Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************************************* * *, in plugin msi.gama.core, * is part of the source code of the GAMA modeling and simulation platform (v. 1.8) * * (c) 2007-2018 UMI 209 UMMISCO IRD/SU & Partners * * Visit for license information and contacts. * ********************************************************************************************************/ package msi.gama.outputs.layers.charts; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import msi.gama.common.interfaces.IDisplaySurface; import msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword; import msi.gama.runtime.IScope; import msi.gama.util.GamaColor; import msi.gaml.expressions.IExpression; import msi.gaml.operators.Cast; public abstract class ChartOutput { static final int SERIES_CHART = 0; static final int HISTOGRAM_CHART = 1; static final int PIE_CHART = 2; static final int XY_CHART = 3; static final int BOX_WHISKER_CHART = 4; static final int SCATTER_CHART = 5; static final int RADAR_CHART = 6; static final int HEATMAP_CHART = 7; LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> serieLastUpdate = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public int lastUpdateCycle = -1; public boolean ismyfirststep = true; String chname = ""; String xlabel = null; String ylabel = null; String y2label = null; ChartDataSet chartdataset; int type = SERIES_CHART; boolean reverse_axes = false; boolean x_logscale = false; boolean y_logscale = false; boolean y2_logscale = false; boolean use_second_y_axis = false; boolean title_visible = true; boolean x_tick_value_visible = true; boolean y_tick_value_visible = true; boolean x_tick_line_visible = true; boolean y_tick_line_visible = true; ChartOutput chartOutput = null; Color backgroundColor = GamaColor.WHITE; Color axesColor = null; Color textColor = null; Color tickColor = null; String tickFontFace = Font.SANS_SERIF; int tickFontSize = 10; int tickFontStyle = Font.PLAIN; String labelFontFace = Font.SANS_SERIF; int labelFontSize = 12; int labelFontStyle = Font.BOLD; String legendFontFace = Font.SANS_SERIF; int legendFontSize = 10; int legendFontStyle = Font.ITALIC; String titleFontFace = Font.SERIF; int titleFontSize = 14; int titleFontStyle = Font.BOLD; String series_label_position = "default"; String style = IKeyword.DEFAULT; double gap = -1; // only used in bar charts? copied the code, don't // understand how to use it... double xrangeinterval, xrangemin, xrangemax; boolean usexrangeinterval = false, usexrangeminmax = false; double yrangeinterval, yrangemin, yrangemax; boolean useyrangeinterval = false, useyrangeminmax = false; double y2rangeinterval, y2rangemin, y2rangemax; boolean usey2rangeinterval = false, usey2rangeminmax = false; double xtickunit = -1; double ytickunit = -1; double y2tickunit = -1; // copy from previous dataLayerStatement static String chartFolder = "charts"; final Map<String, Integer> expressions_index = new HashMap<>(); static String xAxisName = "'time'"; // HashMap<String,Object> chartParameters=new HashMap<String,Object>(); public abstract BufferedImage getImage(final int sizeX, final int sizeY, final boolean antiAlias); public abstract void draw(Graphics2D currentRenderer, Rectangle2D rect, boolean antialias); public ChartOutput(final IScope scope, final String name, final IExpression typeexp) { final String t = typeexp == null ? IKeyword.SERIES : Cast.asString(scope, typeexp.value(scope)); type = IKeyword.SERIES.equals(t) ? SERIES_CHART : IKeyword.HISTOGRAM.equals(t) ? HISTOGRAM_CHART : IKeyword.RADAR.equals(t) ? RADAR_CHART : IKeyword.PIE.equals(t) ? PIE_CHART : IKeyword.BOX_WHISKER.equals(t) ? BOX_WHISKER_CHART : IKeyword.SCATTER.equals(t) ? SCATTER_CHART : XY_CHART; axesColor = new GamaColor(; } public int getType() { return type; } public void setType(final int type) { this.type = type; } public int getChartCycle(final IScope scope) { if (ismyfirststep) { ismyfirststep = false; return 0; } return scope.getClock().getCycle() + 1; } public void step(final IScope scope) { chartdataset.updatedataset(scope, getChartCycle(scope)); updateOutput(scope); } public void initdataset() { } public void updateOutput(final IScope scope) { if (chartdataset.doResetAll(scope, lastUpdateCycle)) { clearDataSet(scope); for (final String serieid : chartdataset.getDataSeriesIds(scope)) { createNewSerie(scope, serieid); } preResetSeries(scope); for (final String serieid : chartdataset.getDataSeriesIds(scope)) { this.resetSerie(scope, serieid); } resetAxes(scope); } else { final LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> toremove = chartdataset.getSerieRemovalDate(); for (final String serieid : toremove.keySet()) { if (toremove.get(serieid) >= lastUpdateCycle) { removeSerie(scope, serieid); toremove.put(serieid, toremove.get(serieid) - 1); } } final LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> toadd = chartdataset.getSerieCreationDate(); for (final String serieid : toadd.keySet()) { if (toadd.get(serieid) >= lastUpdateCycle) { createNewSerie(scope, serieid); toadd.put(serieid, toadd.get(serieid) - 1); } } preResetSeries(scope); for (final String serieid : chartdataset.getDataSeriesIds(scope)) { this.resetSerie(scope, serieid); } resetAxes(scope); } updateImage(scope); lastUpdateCycle = scope.getClock().getCycle(); // DEBUG.LOG("output last update:" + lastUpdateCycle); } public void preResetSeries(final IScope scope) { } public void resetAxes(final IScope scope) { // Update axes } public void removeSerie(final IScope scope, final String serieid) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } protected void updateImage(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } protected void resetSerie(final IScope scope, final String serieid) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } protected void clearDataSet(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } protected void createNewSerie(final IScope scope, final String serieid) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void setUseXSource(final IScope scope, final IExpression expval) { // if there is something to do to use custom X axis } public void setUseXLabels(final IScope scope, final IExpression expval) { // if there is something to do to use custom X axis } public void setUseYSource(final IScope scope, final IExpression expval) { // if there is something to do to use custom X axis } public void setUseYLabels(final IScope scope, final IExpression expval) { // if there is something to do to use custom X axis } int toFontStyle(final String style) { if (style.equals("bold")) { return Font.BOLD; } if (style.equals("italic")) { return Font.ITALIC; } return Font.PLAIN; } public void initChart(final IScope scope, final String chartname) { chname = chartname; } public void createChart(final IScope scope) { } public ChartDataSet getChartdataset() { return chartdataset; } public void setChartdataset(final ChartDataSet chartdataset) { this.chartdataset = chartdataset; chartdataset.setOutput(this); } public String getName() { return chname; } public String getStyle() { return style; } public void setAxesColorValue(final IScope scope, final GamaColor color) { axesColor = color; } public void setTickColorValue(final IScope scope, final GamaColor color) { tickColor = color; } public final Color getAxesColorValue(final IScope scope) { return axesColor; } public void setBackgroundColorValue(final IScope scope, final GamaColor color) { backgroundColor = color; } public void setColorValue(final IScope scope, final GamaColor color) { textColor = color; } public void setTickFontFace(final IScope scope, final String value) { if (value != null) { tickFontFace = value; } } public String getTickFontFace(final IScope scope) { return tickFontFace; } public void setLabelFontFace(final IScope scope, final String value) { if (value != null) { labelFontFace = value; } } public String getLabelFontFace(final IScope scope) { return labelFontFace; } public void setLegendFontFace(final IScope scope, final String value) { if (value != null) { legendFontFace = value; } } public String getLegendFontFace(final IScope scope) { return legendFontFace; } public void setTitleFontFace(final IScope scope, final String value) { if (value != null) { titleFontFace = value; } } public String getTitleFontFace(final IScope scope) { return titleFontFace; } public void setTickFontSize(final IScope scope, final int value) { tickFontSize = value; } public int getTickFontSize(final IScope scope) { return tickFontSize; } public void setLabelFontSize(final IScope scope, final int value) { labelFontSize = value; } public int getLabelFontSize(final IScope scope) { return labelFontSize; } public void setLegendFontSize(final IScope scope, final int value) { legendFontSize = value; } public int getLegendFontSize(final IScope scope) { return legendFontSize; } public void setTitleFontSize(final IScope scope, final int value) { titleFontSize = value; } public int getTitleFontSize(final IScope scope) { return titleFontSize; } public void setTickFontStyle(final IScope scope, final String value) { if (value != null) { tickFontStyle = toFontStyle(value); } } public int getTickFontStyle(final IScope scope) { return tickFontStyle; } public void setLabelFontStyle(final IScope scope, final String value) { if (value != null) { labelFontStyle = toFontStyle(value); } } public int getLabelFontStyle(final IScope scope) { return labelFontStyle; } public void setLegendFontStyle(final IScope scope, final String value) { if (value != null) { legendFontStyle = toFontStyle(value); } } public int getLegendFontStyle(final IScope scope) { return legendFontStyle; } public void setTitleFontStyle(final IScope scope, final String value) { if (value != null) { titleFontStyle = toFontStyle(value); } } public int getTitleFontStyle(final IScope scope) { return titleFontStyle; } public void setXLabel(final IScope scope, final String asString) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub xlabel = asString; } public String getXLabel(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return xlabel; } public void setYLabel(final IScope scope, final String asString) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub ylabel = asString; } public String getYLabel(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return ylabel; } public void setY2Label(final IScope scope, final String asString) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub y2label = asString; } public String getY2Label(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return y2label; } public boolean getUseXRangeInterval(final IScope scope) { return usexrangeinterval; } public void setUseXRangeInterval(final IScope scope, final boolean usexrangeinterval) { this.usexrangeinterval = usexrangeinterval; } public boolean getUseXRangeMinMax(final IScope scope) { return usexrangeminmax; } public void setUseXRangeMinMax(final IScope scope, final boolean usexrangeminmax) { this.usexrangeminmax = usexrangeminmax; } public boolean getUseYRangeInterval(final IScope scope) { return useyrangeinterval; } public void setUseYRangeInterval(final IScope scope, final boolean useyrangeinterval) { this.useyrangeinterval = useyrangeinterval; } public boolean getUseYRangeMinMax(final IScope scope) { return useyrangeminmax; } public void setUseYRangeMinMax(final IScope scope, final boolean useyrangeminmax) { this.useyrangeminmax = useyrangeminmax; } public boolean getUseY2RangeInterval(final IScope scope) { return usey2rangeinterval; } public void setUseY2RangeInterval(final IScope scope, final boolean useyrangeinterval) { this.usey2rangeinterval = useyrangeinterval; } public boolean getUseY2RangeMinMax(final IScope scope) { return usey2rangeminmax; } public void setUseY2RangeMinMax(final IScope scope, final boolean useyrangeminmax) { this.usey2rangeminmax = useyrangeminmax; } public void setXRangeInterval(final IScope scope, final double doubleValue) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.usexrangeinterval = true; this.xrangeinterval = doubleValue; } public double getXRangeInterval(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return xrangeinterval; } public void setXRangeMinMax(final IScope scope, final double minValue, final double maxValue) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.usexrangeminmax = true; this.xrangemin = minValue; this.xrangemax = maxValue; } public double[] getXRangeMinMax(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub final double[] res = { xrangemin, xrangemax }; return res; } public double getXRangeMin(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return xrangemin; } public double getXRangeMax(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return xrangemax; } public double getYRangeInterval(final IScope scope) { return this.yrangeinterval; } public void setYRangeInterval(final IScope scope, final double doubleValue) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.useyrangeinterval = true; this.yrangeinterval = doubleValue; } public void setYRangeMinMax(final IScope scope, final double minValue, final double maxValue) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.useyrangeminmax = true; this.yrangemin = minValue; this.yrangemax = maxValue; } public double[] getYRangeMinMax(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub final double[] res = { yrangemin, yrangemax }; return res; } public double getYRangeMin(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return yrangemin; } public double getYRangeMax(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return yrangemax; } public double getY2RangeInterval(final IScope scope) { return this.y2rangeinterval; } public void setY2RangeInterval(final IScope scope, final double doubleValue) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.usey2rangeinterval = true; this.y2rangeinterval = doubleValue; } public void setY2RangeMinMax(final IScope scope, final double minValue, final double maxValue) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.usey2rangeminmax = true; this.y2rangemin = minValue; this.y2rangemax = maxValue; } public double[] getY2RangeMinMax(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub final double[] res = { y2rangemin, y2rangemax }; return res; } public double getY2RangeMin(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return y2rangemin; } public double getY2RangeMax(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return y2rangemax; } public void setXTickUnit(final IScope scope, final double r) { this.xtickunit = r; // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public double getXTickUnit(final IScope scope) { return xtickunit; } public void setYTickUnit(final IScope scope, final double r) { this.ytickunit = r; // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public double getYTickUnit(final IScope scope) { return ytickunit; // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void setY2TickUnit(final IScope scope, final double r) { this.y2tickunit = r; // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public double getY2TickUnit(final IScope scope) { return y2tickunit; // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void setGap(final IScope scope, final double range) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub = range; } public double getGap(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return; } public JFreeChart getJFChart() { return null; } public void setSerieMarkerShape(final IScope scope, final String serieid, final String markershape) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void setDefaultPropertiesFromType(final IScope scope, final ChartDataSource source, final int type_val) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void setUseSize(final IScope scope, final String name, final boolean b) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void setSeriesLabelPosition(final IScope scope, final String asString) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub series_label_position = asString; } public void setStyle(final IScope scope, final String asString) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub style = asString; } public void initChart_post_data_init(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void getModelCoordinatesInfo(final int xOnScreen, final int yOnScreen, final IDisplaySurface g, final Point positionInPixels, final StringBuilder sb) { } public void setReverseAxis(final IScope scope, final Boolean asBool) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub reverse_axes = asBool; } public void setX_LogScale(final IScope scope, final Boolean asBool) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub x_logscale = asBool; } public void setY_LogScale(final IScope scope, final Boolean asBool) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub y_logscale = asBool; } public boolean getX_LogScale(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return x_logscale; } public boolean getY_LogScale(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return y_logscale; } public void setY2_LogScale(final IScope scope, final Boolean asBool) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub y2_logscale = asBool; } public boolean getY2_LogScale(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return y2_logscale; } public void setUseSecondYAxis(final IScope scope, final Boolean asBool) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub use_second_y_axis = asBool; } public boolean getUseSecondYAxis(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return use_second_y_axis; // return false; } public void setXTickValueVisible(final IScope scope, final Boolean asBool) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub x_tick_value_visible = asBool; } public boolean getXTickValueVisible(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return x_tick_value_visible; // return false; } public void setYTickValueVisible(final IScope scope, final Boolean asBool) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub y_tick_value_visible = asBool; } public boolean getYTickValueVisible(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return y_tick_value_visible; // return false; } public void setTitleVisible(final IScope scope, final Boolean asBool) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub title_visible = asBool; } public boolean getTitleVisible(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return title_visible; // return false; } public void setXTickLineVisible(final IScope scope, final Boolean asBool) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub x_tick_line_visible = asBool; } public boolean getXTickLineVisible(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return x_tick_line_visible; // return false; } public void setYTickLineVisible(final IScope scope, final Boolean asBool) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub y_tick_line_visible = asBool; } public boolean getYTickLineVisible(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return y_tick_line_visible; // return false; } public void dispose(final IScope scope) { } }