Java tutorial
/* * Author: Chih-Chiang Tsou <> * Nesvizhskii Lab, Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, * University of Michigan, Ann Arbor * * Copyright 2014 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package MSUmpire.FragmentLib; import MSUmpire.PSMDataStructure.FragmentPeak; import MSUmpire.PSMDataStructure.FragmentPeakGroup; import MSUmpire.PSMDataStructure.FragmentSelection; import MSUmpire.PSMDataStructure.LCMSID; import MSUmpire.PSMDataStructure.ModStringConvert; import MSUmpire.PSMDataStructure.ModificationInfo; import MSUmpire.PSMDataStructure.PTMManager; import MSUmpire.PSMDataStructure.PepFragmentLib; import MSUmpire.PSMDataStructure.PepIonID; import MSUmpire.SeqUtility.ShuffledSeqGen; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.AminoAcid; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Ion; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.IonFactory; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Peptide; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.ions.PeptideFragmentIon; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.ModificationMatch; import ExternalPackages.JAligner.matrix.Matrix; import ExternalPackages.JAligner.matrix.MatrixLoader; import ExternalPackages.JAligner.matrix.MatrixLoaderException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Random; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTObjectInput; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTObjectOutput; import; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; /** * Spectral library data structure * @author Chih-Chiang Tsou <> */ public class FragmentLibManager implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1866384504919716378L; public HashMap<String, PepFragmentLib> PeptideFragmentLib = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, PepFragmentLib> PeptideDecoyFragmentLib = new HashMap<>(); public String LibID = "Test"; transient FragmentSelection fragselection; public void ReduceMemoryUsage() { for (PepFragmentLib pep : PeptideFragmentLib.values()) { for (FragmentPeakGroup frag : pep.FragmentGroups.values()) { frag.ClearGroups(); } } for (PepFragmentLib pep : PeptideDecoyFragmentLib.values()) { for (FragmentPeakGroup frag : pep.FragmentGroups.values()) { frag.ClearGroups(); } } } public FragmentLibManager(String LibID) { this.LibID = LibID; } public void WriteFragmentLibSerialization(String path) { FSFragmentLibWrite(path, LibID); } private void FSFragmentLibWrite(String path, String LibID1) { try { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Writing FragmentLib to file:" + path + LibID1 + ".serFS..."); FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(path + LibID1 + ".serFS", false); FSTObjectOutput oos = new FSTObjectOutput(fout); oos.writeObject(this); oos.close(); fout.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex)); } } public static FragmentLibManager ReadFragmentLibSerialization(String path, String LibID) { FragmentLibManager lib = FSFragmentLibRead(path, LibID); if (lib == null) { lib = FSFragmentLibRead_Old(path, LibID); if (lib != null) { lib.WriteFragmentLibSerialization(path); } } if (lib != null) { lib.LibID = LibID; } return lib; } private static FragmentLibManager FSFragmentLibRead(String path, String LibID1) { if (!new File(path + LibID1 + ".serFS").exists()) { Logger.getRootLogger().debug(path + LibID1 + ".serFS does not exsit."); return null; } try { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Reading spectral library from file:" + path + LibID1 + ".serFS..."); FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(path + LibID1 + ".serFS"); FSTObjectInput in = new FSTObjectInput(fileIn); FragmentLibManager FragLib = (FragmentLibManager) in.readObject(); in.close(); fileIn.close(); return FragLib; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex)); return null; } } private static FragmentLibManager FSFragmentLibRead_Old(String path, String LibID1) { if (!new File(path + LibID1 + ".serFS").exists()) { Logger.getRootLogger().debug(path + LibID1 + ".serFS does not exsit."); return null; } try { Logger.getRootLogger() .info("Reading internal spectral library from file:" + path + LibID1 + ".serFS..."); FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(path + LibID1 + ".serFS"); org.nustaq_old.serialization.FSTObjectInput in = new org.nustaq_old.serialization.FSTObjectInput( fileIn); FragmentLibManager FragLib = (FragmentLibManager) in.readObject(); in.close(); fileIn.close(); return FragLib; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex)); return null; } } public PepFragmentLib GetFragmentLib(String PepKey) { return PeptideFragmentLib.get(PepKey); } public PepFragmentLib GetDecoyFragmentLib(String PepKey) { return PeptideDecoyFragmentLib.get("decoy_" + PepKey); } private PepFragmentLib GenerateDecoy(PepFragmentLib target, String recoyseq) { PepFragmentLib fragmentLibdecoy = new PepFragmentLib(); fragmentLibdecoy.Sequence = recoyseq; fragmentLibdecoy.ModSequence = "decoy_" + target.ModSequence; //fragmentLibdecoy.ModificationString="decoy_" +target.ModificationString; fragmentLibdecoy.Charge = target.Charge; fragmentLibdecoy.PrecursorMz = target.PrecursorMz; ArrayList<ModificationMatch> Modifications = PTMManager .TranslateModificationString(target.ModificationString); for (ModificationMatch mod : Modifications) { if (mod.getModificationSite() > 0 && mod.getModificationSite() <= target.Sequence.length()) { char site = target.Sequence.charAt(mod.getModificationSite() - 1); ArrayList<Integer> Position = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < recoyseq.length(); i++) { if (recoyseq.charAt(i) == site) { Position.add(i + 1); } } int rnd = new Random().nextInt(Position.size()); mod.setModificationSite(Position.get(rnd)); } } Peptide peptide = peptide = new Peptide(recoyseq, Modifications); HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Ion>>> allfragment = IonFactory.getInstance() .getFragmentIons(peptide); fragmentLibdecoy.FragmentGroups = target.CloneFragmentGroup(); ArrayList<Ion> fragments = new ArrayList<>(); fragments.addAll(allfragment.get(Ion.IonType.PEPTIDE_FRAGMENT_ION.index).get(PeptideFragmentIon.B_ION)); fragments.addAll(allfragment.get(Ion.IonType.PEPTIDE_FRAGMENT_ION.index).get(PeptideFragmentIon.Y_ION)); for (Ion frag : fragments) { float targetmz = (float) frag.getTheoreticMz(1); String IonString = frag.getSubTypeAsString() + ((PeptideFragmentIon) frag).getNumber() + "_1"; if (fragmentLibdecoy.FragmentGroups.containsKey(IonString)) { FragmentPeakGroup fragmentPeakGroup = fragmentLibdecoy.FragmentGroups.get(IonString); fragmentPeakGroup.FragMZ = targetmz; } targetmz = (float) frag.getTheoreticMz(2); IonString = frag.getSubTypeAsString() + ((PeptideFragmentIon) frag).getNumber() + "_2"; if (fragmentLibdecoy.FragmentGroups.containsKey(IonString)) { FragmentPeakGroup fragmentPeakGroup = fragmentLibdecoy.FragmentGroups.get(IonString); fragmentPeakGroup.FragMZ = targetmz; } } return fragmentLibdecoy; } public void CheckDecoys() throws MatrixLoaderException { if (PeptideDecoyFragmentLib.isEmpty()) { GenerateDecoyLib(); } } public void GenerateDecoyLib() throws MatrixLoaderException { Logger.getRootLogger().info("generating decoy spectra"); PeptideDecoyFragmentLib = new HashMap<>(); Matrix blosum62 = MatrixLoader.load("BLOSUM62"); for (PepFragmentLib fragmentLib : PeptideFragmentLib.values()) { ShuffledSeqGen shufen = new ShuffledSeqGen(fragmentLib.Sequence, blosum62); shufen.Generate(); String decoyseq = shufen.decoy; PepFragmentLib fragmentLibdecoy = GenerateDecoy(fragmentLib, decoyseq); PeptideDecoyFragmentLib.put(fragmentLibdecoy.GetKey(), fragmentLibdecoy); } } private void ExportdecoyFragLibCSV(String Path) throws IOException { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(Path + LibID + "_DecoyPepInfo.csv"); FileWriter writer2 = new FileWriter(Path + LibID + "_DecoyFragLib.csv"); writer.write("Sequence,ModSeq,ModificationString,Charge,PrecursorMz,MaxProbability,MS1Score\n"); writer2.write("PepKey,IonType,FragMz,Corr,PPM,Intensity,ApexDelta,RTOverlapP\n"); for (PepFragmentLib PepFrag : PeptideDecoyFragmentLib.values()) { writer.write(PepFrag.Sequence + "," + PepFrag.ModSequence + "," + PepFrag.ModificationString + "," + PepFrag.Charge + "," + PepFrag.PrecursorMz + "," + PepFrag.MaxProbability + "," + PepFrag.MS1Score + "\n"); for (FragmentPeakGroup frag : PepFrag.FragmentGroups.values()) { writer2.write(PepFrag.GetKey() + "," + frag.GetFragKey() + "," + frag.FragMZ + "," + frag.GetCorrString() + "," + frag.GetPPMString() + "," + frag.GetIntString() + "," + frag.GetApexDeltaString() + "," + frag.GetRTOverlapString() + "\n"); } } writer.close(); writer2.close(); } private void ExportFragLibCSV(String Path) throws IOException { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(Path + LibID + "_PepInfo.csv"); FileWriter writer2 = new FileWriter(Path + LibID + "_FragLib.csv"); writer.write("Sequence,ModSeq,ModificationString,Charge,PrecursorMz,MaxProbability,MS1Score\n"); writer2.write("PepKey,IonType,FragMz,Corr,PPM,Intensity,ApexDelta,RTOverlapP\n"); for (PepFragmentLib PepFrag : PeptideFragmentLib.values()) { writer.write(PepFrag.Sequence + "," + PepFrag.ModSequence + "," + PepFrag.ModificationString + "," + PepFrag.Charge + "," + PepFrag.PrecursorMz + "," + PepFrag.MaxProbability + "," + PepFrag.MS1Score + "\n"); for (FragmentPeakGroup frag : PepFrag.FragmentGroups.values()) { writer2.write(PepFrag.GetKey() + "," + frag.GetFragKey() + "," + frag.FragMZ + "," + frag.GetCorrString() + "," + frag.GetPPMString() + "," + frag.GetIntString() + "," + frag.GetApexDeltaString() + "," + frag.GetRTOverlapString() + "\n"); } } writer.close(); writer2.close(); } public void ImportFragLibByTSV(String tsv) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException, MatrixLoaderException { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Parsing " + tsv); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(tsv)); PTMManager.GetInstance(); String line = ""; ArrayList<FragmentPeak> FragmentPeaks = null; String[] header = reader.readLine().split("\t"); int modseqidx = -1; int seqidx = -1; int precchargeidx = -1; int precmzidx = -1; int irtidx = -1; int fragtypeidx = -1; int fragnumidx = -1; int fraglossidx = -1; int fragmzidx = -1; int fragchargeidx = -1; int fragintidx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) { switch (header[i]) { case "ModifiedSequence": { modseqidx = i; break; } case "StrippedSequence": { seqidx = i; break; } case "PrecursorCharge": { precchargeidx = i; break; } case "PrecursorMz": { precmzidx = i; break; } case "iRT": { irtidx = i; break; } case "FragmentType": { fragtypeidx = i; break; } case "FragmentNumber": { fragnumidx = i; break; } case "FI.FrgLossType": { fraglossidx = i; break; } case "FragmentCharge": { fragchargeidx = i; break; } case "FragmentMz": { fragmzidx = i; break; } case "RelativeFragmentIntensity": { fragintidx = i; break; } } } String lastpep = ""; PepFragmentLib fraglib = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String[] info = line.split("\t"); if (!lastpep.equals(info[modseqidx])) { if (fraglib != null && FragmentPeaks != null) { fraglib.AddFragments(FragmentPeaks); if (PeptideFragmentLib.containsKey(fraglib.GetKey())) { Logger.getRootLogger().warn("Peptide ion :" + fraglib.GetKey() + " is already in the library.(" + lastpep + ")"); } else { PeptideFragmentLib.put(fraglib.GetKey(), fraglib); } } fraglib = new PepFragmentLib(); FragmentPeaks = new ArrayList<>(); fraglib.Charge = Integer.parseInt(info[precchargeidx]); fraglib.PrecursorMz = Float.parseFloat(info[precmzidx]); fraglib.RetentionTime.add(Float.parseFloat(info[irtidx])); fraglib.Sequence = info[seqidx]; fraglib.ModSequence = fraglib.Sequence; String modseq = info[modseqidx]; lastpep = modseq; modseq = modseq.substring(1, modseq.length() - 1); while (modseq.contains("[")) { if (modseq.contains("M[Ox]")) { ModificationInfo mapmod = new ModificationInfo(); mapmod.modification = PTMManager.GetInstance().GetPTM("M", 15.9f); mapmod.massdiff = (float) mapmod.modification.getMass(); = "M"; int temp = modseq.indexOf("M[Ox]") + 1; boolean inmod = false; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < temp; i++) { if (modseq.charAt(i) == '[') { inmod = true; } else if (modseq.charAt(i) == ']') { inmod = false; continue; } if (!inmod) { idx++; } } fraglib.Modifications.add(new ModificationMatch(mapmod.modification.getName(), true, idx)); modseq = modseq.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote("M[Ox]"), "M"); fraglib.ModSequence = ModStringConvert.AddModIntoSeqBeforeSite(fraglib.ModSequence, mapmod.GetKey(), idx - 1); } else if (modseq.contains("C[CAM]")) { ModificationInfo mapmod = new ModificationInfo(); mapmod.modification = PTMManager.GetInstance().GetPTM("C", 57f); mapmod.massdiff = (float) mapmod.modification.getMass(); = "C"; int temp = modseq.indexOf("C[CAM]") + 1; boolean inmod = false; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < temp; i++) { if (modseq.charAt(i) == '[') { inmod = true; } else if (modseq.charAt(i) == ']') { inmod = false; continue; } if (!inmod) { idx++; } } fraglib.Modifications.add(new ModificationMatch(mapmod.modification.getName(), true, idx)); modseq = modseq.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote("C[CAM]"), "C"); fraglib.ModSequence = ModStringConvert.AddModIntoSeqBeforeSite(fraglib.ModSequence, mapmod.GetKey(), idx - 1); } else if (modseq.contains("[NtermAc]")) { ModificationInfo mapmod = new ModificationInfo(); mapmod.modification = PTMManager.GetInstance().GetPTM("N-term", 42f); mapmod.massdiff = (float) mapmod.modification.getMass(); = "N-term"; int idx = 1; fraglib.Modifications.add(new ModificationMatch(mapmod.modification.getName(), true, idx)); modseq = modseq.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote("[NtermAc]"), ""); fraglib.ModSequence = ModStringConvert.AddModIntoSeqBeforeSite(fraglib.ModSequence, mapmod.GetKey(), idx - 1); } else { Logger.getRootLogger().error("modification is not recognized:" + modseq); System.exit(1); } } } FragmentPeak fragment = new FragmentPeak(); fragment.FragMZ = Float.parseFloat(info[fragmzidx]); fragment.intensity = Float.parseFloat(info[fragintidx]); fragment.Charge = Integer.parseInt(info[fragchargeidx]); //fragment.IonType = info[fragtypeidx] + info[fragnumidx] +"_"+ info[fraglossidx]; fragment.IonType = info[fragtypeidx] + info[fragnumidx]; FragmentPeaks.add(fragment); } if (fraglib != null && FragmentPeaks != null) { fraglib.AddFragments(FragmentPeaks); if (PeptideFragmentLib.containsKey(fraglib.GetKey())) { Logger.getRootLogger().warn("Peptide ion :" + fraglib.GetKey() + " is already in the library."); } else { PeptideFragmentLib.put(fraglib.GetKey(), fraglib); } } Logger.getRootLogger().info("No. of peptide ions in the imported library:" + PeptideFragmentLib.size()); CheckDecoys(); } public void ImportFragLibByTraML(String tramlpath, String DecoyPrefix) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException, Exception { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Parsing " + tramlpath); try { TraMLParser traMLParser = new TraMLParser(); traMLParser.parse_file(tramlpath, Logger.getRootLogger()); PTMManager.GetInstance(); HashMap<String, PepFragmentLib> TraMLMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, PepFragmentLib> Decoys = new HashMap<>(); for (PeptideType peptide : traMLParser.getTraML().getCompoundList().getPeptide()) { PepFragmentLib fraglib = new PepFragmentLib(); fraglib.Sequence = peptide.getSequence(); fraglib.ModSequence = peptide.getSequence(); for (RetentionTimeType rt : peptide.getRetentionTimeList().getRetentionTime()) { fraglib.RetentionTime.add(Float.parseFloat(rt.getCvParam().get(0).getValue())); } for (CvParamType param : peptide.getCvParam()) { if (param.getName().equals("charge state")) { fraglib.Charge = Integer.parseInt(param.getValue()); } } if (peptide.getModification() != null) { for (ModificationType mod : peptide.getModification()) { ModificationInfo modinfo = new ModificationInfo(); int idx = mod.getLocation(); if (idx == 0) { = "N-term"; idx = 1; } else if (idx == peptide.getSequence().length() + 1) { = "C-term"; idx = peptide.getSequence().length(); if (mod.getCvParam().get(0).getAccession().equals("UNIMOD:35")) { = "M"; } } else { = String.valueOf(peptide.getSequence().charAt(idx - 1)); } modinfo.modification = PTMManager.GetInstance().GetPTM(, mod.getMonoisotopicMassDelta().floatValue()); if (modinfo.modification == null) { Logger.getRootLogger().error("Modification was not found in the library: site:" + + ", massdiff=" + mod.getMonoisotopicMassDelta().floatValue()); //System.exit(1); } modinfo.massdiff = (float) modinfo.modification.getMass(); modinfo.mass = (float) (modinfo.modification.getMass() + AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(; ModificationMatch modmatch = new ModificationMatch(modinfo.modification.getName(), true, idx - 1); fraglib.Modifications.add(modmatch); fraglib.ModSequence = ModStringConvert.AddModIntoSeqBeforeSite(fraglib.ModSequence, modinfo.GetKey(), idx - 1); } } if (peptide.getId().startsWith(DecoyPrefix) | peptide.getId().endsWith(DecoyPrefix)) { //PeptideDecoyFragmentLib.put("decoy_" +fraglib.GetKey(), fraglib); fraglib.ModSequence = "decoy_" + fraglib.ModSequence; Decoys.put(peptide.getId(), fraglib); } else { PeptideFragmentLib.put(fraglib.GetKey(), fraglib); } TraMLMap.put(peptide.getId(), fraglib); } for (String key : Decoys.keySet()) { String pepkey = key.replace(DecoyPrefix + "_", ""); Decoys.get(key).ModSequence = "decoy_" + TraMLMap.get(pepkey).ModSequence; PeptideDecoyFragmentLib.put(Decoys.get(key).GetKey(), Decoys.get(key)); } HashMap<String, ArrayList<FragmentPeak>> TransitionList = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Float> PrecursorMZList = new HashMap<>(); for (TransitionType trans : traMLParser.getTraML().getTransitionList().getTransition()) { String pepid = ((PeptideType) trans.getPeptideRef()).getId(); PrecursorMZList.put(pepid, Float.parseFloat(trans.getPrecursor().getCvParam().get(0).getValue())); FragmentPeak fragment = new FragmentPeak(); if (!trans.getUserParam().isEmpty()) { fragment.IonType = trans.getUserParam().get(0).getValue().split("/")[0]; } else { fragment.IonType = trans.getId().split("_")[1] + "_" + trans.getId().split("_")[0]; fragment.IonType = fragment.IonType.replace("_noloss", ""); } for (CvParamType cv : trans.getProduct().getCvParam()) { if (cv.getName().equals("charge state")) { fragment.Charge = Integer.parseInt(cv.getValue()); } if (cv.getName().equals("isolation window target m/z")) { fragment.FragMZ = Float.parseFloat(cv.getValue()); } } for (CvParamType cv : trans.getCvParam()) { if (cv.getName().equals("product ion intensity")) { fragment.intensity = Float.parseFloat(cv.getValue()); } } if (!TransitionList.containsKey(pepid)) { TransitionList.put(pepid, new ArrayList<FragmentPeak>()); } TransitionList.get(pepid).add(fragment); } for (String pepid : TransitionList.keySet()) { PepFragmentLib fraglib = TraMLMap.get(pepid); fraglib.PrecursorMz = PrecursorMZList.get(pepid); fraglib.AddFragments(TransitionList.get(pepid)); } Logger.getRootLogger().info("No. of peptide ions in the imported library:" + PeptideFragmentLib.size()); Logger.getRootLogger().info("No. of decoys in the imported library:" + PeptideDecoyFragmentLib.size()); } catch (MatrixLoaderException ex) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex)); } } public void ImportFragLibBySPTXT(String sptxtpath) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Parsing " + sptxtpath); try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(sptxtpath)); PTMManager.GetInstance(); String line = ""; boolean Header = false; boolean Peak = false; PepFragmentLib fraglib = null; ArrayList<FragmentPeak> FragmentPeaks = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("#")) { continue; } else if (line.startsWith("Name:")) { Header = true; fraglib = new PepFragmentLib(); FragmentPeaks = new ArrayList<>(); } else if (line.startsWith("FullName:") && Header) { String temp = line.substring(line.indexOf(".") + 1); String modstring = temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf(".")); fraglib.Sequence = modstring.replace("n[", "[").replace("c[", "").replaceAll("[\\[0-9\\]]", ""); fraglib.ModSequence = ModStringConvert.ConvertTPPModString(modstring, fraglib.Modifications); fraglib.Charge = Integer.parseInt(line.split("/")[1].subSequence(0, 1).toString()); } else if (line.startsWith("Comment:") && Header) { //String RTs = line.split("RetentionTime=")[1].split(" ")[0]; String RTs = line.split("iRT=")[1].split(" ")[0]; for (String rt : RTs.split(",")) { //fraglib.RetentionTime.add(Float.parseFloat(rt)/60f); fraglib.RetentionTime.add(Float.parseFloat(rt)); } } else if (line.startsWith("PrecursorMZ:") && Header) { fraglib.PrecursorMz = Float.parseFloat(line.split(":")[1].trim()); } else if (line.startsWith("NumPeaks:") && Header) { Peak = true; } else if (!"".equals(line) && Peak) { String mz = line.split("\t")[0]; String intensity = line.split("\t")[1]; String type = line.split("\t")[2]; FragmentPeak fragment = new FragmentPeak(); fragment.IonType = "?"; float delta = Float.MAX_VALUE; String iontype = ""; for (String ion : type.split(",")) { if (ion.startsWith("b") || ion.startsWith("y")) { String temp = ion.split("/")[0].split("-")[0]; if (temp.contains("^")) { fragment.IonType = temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf("^")); } else { fragment.IonType = temp.replace("i", ""); } break; } fragment.FragMZ = Float.parseFloat(mz.trim()); fragment.intensity = Float.parseFloat(intensity.trim()); fragment.Charge = 1; FragmentPeaks.add(fragment); } } else if ("".equals(line) && Peak) { Header = false; Peak = false; fraglib.AddFragments(FragmentPeaks); PeptideFragmentLib.put(fraglib.GetKey(), fraglib); } } Logger.getRootLogger().info("No. of peptide ions in the imported library:" + PeptideFragmentLib.size()); GenerateDecoyLib(); } catch (MatrixLoaderException ex) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex)); } } //Select topN high quality fragments public void FragmentSelection(ArrayList<LCMSID> LCMSIDList, float Freq, int TopNFrag) { fragselection = new FragmentSelection(LCMSIDList); fragselection.freqPercent = Freq; fragselection.GeneratePepFragScoreMap(); fragselection.FillMissingFragScoreMap(); fragselection.GenerateTopFragMap(TopNFrag); } //Build internal spectral library public void ImportFragLibTopFrag(ArrayList<LCMSID> LCMSIDList, float Freq, int topNFrag) { FragmentSelection(LCMSIDList, Freq, topNFrag); for (LCMSID lcmsid : LCMSIDList) { for (PepIonID pepIonID : lcmsid.GetPepIonList().values()) { if (!PeptideFragmentLib.containsKey(pepIonID.GetKey())) { PepFragmentLib fraglib = new PepFragmentLib(); fraglib.Sequence = pepIonID.Sequence; fraglib.ModificationString = pepIonID.GetModificationString(); fraglib.Charge = pepIonID.Charge; fraglib.ModSequence = pepIonID.ModSequence; fraglib.PrecursorMz = pepIonID.NeutralPrecursorMz(); fraglib.MS1Score = pepIonID.PeakClusterScore; fraglib.RetentionTime.add(pepIonID.PeakRT); if (pepIonID.MaxProbability > fraglib.MaxProbability) { fraglib.MaxProbability = pepIonID.MaxProbability; } if (pepIonID.PeakClusterScore > fraglib.MS1Score) { fraglib.MS1Score = pepIonID.PeakClusterScore; } PeptideFragmentLib.put(pepIonID.GetKey(), fraglib); } if (pepIonID.FragmentPeaks != null && !pepIonID.FragmentPeaks.isEmpty()) { //PeptideFragmentLib.get(pepIonID.GetKey()).AddFragments(pepIonID.FragmentPeaks); ArrayList<FragmentPeak> frags = new ArrayList<>(); for (FragmentPeak fra : pepIonID.FragmentPeaks) { if (fragselection.TopFrags.get(pepIonID.GetKey()).contains(fra.GetFragKey())) { frags.add(fra); } } if (!frags.isEmpty()) { PeptideFragmentLib.get(pepIonID.GetKey()).AddFragments(frags); } else { Logger.getRootLogger() .warn("Skipped peptide ion: " + pepIonID.GetKey() + " because it does not have enough matched fragments from file: " + lcmsid.mzXMLFileName); } } else { Logger.getRootLogger().warn("Skipped peptide ion: " + pepIonID.GetKey() + " because it does not have any matched fragment from file: " + lcmsid.mzXMLFileName); } } } try { GenerateDecoyLib(); } catch (MatrixLoaderException ex) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex)); } } }