Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************************************* * *, in plugin msi.gama.core, * is part of the source code of the GAMA modeling and simulation platform (v. 1.8) * * (c) 2007-2018 UMI 209 UMMISCO IRD/SU & Partners * * Visit for license information and contacts. * ********************************************************************************************************/ package msi.gama.util.file; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.join; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.bzip2.BZip2CompressorInputStream; import; import; import; import; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException; import org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException; import; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.EntityContainer; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Bound; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Entity; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Node; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Relation; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.RelationMember; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Tag; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Way; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.WayNode; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.task.v0_6.RunnableSource; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.task.v0_6.Sink; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.xml.common.SaxParserFactory; import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.xml.v0_6.impl.OsmHandler; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import crosby.binary.osmosis.OsmosisReader; import; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TLongHashSet; import msi.gama.common.geometry.Envelope3D; import msi.gama.metamodel.shape.GamaPoint; import msi.gama.metamodel.shape.GamaShape; import msi.gama.metamodel.shape.IShape; import msi.gama.precompiler.GamlAnnotations.doc; import msi.gama.precompiler.GamlAnnotations.file; import msi.gama.precompiler.IConcept; import msi.gama.runtime.GAMA; import msi.gama.runtime.IScope; import msi.gama.runtime.exceptions.GamaRuntimeException; import msi.gama.util.GamaList; import msi.gama.util.GamaListFactory; import msi.gama.util.GamaMap; import msi.gama.util.GamaMapFactory; import msi.gama.util.IList; import msi.gama.util.TOrderedHashMap; import msi.gaml.operators.Strings; import msi.gaml.operators.fastmaths.FastMath; import msi.gaml.types.GamaGeometryType; import msi.gaml.types.IType; import msi.gaml.types.Types; import; @file(name = "osm", extensions = { "osm", "pbf", "bz2", "gz" }, buffer_type = IType.LIST, buffer_content = IType.GEOMETRY, buffer_index = IType.INT, concept = { IConcept.OSM, IConcept.FILE }, doc = @doc("Represents files that contain OSM GIS information. The internal representation is a list of geometries")) @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public class GamaOsmFile extends GamaGisFile { public static class OSMInfo extends GamaFileMetaData { int itemNumber; CoordinateReferenceSystem crs; final double width; final double height; final Map<String, String> attributes = new LinkedHashMap(); public OSMInfo(final URL url, final long modificationStamp) { super(modificationStamp); CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = null; ReferencedEnvelope env2 = new ReferencedEnvelope(); int number = 0; try { final File f = new File(url.toURI()); final GamaOsmFile osmfile = new GamaOsmFile(null, f.getAbsolutePath()); attributes.putAll(osmfile.getOSMAttributes(GAMA.getRuntimeScope())); final SimpleFeatureType TYPE = DataUtilities.createType("geometries", "geom:LineString"); final ArrayList<SimpleFeature> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (final IShape shape : osmfile.iterable(null)) { list.add(, new Object[] { shape.getInnerGeometry() }, null)); } final SimpleFeatureCollection collection = new ListFeatureCollection(TYPE, list); final SimpleFeatureSource featureSource = DataUtilities.source(collection); env2 = featureSource.getBounds(); number = osmfile.nbObjects; crs = osmfile.getOwnCRS(null); } catch (final Exception e) { DEBUG.ERR("Error in reading metadata of " + url); hasFailed = true; } finally { // approximation of the width and height in meters. width = env2 != null ? env2.getWidth() * (FastMath.PI / 180) * 6378137 : 0; height = env2 != null ? env2.getHeight() * (FastMath.PI / 180) * 6378137 : 0; itemNumber = number; = crs; } } public CoordinateReferenceSystem getCRS() { return crs; } public OSMInfo(final String propertiesString) throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException { super(propertiesString); if (!hasFailed) { final String[] segments = split(propertiesString); itemNumber = Integer.valueOf(segments[1]); final String crsString = segments[2]; if ("null".equals(crsString)) { crs = null; } else { crs = CRS.parseWKT(crsString); } width = Double.valueOf(segments[3]); height = Double.valueOf(segments[4]); if (segments.length > 5) { final String[] names = splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(segments[5], SUB_DELIMITER); final String[] types = splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(segments[6], SUB_DELIMITER); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { attributes.put(names[i], types[i]); } } } else { itemNumber = 0; width = 0.0; height = 0.0; crs = null; } } /** * Method getSuffix() * * @see msi.gama.util.file.GamaFileMetaInformation#getSuffix() */ @Override public String getSuffix() { return hasFailed ? "error: decompress the file to a .osm file" : "" + itemNumber + " objects | " + Math.round(width) + "m x " + Math.round(height) + "m"; } @Override public void appendSuffix(final StringBuilder sb) { if (hasFailed) { sb.append("error: decompress the file to a .osm file"); return; } sb.append(itemNumber).append(" object"); if (itemNumber > 1) { sb.append("s"); } sb.append(SUFFIX_DEL); sb.append(Math.round(width)).append("m x "); sb.append(Math.round(height)).append("m"); } @Override public String getDocumentation() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (hasFailed) { sb.append("Unreadable OSM file").append(Strings.LN) .append("Decompress the file to an .osm file and retry"); } else { sb.append("OSM file").append(Strings.LN); sb.append(itemNumber).append(" objects").append(Strings.LN); sb.append("Dimensions: ").append(FastMath.round(width) + "m x " + FastMath.round(height) + "m") .append(Strings.LN); sb.append("Coordinate Reference System: ").append(crs == null ? "No CRS" : crs.getName().getCode()) .append(Strings.LN); if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { sb.append("Attributes: ").append(Strings.LN); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { sb.append("<li>").append(entry.getKey()).append(" (" + entry.getValue() + ")") .append("</li>"); } } } return sb.toString(); } public Map<String, String> getAttributes() { return attributes; } @Override public String toPropertyString() { final String attributeNames = join(attributes.keySet(), SUB_DELIMITER); final String types = join(attributes.values(), SUB_DELIMITER); final Object[] toSave = new Object[] { super.toPropertyString(), itemNumber, crs == null ? "null" : crs.toWKT(), width, height, attributeNames, types }; return join(toSave, DELIMITER); } } GamaMap<String, GamaList> filteringOptions; Map<String, String> attributes = new Hashtable<>(); final Map<String, List<IShape>> layers = GamaMapFactory.create(Types.STRING, Types.LIST); final static List<String> featureTypes = new ArrayList<String>() { { add("aerialway"); add("aeroway"); add("amenity"); add("barrier"); add("boundary"); add("building"); add("craft"); add("emergency"); add("geological"); add("highway"); add("historic"); add("landuse"); add("leisure"); add("man_made"); add("military"); add("natural"); add("office"); add("place"); add("power"); add("public_transport"); add("railway"); add("route"); add("shop"); add("sport"); add("tourism"); add("waterway"); } }; final static List<String> relationFilter = new ArrayList<String>() { { add("public_transport"); add("route"); } }; int nbObjects; /** * @throws GamaRuntimeException * @param scope * @param pathName */ public GamaOsmFile(final IScope scope, final String pathName) throws GamaRuntimeException { super(scope, pathName, (Integer) null); } public GamaOsmFile(final IScope scope, final String pathName, final Integer code) throws GamaRuntimeException { super(scope, pathName, code); } public GamaOsmFile(final IScope scope, final String pathName, final String code) throws GamaRuntimeException { super(scope, pathName, code); } public GamaOsmFile(final IScope scope, final String pathName, final GamaMap<String, GamaList> filteringOptions) { super(scope, pathName, (Integer) null); this.filteringOptions = filteringOptions; } public GamaOsmFile(final IScope scope, final String pathName, final GamaMap<String, GamaList> filteringOption, final Integer code) { super(scope, pathName, code); this.filteringOptions = filteringOption; } @Override protected String fetchFromURL(final IScope scope) { String pathName = super.fetchFromURL(scope); if (pathName.endsWith(".osm.xml")) { pathName = pathName.replace(".xml", ""); } return pathName; } public void getFeatureIterator(final IScope scope, final boolean returnIt) { final TLongObjectHashMap<GamaShape> nodesPt = new TLongObjectHashMap<>(); final List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Way> ways = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Relation> relations = new ArrayList<>(); final TLongHashSet intersectionNodes = new TLongHashSet(); final TLongHashSet usedNodes = new TLongHashSet(); final Sink sinkImplementation = new Sink() { @Override public void process(final EntityContainer entityContainer) { final Entity entity = entityContainer.getEntity(); final boolean toFilter = filteringOptions != null && !filteringOptions.isEmpty(); if (entity instanceof Bound) { final Bound bound = (Bound) entity; final Envelope3D env = new Envelope3D(bound.getLeft(), bound.getRight(), bound.getBottom(), bound.getTop(), 0, 0); computeProjection(scope, env); } else if (returnIt) { if (entity instanceof Node) { final Node node = (Node) entity; nodes.add(node); final Geometry g = gis == null ? new GamaPoint(node.getLongitude(), node.getLatitude()).getInnerGeometry() : gis.transform( new GamaPoint(node.getLongitude(), node.getLatitude()).getInnerGeometry()); nodesPt.put(node.getId(), new GamaShape(g)); } else if (entity instanceof Way) { if (toFilter) { boolean keepObject = false; for (final String keyN : filteringOptions.getKeys()) { final GamaList valsPoss = filteringOptions.get(keyN); for (final Tag tagN : ((Way) entity).getTags()) { if (keyN.equals(tagN.getKey())) { if (valsPoss == null || valsPoss.isEmpty() || valsPoss.contains(tagN.getValue())) { keepObject = true; break; } } } } if (!keepObject) { return; } } registerHighway((Way) entity, usedNodes, intersectionNodes); ways.add((Way) entity); } else if (entity instanceof Relation) { relations.add((Relation) entity); } } } @Override public void release() { } @Override public void complete() { } @Override public void initialize(final Map<String, Object> arg0) { } }; readFile(scope, sinkImplementation, getFile(scope)); if (returnIt) { setBuffer(buildGeometries(nodes, ways, relations, intersectionNodes, nodesPt)); } } private void addAttribute(final Map<String, String> atts, final String nameAt, final Object val) { final String type = atts.get(nameAt); if (type != null && type.equals("string")) { return; } String newType = "int"; try { Integer.parseInt(val.toString()); } catch (final Exception e) { try { Double.parseDouble(val.toString()); } catch (final Exception e2) { newType = "string"; } } if (type == null || newType.equals("string")) { atts.put(nameAt, newType); } } /** * @see msi.gama.util.GamaFile#fillBuffer() */ @Override protected void fillBuffer(final IScope scope) throws GamaRuntimeException { if (getBuffer() != null) { return; } setBuffer(GamaListFactory.<IShape>create(Types.GEOMETRY)); getFeatureIterator(scope, true); } public IList<IShape> buildGeometries(final List<Node> nodes, final List<Way> ways, final List<Relation> relations, final TLongHashSet intersectionNodes, final TLongObjectHashMap<GamaShape> nodesPt) { final IList<IShape> geometries = GamaListFactory.create(Types.GEOMETRY); final Map<Long, Entity> geomMap = new HashMap<>(); for (final Node node : nodes) { geomMap.put(node.getId(), node); final GamaShape pt = nodesPt.get(node.getId()); final boolean hasAttributes = !node.getTags().isEmpty(); final Map<String, String> atts = new Hashtable<>(); if (pt != null) { for (final Tag tg : node.getTags()) { final String key = tg.getKey().split(":")[0]; final Object val = tg.getValue(); if (val != null) { addAttribute(atts, key, val); } pt.setAttribute(key, val); if (key.equals("highway")) { intersectionNodes.add(node.getId()); } } if (hasAttributes) { geometries.add(pt); for (final Object att : pt.getAttributes().keySet()) { if (featureTypes.contains(att)) { final String idType = att + " (point)"; List objs = layers.get(idType); if (objs == null) { objs = GamaListFactory.create(Types.GEOMETRY); layers.put(idType, objs); } objs.add(pt); for (final String v : atts.keySet()) { final String id = idType + ";" + v; attributes.put(id, atts.get(v)); } break; } } } } } for (final Way way : ways) { geomMap.put(way.getId(), way); final Map<String, Object> values = new TOrderedHashMap<>(); final Map<String, String> atts = new Hashtable<>(); for (final Tag tg : way.getTags()) { final String key = tg.getKey().split(":")[0]; final Object val = tg.getValue(); if (val != null) { addAttribute(atts, key, val); } values.put(key, tg.getValue()); } values.put("osm_id", way.getId()); // boolean isPolyline = values.containsKey("highway") || // !way.getWayNodes().get(0).equals(way.getWayNodes().get(way.getWayNodes().size() // - 1)); final boolean isPolyline = values.containsKey("highway") || !(way.getWayNodes().get(0) .getNodeId() == way.getWayNodes().get(way.getWayNodes().size() - 1).getNodeId()); if (isPolyline) { final List<IShape> geoms = createSplitRoad(way.getWayNodes(), values, intersectionNodes, nodesPt); ((List) geometries).addAll(geoms); if (!geoms.isEmpty()) { for (final Object att : values.keySet()) { final String idType = att + " (line)"; if (featureTypes.contains(att)) { List objs = layers.get(idType); if (objs == null) { objs = GamaListFactory.create(Types.GEOMETRY); layers.put(idType, objs); } objs.addAll(geoms); for (final String v : atts.keySet()) { final String id = idType + ";" + v; attributes.put(id, atts.get(v)); } break; } } } } else { final List<IShape> points = GamaListFactory.create(Types.GEOMETRY); for (final WayNode node : way.getWayNodes()) { final GamaShape pp = nodesPt.get(node.getNodeId()); if (pp == null) { continue; } points.add(pp); } if (points.size() < 3) { continue; } final IShape geom = GamaGeometryType.buildPolygon(points); if (geom != null && geom.getInnerGeometry() != null && !geom.getInnerGeometry().isEmpty() && geom.getInnerGeometry().getArea() > 0) { for (final String key : values.keySet()) { final Object val = values.get(key); geom.setAttribute(key, val); } geometries.add(geom); if (geom.getAttributes() != null) { for (final Object att : geom.getAttributes().keySet()) { final String idType = att + " (polygon)"; if (featureTypes.contains(att)) { List objs = layers.get(idType); if (objs == null) { objs = GamaListFactory.create(Types.GEOMETRY); layers.put(idType, objs); } objs.add(geom); for (final String v : atts.keySet()) { final String id = idType + ";" + v; attributes.put(id, atts.get(v)); } break; } } } } } } for (final Relation relation : relations) { final Map<String, Object> values = new TOrderedHashMap<>(); // final Map<String, String> atts = new Hashtable<String, String>(); for (final Tag tg : relation.getTags()) { final String key = tg.getKey().split(":")[0]; // final Object val = tg.getValue(); // if (val != null) { // addAttribute(atts, key, val); // } values.put(key, tg.getValue()); } // List<WayNode> relationWays = new ArrayList<>(); int order = 0; for (final RelationMember member : relation.getMembers()) { final Entity entity = geomMap.get(member.getMemberId()); if (entity != null && entity instanceof Way) { // relationWays.addAll(((Way) entity).getWayNodes()); final List<WayNode> relationWays = ((Way) entity).getWayNodes(); // final Map<String, Object> wayValues = new TOrderedHashMap<String, Object>(values); final Map<String, Object> wayValues = new TOrderedHashMap<>(); wayValues.put("entity_order", order++); wayValues.put("gama_bus_line", values.get("name")); wayValues.put("osm_way_id", ((Way) entity).getId()); if (relationWays.size() > 0) { final List<IShape> geoms = createSplitRoad(relationWays, wayValues, intersectionNodes, nodesPt); geometries.addAll(geoms); } } else if (entity != null && entity instanceof Node) { // geomMap.put(((Node) entity).getId(), ((Node) entity)); final GamaShape pt = nodesPt.get(((Node) entity).getId()); final GamaShape pt2 = pt.copy(null); final List objs = GamaListFactory.create(Types.GEOMETRY); objs.add(pt2); // GamaShape pt = (GamaShape) GamaListFactory.create(Types.GEOMETRY); // for (final String key : values.keySet()) { // pt.setAttribute(key, values.get(key)); // } pt2.setAttribute("gama_bus_line", values.get("name")); // for (final Tag tg : ((Node) entity).getTags()) { // final String key = tg.getKey().split(":")[0]; // final Object val = tg.getValue(); // pt.setAttribute(key, val); // } geometries.add(pt2); } } // if(relationWays.size() > 0) { // final List<IShape> geoms = createSplitRoad(relationWays, values, intersectionNodes, nodesPt); // geometries.addAll(geoms); // } } nbObjects = geometries == null ? 0 : geometries.size(); return geometries; } public List<IShape> createSplitRoad(final List<WayNode> wayNodes, final Map<String, Object> values, final TLongHashSet intersectionNodes, final TLongObjectHashMap<GamaShape> nodesPt) { final List<List<IShape>> pointsList = GamaListFactory.create(Types.LIST.of(Types.GEOMETRY)); List<IShape> points = GamaListFactory.create(Types.GEOMETRY); final IList<IShape> geometries = GamaListFactory.create(Types.GEOMETRY); final WayNode endNode = wayNodes.get(wayNodes.size() - 1); for (final WayNode node : wayNodes) { final Long id = node.getNodeId(); final GamaShape pt = nodesPt.get(id); if (pt == null) { continue; } points.add(pt); if (intersectionNodes.contains(id) || node == endNode) { if (points.size() > 1) { pointsList.add(points); } points = GamaListFactory.create(Types.GEOMETRY); points.add(pt); } } int index = 0; for (final List<IShape> pts : pointsList) { final Map<String, Object> tempValues = new HashMap<>(values); tempValues.put("way_order", index++); final IShape g = createRoad(pts, tempValues); if (g != null) { geometries.add(g); } } return geometries; } private IShape createRoad(final List<IShape> points, final Map<String, Object> values) { if (points.size() < 2) { return null; } final IShape geom = GamaGeometryType.buildPolyline(points); if (geom != null && geom.getInnerGeometry() != null && !geom.getInnerGeometry().isEmpty() && geom.getInnerGeometry().isSimple() && geom.getPerimeter() > 0) { for (final String key : values.keySet()) { geom.setAttribute(key, values.get(key)); } return geom; } return null; } void registerHighway(final Way way, final TLongHashSet usedNodes, final TLongHashSet intersectionNodes) { for (final Tag tg : way.getTags()) { final String key = tg.getKey(); if (key.equals("highway")) { final List<WayNode> nodes = way.getWayNodes(); for (final WayNode node : nodes) { final long id = node.getNodeId(); if (usedNodes.contains(id)) { intersectionNodes.add(id); } else { usedNodes.add(id); } } if (nodes.size() > 2 && nodes.get(0) == nodes.get(nodes.size() - 1)) { intersectionNodes.add(nodes.get(nodes.size() / 2).getNodeId()); } } } } private void readFile(final IScope scope, final Sink sink, final File osmFile) { final String ext = getExtension(scope); RunnableSource reader = null; switch (ext) { case "pbf": try (FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(osmFile)) { reader = new OsmosisReader(stream); reader.setSink(sink);; } catch (final IOException e) { throw GamaRuntimeException.create(e, scope); } break; default: readXML(scope, sink); } } private void readXML(final IScope scope, final Sink sink) throws GamaRuntimeException { try { InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(getFile(scope)); final String ext = getExtension(scope); switch (ext) { case "gz": inputStream = new GZIPInputStream(inputStream); break; case "bz2": inputStream = new BZip2CompressorInputStream(inputStream); break; } try (InputStream stream = inputStream) { final SAXParser parser = SaxParserFactory.createParser(); parser.parse(stream, new OsmHandler(sink, false)); } } catch (final Exception e) { throw GamaRuntimeException.error("Unable to parse xml file " + getName(scope) + ": " + e.getMessage(), scope); } } @Override public Envelope3D computeEnvelope(final IScope scope) { if (gis == null) { getFeatureIterator(scope, false); } return gis.getProjectedEnvelope(); } /** * Method getExistingCRS() * * @see msi.gama.util.file.GamaGisFile#getExistingCRS() */ @Override protected CoordinateReferenceSystem getOwnCRS(final IScope scope) { // Is it always true ? return DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84; } public Map<String, String> getOSMAttributes(final IScope scope) { if (attributes == null) { attributes = new HashMap<>(); getFeatureIterator(scope, true); } return attributes; } public Map<String, List<IShape>> getLayers() { return layers; } public List<String> getFeatureTypes() { return featureTypes; } }