OrderStatus status = order.getStatus(); if (status != null) { if (statusList.contains(status)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean allowAuthorComment(Order order) { OrderStatus[] arr = { OrderStatus.WORKING, OrderStatus.CHECK, OrderStatus.READY, OrderStatus.ARCHIVE, OrderStatus.OTHER, OrderStatus.REWORK }; List<OrderStatus> list = Arrays.asList(arr); return list.contains(order.getStatus()); } private void setReadyFiles(Order order, Map<String, Object> model) { List<ReadyOrderFile> readyFiles = order.getReadyFiles(); ReadyOrderFile allotedFile = null; if (readyFiles.size() > 1) { ReadyOrderFile last = readyFiles.get(readyFiles.size() - 1); ReadyOrderFile lastButOne = readyFiles.get(readyFiles.size() - 2); if (differentDates(last, lastButOne)) { readyFiles.remove(last); allotedFile = last; } } setModelParameter(model, "readyFiles", readyFiles); if (allotedFile != null) { model.put("lastReadyFile", allotedFile); } } private boolean differentDates(ReadyOrderFile last, ReadyOrderFile lastByOne) { Date lastDate = last.getUploadDate(); Date lastByOneDate = lastByOne.getUploadDate(); Calendar clLast = Calendar.getInstance(); clLast.setTime(lastDate); Calendar clLastByOne = Calendar.getInstance(); clLastByOne.setTime(lastByOneDate); return (clLast.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) != clLastByOne.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) || clLast.get(Calendar.MONTH) != clLastByOne.get(Calendar.MONTH) || clLast.get(Calendar.YEAR) != clLastByOne.get(Calendar.YEAR)); } /* private void setReadyFiles(Order order, Map<String, Object> model) { List<ReadyOrderFile> readyFiles = order.getReadyFiles(); if (readyFiles.size() > 0) { int lastIdx = readyFiles.size() - 1; List<ReadyOrderFile> resultReadyFiles = readyFiles.subList(0, lastIdx); ReadyOrderFile lastFile = readyFiles.get(lastIdx); model.put("readyFiles", resultReadyFiles); model.put("lastReadyFile", lastFile); } } */ private void setAuthorMessages(Map<String, Object> model, Order order) { User authUser = authManager.getCurrentUser(); setModelParameter(model, "allowSendToAll", alllowSendAuthorMessagesToAll(order, authUser)); if (authUser instanceof Admin) { AuthorMessageData data = messageService.getAuthorMessagesForAdmin(order); setModelParameter(model, "hasAuthorMessages", (data.authorMessages != null)); setModelParameter(model, "authorMessages", data.authorMessages); model.put("otherMessageMap", data.otherMessages); model.put("orderAuthor", order.getAuthor()); } else { Author author = (Author) authUser; List<AuthorMessage> messages = messageService.getAuthorMessagesForAuthor(order, author); setModelParameter(model, "messageList", messages); model.put("author", author); model.put("orderAuthor", order.getAuthor()); model.put("salary", authorSalaryService.getSalary(author.getUserId(), order.getOrderId())); //model.put("author", author); //model.put("orderAuthor", order.getAuthor()); } } private boolean alllowSendAuthorMessagesToAll(Order order, User authUser) { return (authUser instanceof Admin && order.getAuthor() == null); } /** * ? ?? * * @param model * @param order */ /* private void setAuthorMessages(Map<String, Object> model, Order order) { Map<Author, List<AuthorMessage>> otherMap = new LinkedHashMap(); User authUser = authManager.getCurrentUser(); Map<Author, List<AuthorMessage>> allMessages = messageService.getAllAuthorMessagesByOrder(order); // ? - if (authUser instanceof Admin) { // ? ?? ? ? Author orderAuthor = order.getAuthor(); if (orderAuthor != null) { model.put("orderAuthor", orderAuthor); model.put("authorMessages", allMessages.get(orderAuthor)); allMessages.remove(orderAuthor); } // ? ?? ? ? otherMap.putAll(allMessages); } else { // ? - Author author = (Author) authUser; // ? ?? ? ? model.put("orderAuthor", author); model.put("authorMessages", allMessages.get(author)); } model.put("otherMessageMap", otherMap); } */ private void setInfoForPayment(Map<String, Object> model, Long orderId) { Payment payment = new Payment(); model.put("obj", payment); model.put("paymentTypeList", paymentTypeService.getActive()); } /** * ? ??, ? * * * @param model */ private void setInfoForMessage(Map<String, Object> model) { AdminMessage adminMessage = new AdminMessage(); model.put("adminMessage", adminMessage); AuthorMessage authorMessage = new AuthorMessage(); model.put("authorMessage", authorMessage); } private void _addFiles(Map<String, Object> model, Long orderId, MultipartFile[] files) throws IOException, NotRightException { Order obj = orderService.find(orderId); checkBranchRight(obj, "/Order/addFile"); for (MultipartFile file : files) { orderService.addFile(obj, file); } } private void _addFile(Map<String, Object> model, Long orderId, MultipartFile file) throws IOException, NotRightException { Order obj = orderService.find(orderId); checkBranchRight(obj, "/Order/addFile"); orderService.addFile(obj, file); } private Set<Long> getBranchIdsForContacts() { return branchRightsHolder.getBranchIds("/Order/contacts"); } private void getXls(HttpServletResponse response, Set<Long> rightBranchIds, ReportFormData data, String type) throws IOException { Set<String> set = getPhonesOrEmails(rightBranchIds, data, type); HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("FirstSheet"); int n = 0; for (String str : set) { HSSFRow rowhead = sheet.createRow((short) n); rowhead.createCell(0).setCellValue(str); n++; } String fileName = "contacts.xls"; if (type.equals(TYPE_PHONE)) { fileName = "phones.xls"; } else if (type.equals(TYPE_EMAIL)) { fileName = "emails.xls"; } response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName); workbook.write(response.getOutputStream()); } private Set<String> getPhonesOrEmails(Set<Long> rightBrancheIds, ReportFormData data, String type) { Set<String> set = new HashSet(); if (type.equals(TYPE_EMAIL)) { set = orderService.getEmails(rightBrancheIds, data); } else if (type.equals(TYPE_PHONE)) { set = orderService.getPhones(rightBrancheIds, data); } return set; } private String standartFormatDate(Date date) { String str = ""; if (date != null) { SimpleDateFormat dt = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.YYYY"); str = dt.format(date); } return str; } private Date getStartMonth() { Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance(); cl.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); cl.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cl.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cl.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); return cl.getTime(); } private Date getEndMonth() { Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance(); cl.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, cl.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); cl.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23); cl.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); cl.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59); return cl.getTime(); } private void setComboListsForAddForm(Map<String, Object> model) { setModelParameter(model, "orderTypeList", orderTypeService.getAll()); setModelParameter(model, "directionList", directionService.getAll()); setModelParameter(model, "branchList", branchService.getList(branchRightsHolder.getBranchIds("/Order/add"))); } private void setComboLists(Map<String, Object> model) { setModelParameter(model, "orderTypeList", orderTypeService.getAll()); setModelParameter(model, "directionList", directionService.getAll()); setModelParameter(model, "branchList", branchService.getAll()); } /** * fileId * * @param fileId * @param url * @throws NotRightException */ protected void checkRightsByOrderFileId(Long fileId, String url) throws NotRightException { OrderFile of = fileService.findOrderFile(fileId); branchRightsHolder.checkRight(url, of.getOrder().getBranch().getBranchId()); } /** * readyFileId * * @param fileId * @param url * @throws NotRightException */ protected void checkRightsByReadyFileId(Long readyFileId, String url) throws NotRightException { ReadyOrderFile of = fileService.findReadyOrderFile(readyFileId); branchRightsHolder.checkRight(url, of.getOrder().getBranch().getBranchId()); } }