Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************************************* * *, in plugin msi.gama.core, * is part of the source code of the GAMA modeling and simulation platform (v. 1.8) * * (c) 2007-2018 UMI 209 UMMISCO IRD/SU & Partners * * Visit for license information and contacts. * ********************************************************************************************************/ package msi.gaml.descriptions; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import; import; import; import msi.gama.common.interfaces.IGamlIssue; import msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword; import msi.gaml.expressions.IExpression; import msi.gaml.operators.Strings; import msi.gaml.statements.Arguments; import msi.gaml.statements.Facets; import msi.gaml.types.IType; import msi.gaml.types.Types; public class ActionDescription extends StatementWithChildrenDescription { protected final boolean isAbstract; protected final boolean isSynthetic; public static Arguments NULL_ARGS = new Arguments(); public ActionDescription(final String keyword, final IDescription superDesc, final Iterable<IDescription> cp, final EObject source, final Facets facets) { super(keyword, superDesc, cp, true, source, facets, null); isAbstract = TRUE.equals(getLitteral(VIRTUAL)); isSynthetic = getName() != null && getName().startsWith(SYNTHETIC); removeFacets(VIRTUAL); } @Override public ActionDescription copy(final IDescription into) { final ActionDescription desc = new ActionDescription(getKeyword(), into, children, element, getFacetsCopy()); desc.originName = getOriginName(); return desc; } public boolean isAbstract() { return isAbstract; } @Override public boolean isBuiltIn() { return super.isBuiltIn() && !isSynthetic; } @Override protected boolean isSynthetic() { return isSynthetic; } /** * @return */ public List<String> getArgNames() { return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.transform(getFormalArgs(), TO_NAME)); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public boolean verifyArgs(final IDescription caller, final Arguments args) { final Arguments names = args == null ? NULL_ARGS : args; final Iterable<IDescription> formalArgs = getFormalArgs(); final boolean noArgs = names.isEmpty(); if (noArgs) { final Iterable<IDescription> formalArgsWithoutDefault = Iterables.filter(formalArgs, each -> !each.hasFacet(DEFAULT)); if (Iterables.isEmpty(formalArgsWithoutDefault)) { return true; } } final List<String> allArgs = getArgNames(); if (caller.getKeyword().equals(DO) || caller.getKeyword().equals(INVOKE)) { // If the names were not known at the time of the creation of the // caller, only the order if (names.containsKey("0")) { int index = 0; for (final String the_name : allArgs) { final String key = String.valueOf(index++); final IExpressionDescription old = names.get(key); if (old != null) { names.put(the_name, old); names.remove(key); } } } } // We compute the list of mandatory args if (formalArgs != null) { for (final IDescription c : formalArgs) { final String n = c.getName(); if (c.hasFacet(DEFAULT)) { // AD: we compile the default (which is, otherwise, not // computed before validation c.getFacet(DEFAULT).compile(this); continue; } if (c.hasFacet(OPTIONAL) && c.getFacet(OPTIONAL).equalsString(FALSE) || !c.hasFacet(OPTIONAL)) { if (!names.containsKey(n)) { caller.error( "Missing argument " + n + " in call to " + getName() + ". Arguments passed are : " + names, IGamlIssue.MISSING_ARGUMENT, caller.getUnderlyingElement(null), new String[] { n }); return false; } } } } for (final Map.Entry<String, IExpressionDescription> arg : names.entrySet()) { // A null value indicates a previous compilation error in the // arguments if (arg != null) { final String the_name = arg.getKey(); if (!allArgs.contains(the_name)) { caller.error("Unknown argument " + the_name + " in call to " + getName(), IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT, arg.getValue().getTarget(), new String[] { arg.getKey() }); return false; } else if (arg.getValue() != null && arg.getValue().getExpression() != null) { final IDescription formalArg = Iterables.find(formalArgs, input -> input.getName().equals(the_name)); final IType<?> formalType = formalArg.getGamlType(); final IType<?> callerType = arg.getValue().getExpression().getGamlType(); if (Types.intFloatCase(formalType, callerType)) { caller.warning("The argument " + the_name + " (of type " + callerType + ") will be casted to " + formalType, IGamlIssue.WRONG_TYPE, arg.getValue().getTarget()); } else { boolean accepted = formalType == Types.NO_TYPE || callerType.isTranslatableInto(formalType); accepted = accepted || callerType == Types.NO_TYPE && formalType.getDefault() == null; if (!accepted) { caller.error("The type of argument " + the_name + " should be " + formalType, IGamlIssue.WRONG_TYPE, arg.getValue().getTarget()); return false; } } } } } return true; } public boolean containsArg(final String s) { final IDescription formalArg = Iterables.find(getFormalArgs(), input -> input.getName().equals(s)); return formalArg != null; } @Override public Arguments createCompiledArgs() { final Arguments ca = new Arguments(); for (final IDescription sd : getFormalArgs()) { final String the_name = sd.getName(); IExpression e = null; final IDescription superDesc = getEnclosingDescription(); final IExpressionDescription ed = sd.getFacet(VALUE, DEFAULT); if (ed != null) { e = ed.compile(superDesc); } ca.put(the_name, e); } return ca; } @Override public String getDocumentation() { return getArgDocumentation() + super.getDocumentation(); } public String getArgDocumentation() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200); if (getArgNames().size() > 0) { final List<String> args = ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.transform(getFormalArgs(), desc -> { final StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(100); sb1.append("<li><b>").append(Strings.TAB).append(desc.getName()).append("</b>, type ") .append(desc.getGamlType()); if (desc.hasFacet(IKeyword.DEFAULT)) { sb1.append(" <i>(default: ").append(desc.getFacetExpr(IKeyword.DEFAULT).serialize(false)) .append(")</i>"); } sb1.append("</li>"); return sb1.toString(); })); sb.append("Arguments accepted: ").append("<br/><ul>"); for (final String a : args) { sb.append(a); } sb.append("</ul><br/>"); } return sb.toString(); } // @Override // public TypeDescription getEnclosingDescription() { // return (TypeDescription) super.getEnclosingDescription(); // } @Override public String getTitle() { return super.getTitle() + getShortDescription(); } public String getShortDescription() { final String returns = getGamlType().equals(Types.NO_TYPE) ? ", no value returned" : ", returns a result of type " + getGamlType().getTitle(); final StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder(); for (final IDescription desc : getFormalArgs()) { args.append(desc.getGamlType()).append(" ").append(desc.getName()).append(", "); } if (args.length() > 0) { args.setLength(args.length() - 2); } return "(" + args.toString() + ")" + returns; } }