Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************************************* * *, in plugin msi.gama.core, * is part of the source code of the GAMA modeling and simulation platform (v. 1.8) * * (c) 2007-2018 UMI 209 UMMISCO IRD/SU & Partners * * Visit for license information and contacts. * ********************************************************************************************************/ package msi.gama.util; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.DAY_OF_WEEK; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.DAY_OF_YEAR; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.MINUTE_OF_HOUR; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.SECOND_OF_MINUTE; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.YEAR; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.LocalTime; import java.time.OffsetDateTime; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.time.ZoneOffset; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.time.chrono.ChronoZonedDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException; import java.time.temporal.ChronoField; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; import java.time.temporal.Temporal; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount; import java.time.temporal.TemporalField; import java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit; import java.time.temporal.WeekFields; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import msi.gama.common.interfaces.IValue; import msi.gama.kernel.simulation.SimulationAgent; import msi.gama.precompiler.GamlAnnotations.doc; import msi.gama.precompiler.GamlAnnotations.getter; import msi.gama.precompiler.GamlAnnotations.variable; import msi.gama.precompiler.GamlAnnotations.vars; import msi.gama.runtime.GAMA; import msi.gama.runtime.IScope; import msi.gama.runtime.exceptions.GamaRuntimeException; import msi.gaml.expressions.IExpression; import msi.gaml.expressions.TimeUnitConstantExpression; import msi.gaml.operators.Cast; import msi.gaml.operators.Dates; import msi.gaml.types.GamaDateType; import msi.gaml.types.IType; import msi.gaml.types.Types; /** * The Class GamaDate. Immutable class that holds a date (based on JSR-310) * * @author Taillandier * @author Alexis Drogoul */ @vars({ @variable(name = "day_of_week", type = IType.INT, doc = { @doc("Returns the index of the day of the week (with Monday being 1)") }), @variable(name = "date", type = IType.DATE, doc = { @doc("Returns a new date object with only the year-month-day components of this date") }), @variable(name = "leap", type = IType.BOOL, doc = { @doc("Returns true if the year is a leap year") }), @variable(name = "days_in_month", type = IType.INT, doc = { @doc("Returns the number of days of the month (28-31) of this date") }), @variable(name = "days_in_year", type = IType.INT, doc = { @doc("Returns the number of days of the year (365-366) of this date") }), @variable(name = "week_of_year", type = IType.INT, doc = { @doc("Returns the week (1-52) of the year") }), @variable(name = "second", type = IType.INT, doc = { @doc("Returns the second of minute (0-59) of this date") }), @variable(name = "second_of_day", type = IType.INT, doc = { @doc("Returns the second of day (0-86399) of this date") }), @variable(name = "minute", type = IType.INT, doc = { @doc("Returns the minute of hour (0-59) of this date") }), @variable(name = "minute_of_day", type = IType.INT, doc = { @doc("Returns the minute of day (0-1439) of this date") }), @variable(name = "hour", type = IType.INT, doc = { @doc("Returns the hour of the day (0-23) of this date") }), @variable(name = "day", type = IType.INT, doc = { @doc("Returns the day of month (1-31) of this date") }), @variable(name = "month", type = IType.INT, doc = { @doc("Returns the month of year (1-12) of this date") }), @variable(name = "year", type = IType.INT, doc = { @doc("Returns the year") }) }) public class GamaDate implements IValue, Temporal, Comparable<GamaDate> { final Temporal internal; public static GamaDate of(final Temporal t) { return new GamaDate(t); } private GamaDate(final Temporal t) { this(null, t); } public GamaDate(final IScope scope, final GamaDate other) { this(scope, LocalDateTime.from(other)); } public GamaDate(final IScope scope, final Temporal d) { final ZoneId zone; if (d instanceof ChronoZonedDateTime) { zone = ZonedDateTime.from(d).getZone(); } else if (d.isSupported(ChronoField.OFFSET_SECONDS)) { zone = ZoneId.ofOffset("", ZoneOffset.ofTotalSeconds(d.get(ChronoField.OFFSET_SECONDS))); } else { zone = GamaDateType.DEFAULT_ZONE; } if (!d.isSupported(MINUTE_OF_HOUR)) { internal = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.from(d), LocalTime.of(0, 0), zone); } else if (!d.isSupported(DAY_OF_MONTH)) { internal = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.from( scope == null ? Dates.DATES_STARTING_DATE.getValue() : scope.getSimulation().getStartingDate()), LocalTime.from(d), zone); } else { internal = d; } } public GamaDate(final IScope scope, final String dateStr) { this(scope, parse(scope, dateStr, null)); } public GamaDate(final IScope scope, final String dateStr, final String pattern) { this(scope, dateStr, pattern, null); } public GamaDate(final IScope scope, final String dateStr, final String pattern, final String locale) { this(scope, parse(scope, dateStr, Dates.getFormatter(pattern, locale))); } public GamaDate(final IScope scope, final double val) { this(scope, scope.getSimulation().getStartingDate().plus(val * 1000, ChronoUnit.MILLIS)); } public GamaDate(final IScope scope, final IList<?> vals) { this(scope, computeFromList(scope, vals)); } private static Temporal parse(final IScope scope, final String original, final DateTimeFormatter df) { if (original == null || original.isEmpty() || original.equals("now")) { return; } Temporal result = null; if (df != null) { try { final TemporalAccessor ta = df.parse(original); if (ta instanceof Temporal) { return (Temporal) ta; } if (!ta.isSupported(ChronoField.YEAR) && !ta.isSupported(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR) && !ta.isSupported(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH)) { if (ta.isSupported(ChronoField.HOUR_OF_DAY)) { return LocalTime.from(ta); } } if (!ta.isSupported(ChronoField.HOUR_OF_DAY) && !ta.isSupported(ChronoField.MINUTE_OF_HOUR) && !ta.isSupported(ChronoField.SECOND_OF_MINUTE)) { return LocalDate.from(ta); } return LocalDateTime.from(ta); } catch (final DateTimeParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } GAMA.reportAndThrowIfNeeded(scope, GamaRuntimeException.warning( "The date " + original + " can not correctly be parsed by the pattern provided", scope), false); return parse(scope, original, null); } String dateStr; try { // We first make sure all date fields have the correct length and // the string is correctly formatted String string = original; if (!original.contains("T") && original.contains(" ")) { string = StringUtils.replaceOnce(original, " ", "T"); } final String[] base = string.split("T"); final String[] date = base[0].split("-"); String other; if (base.length == 1) { other = "00:00:00"; } else { other = base[1]; } String year, month, day; if (date.length == 1) { // ISO basic date format year = date[0].substring(0, 4); month = date[0].substring(4, 6); day = date[0].substring(6, 8); } else { year = date[0]; month = date[1]; day = date[2]; } if (year.length() == 2) { year = "20" + year; } if (month.length() == 1) { month = '0' + month; } if (day.length() == 1) { day = '0' + day; } dateStr = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + "T" + other; } catch (final Exception e1) { throw GamaRuntimeException.error("The date " + original + " is not correctly formatted. Please refer to the ISO date/time format", scope); } try { result = LocalDateTime.parse(dateStr); } catch (final DateTimeParseException e) { try { result = OffsetDateTime.parse(dateStr); } catch (final DateTimeParseException e2) { try { result = ZonedDateTime.parse(dateStr); } catch (final DateTimeParseException e3) { throw GamaRuntimeException.error( "The date " + original + " is not correctly formatted. Please refer to the ISO date/time format", scope); } } } return result; } public GamaDate(final IScope scope, final int second, final int minute, final int hour, final int day, final int month, final int year) { this(scope, LocalDateTime.of(year, month, day, hour, minute)); } /** * returns the complete number of seconds since the starting_date of the model (equivalent to a duration) * * @param scope * the current scope from which the simulation can be obtained * @return the duration in seconds since this starting date */ public double floatValue(final IScope scope) { final SimulationAgent sim = scope.getSimulation(); if (sim == null) { return Dates.DATES_STARTING_DATE.getValue().until(this, ChronoUnit.SECONDS); } return sim.getStartingDate().until(this, ChronoUnit.SECONDS); } public int intValue(final IScope scope) { return (int) floatValue(scope); } public IList<?> listValue(final IScope scope, final IType<?> ct) { final LocalDateTime ld = LocalDateTime.from(internal); return GamaListFactory.create(scope, ct, ld.getYear(), ld.getMonthValue(), ld.getDayOfWeek().getValue(), ld.getHour(), ld.getMinute(), ld.getSecond()); } private static LocalDateTime computeFromList(final IScope scope, final IList<?> vals) { int year = 0, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0; final int size = vals.size(); if (size > 0) { year = Cast.asInt(scope, vals.get(0)); if (size > 1) { month = Cast.asInt(scope, vals.get(1)); if (size > 2) { day = Cast.asInt(scope, vals.get(2)); if (size > 3) { hour = Cast.asInt(scope, vals.get(3)); if (size > 4) { minute = Cast.asInt(scope, vals.get(4)); if (size > 5) { second = Cast.asInt(scope, vals.get(5)); } } } } } } return LocalDateTime.of(year, month, day, hour, minute, second); } @Override public String toString() { return toString(null, null); } @Override public String serialize(final boolean includingBuiltIn) { return "date ('" + toString() + "')"; } @Override public String stringValue(final IScope scope) { return toString(); } @Override public IType<?> getGamlType() { return Types.DATE; } @Override public GamaDate copy(final IScope scope) throws GamaRuntimeException { return new GamaDate(scope, internal); } @getter("year") public int getYear() { return internal.get(YEAR); } @getter("date") public GamaDate getDate() { return GamaDate.of(LocalDate.of(getYear(), getMonth(), getDay())); } @getter("day_of_year") public int getDayOfYear() { return internal.get(DAY_OF_YEAR); } @getter("second_of_day") public int getSecondOfDay() { return internal.get(ChronoField.SECOND_OF_DAY); } @getter("month") public int getMonth() { return internal.get(MONTH_OF_YEAR); } @getter("day") public int getDay() { return internal.get(DAY_OF_MONTH); } @getter("hour") public int getHour() { return internal.get(ChronoField.HOUR_OF_DAY); } @getter("minute") public int getMinute() { return internal.get(MINUTE_OF_HOUR); } @getter("minute_of_day") public int getMinuteOfDay() { return internal.get(ChronoField.MINUTE_OF_DAY); } @getter("second") public int getSecond() { return internal.get(SECOND_OF_MINUTE); } @getter("day_of_week") public int getDayWeek() { return internal.get(DAY_OF_WEEK); } @getter("leap") public boolean getIsLeap() { return LocalDate.from(internal).isLeapYear(); } @getter("week_of_year") public int getWeekYear() { return internal.get(WeekFields.ISO.weekOfYear()); } @getter("days_in_month") public int getDaysMonth() { return LocalDate.from(internal).lengthOfMonth(); } @getter("days_in_year") public int getDaysInYear() { return LocalDate.from(internal).lengthOfYear(); } public Temporal getTemporal() { return internal; } public LocalDateTime getLocalDateTime() { return LocalDateTime.from(internal); } public ZonedDateTime getZonedDateTime() { return ZonedDateTime.from(internal); } public OffsetDateTime getOffsetDateTime() { return OffsetDateTime.from(internal); } @Override public boolean isSupported(final TemporalField field) { return internal.isSupported(field) || field.equals(ChronoField.OFFSET_SECONDS) || field.equals(ChronoField.INSTANT_SECONDS); } @Override public long getLong(final TemporalField field) { if (internal.isSupported(field)) { return internal.getLong(field); } if (field.equals(ChronoField.OFFSET_SECONDS)) { // If no offset or time zone is supplied, we assume it is the zone of the modeler return GamaDateType.DEFAULT_OFFSET_IN_SECONDS.getTotalSeconds(); } if (field.equals(ChronoField.INSTANT_SECONDS)) { return GamaDateType.EPOCH.until(internal, ChronoUnit.SECONDS); } return 0l; } @Override public boolean isSupported(final TemporalUnit unit) { return internal.isSupported(unit); } @Override public GamaDate with(final TemporalField field, final long newValue) { return GamaDate.of(internal.with(field, newValue)); } @Override public GamaDate plus(final long amountToAdd, final TemporalUnit unit) { return GamaDate.of(, unit)); } @Override public GamaDate minus(final long amountToAdd, final TemporalUnit unit) { return GamaDate.of(internal.minus(amountToAdd, unit)); } @Override public long until(final Temporal endExclusive, final TemporalUnit unit) { return unit.between(internal, endExclusive); } public String toString(final String string, final String locale) { return Dates.getFormatter(string, locale).format(this); } public boolean isGreaterThan(final GamaDate date2, final boolean strict) { final boolean greater = getLocalDateTime().isAfter(date2.getLocalDateTime()); return strict ? greater : greater || internal.equals(date2.internal); } public boolean isSmallerThan(final GamaDate date2, final boolean strict) { final boolean smaller = getLocalDateTime().isBefore(date2.getLocalDateTime()); return strict ? smaller : smaller || internal.equals(date2.internal); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (o instanceof GamaDate) { return internal.equals(((GamaDate) o).internal); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return internal.hashCode(); } public GamaDate plus(final double duration, final TemporalUnit unit) { return plus((long) duration, unit); } @Override public GamaDate plus(final TemporalAmount amount) { return GamaDate.of(; } @Override public GamaDate minus(final TemporalAmount amount) { return GamaDate.of(internal.minus(amount)); } public GamaDate plusMillis(final double duration) { return plus((long) duration, ChronoUnit.MILLIS); } public GamaDate minusMillis(final double duration) { return minus((long) duration, ChronoUnit.MILLIS); } public boolean isIntervalReached(final IScope scope, final IExpression period) { // We get the current date from the model final GamaDate current = scope.getClock().getCurrentDate(); // Exact date ? if (this.equals(current)) { return true; } // Not yet reached ? if (isGreaterThan(current, true)) { return false; } GamaDate nextByPeriod = plus(scope, period); // Null period ? if (nextByPeriod.equals(this)) { return false; } // Exactly reached ? if (nextByPeriod.equals(current)) { return true; } while (nextByPeriod.isSmallerThan(current, true)) { nextByPeriod =, period); } final long stepInMillis = scope.getClock().getStepInMillis(); final GamaDate nextByStep =, ChronoUnit.MILLIS); return nextByStep.isGreaterThan(nextByPeriod, true); } // class Amount { // Duration d; // Period p; // // Amount() { // d = Duration.ZERO; // p = Period.ZERO; // } // // } public GamaDate plus(final IScope scope, final IExpression period) { // This is where #month and the others will be reduced // The period evaluation should return a Period and a Duration that will // be applied to the date. i.e. // Amount a = new Amount(); // period.evaluateAsTemporalExpression(scope, a); // return; final long p = (long) (Cast.asFloat(scope, period.value(scope)) * 1000); if (p == 0) { return this; } return plus(p, ChronoUnit.MILLIS); } public GamaDate plus(final double period, final int repeat, final ChronoUnit unit) { // This is where #month and the others will be reduced // The period evaluation should return a Period and a Duration that will // be applied to the date. i.e. // Amount a = new Amount(); // period.evaluateAsTemporalExpression(scope, a); // return; GamaDate result = this; for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { result =, unit); } return result; } // For exact durations, we can use the remainder of the modulo between // the elapsed time and the frequency. However, it is not always // possible when we have things like months or years in the computation // of the frequency // if (period.canBeComputed()) { // return isIntervalReached(scope, current, period); // } // private boolean isIntervalReached(final IScope scope, final GamaDate current, final IExpression period) { // // We compute the frequency (should not include the fancy stuff // // related to #week, #month and #year). The frequency should be // // expressed in seconds, so we convert it immediately to // // milliseconds // final long frequencyInMillis = (long) (Cast.asFloat(scope, period.value(scope)) * 1000); // // Fail fast 3: if the frequency is null, we return false // if (frequencyInMillis == 0) { return false; } // // // We then grab the step from the scope and convert it to // // milliseconds // final long stepInMillis = scope.getClock().getStepInMillis(); // final long elapsedTime = until(current, ChronoUnit.MILLIS); // final long remainder = elapsedTime % frequencyInMillis; // // Fail fast 5: if we have exactly reached an interval, we return // // true // if (remainder == 0) { // DEBUG.LOG("We return true for " + current + " because the remainder is 0 between the elapsed_time " // + elapsedTime + " and the frequency " + frequencyInMillis); // return true; // } // // Finally, we return if the step is greater than the remainder // final boolean result = stepInMillis > remainder; // if (result) { // DEBUG.LOG("We return true for " + current + " because the step " + stepInMillis // + " is greater than the remainder " + remainder); // } // return result; // } public double getDuration(final IScope scope, final TimeUnitConstantExpression exp, final Double number) { final String name = exp.getName(); // final boolean isTimeDependent = !exp.isConst(); final boolean month = name.startsWith("m"); final GamaDate next =, month ? ChronoUnit.MONTHS : ChronoUnit.YEARS); final double result = this.until(next, ChronoUnit.MILLIS) / 1000d; // DEBUG.LOG("Computation of " + number + " " + exp.getName() + " = " + result + "s or " // + this.until(next, ChronoUnit.DAYS) + " days"); return result; } @Override public int compareTo(final GamaDate o) { return isSmallerThan(o, true) ? -1 : isGreaterThan(o, true) ? 1 : 0; } public boolean isBefore(final GamaDate startInclusive) { return isSmallerThan(startInclusive, true); } public boolean isAfter(final GamaDate startInclusive) { return isGreaterThan(startInclusive, true); } public String toISOString() { return toString(Dates.ISO_OFFSET_KEY, null); } public static GamaDate fromISOString(final String s) { try { final TemporalAccessor t = Dates.getFormatter(Dates.ISO_OFFSET_KEY, null).parse(s); if (t instanceof Temporal) { return of((Temporal) t); } } catch (final DateTimeParseException e) { } return new GamaDate(null, s); } }