Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************************************* * *, in plugin msi.gama.core, * is part of the source code of the GAMA modeling and simulation platform (v. 1.8) * * (c) 2007-2018 UMI 209 UMMISCO IRD/SU & Partners * * Visit for license information and contacts. * ********************************************************************************************************/ package msi.gama.outputs.layers.charts; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import org.jfree.chart.ChartRenderingInfo; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.block.BlockBorder; import org.jfree.chart.event.ChartProgressEvent; import org.jfree.chart.event.ChartProgressListener; import org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.AbstractRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYErrorRenderer; import; import msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword; import msi.gama.common.util.ImageUtils; import msi.gama.runtime.IScope; import msi.gaml.expressions.IExpression; import msi.gaml.operators.Cast; public class ChartJFreeChartOutput extends ChartOutput implements ChartProgressListener { private BufferedImage createCompatibleImage(final int sizeX, final int sizeY) { if ((int) r.getWidth() != sizeX || (int) r.getHeight() != sizeY) { r.setRect(0, 0, sizeX, sizeY); if (cache != null) { cache.flush(); } cache = ImageUtils.createCompatibleImage(sizeX, sizeY, false); } return cache; } public static final Shape[] defaultmarkers = org.jfree.chart.plot.DefaultDrawingSupplier .createStandardSeriesShapes(); boolean oldAntiAlias; public ChartRenderingInfo info; ArrayList<Dataset> jfreedataset = new ArrayList<>(); JFreeChart chart = null; Rectangle2D r = new Rectangle2D.Double(); BufferedImage cache; AbstractRenderer defaultrenderer; HashMap<String, Integer> IdPosition = new HashMap<>(); // serie // id-nb // for // arraylists/table // requirements HashMap<String, AbstractRenderer> RendererSet = new HashMap<>(); // one // renderer // for // each // serie int nbseries = 0; // because there is always one dataset, so it is difficult // A filed aiming at controlling the rate at which charts can be produced. Directly controlled by the // ChartProgressListener private volatile boolean ready = true; // to count... public ChartJFreeChartOutput(final IScope scope, final String name, final IExpression typeexp) { super(scope, name, typeexp); info = new ChartRenderingInfo(); } public static ChartJFreeChartOutput createChartOutput(final IScope scope, final String name, final IExpression typeexp) { ChartJFreeChartOutput newChart; int type = SERIES_CHART; final IExpression string1 = typeexp; if (string1 != null) { final String t = Cast.asString(scope, string1.value(scope)); type = IKeyword.SERIES.equals(t) ? SERIES_CHART : IKeyword.HISTOGRAM.equals(t) ? HISTOGRAM_CHART : IKeyword.PIE.equals(t) ? PIE_CHART : IKeyword.RADAR.equals(t) ? RADAR_CHART : IKeyword.HEATMAP.equals(t) ? HEATMAP_CHART : IKeyword.BOX_WHISKER.equals(t) ? BOX_WHISKER_CHART : IKeyword.SCATTER.equals(t) ? SCATTER_CHART : XY_CHART; } switch (type) { case SERIES_CHART: { newChart = new ChartJFreeChartOutputScatter(scope, name, typeexp); break; } case PIE_CHART: { newChart = new ChartJFreeChartOutputPie(scope, name, typeexp); break; } case HISTOGRAM_CHART: { newChart = new ChartJFreeChartOutputHistogram(scope, name, typeexp); break; } case XY_CHART: newChart = new ChartJFreeChartOutputScatter(scope, name, typeexp); break; case SCATTER_CHART: newChart = new ChartJFreeChartOutputScatter(scope, name, typeexp); break; case BOX_WHISKER_CHART: { newChart = new ChartJFreeChartOutputHistogram(scope, name, typeexp); break; } case RADAR_CHART: { newChart = new ChartJFreeChartOutputRadar(scope, name, typeexp); break; } case HEATMAP_CHART: { newChart = new ChartJFreeChartOutputHeatmap(scope, name, typeexp); break; } default: { newChart = new ChartJFreeChartOutputScatter(scope, name, typeexp); } } return newChart; } private Graphics2D getGraphics(final int sizeX, final int sizeY) { return createCompatibleImage(sizeX, sizeY).createGraphics(); } @Override public BufferedImage getImage(final int sizeX, final int sizeY, final boolean antiAlias) { if (!ready) { return cache; } if (antiAlias != oldAntiAlias) { oldAntiAlias = antiAlias; getJFChart().setAntiAlias(antiAlias); getJFChart().setTextAntiAlias(antiAlias); } final Graphics2D g2D = getGraphics(sizeX, sizeY); chart.draw(g2D, r, info); g2D.dispose(); return cache; } @Override public void chartProgress(final ChartProgressEvent event) { ready = event.getType() == ChartProgressEvent.DRAWING_FINISHED; } @Override public void draw(final Graphics2D g2D, final Rectangle2D area, final boolean antiAlias) { // if (!ready) { return; } if (antiAlias != oldAntiAlias) { oldAntiAlias = antiAlias; chart.setAntiAlias(antiAlias); chart.setTextAntiAlias(antiAlias); } chart.draw(g2D, area, info); } @Override public void step(final IScope scope) { chartdataset.updatedataset(scope, getChartCycle(scope)); if (!ready) { return; } updateOutput(scope); } protected void initRenderer(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void initChart(final IScope scope, final String chartname) { super.initChart(scope, chartname); initRenderer(scope); final Plot plot = chart.getPlot(); chart.setBorderVisible(false); plot.setOutlineVisible(false); chart.setTitle(this.getName()); chart.getTitle().setVisible(true); chart.getTitle().setFont(getTitleFont()); if (!this.getTitleVisible(scope)) { chart.getTitle().setVisible(false); } if (textColor != null) { chart.getTitle().setPaint(textColor); } if (backgroundColor == null) { plot.setBackgroundPaint(null); chart.setBackgroundPaint(null); chart.setBorderPaint(null); if (chart.getLegend() != null) { chart.getLegend().setBackgroundPaint(null); } } else { final Color bg = backgroundColor; chart.setBackgroundPaint(bg); plot.setBackgroundPaint(bg); chart.setBorderPaint(bg); if (chart.getLegend() != null) { chart.getLegend().setBackgroundPaint(bg); } } if (chart.getLegend() != null) { chart.getLegend().setItemFont(getLegendFont()); chart.getLegend().setFrame(BlockBorder.NONE); if (textColor != null) { chart.getLegend().setItemPaint(textColor); } } chart.addProgressListener(this); } AbstractRenderer getOrCreateRenderer(final IScope scope, final String serieid) { if (RendererSet.containsKey(serieid)) { return RendererSet.get(serieid); } final AbstractRenderer newrenderer = createRenderer(scope, serieid); RendererSet.put(serieid, newrenderer); return newrenderer; } protected AbstractRenderer createRenderer(final IScope scope, final String serieid) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return new XYErrorRenderer(); } Font getLabelFont() { return new Font(labelFontFace, labelFontStyle, labelFontSize); } Font getTickFont() { return new Font(tickFontFace, tickFontStyle, tickFontSize); } Font getLegendFont() { return new Font(legendFontFace, legendFontStyle, legendFontSize); } Font getTitleFont() { return new Font(titleFontFace, titleFontStyle, titleFontSize); } @Override protected void updateImage(final IScope scope) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public JFreeChart getJFChart() { return chart; } @Override public void dispose(final IScope scope) { if (cache != null) { cache.flush(); } cache = null; clearDataSet(scope); jfreedataset.clear(); chart = null; } }