Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************************************* * *, in plugin msi.gama.core, * is part of the source code of the GAMA modeling and simulation platform (v. 1.8) * * (c) 2007-2018 UMI 209 UMMISCO IRD/SU & Partners * * Visit for license information and contacts. * ********************************************************************************************************/ package msi.gama.outputs.layers.charts; import java.awt.Point; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.entity.CategoryItemEntity; import org.jfree.chart.entity.ChartEntity; import org.jfree.chart.plot.SpiderWebPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.AbstractRenderer; import; import; import; import msi.gama.common.interfaces.IDisplaySurface; import msi.gama.runtime.IScope; import msi.gaml.expressions.IExpression; public class ChartJFreeChartOutputRadar extends ChartJFreeChartOutput { public ChartJFreeChartOutputRadar(final IScope scope, final String name, final IExpression typeexp) { super(scope, name, typeexp); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override public void createChart(final IScope scope) { super.createChart(scope); final SpiderWebPlot plot = new SpiderWebPlot((CategoryDataset) createDataset(scope)); chart = new JFreeChart(getName(), null, plot, true); } @Override public void initdataset() { super.initdataset(); chartdataset.setCommonXSeries(true); chartdataset.setByCategory(true); } @Override public void setDefaultPropertiesFromType(final IScope scope, final ChartDataSource source, final int type_val) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub switch (type_val) { case ChartDataSource.DATA_TYPE_LIST_DOUBLE_N: case ChartDataSource.DATA_TYPE_LIST_LIST_DOUBLE_N: case ChartDataSource.DATA_TYPE_LIST_LIST_DOUBLE_12: case ChartDataSource.DATA_TYPE_LIST_POINT: case ChartDataSource.DATA_TYPE_MATRIX_DOUBLE: case ChartDataSource.DATA_TYPE_LIST_DOUBLE_3: case ChartDataSource.DATA_TYPE_LIST_LIST_DOUBLE_3: default: { source.setCumulative(scope, false); // never cumulative by default source.setUseSize(scope, false); } } } Dataset createDataset(final IScope scope) { return new DefaultCategoryDataset(); } @Override protected AbstractRenderer createRenderer(final IScope scope, final String serieid) { return null; } protected void resetRenderer(final IScope scope, final String serieid) { final SpiderWebPlot plot = (SpiderWebPlot) this.chart.getPlot(); final ChartDataSeries myserie = this.getChartdataset().getDataSeries(scope, serieid); if (!IdPosition.containsKey(serieid)) { // DEBUG.LOG("pb!!!"); } else { final int myrow = IdPosition.get(serieid); if (myserie.getMycolor() != null) { plot.setSeriesPaint(myrow, myserie.getMycolor()); } if (this.series_label_position.equals("onchart")) { //// newr.setBaseItemLabelGenerator(new LabelGenerator()); // ItemLabelPosition itemlabelposition = new //// ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE12, //// TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER); // newr.setBasePositiveItemLabelPosition(itemlabelposition); // newr.setBaseNegativeItemLabelPosition(itemlabelposition); // newr.setBaseItemLabelsVisible(true); } } } @Override protected void clearDataSet(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.clearDataSet(scope); final SpiderWebPlot plot = (SpiderWebPlot) this.chart.getPlot(); for (int i = plot.getDataset().getRowCount() - 1; i >= 1; i--) { // plot.setDataset(i, null); // plot.setRenderer(i, null); } if (jfreedataset.size() > 0) ((DefaultCategoryDataset) jfreedataset.get(0)).clear(); jfreedataset.clear(); jfreedataset.add(0, new DefaultCategoryDataset()); plot.setDataset((DefaultCategoryDataset) jfreedataset.get(0)); IdPosition.clear(); nbseries = 0; } @Override protected void createNewSerie(final IScope scope, final String serieid) { // final ChartDataSeries dataserie = chartdataset.getDataSeries(scope, // serieid); // final XYIntervalSeries serie = new // XYIntervalSeries(dataserie.getSerieLegend(scope), false, true); final SpiderWebPlot plot = (SpiderWebPlot) this.chart.getPlot(); final DefaultCategoryDataset firstdataset = (DefaultCategoryDataset) plot.getDataset(); if (nbseries == 0) { plot.setDataset(firstdataset); } else { // DefaultCategoryDataset newdataset=new DefaultCategoryDataset(); // jfreedataset.add(newdataset); // plot.setDataset(jfreedataset.size()-1, newdataset); // plot.setDataset(nbseries, firstdataset); } nbseries++; // plot.setRenderer(nbseries-1, // (CategoryItemRenderer)getOrCreateRenderer(scope,serieid)); IdPosition.put(serieid, nbseries - 1); // DEBUG.LOG("new serie"+serieid+" at // "+IdPosition.get(serieid)+" fdsize "+plot.getCategories().size()+" // jfds "+jfreedataset.size()+" datasc "+plot.getDatasetCount()+" nbse // "+nbseries); // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void removeSerie(final IScope scope, final String serieid) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.removeSerie(scope, serieid); this.clearDataSet(scope); } @Override protected void resetSerie(final IScope scope, final String serieid) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub chart.getPlot(); final ChartDataSeries dataserie = chartdataset.getDataSeries(scope, serieid); // DefaultCategoryDataset serie=((DefaultCategoryDataset) // jfreedataset.get(IdPosition.get(dataserie.getSerieId(scope)))); final DefaultCategoryDataset serie = (DefaultCategoryDataset) jfreedataset.get(0); if (serie.getRowKeys().contains(serieid)) serie.removeRow(serieid); final ArrayList<String> CValues = dataserie.getCValues(scope); final ArrayList<Double> YValues = dataserie.getYValues(scope); final ArrayList<Double> SValues = dataserie.getSValues(scope); if (CValues.size() > 0) { int deb = 0; if (this.usexrangeinterval && CValues.size() > this.xrangeinterval) deb = CValues.size() - (int) this.xrangeinterval; for (int i = deb; i < CValues.size(); i++) { serie.addValue(YValues.get(i), serieid, CValues.get(i - deb)); // ((ExtendedCategoryAxis)domainAxis).addSubLabel(CValues.get(i), // serieid);; } } if (SValues.size() > 0) { // what to do with Z values?? } this.resetRenderer(scope, serieid); } @Override public void resetAxes(final IScope scope) { if (this.series_label_position.equals("none")) { (this.chart).getLegend().setVisible(false); } } private void resetDomainAxis(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub chart.getPlot(); } @Override public void initChart(final IScope scope, final String chartname) { super.initChart(scope, chartname); chart.getPlot(); } @Override public void initChart_post_data_init(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.initChart_post_data_init(scope); final SpiderWebPlot pp = (SpiderWebPlot) chart.getPlot(); // final String sty = getStyle(); // this.useSubAxis=false; // switch (sty) { // default: { if (this.series_label_position.equals("default")) { this.series_label_position = "legend"; } // break; // } // } if (this.series_label_position.equals("xaxis")) { // this.useSubAxis=true; } if (!this.series_label_position.equals("legend")) { chart.getLegend().setVisible(false); // legend is useless, but I find it nice anyway... Could put back... } this.resetDomainAxis(scope); pp.setAxisLinePaint(axesColor); pp.setLabelFont(getLabelFont()); if (textColor != null) { pp.setLabelPaint(textColor); } if (ylabel != null && ylabel != "") { } if (this.series_label_position.equals("yaxis")) { // pp.getRangeAxis().setLabel(this.getChartdataset().getDataSeriesIds(scope).iterator().next()); chart.getLegend().setVisible(false); } chart.getLegend().setVisible(true); if (xlabel != null && xlabel != "") { // pp.getDomainAxis().setLabel(xlabel); } if (this.series_label_position.equals("none")) pp.setLabelPaint(this.backgroundColor); } @Override protected void initRenderer(final IScope scope) { } @Override public void getModelCoordinatesInfo(final int xOnScreen, final int yOnScreen, final IDisplaySurface g, final Point positionInPixels, final StringBuilder sb) { final int x = xOnScreen - positionInPixels.x; final int y = yOnScreen - positionInPixels.y; final ChartEntity entity = info.getEntityCollection().getEntity(x, y); // getChart().handleClick(x, y, info); final Comparable<?> columnKey = ((CategoryItemEntity) entity).getColumnKey(); final String title = columnKey.toString(); final CategoryDataset data = ((CategoryItemEntity) entity).getDataset(); final Comparable<?> rowKey = ((CategoryItemEntity) entity).getRowKey(); final double xx = data.getValue(rowKey, columnKey).doubleValue(); final boolean xInt = xx % 1 == 0; sb.append(title).append(" ").append(xInt ? (int) xx : String.format("%.2f", xx)); } }